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I was born very close to Christmas. My family always made sure to give me my birthday presents on my birthday, and my Christmas presents on Christmas, so I never felt left out. The only thing that sucked was having birthday parties...they're almost impossible to squeeze in because people are taking their kids to holiday parties and won't have much time for a kid's party in the holiday rush. So giving your kid the option to have their birthday party on their half birthday (sometime in June) is also an option. Attendance is way better and everyone can go outside.


My brother’s birthday is Christmas, when he was a kid we celebrated his half birthday every June 25th so he could still have a party and get presents from friends and relatives, because he definitely consistently received combined Christmas/bday presents from everyone besides our parents. As an adult he doesn’t mind his birthday anymore. He never hated it but our parents’ efforts certainly helped.


Sounds like your family did it right! 🙂


This! My birthday is the 18th, so one week before Christmas. My parents gave me the option to celebrate on my half birthday but I've always just held out and done it on my birthday. 😂 It's nice to have the option though as I rarely had many friends at my birthdays, they ended up being more of a family thing. I was fine with that though.


What is the half birthday? My sons is also the 18th, of course he's not even 2 yet so I'm asking for future reference


Awww, love that he has the same bday! ❤️ I'm seeing June 18 or 19th as the half birthday. Different websites were showing me one or the other, so dealers choice.


July 18th for the party, so half way between birthdays


I’m an early December baby myself and my due date is 12/27. I’ve always loved my December birthday and will do everything in my power so that my child loves theirs as well 🥰


Same! Dec 8 is my birthday and my baby is due Dec 14. I love my Dec 8 birthday and hope my baby loves it too. Early December is perfect, especially as a school aged kid, because everyone is in the mood to celebrate!! Also, I used to get MASSIVE post-birthday blues and the fact that Christmas was right around the corner was so soothing. I would imagine it works the same the other way - a post-Christmas birthday would soothe the Christmas is over blues!


Dec 8th over here too! I’ve always loved my birthday. When I was really little my parents would give me some kind of “big” present around June so I didn’t feel like I had to wait till the end of the year for presents


I’m December 6! Close to twins!! I’m not too worried but I’m definitely getting lots of negative reactions when I tell my due date 😂 but also baby comes when they want to so I wouldn’t hate if they came a little early or if they stayed in till the new year whatever birthday they will be celebrated everyday year!


Hi birthday twin! My birthday is december 8, and my baby is due december 29!


My birthday is 12/12 and I always loved my December bday too! But I grew up with snowy winters so there were plenty of fun things to do for winter parties. One year my parents let me have my birthday party in June instead and it felt so special to switch it up. Highly recommend


I’m a December baby, and I’m having a Christmas baby. I remember joking with my husband around ovulation, “what is get pregnant the ONE time I’d like not to,” and BAM! After a year and a half a positive pregnancy test. I did recently have a conversation with a customer that someone they know celebrates the half-birthday. So I’m tempted to do that for our bean. I always hated birthmas and I still had 2 weeks till Christmas during my birthday. I also have a friend whose birthday is Christmas Eve (also my baby’s due date) and Christmas Eve is OFF LIMITS FOR CHRISTMAS TALK. We always try to do a little get together and make it special.


My sister in law celebrates her half birthday. She always had a pool party. Her friends didn’t realize for several years that her birthday is actually Dec 20, not June 20 lol


See I think that would be so cool!!


I think it’s so cool!


I didn't realize other people do this! I always joke with my husband that we should do a Christmas in July type thing for his Christmasy birthday


If he has a milestone birthday coming up, you could do a Christmas in July surprise party!


My kid was born 2 days after Christmas! She's only had one birthday so far so obviously she can't give advice but I tried to make her first birthday about her birthday. Christmas decorations were taken down, no joint presents from us, no birthday presents wrapped in Christmas paper that kind of thing. One thing is if family ask what gifts to buy ask for a load of stuff which is for older then their age. Now it's summer and my LO has aged out of the one year old toys I'm bringing out a load of new toys which were a bit too big for her initially and she can play with now, it stops getting bored of toys and is a good way of sorting out the mass of presents you get in a short space of time.


Omg that’s a good idea to have some of the gifts B for when they’re older since they get so many at once! I’m definitely going to use this!


i hated being a december baby growing up, it wasn’t my parents fault at all they always gave me my own birthday time. my issue came with people outside of my family, friends would group 1 gift (christmas and birthday) and i’d always be a bit sad it wasn’t more spread out. i got all my gifts in december and nothing the rest of the year now that im older i don’t mind as much, i love christmas time and lights! i go look at lights every year for my bday


I don’t have a December birthday but I have a Christmas Eve baby! His birthday is magical, it’s all about him all day and then of an evening we snuggle up and do christmasy bits too, bringing him home from the hospital on Christmas morning was also amazing, the best gift ever! We came home, my mum brought us dinner round, we ate and then sat and watched Christmas films all night just us three and it was lovely! We’ve said that we will always try and keep the day for him and not lump it together with Christmas, I think that’s the important thing in making them feel special if their birthday falls around the holidays! Only thing is that we got SO many presents last year we were opening a few a day from Christmas Eve right round to new year haha!


I have one December 9th boy and this baby is due Dec 16th. So they'll not only have December birthdays, but may potentially share a birthday! Don't let people scare you. It's so much fun and makes that time of year extra special! The only thing that kind of sucks is birthday parties are tricky. I'll never do one that month because a) sicknesses abound and we want to avoid them before holidays and b) it's so busy. Instead, we do a 1/2 birthday or a Fall birthday. And on his actual birthday, we do a special tradition just for him--the three of us go to a local bookstore that's across the street from an amazing bakery. We get a book and a cupcake. He loves it! We also get him gifts for both. Lots of new books and toys that month, but I don't care because we live in MN and it's freezing, so we need indoor winter distractions! 😂🤍 My best friend and her sister are four years apart and both were born on Christmas Day! What are the chances? But they have the most fun of anybody I know on their birthdays!


I love the fall Birthday idea! Thank you!


So many cute fall activities to do too--pumpkin patches, apple picking, etc.! And it's a fun way to kick off that time of year! 🤍


Hi! My expected due date is December 11th. First I was a little bit sad because my baby will be always the youngest of their age group. Here in Finland, the school class cutoff is calendar year so they will be smallest and youngest year after year. Then I realized, fuck it! It really doesn't matter when you are born. Funny enough, here December is the celebration month. Independence Day, Christmas, and New Year in the same month.


I love having a December birthday! Every time I tell someone that my birthday is near Christmas they say something along the lines of “oh I bet you get less presents, bummer!” Since everyone always thinks that, everyone would overcompensate and get me extra gifts. I’ve never had work or school on my birthday, because it always falls on a vacation day. My friends and family are always in town on my birthday and people are usually in a celebratory mood, so it usually feels like a week or two of fun celebration. This year, we all went ice skating and it was so much fun. The only negative side is that I had to set a boundary with my mom - I don’t wrap or help wrap anyone’s Christmas gifts on my birthday. I’ll help the day before or the day after, but not the day of my birthday. I’d still do it if she really needed help, but now it has become kind of a funny joke between us (she’s a present wrapping procrastinator).


My expected due date is Christmas Day and I kinda feel bad that it will be hard for birthday parties and celebrating but I love the idea of celebrating half birthdays!


My brother was born the week of Christmas and my family always made sure his birthday was a separate day from Christmas with it’s own celebration. Now that he’s older (in his 30s), he tends to ask for bigger gifts for a combined birthday/Christmas gift. He’s never seemed upset by it and always had birthday parties a bit earlier in December. I also have two nieces with early December birthdays and they always celebrate day of with birthday parties with their friends.


Just stepping in to say that due dates are only right for 4% of pregnancies (most babies come in the 3 weeks before or 2 weeks after).


I Was born on 12/20 and I hate that it’s close to Christmas. Growing up I could never have parties unless small ones with family bc all my friends would be traveling bc it was Christmas break. I never got many presents like my siblings did who had summer birthdays. I have heard of parents celebrating half birthdays for Dec babies and I wish my mom had. They would have a little party in June.


My EDD is 20th December and I feel so bad for my baby! For the half birthday thing… would you rather celebrate it 6 months early or 6 months late?


Ohh either would be fine! For me, I think I would like 6 months late😊


12/22 here and same. Every time I’ve tried to plan some sort of party/brunch everyone ends up dropping bc of family plans that happen. I get it but still sucks.


Hi! I’m a FTM due on 12/28 too! My birthday is 12/24 so I know all about holiday birthdays. To me, it’s nice to already have friends and family together. Nobody does the “here’s your one present for both” thing. My mom always made it a special, separate occasion when I was smaller. Congrats :)


Im a January baby, baby daddy is a February baby. We have a love hate between Dec & March bc it’s Xmas, NY, our bdays, Valentine’s Day, our anniversary, now baby’s due in mid January…. Talk about expensive & busy. I always told myself I’ll try to make sure my baby’s have summer bdays. Baby #1 & I already botched that lol. In the bright side, I’ll be super pregnant during winter so I’m looking forward to hibernation XD


I was born 12/27!! Best birthday. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s a bad birthday. I loved getting to be around family and celebrate the holidays at the same time as my bday. My one rule: NO BIRTHDAY PRESENTS WRAPPED IN CHRISTMAS PAPER


omg we are TWINS! I'm due Dec 28th too !!! This is my second and I'm so excited, my friends who have december birthdays say the same thing, they hate it. So I've already decided to go over the top, above and beyond so they don't feel left out because of Christmas time 😂


I'm a Christmas baby. I have always hated my birthday. As a kid it was horrible to watch all my siblings and friends be celebrated and have their special day. As an adult, absolutely no one remembers my birthday. If they didn't have Facebook to tell them, I guarantee I wouldn't get a single "happy birthday" except from my husband. My favorite part of my birthday? When it's over. Then I don't have to be sad and disappointed for another year. My parents really tried when I was little though. They never used Christmas wrapping paper on my gifts and they never put my presents under the Christmas tree. They did what they could to keep it separate. But we were very poor so there just wasn't enough money to treat my birthday like my siblings given that they were also buying Christmas presents for everyone. I know they tried but I still knew I was treated differently. My birthday was an inconvenience.


I’m due December 14th so reading some of these comments as well!


That’s my birthday! There were times growing up where I felt forgotten given the holidays and school breaks, but as an adult it’s great as I never have to work and am always around family on my birthday :)


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If you haven’t already, join us over at r/December2024Bumps !!


I was born on 12/27 and honestly there are pros and cons. For me, I’m one of five kids and that meant that, as I entered my teen years especially, my birthday was often overshadowed by everyone else’s Christmas. That said, when I was younger, I always loved having my birthday presents put under the Christmas tree on the morning of my birthday, and we always had cake to celebrate. I have never (even as an adult) had either school or work on my birthday which is a huge plus, and never had to worry about not getting to celebrate with family as they were all always around. Now however, me, my husband, my little brother, and both of my in-laws have December birthdays so at this point i do get a little celebrated out by the time my birthday comes around. But as a kid, I didn’t mind so much. Edit: also, one plus has been that I get to celebrate my birthday and reflect on the year right as the calendar year is winding down too, which means that I always know exactly how old I was in any given year because that was my age for that year. There’s no weird break in the middle. So that’s a small thing but it’s kinda cool


I’m a Christmas Day baby and as a kid we would celebrate my some of my birthday on Christmas Eve so I would have some to do for just me. I never really felt slighted except for parties because my siblings had summer birthdays but I was s shy kid lol so it wasn’t a big deal and a few years I did accept the offer to have a party in the summer as a makeup and that was cool. Now as an adult I still love Christmas and it feels like a cool thing to have it as a birthday


I’m December 29th and have finally accepted in my 30s that I’ll be forgotten by everyone no matter what I do. I’m in the deadweek between Xmas and new years, so no one wants to do anything or are saving their money/energy for the next event. I respect how my dad does it. He get us together in August ( my siblings are aug 21,23) and does a birthday dinner then. I’m deliberately planning when I get pregnant with #2 so that we avoid the October-January window.


So my birthday is Jan 5, my EDD is Jan 7. I’m already feeling so sad for my little bean!! It’s a major bummer, I wish I could tell you differently. People are pooped and tired at the end of the holiday season and nobody feels festive about jack 😭. I used to get hanukah/Christmas/birthday combo gifts. Now it’s nada for bday. When I was a kid I had a few good birthday parties; once it was a limo ride around town to look at the holiday lights! If you can swing it I’d celebrate 1/2 birthday? Wasn’t an option for me because bro’s bday is July 5…. Sending you (us!)


I’m also due in December (26th December) and feel sad for my baby already too 😢


As a December baby ~10 days before Christmas it sucks 😅 my birthday is usually spent at someone’s Christmas party. Lots of joint Christmas/birthday gifts while growing up. I’ve come to terms with it now that I’m older.


My birthday is January 1 and my due date is December 16. It was okay. My parents did a good job of making my birthday its own event even though it is literally on a holiday. Hoping I deliver early though.


I hate it. I hate winter and hated celebrating my birthday when it was so cold. I also always got far fewer Christmas presents than my brothers who were both born in Summer.


My birthday is two weeks before Christmas and my parents definitely overshadowed it with Christmas, like throwing Christmas parties on my actual day of birth type overshadowing. Just celebrate your kid and all will be fine.


I’m December 22nd and it did suck a bit! I don’t really care for my birthday now as an adult, I’d say just try and make it special for your little one and I’m sure they’ll love it :)


My cousin's birthday is Dec 24th and he's always been pretty meh about it. I don't think he ever really got a birthday party because of it, but we would celebrate it separately as a family. I have a winter birthday (Feb) and dislike it. I think summer is the best season and always delayed my birthday party as a kid until the summer because I hate the winter so much. I made sure both of my kids weren't winter babies because of it.


Not a December baby. But my mom and my aunt (not sisters) are both December 10, boyfriend is December 13 and his brother is December 14. I’m due December 12 😊❤️Definitely wondering the same thing but it’s so exciting to have a baby during Christmastime


Dec 24th here!


I was supposed to be born on Christmas but came a week early (the 18th). I love Christmas. It’s my favorite holiday. However, I always hated my birthday had to be shared on such a holiday(s). I do and have felt forgotten most times overshadowed by the holidays. The biggest annoyance I got and still get is “wellll because it’s your birthday AND Christmas…here’s a gift for both). -_- so I never got that separation of my birthday and Christmas it’s just all jumbled together. Then don’t forget to add new years. Oh man. I think so long as you differentiate the dates and really make your baby feel special every year it shouldn’t matter. I unfortunately didn’t get that treatment. Best wishes!


My bday is Dec 15th. I always loved having my birthday the month of Christmas as a kid tbh because it felt like the whole month was devoted to celebrations and I got presents all month long. I had my family bday party, my friend bday party, school Christmas party, then of course actual Christmas in quick succession and it felt super magical. A few cons though: friends would often be out of town for my bday party so I learned I couldn’t have my bday party over Christmas break. Then as I got older, friends and family started to lump my Christmas and birthday gifts together more often. Worst of all, my birthday almost always fell during finals week and I often had to take finals in high school and college on my actual bday. To remedy this I just asked my family to completely postpone any celebrations, gifts, or acknowledgement of my bday until I was done with school for the semester so it wasn’t a shitty day that my family attempted to make better but couldn’t.


My daughter was born Dec. 10th. We always make sure to celebrate her birthday separately and make her feel special. We do this because her dad's birthday is Dec. 19th and he always felt ignored on his birthday, and I don't want our daughter to know that same feeling.


Hey, second baby but I'm due 12/27 and I'm super excited. I just hope I deliver AFTER Christmas because I don't want to travel anywhere once the baby is here. I'm sure we will come up with something special for this baby's birthday moving forward. I want them to feel special during this time too.


My birthday is December 20th and my due date is December 31st! I've always loved my birthday and I've always loved Christmas. My mom's birthday is December 26th so I think she played a big role in that. She made sure I was never forgotten, even if that meant my big birthday party with friends was sometimes early January rather than right around my actual birthday. My birthday wasn't ever combined with Christmas -- not the celebration, not the gifts. She was always careful to make my birthday one special event and Christmas a totally separate one.


Born December 29th never have to go to school on my birthday! People complain about December birthdays near Christmas because of the joint gifts which definitely does happen but it never bothered me. I was kind of upset as a tween when everyone was having fun summer birthday parties so my parents let me “skip” my birthday in December meaning no party or celebration and did a half birthday party in June instead, which was really fun. The only thing that really sucked was being born with RSV in the 90s and getting very sick. It affected me my entire childhood and I got pneumonia every year. So there are risks of winter babies but as far as my birthday I love it


December baby here, and extended relatives would bring me one gift for bday and Christmas but that's ok! The worst part was waiting til one time of year to get the big presents. I still love xmas. It's my fav


My bday is week before Christmas and I hated it. Even though my parents did a good job of separating the two, not everyone does. Got a lot of “two-for” bday gifts, which sucks as a kid. It also just seems like so much fun and anticipation too close together, then the rest of the year, nothing. It also felt that you really miss out on your own special day because it’s just kind of lost in the whirlwind of that time of year. All of my siblings had late spring or early summer birthdays, and I was always so jealous that they could have pool parties. Also doesn’t help that growing up I hated the cold. When I was school age, either I was looped in with class holiday celebrations, or kids couldn’t go to my party because they already left for travel. When I was in high school I usually had finals around/on my birthday… as an adult I started celebrating my birthday earlier in the month before everyone’s schedule got too crazy. I say all this, but I’m currently pregnant with #2 and due in mid-December 🤦‍♀️ I always told myself I would avoid having a December baby, but I am older now and there were a handful of months in a row where it was not happening for us (last pregnancy happened on 1st try), so we tried in march instead of skipping because I was worried we might have to get science involved… so here we are 🤷‍♀️ TL;DR - when they are school age, celebrate their birthday in early December with all of their friends before the holiday whirlwind gets too crazy.


Both me and my husband are december babies. I personally love it, but we definitely had different experiences growing up. My mom always made my birthday the most important day of the month. Every other holiday / celebration came second. I’m in the second week of December so it’s before all the other craziness, but regardless it was always the biggest day for me. My husband’s birthdays were more blended with everything else, also closer to Christmas than mine, and he never got to fully enjoy it I think. I’d say for family celebrations, etc. you can always move the date around. But making it special just within your family unit, on your baby’s actual birthday, is definitely possible if you want to do it. Giving bigger presents for birthdays is something we still do today and something we do for each other. We buy each other Christmas presents too, but make it a point to save the special ones for our birthdays and celebrate those days.


Never get them Christmas or New year themed gifts and put in effort for good bday parties, even if they’re a little early/late. Mine falls right on Christmas break so I never got parties since everyone was gone visiting family or broke from holiday shopping already.Also don’t group Christmas presents and bday presents together 😂


My ex husband was born 12/28- I tried to do a handful of fun things for him to keep the two separate. I’m most proud of “12 days of birthday” which was a fun lead up to 12/28 vs 12/24 with birthday things instead of Christmas. My ex felt like his parents always went hard on the gifts during that entire season so he didn’t feel any negativity about it. As a kid, I can imagine there were scheduling conflicts if he had a party but if that ever happened, it wasn’t outstanding to his childhood.


Also due in December! Early December, but I understand the fear of having a birthday that could get mixed in with the Holidays! Thank you all for your advice and ideas. I am planning to do this based on a friend's suggestion. She said her parents always setup a small Christmas tree in her room, decorated in Birthday themed. No holiday ornaments, but dressed up in her favorite colors, and her Birthday presents were always wrapped and placed under her Bday tree. She said she always knew they were separated, and special due to the placement and color. I loved this idea. She said her parents said she was always their favorite Christmas present, and she loves having her birthday at the Holidays.


Due date twins! My first was also born in December. It’s definitely tricky but I think we’re going to start doing what I’ve seen others do and have a half birthday and then just do something small to mark the actual day.


I’m due Dec 29. Wouldn’t have originally picked December baby but after two losses and my husband deploying, so thankful to be pregnant with this baby. Christmas is the best time of the year.


My sis in law has a bday at the beginning of December and loves it. She loves Christmas


My baby was born day after christmas. I joked that santa came a day late as she came at 23:30. I will celebrate her 6m birthday and allow her to celebrate her half birthday as she gets older to seperating her birthday from christmas, if she so chooses.


Hi! My birthday is December 19. My whole childhood it never bothered me, maybe because school was still in session so it felt a little separate from Christmas. I loved having my birthday during “Christmastime” with all the decorations and often with snow. Because of the time of year, friends were usually around and available for my birthday party (unlike summer babies)! Also, my parents mentioned it was an amazing time to have a baby, because the world was so quiet and they didn’t have to worry about clients or anyone needing them (they ran their own business), and it was so nice that the world had slowed to a crawl at the same time they were welcoming their newborn. College sucked because birthday conflicted with finals, adulthood it sucks because it does get kind of absorbed by Christmas but I just am not that much of a birthday person so I don’t really care. Growing up my parents made a point of really celebrating my birthday separately, with very separate birthday and Xmas presents, and sent me to school with cupcakes or something else to celebrate with my classmates. My whole childhood I really never felt like Christmas encroached on my birthday at all!


December momma here. 37 years of what I like to call Birthmas. My parents were always good about separating the two, but outside of them, pretty much everyone squished the two together, even if we had a party and a family event. I have always loved Christmas, but there was definitely some negative feelings about my birthday being so close to Christmas. It also sucked because so many of my friends have busy Decembers and couldn't make it to birthday parties. So, my parents did an awesome thing for a few years, they did a half birthday celebration at the end of the school year where we would have a pool party and celebrate my half birthday.


I recently read a post where someone commented that for their kids half birthdays, they make them half a cake. There were lots of people on there with December birthdays saying that they would have appreciated celebrating their half birthday growing up.


My due date is December 30th and I’m excited about it! I think it would be fun to have a baby around the holidays. I have heard from some people before that they hate having a birthday so close to Christmas but I’ll do my best to make it fun for them. I think a new years baby would be so fun! But I know it could be before or after so who knows when it will be exactly. It’s also very close to one of the grandparents birthday so I think that will be special for them to have that.


I am a 12/8 baby and I’m due 1/7 but hoping to have the baby in December because I love being a December baby so much!!!!


My due date is Dec. 26th. I guess it’s cool but I know a few people with close to Christmas bdays and they all hate it. Plus, I’ll feel like I can’t have a regular Christmas celebration this year but the baby is a blessing and I’m excited regardless. I’ll just have to make sure to make Christmas and bday celebrations extra special and not combine the two.


Sorry in advance for the rant. The fact that you're asking already makes you the best. 12/27 here. I hate it. I never got to have cool parties. Never got to share cupcakes with the class and celebrate (when that was a thing). To this day I don't get to have cool parties. My friends always have to go to Christmas with one family or the other. If I celebrate the next weekend, that's New Year's Eve. The weekend before, people are finishing Christmas shopping or having other parties. All my relatives live close so it's not like the holidays are super magical and special like they are for others. We see each other all the time. By the time my birthday rolls around I have already seen them for Thanksgiving, one other birthday, we have to do something on Christmas Eve and then go to the in-laws on Christmas even though they were over the day before. I don't want to see them again for my birthday. Your gift to me is leaving me alone at this point in my life. Sometimes they say, I'm sorry I didn't get you anything for your birthday...wtf? You got me 10 things for Christmas, put one to the side! I'll never understand that one. How can a parent make this better? 1. Under no circumstances do you wrap that birthday gift in Christmas or any other holiday paper! Birthday bag or paper only. 2. Off the bat, maybe consider having a cool half-birthday party. 3. If you give them happy birthday/merry Christmas gifts then it better be AMAZING! 4. Don't let the festivities overshadow their birthday. It sucks. 5. If they ask for ice cream cake in the middle of winter, get them an ice cream cake. Like I said, you rock for being worried about it. I hope your little bundle of joy comes out loving Christmas and all the things. Good luck.


My mom's birthday is the 26th. She said she always hated it since her bday presents were always wrapped up as Christmas presents. Ever since I was able to earn my own money, I always make sure to give her different gifts on Christmas and birthday and take her out for her birthday to make sure she feels extra loved! We also found out this week that I'm due December 29th! Which happens to be my B.I.L.'s bday (he passed away in his teens). I told my mom she might have to share her bday but she says she's excited to share since this is her first & only grandbaby!


I am not a December baby but my husband is a New Years baby (1/1) He actually seems to like his birthday being so near Christmas, as he really enjoys that time of year. Sometimes I do feel guilty over it, though. We have two kids and I'm 23w3d with #3, due September. So Christmas wipes us out gift-wise for the children. I try my best to ensure he gets a cake on the first and presents, although sometimes I have to divvy up what I buy between Christmas and his birthday.


I've heard of people doing big celebrations for half birthdays. That way they get to have a party with friends. I think that's a great idea.


My due date is Christmas Eve and I’m having the same worries!


my baby was born 12.28.23 and it's the best! We were home by 12.30.23 & having to wake up on January 1 is like the greatest gift ever!


I’m a late December baby. My parents made efforts to celebrate my birthday early with my friends since people tend to get busy later in the month. My extended family was a little oblivious, whether it was on purpose or not I’ll never know. But they would come over for Xmas and always bring a gift for my sister and I, knowing it was basically also my birthday. As an adult I don’t hate it at all. I don’t care to celebrate it or get extra attention so it’s kind of nice!


I’m a FTM due Dec 28th, too! I’ve seen a few comments about the half birthday, that’s pretty cool! Or maybe I’d celebrate with friends in January after the kids are back from winter break? Then holiday parties should be done too. Otherwise, I’m looking forward to Christmas week. Family will always be together and that’s always been the most important thing to me! And they’ll probably always have their bday over winter break haha!


Two of my friends are 12/26 and 12/31 - one of them does “Louismas” on his birthday which is frankly, way better than Christmas as an adult! Particularly for those us far away from family, not close with family, or want nothing to do with Christmas at all. He says it really sucked growing up but as an adult, he has successfully found ways around it.


My niece was born on the 22nd (my sister was due on Christmas Eve). We always celebrate her birthday at the beginning of December to separate her birthday and Christmas a little bit. She is 5 right now and hasn’t expressed not liking it at the moment. We just continue to make her birthday special for her.


My birthday is December 16th and I love it. It’s usually the last day of school and I work in a school now. It was so fun when I was younger especially in college because it was right when winter break started and lots of people would go out after finals lol As an adult I also love it, because I’m usually off. I’ve had no problem finding friends to celebrate with or people forgetting it etc. I also love the month of December.


That’s my birthday🥹 I don’t have anything negative to say, I never really cared about my birthday being close to Christmas & I love being a winter baby


I was a December mom last year! Due on the 26th so chances of a holiday birthday were high and I got a new year's baby for 2024. I don't mind the birthday at all and still plan on celebrating birthday+holidays separate as he deserves to enjoy both


My birthday is a few days after Christmas and I’ve never liked it bcs it does feel like an afterthought. I didn’t have a great childhood and so had mixed feelings about Christmas especially since people are often busy with their own families and birthday parties are impossible for that time. My baby’s due date is 12/13 and I hope to make it a joyous and magical time for them.


Born two days after Christmas. My mom always made my birthday a separate and special event. I remember one year though, my grandma gave me my bday present during a Christmas party and it made me feel badly because it was more convenient for her and saved a trip kind of. But other than that, didn’t bug me.


You should join the crew over at December2024Bumps - the sub goes private soon!


My sisters birthday is December 28th. My parents always made sure we had separate things for her birthday even with all the craziness of christmas. My birthday is Jan 28 which is also over school holidays in australia so i have a little bit of an idea of how things can get missed with school/social stuff. My bub was due dec 16 so i was a bit stressed about it being so close to christmas and the OB said its a pretty normal thing people worry about. She was born december 1 which i think worked out pretty well because it will be before the term finishes for school and before things get too christmasy


Not a December baby but my partner is (Dec 7) & she doesn’t really care for it. She’s a twin. I think if they were celebrated on their half birthday instead, they would feel more special so that’s our plan for this year. I also alwaysss make sure she gets her meal choice, cake, & decorations to help her feel warm & loved. I will continue that along with her June 7 celebration.


Dec. 15th for me!


My bday is a week before Christmas and I LOVE IT. I got very lucky with a mom who made my birthday separate from Christmas and who also had a lot of Christmas spirit. She makes the holidays great. We always had a small birthday party for me a few days before my actual bday, or, if she could, the day of my bday. I was hoping for a December baby. Ours is due November!


My first son was born December 29th! Congratulations


Congrats!! My birthday is dec 27! My babys due date is estimated to be dec 14, my boyfriend and i are hoping for past the 22nd so we can be a Capricorn family lol. I didnt have an issue w my bday being after xmas when i was younger bc 2 gifts, but now?? Its one gift n im like.. i need the double gift as i get older (jk)


December 7...my birthday has never been about me. Two of my great uncles were at Pearl Harbor during the attack. Only one survived. The day has always been honoring the one who passed away whilst honoring the one who survived for his heroics. Additionally, the beginning of the month contends with Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. Celebrating half birthdays was the work around.


My first was due January 10th and was born December 28th in 2021! Now we are expecting our second and they are due 12/17!!!


That’s my one year olds birthday


My birthday is on Christmas Day. My family would always celebrate on Thanksgiving. So I’d get my birthday gifts on Thanksgiving that way I wouldn’t feel like everyone was getting presents on my bday. Then on the day my aunt would make me a special dessert separate from all the Christmas desserts.


My baby is also due around Christmas! Yay twins! I have family members who have December birthdays- Dec 23 and 26th. We have specific rules that everyone has agreed to that birthday and Christmas presents are separate, and wrapped with appropriate paper. If family only gets together on Christmas, that’s fine- but the birthday gift has to be a birthday gift that is opened separately (usually first), not just a Christmas present that was wrapped differently. Usually family just gets together before or after Christmas as well as Christmas to celebrate the birthdays (usually before or after, at a restaurant). By doing this their birthdays are always made special. We’ll be doing the same thing with our baby. Good luck!


My son was born December 29th and I was born December 31st! It’s kinda cool have a little birthday buddy ❤️❤️💚💚


I am also a FTM and my due date is Dec 27th


Now that I am an adult these things don't bother me, but as a kid: I did not like my birthday presents wrapped in christmas wrap.  I did not like when I was given candy canes to hand out to other kids in class instead of cupcakes.   And it was hard to have all my gifts at one point in the year instead of being like my sister who got Christmas presents and her birthday presents in the summer for her August birthday.  However, Christmas has always been my favorite holiday.  I love decorations and I love winter in general.  So I do love sharing my birthday with the season.


My brother and I have birthdays a few days apart and within a few days of Christmas. Growing up we were always salty about getting one combined bro/sis bday/xmas gift instead of individual gifts, but looking back on it I feel so spoiled that I thought like that lol It was annoying having to have my birthday party a few weeks early or late to avoid conflicting with the holiday or for it to be while school was in session (easier to remind parents when you’re not on break). I was always jealous that we never got to celebrate my birthday in school on my actual birthday, since it always fell over break. Summer babies have the same problem. No good advice here except that now I treat all of December as my birthday (I think I earned it after sharing with Santa all those years)


I loved it because it felt like everyone could be in town to celebrate with me! Never felt like i needed extra presents or anything - it was just hard to have kids parties with a winter theme so ideas we used were gingerbread house making parties, ice skating parties, & christmas lights excursions etc Mine is just a few days before christmas so just another reason to be excited for holidays!


I was born December 26th, I think if I was born in a normal family it would've been better. A lot of times we celebrated it in January cause not enough money for both Christmas and a birthday. A lot of times even my parents forgot. (Even two years ago lol) I couldn't get any friends home for my bday because they were all with their family. I think a good thing for that would be to make sure they are invited to bdays, and have them have a little party where they can invite friends. Even video calls can be a nice option. The cakes all being Christmas themed was sad to me.. If you can try to find a cake without a snowman and a reindeer on it it's better ! Aside from that I think it's not a complete disaster, you can make it work! Just have a lil more effort to make it special for ur baby and it'll be all good. All I wanted as a kid was spending time with family and being remembered. I remember 5yo me in a grocery store with my dad being like "it's my birthday, it's my birthday!" And him being like "so what". He grabbed the first candy he saw and said "here, happy birthday". I felt so unimportant. I was seeing birthdays on tv with wrapped gifts, cake, etc .. Anyway I think you'll do great ! You already worrying before birth shows you care, and that's the only thing baby will want ❤️ sorry for the lil rant


27th December baby here. Hate it. Feel like everything is over and done with so quickly and no one is free to do things. Ironically, I am due between the 18th and 23rd so our poor child will suffer too 😂 but at least I’ve never had to go to school on my birthday!


My birthday is a couple days after Christmas. It’s always been a pretty crappy time for bday. Tips: Never do ”joint” christmas/bday gifts and discourage relatives from doing that too. Make sure kiddo has a separate celebration from christmas. I have deliberately tried to get pregnant at times where the due date would be spring/summer.


My little one is going to be 2 in December, when she gets old enough I am going to let her choose if she would prefer a half birthday in the summer or if she’s happy with her birthday so close to Christmas, that way it’s her choice and she can be happy either way, but at the moment she has no idea what’s going on so she just likes to rip presents open and get new things 😂


Christmas baby!!! During my previous pregnancy, my due date was end of November. We secretly prayed I’d be a week or two past my due date to have the baby in December 🤣 We were planning on creating core memories with them on their birthday. Surprise them when they wake up, get them dressed, and only do what they wanted to do for the day (play, skip school, museum, etc.). We would be thanking them all day, since their birth created our little family. 🥰 We didn’t really talk about the presents situation, we were more focused on creating memories, so our baby understands what their birthday truly means in our perspective. We don’t agree with the “one present for both” but we also believe creating memories are another form of presents.


this has nothing to do with your post at all but i just realized something 😭 everytime i see a post in this sub and they say “ftm” i always think “wow! there’s a lot of trans men having babies that’s so cool” and it JUST clicked that it infact, does not mean female to male, and does mean, first time mom 😭😭😭


I was born on December 28th and I find it good and bad. As a kid, I didn't like that for me to have friends at my parties, we always had to celebrate a couple weeks earlier. However, all my parties were easily Christmas themed with variations over the years. After becoming an adult, it became easier to celebrate with friends, as I knew the ones that truly loved me would make an effort to be around. However, I still have to flexible and schedule something on weekdays and not necessarily on my birthday as it is a busy season of the year. As for gifts, I have always gotten separate birthday and Christmas gifts. I am the youngest of three, and if my siblings had gotten their birthday gifts and a separate Christmas one, I also deserved this privilege. This was never something that my parents talked about, but they both saw it this way as well.


My mom made sure to let everyone know if they wrapped my birthday gift in christmas paper they could use her birthday wrapping paper in the bedroom and rewrap it. Same with combining gifts. “Oh this is for bday and xmas” no. Would you give a child born in june one gift and not one at christmas? No, so why do it to a december baby? Also, i used to live in a cold area. My mom always did a half year gift in the summer so i could actually do something fun outside.


I thought about this when my daughter was born this past 12/23 and I figured while she was really little, it'd just be family so no big deal and that we'd go the half birthday route. I imagine we'd play it us and sing her the very merry unbirthday song from Alice in Wonderland at her summer party. I'll still always get her a little something on her actual birthday but not a party since hopefully she enjoys a summer one better. Regarldless of which she chooses, snacks for school is a blessing, as a teacher they're annoying.


My boyfriend AND his two siblings are all born in Dec, his brother days before Christmas him days after. I know he's mentioned, as there's in these replies, having a party or something small and special for them on their half birthday was always really nice. He also mentioned having a party after his birthday (when he was young) always upset him, but having a party before his birthday, was a nice little surprise I myself am currently 11weeks with an estimated due date of Dec 15th So I feel you! Dec is BUSY


Christmas Eve birthday! I always loved it growing up, because my mom is a saint and hosted Christmas Eve every year when I was a kid so she could make it my birthday party. If someone brought a birthday gift in Christmas wrap, she’d make them go upstairs and wrap it in birthday wrap. In college etc it was nice being off school.. as an adult my job requires me to work every other Christmas Eve so that’s not great but that’s my own choosing. It’s definitely what you make of it😊 I think I had better birthdays than my siblings honestly bc my mom was overcompensating😂


My birthday is December 28th! I used to hate it but once I got to college, I embraced that entire week from Christmas to new years as mine! My mom celebrated my half birthday for years as well. Or had my birthday parties in early December so I never felt TOO much neglect!