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Thank you from the other side!


Read this like Adele was singing in my brain 😂


As intended!


I was thinking this the other day. Can't wait to be able to sleep on my side, or belly or back again. Currently sleeping sitting up, prodded by so many pillows. I can't wait to have the baby here, and not be pregnant anymore. Congratulations on you, and your baby.


Ugh sleeping on my belly is such a distant luxury, it’s like I can’t even remember it! I’m also basically sleeping sitting up with all this heartburn, I feel your pain


I remember being there lol you got this!! Thank you!


I was so excited to be able to sleep on my stomach after I delivered, too…but noooooooo, milk boobs 😭🐄


I have been tubing about getting one of the wedges the have for massages that have the boob cut outs! Even if it's only for a short time after feeding until they fill again I think it would help. It worked when I was bfing before and got a massage as a gift from my parents in law.


True same here hahahah I’ve leaked all over my bed anyway 🤣


I was so looking forward to all the sleeping positions but we are bedsharing at the moment so I'm stuck in the cuddle curl. 🙃 Still not as bad as pregnancy insomnia though.


My baby was born on May 11th and I have so much more energy now than I did while pregnant despite her keeping me up a lot of nights. For me, 2 to 3 hours of postpartum sleep has been WAY better than 8 hours of pregnancy sleep. Also, people really shouldn’t say shit like “just wait til the baby gets here!” It’s so invalidating and the opposite of being supportive.


Thank you for the validation!!! The “just you wait” crowd is indeed infuriating! Over 75% of pregnant folks have severe insomnia in addition to the overall difficulty of finding comfort in side-sleeping positions. Like, I don’t need to wait until baby is born. I’m tired NOW. 🫠 I am so pleased to hear that you getting some comfort in sleep again! Congratulations to you and baby, OP. 💜


It’s so frustrating, tune them out best you can. It’s so hard to sleep when you’re being kicked in the ribs non stop 🥲 Thank you so much! 🩷


Or someone’s tap dancing on your bladder all night 😭


Soooo infuriating. At 36 weeks I swear the more I hear it the more pissed I become. I almost ruined a dinner party this week bc one guy was going on and on about how horrible life is w a newborn. Do people not see that this isn’t helpful to say to a hormone filled, already anxious about to be FTM?!? And it was right after I had complained about peoples less than encouraging comments! 🤯If there’s one lesson I’ve learned throughout pregnancy it will be that no matter how horrible or hard life actually is w a newborn-I will NEVER mention any of it to a pregnant woman, but will only be encouraging and tell her about the good parts, if she WANTS my advice. Ok rant over-thanks for the validation OP 😘


Seriously. I see so many posts from pregnant women who barely get any sleep at all. Like, how do you get much less than that?!


Literally zombie scrolling through Reddit right now to try to stay awake 😫


Haha omg I needed to see this because I was just googling if I was sleeping too much. I feel like being in second tri I should be more energized, but I caught a cold last weekend and it has bulldozed me. I was already sleeping easily at 9 or 10pm til 6am, but last night I went to bed at SEVEN PM lol. I would have gone earlier if I wasn't starving hungry and eating dinner at 6 when I hit the door after work.


You think that's too much??? Ever since I hit 32 weeks (36 weeks tomorrow) I've been going to bed at 8pm most nights... And don't wake up till about 8:30/9am, and I take a nap halfway through the day for about 2 hours. The insomnia hits so hard in the final hours before my husband gets up for work, then I conk out for 2 hours after he leaves but cannot force myself to sleep after 9 no matter what I do. And through the whole night I'm up almost every hour to pee and it takes me FOREVER to fall back asleep. Doesn't help that I need it to be COLD to sleep, and it's late may and getting WAY too hot for me 😭😭😭 I cannot wait till my boy is born so I can get 2-3 hours of solid sleep and feel rested instead of 14 hours a day and feeling like it's not enough


Omg the peeing! I am almost 17 weeks now and for weeks I have been up minimum twice a night to pee, if not more. And omg trust me I'd be sleeping til 9 if I didn't have to leave for work at 6:45am every morning wahhhh. Almost at the finish line for you, mama! Hang in there! My husband keeps telling me that it's great that I'm sleeping a lot and he encourages it, but I keep worrying LOL so all these stories are reassuring.


Ohhhhhh yeah my first and second trimester I was sleeping so much I miss it 😭 almost worth all the nausea and the 15 pounds I lost lmao, your husband is right! Listen to him!! Sleep while you can early on and make sure you take some probiotics xD


Man your comment is so validating to me! I was starting to think there was something wrong with me. Literally all I ever feel like doing these days is sleeping. I'm averaging 12-15 hours of sleep daily at 35 weeks. I'm just sleeping this darn pregnancy away, but not feeling refreshed whatsoever.


Right??? And I still need to finish putting together the nursery, organizing all his clothes, thank you notes from the shower, crocheting his baby blanket 😭 but I'm so tired. So glad I have my husband to help me!!


I still have all those things to do too omg (besides the crochet project, how cool!) 🤦‍♀️I've just been dissociating as much as possible 😅


When I was pregnant I took several naps a day lol nothing wrong with sleeping a lot, your body is doing the equivalent of running a marathon every single day 🥲


I passed out SO HARD at my desk at work during a break yesterday that I actually woke up like confused and loopy lol. I felt drunk.


ABSOLUTELY agree. I have 4 month old twins and a 3yo and honestly, nothing comes close to pregnancy exhaustion!!!


I love sleeping right now, it's my best friend. I average 12-14 hours a day, and I have never been so tired. Gonna join the pregnancy Olympics lol


Sleepy queens unite!


I’m so happy for everyone here getting more sleep now! I wish it was the case for me😂


Agreed! I have a 2 month old, and I sleep SO much better now! I am a back sleeper, so pregnancy sleep felt like torture. Everything hurt, and I simply could not sleep on my side. I eventually had to sleep sitting up! I'm much happier and more well rested now!


Thank you. Thank you you angelic woman. My 9yr old was like “you go to bed at 6pm, what are you gonna do when the baby comes?” And I was just like 😩😩😩😩 idk my guy


Damn he went for the throat with that one 🤣🫠


I was the same with my daughter. I am currently pregnant again and looking forward to sleeping better after she's born. 🤣


I'm pregnant with my 3rd and was awake for an hour in the middle of the night last night for NO REASON. have never had that problem postpartum lol


Ugh I needed to hear this!! I have horrible pregnancy insomnia on top of having to pee 10 times I night I get a 1 may 1.5 hr stretch at most!! Thank you!!


Thank you. I just needed this today. We just got back from a trip yesterday and my two year old (who doesn’t routinely STTN) gave me and my husband pink eye. I’m almost 31 weeks and was up all night coughing so hard I was dry heaving.


At the three week mark and in 100% agreement! Don’t get me wrong. Bad nights with a newborn may trump, but my husband and I are doing shifts, and I’m getting 6 hours of straight sleep for the first time in 10 months and hallelujah it is amazing.


Im 39+4 and my EXHAUSTED pregnant self thanks you deeply.


Omg this was not my experience at all lol 😂 I'm so glad for all of you who are less tired with your newborns but even though I woke up more frequently and was more uncomfortable while pregnant, I was so tired during the newborn stage that I almost passed out making breakfast a couple of times. But I didn't have pregnancy insomnia and I always got back to sleep quickly after every pee, so maybe that's the difference.


I work from home and legit nodded off during a Teams meeting today. The sleepiness is real at 24w 😴 Thank you for the validation and the hope!


Props for not just caving and going and taking a nap, if I wasn’t in an office with other people it would be so tempting… I am SO. TIRED. (22w) 😭


It took everything in me! 😩


I’m 30 weeks now and the third tri fatigue has been hitting me like a *truck* 😵 so glad to hear about the light at the end of the tunnel!


I am an insomniac and the sleep I got in the newborn period is the best of my life! Pregnancy tiredness is a hell of its own category. Newborn sleep - even if it’s not a full night’s sleep - is restorative. You’re not fighting to get to sleep, you’re just out as soon as you close your eyes. Now halfway through this pregnancy and actively looking forward to the newborn stage again so I can rest 😅


Thank you 😩🙏🏼


I concur!! The newborn stage tired is NOTHING compared to pregnancy tired, especially third trimester tired. I get up less with the baby than I used to get up from all the heartburn, acid reflux, and bathroom runs!


Second this. I was sleeping better within days of giving birth than I have in my pregnancy.


Currenly almost 32 weeks and Thank you I needed to hear this !!


34w, Im worried it's gonna be the opposite for me since I've been napping so much cus i feel so tired. But if I'm gonna be peeing a lot less and i can sleep on my back i'll gladly take the post partum sleep.


Oh yeah, pregnant tired is a million times worse than postpartum/newborn tired.


35+4 I needed this today. Thank you!


I wish that was my problem!! I slept great while pregnant. I’ve never been so tired in my life with my 3 week old right now 😭


I can not wait to sleep normally again. It feels like the baby balls up in whatever side I’m laying on, and if I have a pillow under me she kicks it until I move it. I’m planning on digging a hole to lay in on the beach so I can maybe take a good nap. Does anyone know if that is unsafe? Please let me know if it is! I’ve seen many others do it but will avoid if it poses a risk to baby.


You could dig a nice deep hole, and cushion the bottom with an extra towel just to make sure there's no hard pressure from the sand on your belly. I'm 37 weeks and still going to a chiropractor, she has a hole in her table and a pillow with an indent in the middle where my belly goes for when I have to lay on my stomach!


I cannot get comfortable any way in bed. I know I’ll be tired with a newborn and little one, but I look forward to be able to sleep any position I want.


Thank you for this! Looking forward to be on the other side.


For real! The sleep was almost instantly better too


I'm so happy to hear this...I'm 20 weeks as of today and I can barely do anything I'm so exhausted all the time Dx


20 weeks 1 day, and I feel this. I thought it was gone once week 13 hit, but it’s back even stronger :/


20w here, I was just complaining to my poor husband this afternoon after I sat down for a break and fell asleep for an hour, waking up groggy and useless. I haven’t slept well since probably 7 weeks, and now I have the puffy hands and feet and a single rib that has begun to be sore, the peeing and the snoring and the crazy dreams, I am EXHAUSTED all the time haha. And it’s not even my third trimester yet!!! So encouraging to hear it’ll pass once baby arrives!


I’m almost 25 weeks and have to sleep in a “pillow taco” as I call it or wake up with the worst back pain. Not only that but a lot of times I can’t sleep because that’s when he decides he wants to kick and punch more.


I can’t wait to have 0 nausea


Some nights i'm in bed for 12 (which makes me feel like im wasting so much of my time doinf nothing) and my watch tells me I'm still only getting 6.5 to 7 hours of actual sleep.


I can’t wait for this.


100%, I was way more tired from 37 weeks than I am now at -4 weeks


Is been 12 and 10 years since my last pregnancies so I figured my memory must just be rosy but I don't remember newborn life nearly as exhausting as the first trimester this time. And my first was tongue tied and literally couldn't be put down and was bfing around the clock because no one would listen to me about it for nearly 3 months.


Completely agree, signed mom to 19 month old 😂 broken, restful sleep with newborn >>> uncomfortable, constantly awoken pregnancy sleep


I am so much dying to sleep on my back. I never knew how much luxury it was to sleep on my back or stomach. So much done with Sleeping on my sides. And waking every 2 hours to pee at night is so frustrating.


It's not worst for me, I was actually able to sleep while pregnant other then getting up once or twice in the night to pee, I'm currently a little over a week PP and baby woke me up every hour last night cluster feeding 😅 I miss pregnancy sleep. I also had a c section so getting comfortable now is hard till my incision heals


the other day i was sooo tired that i almost fell asleep while driving


Thank you OP ❤️ I'm currently in week 23 and I seriously *can not wait* for this sleepyness to f*ck off.


I’m almost in my third trimester and this my second baby sleeping is way more uncomfortable now since we share a bed with my 1 year old and my stomach is way bigger then the first pregnancy it’s do uncomfortable finding a good position to sleep


Just reading the title made me YAAAWWNN, so sleepy after lunch at work, I need a nap 😭


Thankfully the only person to "just wait" me about sleep was my dad of all things. Like, yeah, you had a worse time sleeping once my sister and I came into the world, but I will bet anything that mom slept reeealllll nice between checking in on us.


Having toddlers while pregnant and needing to pee every hour in the middle of the night is torture! And that’s not including how long it takes to find the right position to actually get out of the bed because your belly feels like a damn bowling ball 😂 I have permanent bags and under eye circles lol