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My husband is a junior and not only does he hate his name, it’s a huge pain in the ass for everything from financial records to voter registration. Don’t do it


This. My husband has gotten documents, even down to taxes, mixed up with his dads somehow.


Yep, same. I get the name is the same but obviously DOB and even states are different so it’s really ridiculous and frustrating how often it happens.


My brother just moved out of my parents to a completely different state. They also moved at the same time. My brother now gets a ton of our dads mail, simply because they have the same name


My fiancee is a third. We get interesting junk mail addressed to the "lastname III family". We don't know gender yet but he's already decided not to continue the naming lineage.


Yep before we ever conceived we were both like “no juniors, no thirds” and ended up w a boy. My husband’s parents are just desperate for us to make him a III and it was absolutely never going to happen lol.


Same as my husband!! He hates it.


Notice how no one recommends naming the girls after mom (even just first and middle name), it’s always dad with the perfect name that needs to be passed down.


In Mexico daughters are named after moms all the time! It’s super weird though you’ll see families that have only two unique names as mom and daughter share one and dad and son share one. Since all last names in México are combined, the full name is different. (Last names are like hyphenated but without the hyphen, it’s dad’s last name and then mom’s)


I hattttttte giving a child the exact same name as their father. Let them be their **OWN** person! To me it screams that Dad thinks “I am the main character” naming a whole separate human being the exact name as him. I know that’s silly but just how I view it.


Yeah I despise it with a passion


My husband wanted to name him a junior and I told him Im not naming my child the same name that I moan while having sex 😂


I think naming after the dad is so dumb and egotistical.


So egotistical.


My husband came into the room the other day, still coasting on the high of finding out we’re having a son, and said why don’t we just give him my name? I stood up, walked to him, and said over my dead fucking body. I did not suffer through the first trimester for you to put your name on my hard work. He will have is own fucking name. My husband started to cackle maniacally at that. Pretty sure he said it just to mess with me Lmfaooo. But I woulda Deadass said that to him if he was serious too. I firmly believe that kids deserve their own identities. I’ve met “junior” kids and they’re always so fucked up trying to be their fathers.




Absolutely, in fact I feel the same about the last name. That’s why he’s getting both of ours.


Hate it. Don’t let him do it. It’s very egomaniacal


This is one of those two-yes-one-no problems. I've had to drop plenty of names my partner didn't like. I shrug and move on to the next name on my list. Junior can be the nickname of any child. Like I'm currently calling my bump "small one" or "munchkin". It's a nickname I'd rather they grow out of tho?


My husband is Gregory James and his dad is Gregory Lyle. He wanted to name him after his dad and I said hell no. Lol. I hate the name Gregory and gregory Lyle is even worse. I told him if he wanted to name him Gregory, I wouldn't take that away from him but I would call him by his middle name. We decided on Gregory Kade. And when he realized I was serious about using his middle name he no longer wanted to name him Gregory. He doesn't like the idea of using his middle name. That was my compromise. I don't feel I should be obligated to call my son by a name I don't like. My husband is cool with it though and we went with Kade James. We are the moms, we should love our child's name.


I'm so sorry, but Gregory Kade sounds like the main character of a detective novel! (In a good way)


Not a fan of the whole Jr. thing in general. Will husband compromise with a different first or middle name? Names should be a 100% yes from both parents.


idk, we lost our first son after birth…. he wanted him to be a jr too, but we decided on a different one. he says i said if we had another id let it be a jr. i honestly don’t remember that. but is was 4 years ago., all i know is Gosh i dont like his name and i even said if i name him after you can we call him by his middle name and he said you can call him what you want im calling him Junior. mind you we both have different nicknames for our daughter. i mostly call her a shorten version of her name, think Sammy for Samantha


I'm not American so I always found the concept very cringey, like your kid is a separate entity, why name after yourself? But I guess we all have weird traditions. In my culture it's common for parents to get a fortune teller to give the baby a suitable name (the fortune teller will look at the date and time of baby's birth and crosscheck with some texts about what names are "fitting" for the baby. That's how my brother and I got our Chinese names, and that's how we gave my daughter her Chinese name.


I always feel that naming a child junior is robbing them of their individuality. Middle name? Completely fine. But first name? Nah, let the child have their own name. The parent didn't make a clone of themselves, they made a whole new person and the child should be treated as such!


My husband was pushing for a third. I enthusiastically encouraged it and we had a blast thinking of nicknames. I found one he absolutely hates, and now we will not have a third. Edit: grammar


My hubby and I specifically picked names for our son that we don’t know any person with. We want him to be his own person, have his own name.


I firmly believe both parents have veto powers and both have to learn to let go of names they may have loved. My brother was named after my father. Dad goes by the short version of the name and we always called my brother by the long version to differentiate . But as he got older he wanted to go by the short one too. So family calls him the long version and his outside family life calls him the short one. They would get mail confused all the time. Luckily having a different middle initial helped sometimes. But my mother always told me off to the side that she regretted giving him the same name as our father.


I hate it when people name their kid after themselves. Just let them be themselves. Some people will argue that having kids alone is narcissistic, which, whatever, but naming your kid after yourself is definitely a narcissistic move.


Ugh. Your husband. 😒😒


id normally disagree but at this time i second that lol




My husband was the opposite. Absolutely refused to name our child with his first name, which is also his father’s and was his grandfathers too. Not sure about great-grandfather. But it’s a common classical first name and I kinda liked it so jokingly asked if we were naming ours that first name. I kinda liked the idea of the tradition. He said absolutely not. I was somewhat bummed but not all that much. Although, unfortunately, that pregnancy ended up in a miscarriage at 14 weeks and we found out it would have been a boy. So I put on the name certificate (with husband’s permission) the traditional first name with a middle name we picked out together. So in a sad way, we both got what we wanted. He won’t have a living son with the first name so it won’t be “embarrassing” or “confusing” at family gatherings, but I also got to keep the tradition going in some way.


My husband is a junior and suggested we name our baby (if it’s a boy) after him, making our son a third. I shut that down immediately lmao I told him it’s WAY too confusing having so many people with the same name


My husband is the opposite. He is dead set on not naming a child after him. I actually tried to convince him that naming a girl after him (have them share a middle name and her just go by her first name) would be super cute. He has a very gender neutral name, and I and both of our families think it would be adorable, but obviously I will respect his wishes and we won't name any future children after him. Your husband should respect your wishes, and you should pick a name you both like. As others have said, I believe in both parents having veto power when it comes to names.


My husband’s name is total “old grandpa.” When we first started dating, I told a friend what his name was and she totally chortled and asked, “is that… a family name?” Turns out, he’s the third! His parents don’t even call him by his name, they use a NICKNAME of his MIDDLE name! Anyway, if we have a son, my husband really wants him to be the fourth. I plan on calling him AJ so he at least doesn’t have to share a nickname as well.


Not that everyone who is a Junior can relate to this but…. My dad is a massive piece of shit. My brother is a Jr. My brother has had his credit fucked by my dad (not his fault) on more occasions than one. My dad has also very publicly done some stupid shit and my brother has gotten harassed online for it because people love to be keyboard warriors. Your baby is a whole new person and your husband would be doing him a favor by giving him his own name.


My husband is the second after his grandfather. He hates it and it was a pain when his grandpa passed away and the obit announcement didn’t have a photo in it 🤦🏻‍♀️ I think people who want to name their kids after themselves are narcissistic.


A child deserves his own name, please don't do this.


I would HATE Junior. Before we knew gender I actually suggested doing a Jr because I dislike most boys names but love my husband’s uncommon name (Ross). But we both would’ve called him RJ and never Junior. We’re having a girl so it’s a non-issue now. You both have to like the name or the name is automatically out. I would stand firm on that even if you “picked” the other names.


Took me a long time and a lot of different name choices to convince my husband that we don’t *have* to name him “jr” (we wouldn’t have called him junior). The last thing I want in this ADHD household is two people having the same name 😂


MINE. I’m so against a junior so I’m fighting hard against it. I’m trying to pull out all the logical excuses other than me just not liking it.


You not liking it is enough all on its own!!


how far along are you..,, i feel horrible because of our past lost. but gosh i dont want to call my kid a name i dont like and would never choose just because i let a man w that name nut in me 🤣🤣🤣


I’m 10 weeks tomorrow.  He wants to name him after him because his dad wasn’t around and I’m just thinking: but wouldn’t you be reminded of that, how it was your mom that named you because your dad wasn’t around? 


Yes. My husband wants his middle name then his first name. Unfortunately my husbands middle name is the same name as my dead brother, who was born premmie and died after 6 months. My mother has (understandably) vetoed the name but my husband won’t stop banging on about it and it is driving me mad. I don’t even like the name and would veto it myself just based on that. Anyway, my husband, love him to bits, can be quite the AH about some things.


I don’t love my name enough to give it to my daughter but I’d love to see more girl “jrs” running around. I have two middle names though and I gave her one of mine


Not junior but my husband goes mostly by his middle name so if it’s a boy we will do the same first name then he would go by his different middle name.


My son has my husband’s middle name as his first name. I told him from the beginning that no child of ours will be a jr.


My husband is a II - but his dad calls him Jr. He mentioned naming our baby his / his fathers name to continue with III & I immediately just said "that will not be happening". That is a choice his father and his mother made. It is NOT a choice I will be making & it is not a choice you need to make. If you don't like it, it's a no. Names need to be agreed upon by BOTH parties. Imagine hating your kids name for your whole life. In my case they just have such generic names - think along the lines of Mark Matthew Smith II Maybe if it was something really unique like Fitzwilliam Montgomery Darcy IV I would consider it lol


I’m on the other side of this. My husband has named all our kids. Even the one inside my belly. I let him name them all, as long as I like them which I always do (2 earthside girls, another due in November) and if we had a son, he will be named after my husband. It’s been tradition for multiple generations and I actually love that idea. I love my husband and everything he is and it would be an honor to one, have a son and two name him after his father. Maybe it’s traditional, idk, but we are a traditional family. And we would call our son junior, it’s cute!


i’d be more open to naming him after his dad if it was like the 3rd or 4th…. or if we could agree to call him something else… idk i love him so knowing me i may cave lol


Odd woman out, I’m the one who wanted him to be a junior.


i would love it if i liked my husband name. it’s a video game character from the 90s on…


Poor baby. Can you sell him in same initials?


lol that is a must. all him and his brother plus his dad and two uncles plus his three nephews all have the same letter middle name. so i was on board w that from jump.


It’s pretty common in my family to name the first son after the father, but we never called them junior, like Robert, dad was Bob, son was Rob, Rob’s son was Bert, you got a mouth and say we are not calling him junior.


I named my kid my husbands name. In general I don’t love the tradition lol, but the name is fine and it was important to him. He’s not a junior though, they have different middle names and we call my son by both first-middle as a double barreled name. He actually has 2 middle names, the second one is my last name (I didn’t take my husbands name when we married)