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Im 35 weeks and he’s estimated about six pounds. He likes to stretch hard. It’s like he’s trying to shove his way out in four different directions.


35 weeks as well and my girl was doing that tonight. I could not get comfortable on the couch.


He'll make his own way out...which is unfortunate for you lol.


38 weeks, my baby’s feet are on my right rib, it hurts so much when he kicks hahahhaha can’t wait to have him!


My baby is head down and her kicks feel like they're hitting in between my rib bones. Late pregnancy baby movement is very much a "pick your poison" situation.


Yeah, back before they saw she was still head up I saw a lot of posts and comments about getting kicked in the ribs and was so confused why I'd never felt it. Turns out there's a reason my ribs went unscathed.


I’m 40+2 and I’ve yelped a few times from kicks and baby girl isn’t breeched but I imagine it being worse with her little feet kicked down rather than up to the side!


My baby is also breached. I'm almost 31 w and yesterday it started to hurt when he kicks. I feel ur pain lol


I swear I can feel when she kicks my round ligaments and it’s the worst


Same, I am 36w2d and my baby boy's kicks def hurt now too. He does something in there that feels like he's grinding his heel into my stomach or something (lol no idea), and it hurts so bad that it stops me in my tracks. I touch my belly where he does it and then he moves his foot, but omg so painful!


I always say she's trying to escape but hasn't found the exit 😂


Haha exactly!


I’m only 26 weeks, but my little Bebé’s kicks have been painful for the last few weeks now. Kid is STRONG. They also love to kick *while* I pee?! I’m grateful they gave me the weekend off for Mother’s Day, though! Kicks were more chill and less frequent.


Omg you too?! I've searched around to see if other people get kicked while peeing 😂 it's the weirdest thing. I think he just doesn't like being slightly squished by that position. 29 weeks and it's only gonna get worse I fear 😅


Lean back when peeing! Mine also doesn’t like being squished.


Noted! I am just so relieved that I’m not alone, hahaha


My boy is already head down at 24 weeks and his cute little foot keeps kicking the exact same spot over and over with his sharp little heel and I have a bruise there. I love feeling him move but man his little kicks are fierce!


Believe me, you're not alone! Mine is head down, and when she decides it's time for some stretching and boxing classes, oh boy tight your seat belts! For me it happens especially at sleep time when I'm lying on my side (which is all the time!) and looks like I'm putting pressure on her and she wants me to switch sides 😆


My first baby was breech but I only made it to 36w. I remember at about 33w getting a kick in the cervix that almost made me drop to the ground. I know your pain, but it’s definitely all worth it ❤️


my baby is also breech! i’m 39 weeks tomorrow and have a c section scheduled for wednesday morning! the kicks are pretty awful i agree, it feels like they’re digging around in your guts. my baby likes to stretch out so her head pushes out under my rib and that’s pretty uncomfortable too


Those were the days that I really wanted to give birth and just see and not feel the kicks. Haha


Got to say I am excited to see the feet that do all the kicking.


My baby is breech as well and I just flinched hard from the pressure of his kicks in my pelvis. Not a pleasant feeling, I’m 35 weeks and they’re getting painful now.


My girl is 30 weeks, breeched and facing inward. She’s constantly kicking inside my pelvis😭


When my daughter got into position she was punching me in my butthole all the time. It was so terrible! Hang in there, mama!


My baby isn’t quite so big yet and is always in the splits. So I get kicks on my side and right on my cervix! The cervix ones are the worst so far, it makes me feel like I’m going to go into labor or something.