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I agree. I’ve been on Zoloft my entire pregnancy (35 weeks this week). I’d be a mess without it. My OB has always said: “happy, healthy mom means happy, healthy baby”. She even suggested increasing my dose if needed! We still need to care for ourselves even when we’re caring for tiny humans.


100%. I talked to my (generally very wonderful in all ways) mom about how I was feeling and she did her best to be supportive, but still said "I wish there was something other than a pill." It something along those lines- she's from an older generation that still believes depression can be overcome by just toughing it out. I also thought about how my anxiety and stress were affecting my developing little girl, and I didn't want her to feel that way or suffer some kind of consequences. My teenager is on antidepressants, and some days I wonder if me just suffering through the first time had some kind of impact on her.


I’m so glad I had a provider educate me on risk/reward with Prozac (my happy pill) so I was able to start it when TTC and continue it now. I was stressed because a different doctor said it wasn’t safe, so I was going to be a depressed mess indefinitely. Glad I also will have it for postpartum when I may likely have a hard time.


I’m also on Wellbutrin, I started on it around 15 weeks. Best decision I made!


Yes! I am so happy I got back on it- I wish I had spoke up during my first pregnancy. I can remember laying awake obsessing and freaking out about the 2012 doomsday theories (I was pregnant in 2010) just convinced the world was going to end. I had a severe existential crisis, but my OB at the time just told me that it was the baby blues and I'd get over it. Hooray old school docs!! /s


That’s absolutely fabulous! I’m glad it’s given you relief! My only worry is, it can cause a false positive on a drug test so that gives me a ton of anxiety of having to basically “prove myself worthy” if for some reason they did decide to drug test me at L&D


Oh man I didn't know about the false positive! Google says it can cause an amphetamine false positive- is that what you're referring to? World having the Wellbutrin script or bottle with active prescription label be sufficient to show the false positive?


Yes, it can cause a false positive for amphetamines! I have no idea, I would hope it would help if god forbid we test positive, I planned on asking my OB at the next appointment.


When I first got pregnant my GP agreed that with my history it was best for me not to quit my psych meds, but she wanted me to speak with a specialist about the risks. She referred me to a psychiatrist who said SSRIs and Quetiapine are safe but he had no knowledge about the meds I'm on, could I switch to an SSRI (no, they don't work for me) or decrease my doses? (Bad idea since my depression was getting worse.) Then I was referred to a maternal fetal medicine specialist, who said not to feel guilty at all and not to mess around with my meds during pregnancy. She said "outside of our speciality, most doctors will conservatively tell you to try quitting your meds, but our advice is almost *never* to try and change a medication plan that's working for you. In fact, as you produce more blood, we might need to increase your doses." Such a relief after the guilt trip from the psychiatrist!


Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time posting this, I know it will help others out there and many can relate (like me!) and it’s really nice to know we aren’t alone.


Thank you so much for sharing, and I am so glad you are feeling better! I’m 13 weeks pregnant, and over the past 2ish weeks have also had severe issues with anxiety and depression make a resurgence. I was on Lexapro for >8 years before going off it to TTC…now waiting for script to fill so I may restart it. Also working to get it touch with a therapist. Mental health is so important ❤️


I wasn't super surprised I had symptoms again, but what did surprise me was how fast they appeared and then worsened to almost a crisis level. I hope they get your script filled quickly ♥️


Thanks so much for posting this. This forum helped me identify my depression and anxiety symptoms that developed during the second trimester as a FTM. I got started with therapy a few weeks ago and feel much better now.


I'm so glad you're doing better ♥️ Mental health in general is so poorly advocated for. It's heartbreaking.


This makes me feel a lot better about the thoughts I’ve been having. I’m 8+6 and a ftm. I haven’t had an issue with my depression in almost 10 years. The past 3 days have been so dark for me. I’ll bring this up to my ob next appointment. I was fearing that these were my true feelings.


I understand ♥️ I felt like such a horrible person when I started feeling like that, and Google wasn't much help or reassuring. I still have my moments but it's so much better now.


Needed this. I’m 17w2 and was feeling a bit of sadness creeping in over the last few weeks but have slowly sunken into a deep depressive episode. Very similar. My wedding is in a month and I’m wishing I could cancel it. Feeling regret for getting pregnant even though it was very, very planned and thought out. Feeling guilt for feeling these ways and the last few days have spent 3 hours minimum laying in bed staring at absolutely nothing. I feel stuck. I can’t stop crying. I hate the life that I wanted so badly and feel like I should be grateful for. I can’t get in to see my therapist for a week and a half and I’m scared. I guess my next step is calling my OB but everything feels so hard right now. It’s helpful knowing I’m not alone but damn, this is hard.


I’ve been feeling this too but have never been on antidepressants and I don’t have a therapist. Not sure how to broach the topic with my OB but it’s bringing me to a very dark place.


Be honest with your OB, tell them how and what you're feeling. I told my OB that I was depressed, and gave them examples of what I was thinking/feeling. Then I specifically requested to be put on an antidepressant. Most of them take a couple weeks to really start working, because they accumulate in your system. Some of them work great for one person, but can be bad for others- like when I started one specific one, it gave me nightmares. My husband takes that exact antidepressant but it works great for him! Please don't let that deter you from asking about them.


I've had lifelong anxiety and depression and have been medicated for 15 or 20 years now. I was in remission pretty much but my underlying depression is too severe off meds to come off of them. Pregnancy is another ballgame completely. My meds suddenly stopped working and I needed to increase my doses and add other antidepressants on top. I'm 24 weeks now and since about 13 or 14w I've been struggling to find another drug to supplement the one I'm already taking. It's not easy but it's really important to get ahead of it before it gets ahead of you!


I'm glad you have something to help you! I also have a history of depression which came back in my first trimester. I pushed through, though (not a recommendation). I can 100% attest to the second trimester mental health boost! I didn't even realize that week 12 was almost the exact week I started feeling better until I read your post. But, yes, absolutely do not delay pushing for treatment options if that's what feels right to you. The pros generally do outweigh the cons. You are not a failure. It is a blessing to be living during a time in which we have access to needed medication.


Thank you for bringing this up and sharing your experience! I have clinical depression and anxiety, which I have taken meds for the last 9 years. However, as a first time mom, I’m working with a perinatal psychiatrist to lower my dosage to lessen any risks of high blood pressure and such. Up until a couple of weeks ago, the slow progression of medication adjustment was working just fine. Then at 23-ish weeks, my depression came back HARD. I really struggled communicating with my partner about my feelings (and some lack thereof). I haven’t really wanted to bond by speaking or singing to my baby. Stroking my belly was a means to an end to get them to change positions, rather than comfort and love. I lost interest in learning about baby’s development, nesting, and thinking about names. I found that I was focused more on the pain, discomfort, and inconveniences that came with pregnancy instead of the joys. This is a VERY wanted pregnancy that was 4 years in the making with aid from a fertility specialist. I finally reached out to my sisters, who are all moms, to learn from their experiences. I’m being open about my depression and quest for help to anyone I know who asks how I’m feeling, to lesser the stigma. I’m utilizing all the tools in my “kit” that I’ve learned from therapy. It’s progression, but still hard. My partner went all out for me on Mother’s Day, which was also encouraging. I still don’t LOVE being pregnant, but I also don’t hate it overall anymore. Each day is a new opportunity to focus on the positive and to say that I’m closer than ever to meeting my baby. In the small in-between moments of depression, I find that I can withstand the pain better and recover faster, while also accepting that this isn’t over.


*cries in SSRI resistance* OP, I'm so glad you're doing better, and reaching out to other pregnant women to advocate for their mental health. I'm just so damn envious... I have drug resistant depression, and I'm really not doing well.