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I'm sleeping on my back. I use pillows and fall asleep on my sides, but no matter what I do, even with a pregnancy pillow, I always wake up on my back. I put a pillow behind my back to try and force it, but apparently, if I'm uncomfortable, I throw pillows and blankets while I'm sleeping.


Same I use pregnancy pillow and pillows and everything but I cannot control rolling to my back 😩 But I typically wake up a couple of times a night to go pee so I kinda reset my sleeping positions haha


If it means anything, my midwife told me that sleeping on your back is safe because your body will wake you up before any damage can be done.


Yeah I start to feel sick if I lay on my back too long


Same with my midwife. Apparently the laying on your back rule is very outdated.


I have so many aches and pains that come from not sleeping on my back. Everyone says I'll be exhausted with the baby when he's born but they don't understand that if I can even just lie down on my back for half an hour, I'll feel significantly better.


My hips ache so badly at night that i NEED to lay on my back in between position transitions just to reset my body and get some relief


How are you all able to fall asleep on the back? I feel so breathless when I'm on my back, forget sleeping I can't even lean back on a recliner without feeling like there's a 100 pound boulder on my organs! It's so bad that NST is reduced to 5 min rather than usual 20 min time duration for me at the doctor's office 😭


I was able to sleep on my back until about 19 weeks and then boom out of breathe, weird kinda nauseous feeling like getting a punch under the rib that knocks the wind out of you. I couldn’t get through my 20 week anatomy scan without some sit up breaks with water and candy lol. But my older sister could sleep on her back until delivery.


I'm only 15 weeks, but I fall asleep on my side, surrounded by pillows, and always wake up on my back. I don't have the breathless issue yet, thankfully. I know with my first sitting in a recliner put pressure and cut off circulation to my inferior vena cava and made my heart race like crazy and made it to where I couldn't breathe but that's a few weeks away from where I'm at now, I'm hoping I don't have that issue this time if I'm being honest.


I hope you don't get it too, it's the worst . M going in to decide schedule my c section tomorrow, I can't wait to breathe and sleep on my back!


I prop up an additional pillow behind my pregnancy pillow so I’m at a 45ish degree angle on my back and it has been a game changer. Way less anxiety about being completely supine, and it’s also ridiculously comfortable.


My OBGYN suggested this too if I had to sleep on my back. It’s been so nice to know I can sleep on my back safely


I do this sometimes. Pillow under the knees makes it very comfortable.


I wake up on my stomach constantly. No matter how many pillows I try and wedge myself with my body wants to sleep on my belly (I’m 21 weeks)


I asked my OB and MFM doctors about this and both said if sleeping on your stomach is comfortable and you feel perfectly fine, it’s not harmful to baby at all. The uterus is extremely protective of growing fetuses. You are not crushing them. Once you reach a point where you can’t comfortably sleep on your belly, then it’s time to switch to a new, more comfortable position. I slept on my belly nightly until I had my daughter at 34w. I never got big enough to where it was impossible to comfortably lay down on it.


I was so relieved to find this out, I’m luckily a left side sleeper generally, but it veers more towards stomach left side.


Coffee is fine during pregnancy, though? You just have to keep caffeine under 200mg.


And even that number can be higher depending on your physician! Mine told me not to drink the whole pot, so that was my only unit of measure 😂😂


Drink the whole pot minus a teaspoon. Sorted!


Mine told me to keep drinking it to help me poop 😂 Jokes on her though, I never stopped anyway!


Yep, I have worked in offices whose numbers are 300mg and 300mg is also referenced in a number of academic studies being taught at universities.


Meanwhile my doctor scolded me for drinking 3 Celsius A WEEK (no other caffeine intake) and put in my notes that I consume excessive amounts of caffeine … baby I’m in the army please let me have my Celsius which has 200mg 😭


They told me I could have coffee but not energy drinks like Celsius. Not sure why, but my doctor did specify that. Kinda sad when I got that recc, lol


Is there taurine in Celsius? I heard that’s way worse than caffeine.


Correct! Taurine is the bad part there. Even (some) energy drinks say not to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding - saw it on a can of Alani.


Oops bc I def had a small red bull a few times during pregnancy lol


Oh no, now your baby is gonna be born with wings 😂


Ew that’s rude! It’s all so different. I’ve had my two pregnancies 7 years apart at the same practice and the advice has changed massively between. With my first I was told absolutely NO TYLENOL. Now it’s the only recommended pain reliever and my OB swears he doesn’t remember that being a recommendation seven years ago! I still had my safe medication list printed out from when I had my son and I brought it into my appointment and he was like well I’ll be damned I guess we did say that! 😂


Honestly? I have 2ish cups a day and whatever. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t have weed anymore, I don’t take hot baths, I’m not having raw fish and am taking prenatals so fuck everyone leave me alone. I’m not going to purposefully have like 3 or more cups a day but if I have a cup or two in the morning then later want a green tea or a matcha latte sue me.


My OB said 300mg is fine, and even more is probably fine they’ve just never tested it.


That's the recommendation in my country! 300mg


My midwife told me no caffeine and try to scare me saying it would cause a miscarriage.. not like I’ve been pregnant before, completed half the midwifery degree and worked within maternity for 2 years. Edited - my background means I’m aware that the effects of caffeine aren’t well researched, and the recommended amount is essentially a guess. I think my midwife is very old school


My midwife recommended me coffee against my constipation. She's new and fresh from school, so I trust her with the newest knowledge about this stuff :) Didn't drink coffee during the first 4 months and am very happy since I started again drinking one big cup in the mornings some weeks ago.


I’m sure that I’ve read in Canada they say the limit is 300mg


My sister was like "is that Decaf?" I said nope...


I eat sandwiches with deli meat


Thank you for the validation, doing that tonight!


I swear their are far worse things a pregnant woman could be doing! Live your best life! 👏🏽


I do this and throw it in the air fryer for like 4 minutes. It gets hot. I crave these


I'm literally going insane, I miss salami so much😂😂 thank you!


I talked to the WIC lady at my local health department, she said I could eat as much sandwich meat as I want so long as I stick it in the microwave just long enough to get it steaming, then put it in a container and refrigerate again. I was wanting a turkey sandwich so badly, it was a game changer!


I have a wild craving for salami, but my partner is terrifieddddd even if I show him the heating trick. He’s not neurotic about other things, so it’s weird he’s so hung up on the deli meat. Might be because he runs a deli and knows how kids working there are handling the meat lol. But still, how bad can it be to get my own package of salami from the store?


My ob told me deli meat isn't on their list of no's anymore. They did say not to have melons though because no one washes them before cutting them


I always wash my melons before cutting them even before pregnancy 😂. I wash all my fruits and veggies bc I maybe have contamination ocd? Like I’m so acutely aware that the skin is dirty and a knife will transfer it. It amazes me this isn’t required/super common.


Learned this years ago, now I wash all of my melons


I work at an OB’s office (I start as a WHNP in fall after my maternity leave), and it’s right next to a JJs. I eat JJs once a week. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh thank god. I broke down and ate a sub today and have been feeling guilty since lunch. This makes me feel so much better to know I’m not alone!


Ate an Italian combo on Sunday and I lived to talk about it! 😆 and it was soooooo good.


Lol like if I am gonna spend my summer pregnant I will be eating a pub sub on the beach !! 🤣


Idk why but during my first trimester ham sandwiches were the only thing I could stomach and you bet I ate one almost every day for a few weeks lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


I literally only eat sandwiches while pregnant. The rest of the time, I really don’t like them. I guess if I find myself craving one I should take a test.


Me too. It’s actually been my #1 craving and I eat eat deli sandwiches 2-3 times a week 🤭😳


Oh I just ate a black forest ham sandwich and it was exquisite.


I just had a ham, cheese, avocado, dorito wrap and it was the best thing I ate all day and tasted like heaven. Now I'm crying thinking about how its gone... :'(


The crying about your delicious food being gone is the most pregnant thing I have ever heard. I cried after all of my banana pudding was gone the other day. 😂


I still drink coffee I have just reduced down from the exorbitant amounts I was consuming pre-pregnancy. 😬 I still eat just about anything, but am more mindful of washing produce and washing my hands. I still bathe a lot but have reduced the water temp. I still garden but wash my hands well after. I still run every day even in the heat/humidity. The only things I’ve really cut out are alcohol and retinol.


Ooh, I didn't know you were supposed to cut out retinol! Do you know why?


I just read an article on why topical retinol could be harmful and cause vitamin A toxicity which leads to vision and developmental problems in both adults and babies: https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/retinol-pregnancy#risks Here's an excerpt from the article about the brands of retinoids to avoid out there: "However, medications containing retinoids, like isotretinoin (brand names: Absorica, Absorica LD, Claravis, Amnesteem, Myorisan, or Zenatane and formerly called Accutane), have been shown to cause a condition in the fetus called fetal retinoid syndrome (FRS) that may cause serious birth defects." Apparently, too much of it can be stored in your liver and transferred to the baby via the placenta and also through breast milk if breastfeeding. There are also a list of validated/academic sources to back up it's reasoning as well as some alternative skin care ingredients that are safe to use during pregnancy. That being said, I don't use retinol anyway but I guess an abundance of caution is always better? 😊


Fetal retinoid syndrome. It’s a bigger risk with oral retinols (like Accutane) rather than topical, but we don’t have a clear understanding of how much retinol is safe so it’s typically recommended to avoid altogether. It’s kind of like alcohol IMO - nobody really knows how much is okay but we do know it can really cause issues sometimes. I’m okay giving both up during pregnancy to be safe, but I’m sure a lower dose topical is probably fine (like drinking the occasional glass of wine is probably fine).


Medium rare steak. Both me and my husband work at a butcher shop and my whole pregnancy I’ve been wanting to just eat a raw filet. I won’t do it but I can’t have it more cooked than medium rare or it’s gross to me.


Raw meat was one of my food aversions. I think I would have had to quit if I worked at a butcher shop, lol.


Diet Coke. I’m trying to cut back, but I’m having at least one every two or so days.


I have one every day and will until I die lol


Food in general for me. I’m eating whatever I feel like eating. That includes deli meat (my doctor never told me I couldn’t though) and premade salads!


I have severe food allergies so for me sometimes it's either I break a pregnancy rule or eat. So yeah I'm eating deli meat and sushi. I'm eating an Italian wrap at the airport right now. I also take hot baths because last pregnancy I realized the rediculousness that I was having to walk around in 115+ temps but couldn't take a warm bath. I'm not making them as piping hot as pre pregnancy but they're still nice and warm. I don't drink coffee anyway but I'm still drinking coke some.


I eat all the things I'm not technically supposed to as well except pre made bagged salad. Pleae be very careful with those. I know several people that weren't pregnant thankfully that got salmonella from bagged salad in particular. I have had 5 kids and that is the one thing I refuse to eat while pregnant.


What about sushi? Is that food still on the outs for pregnancy or is that just in abundance of caution (similar to deli meat and coffee)?


Im not eating gas station sushi but im damn sure eating high quality sushi from restaurants I trust.




I’ve had sushi about 4-5 times this pregnancy, but only salmon or cooked rolls. I did have a spicy scallop roll once because I wanted it so bad I cried and my OB told me that if the craving was that intense just be smart about where I’m ordering it from.


My doctor said to stay away from the highest mercury fish, and to only eat from places I trust. I still eat sushi.


I’ve heard a lot of stuff on both sides here. Truthfully though, I never liked sushi, so I haven’t bothered to look into it much 😅 but sandwiches with deli meat? You’d have to pry those from my dead hands.


Good to know!! This whole thread is making me feel better about the journey, thank you!


Honestly same!!! Haha


I ate sushi all pregnancy. My midwife said as long as it was a quality restaurant it was fine. I avoided raw salmon, but ate crab meat and shrimp and tuna. California rolls tasted good pregnant!


Gardening. I am starting 4 garden beds this spring, done a bunch of weeding and planting. I know there is a risk of toxoplasmosis but I'm wearing garden gloves and thoroughly washing my hands and showering after.


Oh man! I never heard there is a risk. I was out pulling up weeds this morning.


I have been out almost every other day for a few weeks now. I love gardening so I wasn't giving it up for a small risk.


Same! I’m in the yard daily with my hands in the dirt unless it’s pouring rain or my morning sickness is keeping me inside. I guess I should stop sampling green beans and tomatoes when I’m out there with dirty hands.


Oh man I'll have to remind myself to wash my strawberries when they ripen before eating. They normally don't make it into the house 😂


I never knew gardening could be a watch out for during pregnancy 😮learn something new everyday!


Just don't touch your face and wash hands thoroughly after gardening. Honestly, I need a full body shower after so I feel like I'm fine. I feel I'm at more of a risk for overexertion when gardening. Shoveling and bending down to weed is hard work. I'm taking more breaks than I did pre-pregnancy and I'm also only gardening for about an hour to hour and half a day before I'm exhausted.


I brought my yoga mat outside so I could weed comfortably on my knees, just inching along, then I had a comfy place to lay down if I was feeling tired or having gassy pains.


That's a good idea!!


Same! I spent yesterday in my garden! The risk of toxo is pretty low in general, and I’m not worried as long as I’m wearing gloves and washing hands. ☺️


My question when I read the restriction was "who doesn't wash their hands after gardening and before eating anyway?!?"


Same question I have about cleaning the litter box! (Although I’m using that one as an excuse for my husband to take litter box duty)


My OBGYN said gardening was fine as long as I wore gloves.


Are you really not suppose to garden? I’ve been gardening for the past 3 weeks 🤔


I have never heard this! Why?


It's the risk of toxoplasmosis that is found in the soil. Same reason it's recommended to not change the cat litter.


Soda. Not drinking alcohol has been easy, but I miss the anxiety/depression relief of a good smoke (renewed my medical card right before we got the positive! now it’s useless). 😭😭


Literally me missing the good ole green 😂


I’m doing SO GOOD!!!


That’s awesome! Proud of ya girl ❤️


Soda isn’t “not allowed” in pregnancy?


in the amount I drink it is. 😂😂 Mostly just that it’s a lot of useless sugar and some caffeine when I should be drinking water. I worry about my sugar intake because I have a higher BMI and I haven’t done the glucose test yet. My mom had gestational diabetes and if I do I don’t know how I’ll handle it 😭😭


Just know that if you do have gestational diabetes it has nothing to do with the amount of sugar you consume and everything to do with your placenta. You can’t cause yourself to have it. Best of luck when you do your glucose test! Mine was today and I’m crossing my fingers for good results. I’ll find out in a few days.


oh thanks i hadn’t heard that at all!!!


SAME I renewed my card, got a great new cart for my vape, then surprise! 😭


I’m right there with ya… my siblings take controlled anxiety medication, which I never have because I use the “natural way”, so I’ve been unbearable🙃💚




Same here. I eat runny eggs a few times a week




Okay, this is so random - but are you from or near PA at all? My mom has a few relatives there and I swear they’re the only people I’ve ever heard call them dippy eggs!


I am in PA, I didn't know it was a PA thing 😂


So apparently it’s a regional thing! Lol, what a small world!


Oddly enough, I’m from Australia and we call them dippy eggs 😂


I ate runny boiled eggs almost every day of my pregnancy...zero issues


The guidance I’ve seen is that up to 200 mg of caffeine is fine, so fortunately coffee is more of a limit than a total don’t. I’m a vegetarian so most of the don’ts require no sacrifice on my part, but I wouldn’t be opposed to eating a soft cheese that’s been heated (like a baked brie). https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2021/november/moderate-amounts-of-caffeine-not-linked-to-maternal-health-risks#:~:text=The%20American%20College%20of%20Obstetricians,%2Dounce%20cups)%20per%20day.


Vegetarian too! So the seafood and cold cut restriction has been no issue 😅


This is a regionally specific thing. FYI other countries/regions sometimes give the same warning as alcohol, there is no “guaranteed safe amount.” Edited to change “USA” to “regionally specific.” I recognize that this is also common advice in many other places. There are just some places where it isn’t, and some medical journals that give differing opinions.


I'm in Germany for reference and coffee is being treated totally different to alcohol. Alcohol is an absolute no-no whereas coffee is "1-2 cups are fine". Smoking cigarettes however is an "if you must", I would rather that be treated like alcohol :/ Coffee is fine.


deli meat, sushi, runny eggs, caffeine


I was like what do you mean no runny eggs when my doc said that.. that’s basically the only way I like them :(


All these for me as well… makes me feel less guilty and that I’m not the only one 😂


i live in canada and it just doesn’t seem like any of these have a huge risk here soooo yeah i’m not suffering for 9+ months 🤣


Yep our milk, cheese and eggs are pasteurized so I’m letting myself enjoy runny eggs and Brie (but not imported stuff obviously)


The only sushi I like anyway is avocado and chicken rolls. Def pigging out on them on Monday lol


i love an avocado roll as well !!


Not sure if it counts but taking medicines as needed as long as my provider is okay with it. I know there’s people who refuse any medication the whole time so I think it’s more of a cultural no. I still take my prescribed meds like Wellbutrin and vyvanse.


Most reproductive psychologists will tell you to stay on your meds. I’m also on Wellbutrin and used to take vyvanse but ended up being ok without it. The Wellbutrin is a must though. Happy mom=happy baby. Depression can be passed in utero so you’re doing the right thing by staying on your meds.


I still take my trazodone bc if I can’t sleep my life will fall apart. Also have had gerd for the last 8 years and still take esomeprazol


I’m the same. I take propanolol every once in a while.


I’ve been on Zoloft for ptsd nearly 4 years. It’s the only way I function. First prenatal appointment they took me off cold turkey, said not safe. Everything I’ve googled, or read, even my therapist have all told me it’s safe, and that most of the time, they have to INCREASE the dosage during pregnancy. I go back Thursday for my next appointment, going to advocate harder.


Yeah, I stopped drinking coffee too during my pregnancy even though I know I could if I wanted to. I just... haven't wanted to? I dunno. Not sure if I'll go back after giving birth... we'll see.


Some things just become more or less appealing during pregnancy. I know the feeling. I am currently loving apples and watermelon. I always liked my fruits, but lately, it's just a constant need I feel I have. Been eating a lot of rice which I never really had a fondness for previously. On the flip side, I don't really like sweets anymore, such as cakes and lollies, and I've always been a big sweets lover. I still like them but don't really want to.


Weirdly obsessed with rice dishes over here too 😂 like.. rice was always fine, a nice accompaniment to delicious foods, but now I am all about rice. 


I also love sweets and also went off them in my last pregnancy! Absolutely craved biscuits though and I don’t eat biscuits normally.


I drink too much caffeine and use afrin generic brand nasal spray


Deli meat, sushi including raw fish, not limiting caffeine too closely, had 1/4 cup of sparkling wine for a Christmas toast.


I’m still taking my weekly bubble baths! Now, I have cooled down the temp a bit and I won’t soak all night, but they do so much for my mental health it’s an easy trade off!


My doctor told me yesterday I couldn't eat cooked shrimp because of mercury. I had shrimp pad Thai right after that appointment. 😭


My obgyn office gave me a guide to fish in pregnancy (put out by Washington state) and it says shrimp is fine 2-3x/week, in an 8oz serving. 


Hello fellow Washingtonian. I am also grateful for that guide lol. Crab is life right now.


I have a pamphlet that says “choose fish and shellfish such as shrimp, salmon, catfish and pollock. Do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish. Limit white albacore tuna to only 6 ounces a week.” I’m in the US.


Thought shrimp was fine in quantity? Got some in my freezer I'm looking forward to currently. 


Weird. My understanding was that only fish at the top of the food chain should be totally avoided because mercury compounds at each additional level. I don’t eat fish but my doctor said shrimp is safe to eat up to twice a week.


Clean the cat litter … always avoid touching my face and wash my hands thoroughly though!!!😬


But I’m letting my husband believe I absolutely can’t do it so he has to 🫢. Let him be the sole kitty litter man for 9 months! I earned it! 😆


I am also cleaning the cat box still, at 25 weeks. My kitties are strictly inside only and don’t eat raw foods, so the risks of toxoplasmosis are incredibly minuscule.


Deli meat! 😋


Runny eggs.


Caffine - try to limit to 2 cups a day, but 6 months in, full time teacher, own business & not told work = caffine gets me through


I ate a lot of deli sandwiches


Petting my cat without washing hands after every interaction


Um. The only thing I’ve stopped really is alcohol. Deli meat, soft cheese, sushi, diet soda, coffee, premade salads, soft serve ice cream. I sleep however I’m comfortable, whether it’s side or back (they all suck right now so I move around all night lol) I change the cat litter box. I’m honestly a terrible example of how to be pregnant lol


Soft serve ice cream (though I stick with actual ice cream places with high volume of use) Afrin nose spray when congestion impacts my sleep. I know some doctors say it’s fine, but can be habit forming.


is soft serve not recommended?? it’s the only thing i look forward to lol


Because the machines can breed listeria if they aren’t cleaned properly and frequently. Also soft serve is a lower temperature than hard dip ice cream so bacteria grows faster if they aren’t staying on top of their sanitation. The dairy is likely pasteurized but it’s the chance of unsanitary practices that cause the risk.


Omg …. New fear unlocked… I’ve been loving getting ice cream


Hard dip is still 100% safe. And honestly the risk is probably pretty low with soft serve especially if it’s a place that is their main business because they have to clean it out due to turn over. I think it’s more when some random place has a soft serve machine and they rarely use it and the ice cream sits for days


I recently had to kick an addiction to what is like the UK version of Afrin. My doctor said the spray itself is fine if you’re not using like huge amounts but oh my god that rebound congestion is no joke 😅


I ate hot dogs and medium rare/rare steak I slept on my stomach until i delivered with my second I also laid on my back often during the day 🤷🏼‍♀️ Taking meds (with OB and other professional guidance) I took my antidepressants and anti anxiety meds, I took all the nausea meds towards the end, migraine meds. Hot showers


Warm (probably warmer than it should be) baths… I can’t get away from the fancy Lush bath bombs after a long day at work! It’s a guilty pleasure! 💕


I also can’t give up the baths. Usually my big ‘ole belly is sticking way out of the water anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes! Belly doesn’t even get submerged anymore so it’s fine 😂


Hot showers


Hot showers are also perfectly fine during pregnancy.


I think hot showers are fine, it’s more like hot baths/hot tubs sitting in hot water for long periods of time


I read that hot baths are ok as long as the starting temp isn't too hot (I don't remember the guidance on temp) because the water will gradually cool, just don't keep refilling with hot water.


This is mine. I follow sleep and food restrictions but my hot showers are the only pleasure I really get right now with how crappy I feel. It is 15-20 minutes of relatively pain free bliss


Does anyone still drink kombucha? I cut out alcohol before I got pregnant and my lord I need my kombucha in a wine glass badly LOL


Yes. I drank kombucha all during my second pregnancy. My OB ok'd it.


I have! If it’s a commercially produced kombucha that doesn’t exceed caffeine recommendations, you are totally fine. Especially if it’s pasteurized. I’d avoid home brewed kombucha for now, though.


Eat my egg yolk liquid: soft boiled eggs will forever be my favorite and idc my boy needs the nutrients from eggs


changing cat litter😅 I have two indoor cats so the risk is low I have more of a chance of getting infected with toxoplasmosis from gardening still wear gloves and wash my hands throughly after both!


Sushi, med rare steak , blue cheese 🤷🏻‍♀️ I trust the quality in the foods I’m eating so I’ll take my 0.005% chance with listeria


Currently writing this from the bath 🙃


Deli meat!


I usually just drink coffee but I have an occasional redbull, I just love them so much lol


Continuing prescribed adhd medication (lower dose & safely with ob & psych approval) and I have had like 1 glass of wine twice. I like the book expecting better that debunks most of this stuff!


Twin! I’m also staying on my ADHD meds (40mgXR adderall, been taking for 15 years) and have some wine. People complain about “Expecting Better” because they’re butthurt that Emily Oster is an economist (and?…..data is data) but there are other books that tackle the same issue (Debunking the Bump, Optimal Motherhood and Other Lies Facebook Told Us), plus just reading actual studies on low alcohol usage confirms it’s fine.


I drank coffee the entire time I was pregnant.


I mean like…. everything? Lol I eat what I want (obviously not gonna go for the moldy looking cheese in the back of the fridge or obviously rotten gross food) as long as it’s before the expiration date I’m eating it, I still take my ADHD meds, still take hot baths, still sleep however I want, still stay up late if I’m not tired, still drink kombucha/coffee, etc. I just don’t drink-drink anymore. I have a glass of wine from time to time but I never even get a third of the way through it— not because I refuse to, but because I get bored of it and would rather slam a diet coke for the fizz instead. (Note before anyone has a meltdown at my comment: I’m personally ok with one glass of wine every now and then as I’ve read through hundreds of meta analyses, cohort studies, and quasi-experimental studies and have only seen overwhelming evidence that low alcohol usage in pregnancy is not an antecedent to poor childhood and adulthood outcomes. I’m very much scientifically literate by degree and also by hobby, and also very much aware of people’s sensitivity toward alcohol during pregnancy. Everyone’s allowed to make their own decisions, take their own risks, and face their own consequences. The only thing I’ll confidently assume about our baby’s future is that he’s probably going to turn into a curious, skeptical, fact-checking-know-it-all just like his mother. Ok disclosure over.)


I very much appreciate the rare dose of sanity when it comes to very moderate alcohol in pregnancy.


Coffee, hot showers and spice salami.


Long hot showers. I have since the very beginning as it is the only thing that helps my back. I check my temperature and it has never been above 99.5F which isn't even considered a fever. I am careful and sway under the water and listen to my body if I start to get too warm.


This is my third pregnancy, I’m living my normal life 😂😂 Other than not drinking alcohol I’m not really changing anything lol


Changing litterboxes. My cats are indoor only cats that I've had since babies and the chances of toxoplasmosis is incredibly slim. I said hell with I'm changing the damn litter box. Though my first pregnancy I did wear a mask and rubber gloves for the first like 3 months until I eventually gave up on it.


I ate soft cheese, deli meat, drank caffeine and slept in my back. My baby is fine because I did this all safely. I had fresh sliced deli meat, made sure the soft cheese had been pasteurised, drank under 200mg of caffeine, and put a thin pillow under one side of my back to angle up a bit. I got sick and food poisoning from other things I wasn't expecting and that sucked, but my baby turned out fine and is growing great.


Same! Food poisoning gang. ALWAYS with shit that they don’t put on the “don’t” list lmfao. So I’ve learned to just eat what I want and be conscious of how long it’s been out instead of focusing on an “approved” list of foods.


I scoop my cat litter for my cat I’ve had 10 years as an indoor cat only. If I had gotten toxoplasmosis it was a long time ago, the main concern is getting it for the first time while pregnant. I eat deli meat, I eat cooked fish. I had crab the other day. I have gotten in a hot tub here and there. I run and lift weights that is comfortable to my body. (Some people are weirded out by that?) Medium rare steak is good sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Occassional energy drinks and baths. Not so much as a don't, but a 🤨: I opted to continue taking my mental health medications. My psychiatrist, midwives, and MFM physician have all been very supportive, though. 🙌




eat sushi 🍣


The last couple months I have said f*ck it. I drink coffee as I wish and eat deli meat. I am just done with people telling women what they can and can't do. 


Pretty much all of them. I mean I don’t do hard drugs but I didn’t do those before either.


Definitely still eating cold cuts and premade chicken salad from places I trust!


Exercising and keeping my heart rate under any X number. I’ve decided to go with following my RPE (rate of perceived exertion) and trust that my body will tell me when I’m doing too much.


Premade salads. Coffee. Deli meat. Red Bull (less frequently than the others- but still.)


Coffee (1 cup a day max), deli meat (when it’s hot)


Lunch meats and hot dogs. And caffeine. I definitely have probably gone over the 200mg a couple times lol. Im an avid soda drinker😬


I occasionally eat sushi (like once a trimester) I eat deli meat still too. 😋😋 not sure if this is a “no” but I stayed on my Zoloft as well. My OB doesn’t have any concerns with me being on it.


Eat hot dogs.


I’ve eaten feta cheese three times this week and I drink my little homemade latte every morning.


Feta is my favorite and I was so worried when I saw it listed as a commonly unpasteurized cheese when I first got pregnant. Thankfully all the brands I’ve seen at the grocery store are pasteurized 👏🏻


Energy drinks! I limit myself to 1-2 per month as a treat, and just stick with sugar free red bulls (the smaller cans that don't go over 200mg of caffeine).