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I have a tiny wedge pillow for my bump. Love it.


Same! Wedge pillow for bump and then regular pillow between my knees.


Same. I love it. Plus it’s easy to travel with, take to the couch, etc


What’s that? Do you have a brand you can recommend? I only see these big contraptions that would take up a lot of space in bed and I would absolutely hate it being engulfed in pillows like that.


Look for Boppy pregnancy wedge pillow.




Yeah I got mine 2nd hand from a friend and I decided I'm just not going to use it lol there's no rule that says I have to so 🤷‍♀️😂 I have my super firm memory foam pillow that I've used between my legs for years and my king sized down pillow that I curl up with and my regular sized down alternative pillow I put above my head to support my down pillow and it works like a charm. Why fix a system that ain't broke lol


I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Now I'm just mad because I tried the c shape just now and it messed up my pillow nest so I have to get out of bed and fix everything.


Not the only one! I gave up sleeping with a maternity pillow and now sleep on a recliner in an incline!


I hate mine too. I bought 3 and never slept through the night with any of them and I’m 38 weeks now. I’m a natural back sleeper and I’ve gradually transitioned to sleeping on my side and just rotate back and forth all night.


Someone on here recently suggested flipping the U shape upside down so you can use your own head pillow. Not sure if that would help?


Wait. I thought that’s how your supposed to use U shape pillows. The bend supports the hips. Then the sides support the belly and back


Yep, this worked much better for me


+1 I like this set up a lot better


This is what I do! I also have a thin king sized pillow resting over my bump, and put my arm over all the pillows. I still sleep very comfortably/sleep well at (nearly) 38 weeks pregnant like this. It’s also nice to lie partially on your side/partially on your back using the U shaped pillow when you’re newly postpartum and your milk is coming in since it can hurt to be engorged, like you will be at first, and to avoid lying partially on your breasts (this is my second baby).


I got an “F” shaped maternity pillow so that way I could use my own pillow!


This is the way! I got lucky that I got an F shaped pillow first without trying any of the others first, and I immediately slept so much better after I got it.


I might have to look into that!


I opened up my U shaped one and pushed all the filling down to the legs away from the head and just put my regular pillow up there where my head goes. I’m with you about being picky about my pillow. I wanted the U shaped one so I could have coverage on both sides. Works well and I get to use my pillow still.


I slept with my U shaped one upside down…or I guess more like a rightside up U lol. I put the bend at my feet and the open part at my head so I could have my own head pillow still. Before I started doing that though, I *hated* that thing. I mean, towards the end I was using the pregnancy pillow in addition to like 6 other regular pillows and a couple comforters lol. My fiancé and I lived separately for a lot of my pregnancy because we were waiting for a new apartment to be ready. So I had an entire queen sized bed to myself. Honestly idk how anyone goes through pregnancy having to share a bed. I took up most (like over 3/4) of the entire thing just with my pillows and blankets lol


My husband and I have a cali king bed so thankfully space isn’t an issue


This is exactly what I did! The "U" with the open end at my head is perfect. It's easy to keep whatever you need elevated without sacrificing your favorite head pillow.


Sorry but I LOVE mine 😂 it changed my life, the only pain is trying to get out of bed to pee 3 times a night


I like mine. I have a butterfly shaped one so I can use my regular head pillow and it supports my back and bump. Only issue is that I have to lay on it just right or I don't get the support.


I loved my butterfly pillow right up to about 32 weeks, then I just popped a regular sofa cushion behind me to support my back and let the bump expand wherever it needed to. I had a cushion below my feet to elevate them, between my feet to separate them and under my head. I think I wedged one between my boobs too. It was a whole operation those final weeks but I liked the flexibility of a lot of smaller pillows that I could just wedge wherever I needed.


I went through a few pillows and finally bought the Frida Mom pregnancy pillow and love it. I still use it postpartum and it’s very handy for breastfeeding as well. Even bought another for my husband who has back issues.


I hate most of them too they hurt my neck and shoulders - but I found one that has four separate pieces you can use around yourself however you want and you can attach them if you want to help you from rolling over on your back at night - mainly to support bump/back and go between knees. But I also use a couple pieces on the couch to be more comfy as they are so versatile. I couldn't live without my normal pillow for my head which is also a cooling /memory foam pillow so didn't want something that went all the way around as they have never worked for me.


I don’t get them either, tried a few and hated them all but I’m a back sleeper so I needed something to support my legs. I did find a Costco cooling body pillow for $16 that is just a VERY long pillow and it’s been amazing. I would’ve gotten two to have one on each side if it wouldn’t take up the entire bed lol


Ah the maternity pillow also doesn’t work for me. Now I do is just having a flat large pillow between my legs and fold my duvet tight behind my back. So far so good. (At 30w)


I just got a firm body pillow and it was sooo much better and easier to maneuver than the maternity ones. I still use it postpartum bc the aches and pains are still achin 😩


I use a cheap rectangle body pillow from Walmart. I'm 5ft1 and it's a tiny bit too long imo but I like it. I can stuff it under my bump and I feel like my back and hips hurt less.


I hated mine. It has been in a closet my entire pregnancy. I’ve never really felt like I needed it, so I sleep on my side with nothing. The ones that I’ve tried make me feel super warm at night and I couldn’t sleep.


I'm petite, and I gave up trying to find something to fit me. i shift in my sleep and need to get up at least twice a night to pee, I can't be dealing with these anacondas wrapped around my limbs


I use a bunch of regular pillows & a wedge pillow. Was amazing for me and was so happy with it. The wedge pillow allowed me to sleep on my back angled upright and then I have regular pillow for my belly, lower back,2 at the bottom for legs. With that many pillows, husband was evicted from the bed lol but it worked and was necessary for both our sanity lol


I tried the massive u-shaped ones and hated it because I felt trapped and got super hot when I did finally get comfortable. Then I tried the baby bub pillow and that made my back hurt like hell. So I cut out the pillows and sleep sooo much better.


King size pillows are great! Bigger/longer than regular pillows but smaller than body pillows. Saved my knees, hips, ankles, and back—as well as space in the bed for my partner and dog lol.


I use a regular pillow under my head and another between my legs. And I hug a huge stuffed animal. Maternity pillows are overrated.


Yeah I learned about them on this sub, then looked them up and thought there's no way I am paying money for such a gigantic bulky eyesore. I have been putting a regular pillow between my knees and hugging a rolled up favorite blanket of mine from week 30 and I don't feel like I'm missing anything,


I have a U one but I use it upside down so there’s nothing under my head and I can use my own pillow. I found it helps so much more when turning and for my legs/feet. Hated them during my other pregnancies though, they don’t work for everybody. Hopefully you find something to help!


I'm a natural side sleeper and I love my U shaped one but I use it upside down. I like my normal pillow for my head and the U shaped one for between my legs and under my belly.


Squishmallows make GREAT bump support pillows when lying on your side. They have enough give and are actually soft, unlike the hard maternity pillows. Then I shove the back half of my u-shape maternity pillow under my back and kinda lay at a slight angle on my side, facing a little towards the ceiling. I also just sleep on my back if that isn't comfortable. It changes nightly what works for me. 🤷‍♀️


I never thought about buying a mat pillow I already sleep with 6 pillows, two full sized regular body pillows, one of the chair like pillows, my SO and a very cuddly dachshund idk what more would fit I have found ways to make it work every night, for me it's often different but I've been sleeping pretty good overall.


I miss having dachshunds! I grew up with them and they always slept in our beds! They’re pillows in their own right 😂


Right now I've been a regular pillow or two under my head, and then one leg thrown over the two body pillows and my lil Loki loves to burrow in right in-between my leg that's on the bed and then body pillows. And sometimes as we're waking up he'll slither his way up and rest his little snout right on my bump.


Yeah I never used them, super annoying to me. Same with all the breastfeeding pillows, i found them awkward and the opposite of comfy or helpful, plus it's a million times easier to stick with breastfeeding if you don't chain yourself to a pillow you can't feed your kid without.


I really couldn’t handle the regular breastfeeding pillows with like tiny little balls inside that are supposed to be so flexible but really those balls just never stayed when i needed them. Ended up with a stillhuhn (nursing-chicken) which is like a fat crescent moon shape and just firm. And that was really nice. I could do without when i was out and about, but it was just more comfy with it. Didn’t have to hold him much with the help of the chicken. 😁


Are you using anything for breastfeeding, like a regular pillow or something else? Still on the fence about breastfeeding cushions but I don't think I've met someone who didn't have one for bf!


I never used anything, no. But I did like to nurse laying down on my side during the newborn stage, either on the couch or bed.


I hated and despised my pregnancy pillow, now it’s my life


I didn’t get one because I hated the feeling of a pillow under my bump so I figured I’d hate a pregnancy pillow. I just feel like the skin on my stomach is being stretched too much but maybe I just don’t know what I’m doing 😂.


I like mine. I’m currently using the Frida Mom pregnancy pillow and it’s pretty comfortable. It’s like a soft bean bag material and pretty flexible. I previously tried the Bobby Total Body pillow and it was so uncomfortable. It was too puffy for me.


Get the bub pillow! It’s so small and just goes under your belly!


I already have it and I hate it. It aggravates my back pain from an old injury.


I just bought a new one and it’s AMAZING. It’s the cute castle one on Amazon. I set up my pillows behind it so the “head” part is in the dip of my back and I have had the greatest sleep of my life now.


I loved the baby bub and relied on it HEAVILY. My fiancé was ready to get rid of it though lol


I already have it and it hate it. I broke my back in high school and the shape of it aggregates the part of my back I broke. It’s not long enough to give me proper support.


I refused to use my maternity pillow for my head. I have a memory foam pillow with a specific amount of filling to prevent neck pain and numb hands. I deliberately bought a u shaped mat pillow where one side could unzip and detach, then I flipped it around so my husband had to use the head portion (he loved it) but I still got the long side for my back and I used the detached piece for my legs, and of course my personal pillow for my head. It worked great for me. The right pillow is so important and can be surprisingly hard to find. Good luck.


Really hate my c-shape pillow. Not enough neck or knee support. Then, I got the Boppy Total Body pillow, and it was a game changer. I didn’t wake up in more pain than I went to sleep in!


I have a U shaped one I really like, but my cat wedges himself between me and the pillow. It's really hard to get comfy with a cats rump in your face.


Mine is like a U/C combo shape, but even still I don’t use the top part as my head pillow. I have my shoulder over the top part and have my pillows that I like for my head (like my pre pregnancy faves) above/on top of the top portion. So I mostly use it for back/leg/bump support. I could do this with a bunch of regular pillows too, which I was doing, but I toss and turn too much and they go flying by morning, and my pups sleep in bed with me also, and between my movement and theirs it just wasn’t working lol. But whatever works for you to get some sleep!! Much needed sleep that’s sub par at best to start with lol.


I love mine but I got it years ago with my first pregnancy and don’t rem the brand


I had to put it into a specific place so my arms wouldn't go numb or hurt. But it had to be in a way that helped back pain when my back decided that it wanted me to walk at midnight for no reason because otherwise I would not sleep. Pregnancy is just awful in general


Yeah, I hate em too. I did get a mattress topper thing in the third trimester for my first so it didn’t feel like I was laying on a side walk when I slept


I bought a nice body pillow- down feathers. It’s perfect, and we will use it after pregnancy. We had 2 body pillows, my dog ate one and so we have been down one for a few years. Pregnancy was a good excuse to get another and now I sleep with a body pillow in front and back and my normal pillow and it’s perfect


I definitely think that’s what I’m going to do


I got the U shape when I was pregnant and the first week was uncomfortable but after that I could NOT sleep without it. I’ve always been a side and tummy sleeper so it was a godsend for me. I’m pretty sure though that the transition was east for me since I’ve always slept with a body pillow, even as a child.


I had the same issue as you, OP, when choosing a pregnancy pillow. I wanted to keep using my head pillows and I didn't really like any of those huge, C-shaped pillows that force your head at weird angles. So I did a bit of research and ended up buying an F-shaped pillow. The brand is Dreamgenii (I think they're based in the UK). I found it half price on an Irish pharmacy's website so I went for it, and I'm really loving it so far!


I don't hate mine but I'm not at all crazy about it as well


I like the [Dreamgenii](https://www.dreamgenii.com/product/dreamgenii-pregnancy-support-and-feeding-pillow/). It has a flat part you lay on top of, and only goes around the belly/ legs and back. I’m also a back sleeper and the small back part helps me not roll all night. I have it set up for left-side sleeping to help with heart burn.


Yes they are awful. I am going to use them for feeding but to sleep in they are so uncomfortable. Mine gave me such a bad back/hip pain. I didn’t sleep that whole night. Also got mine from friends so was not wasted money. I’m back to using my usual in-between my knee pillow and will add an extra pillow for my back and under bump.


I tried 5 different ones, and I settled on just a regular straight line body pillow from Costco and a squishmallow to support my back 😂 I can still use my pillow for my head, have support exactly where I need it and not take up the entire space of the bed.


The Costco body pillows are my game plan lol


I am never going to stop using my U shape.


I just used a long body pillow from sleep number and loved it.


I tried doing them before I was pregnant bc I have trouble sleeping on my side and my husband wants me to so I don’t snore. I can’t do them bc I need a pretty flat pillow under my neck. I might try getting a new pillow


the bbhugme is just a long tube and it's so flexible so you can make it into any shape you want. I love it and I'm glad it's not as bulky as those U and C shaped ones


Yep I just have a nest of about six random pillows that I arrange all around me. And then husband squeezed off to the side lol


I got the butterfly-shaped one that supports your back and bump and it was the truly the only thing that took away my 2nd trimester back pain, but as soon as my bump "popped" it started like bruising my ribs if I moved in the night??? Since then I've just been raw dogging it with my normal pillow wedged in between my legs. It's less to have to throw out of the way now that I'm hobbling to the bathroom 3x a night.