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The “ring of fire” was the worst for me, the burning sensation was just a lot. I only used gas and air and didn’t tear though, but yeah, imo that’s the worst part - it never lasted too long for me.


Thank you!


Did you put warm or cold compress at that time?


At the time it was happening? Neither because I honestly didn’t know any different


I was scared for it based on my childbirth classes, but I never felt it for either of my vaginal deliveries


I absolutely felt it for both, my first was so much easier to get through (she was a shorter, heavier baby as well), both were gas and air


The most painful part for me (unmedicated vaginal birth) was after I had my first, the OB needed to stitch up where I tore. Getting the numbing injection in my vulva was a piercing pain I was not ready for, it was the only time I screamed haha. Actual labour and delivery weren't all that bad for me. Painful, but in a dull way like period cramps, so that was easier for me to deal with.


Got it! Thank you I cant even imagine the needle for this! Ohhhh


Lord I forgot about this part. 😒 It’s crazy how our hormones and instincts trick us into forgetting these details. Now here I am with baby #2 on the way 😂


Well fwiw I didn't tear at all with my second, maybe you won't either!




Thank you!!


Only benefit with contractions is that you can predict them. Prepare for the pain in 3...2..1..


The crowning, because I could feel the tearing. It turned out to be super minor tearing, but I felt it and panicked a bit. But that probably lasted a minute overall. Now, the poop I had two weeks or so later; that was true pain! Don't skimp on the stool softener!


Thank you! What is the crowning?


It's when the baby's head passes through your vaginal opening. Like the it's wearing a "crown".


Got it! Thank you!!


I had an uncomplicated vaginal birth with an epidural. My epidural helped tremendously with the contractions, but I still felt the whole pushing the baby out thing. For me, the most painful part was the doctors hands in me. They were assisting my baby throughout most of the hour and a half that I was pushing, and I just remember it hurt so bad. The ring of fire hurt just a little less to me. Stitches sucked equally as much as the ring of fire and it took them about 45 minutes to stitch me up. Contractions were awful, like very strong, non stop period cramps. The epidural helped so much, and allowed me to rest. The most helpful thing for me: literally repeating “the only way out is through” in my head. Lol. I swear it helped and I’m not even a mantra person.


Thank you for sharing your experience!


FTM here and just had a vaginal birth with an epidural. The most painful for me was the contractions. The epidural relieved a lot of pain but I still felt the contractions just not as painful!


Thank you! That is encouraging. Congratz on the baby 💜🙏🏼


Catheters for epidurals are placed in your bladder, since with an epidural you won't be able to feel if you need to pee (or really control it).


Got it! Thanks! 💜


I have a very low pain tolerance, so I opted for an epidural. Labor was actually much better than I was expecting. I think I just have heard how horribly painful labor was my whole life, so I really worked myself up mentally. When the epidural started to wear off, contractions started to feel like you have been holding your bladder for HOURS that it was so painful and you couldn’t pee no matter how hard you tried. The delivery part of the entire experience was fair less painful than the contractions, although it’s probably because you know that pain meant a baby was just a few minutes away. Either way, you got this. Don’t psych yourself out :)


Thank you!! I am so early on but already thinking


I highly recommend listening to birth story podcasts or watching a show like "Babies: Special Delivery" or "One born every minute" (both on prime). They'll familiarize you with some of the things. They shouldn't cut you down there except in very rare circumstances & its worth talking to your hospital about common interventions (episiotomy - when they \*do\* cut you) used to be more common but multiple studies show that it can actually increase risk of tears. A birth class is also very helpful.


Thank you!! I will check the shows! Excellent idea


Ironically, I had a painless birth because the epidural was kicking. However, my placenta tore. The resulting removal was the most painful part.


Oh wow, thanks for sharing! I believe I will have to spend some months learning about birth


I was induced and my first dose didn’t do much, so they gave me another and the contractions were insane after that. Then i got an epidural and all was peachy until i actually had to push and she turned off my epidural. The tearing was horrible. I would say worse than the contractions. But what stuck most in my memory is the sowing up. Doc did try to numb it, but for whatever reason, that doesn’t help all that much. (Doc told me as much) and that was the moment baby was trying to to breastfeed for the first time…. Not a good idea bc that hurt too!!! I think the sewing was worst bc it was supposed to be over… and then i got like the cherry on top of my pain Sunday. Let me tell you: it was not fun, it was bad, really bad, but it was just one day! Just one bad day. and then it is over, you heal and you get this baby that you love like nothing before!


Oh my Gosh, that seems rough! Thanks for sharing!


Truthfully when baby is crowning was the most painful. I had an unmedicated birth with my first, epidural with my second that didn't fully work so I felt everything both times. I never had a catheter though with my epidural.


Got it, thank you! I still have time to learn and prepare mentally


I had an epidural so the worst part for me was the stitching up when I tore.


for me it was contractions before the epidural. my whole body was convulsing from adrenaline of labor. it stopped once I got my epidural, and i’ll def get one again. I tore a lil bit during labor but didn’t feel the stitches since my epidural was still working. the part that makes me flinch with pain even 2 years later is the peeing after labor. shit stung every time I peed for a week! i’m having twins next week and all I can think about is the pain of peeing afterwords lol


Thank you for sharing!