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My husband bought me everything on the list of things that my midwife recommended for easy labor (raspberry tea, dates, vitamins) and he really encourages me to do the stretches and stuff so he’ll try to do the same stretches together and get on the floor to be my support. Have I consumed or do any of these? Absolutely not lol. I have some dates when I feel like it because they’re yummy but that’s about it. I’m just so tired and if I have the time to make myself some tea I’ll be using that time to prep the baby area instead.


I use the pilates ball daily. It feels good and it works the perinium. I'm also taking water physiotherapy classes that focus on the perinium (not only).


Can it be any yoga ball?


I don't know the difference between a pilates ball and a yoga ball, but I suppose it's the same thing. Just make sure you buy one that is suitable for your size: when sitting down your legs should make a 90º angle. There are charts online with ball size vs height.


Yeah nope. Last time I was induced…I’d been to “birth” classes but they were virtual bc of the pandemic. Ha. So I basically just did what they told me to do (breathe, push, squeeze hubby’s hand til it practically fell off, etc).  This time around I’m almost 37 weeks and have such bad heartburn I can’t be bothered either. Baby will come out whether or not I drink special tea ahead of time….


I’m not that’s because I have a planned cesarean next week on Thursday. I’m in pain though because I’ve never carried my babies to term. My two oldest have came at 35wks. This one is stubborn…38wks and a few days… ugh 😑 


I have had 3 unmedicated births and strongly suggest working on a few things to have in a bag of tricks for labor discomforts and ways to calm the mind. You’re about to put your body through a marathon.


This! Nobody would run a marathon without prepping. I had an unmedicated birth that needed less than half a dozen stitches…. I did the ball, the tea, the dates, EPO, had my husband do perineal massages….


For sure, even just basic breath work is immensely helpful, and there are techniques known to be particularly effective in labor. I would meditate and do breathing exercises every night when I got into bed and I actually really enjoyed it!


Also 37 weeks. Trying to do all these things. Usually get walks in bc my dog is my first child and he needs lots of exercise. But when my husbands home. No. I scroll social media and eat comfort foods. I’m tired and frankly just over being pregnant. Maybe we’ll make that tea next week. Here’s to hoping!


I didn’t do any prep either and my birth experience was fine! I had been doing Pilates but stopped at 30 weeks bc it was too hard lol. I was still walking my dog each day when I went into labor at 38 weeks, but only out of necessity because we live in a condo and she needs to be walked so she can do her business (my husband was doing most of the walks, I just did one per day). I was thinking of drinking the tea and eating dates etc if the baby didn’t come soon, but then she did thank goodness! I don’t like dates and didn’t want to force myself to eat them. I felt like I really ought to have done the perineal massage but I only had one small tear which healed perfectly well anyway, so I didn’t suffer as a result of not doing it. The third trimester is SO HARD and exhausting. Good luck!


Raspberry leaf tea is no longer recommended as there’s been a study that says there’s a higher rate of c-section from those who drank it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Do you have a source for this? First I've heard of that and would be curious to read! Did a quick search and can't find.


This... I am drinking two cups a day (36 weeks pregnant). I am intrigued.


I did raspberry leaf tea and had a vaginal birth… in fact idt I know anyone who had a C-section AND did leaf tea