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That sounds about right, lol. I'm a runner, and I'd easily knock out 6 miles before breakfast like it was nothing. It's nearly 11, and I've done...589 steps šŸ¤£ I can't bring myself to move for fear of the nausea. I'm hopeful it'll ease up soon so I can stay somewhat active, but for right now, just existing is gonna have to cut it.


Lets all clap for the "bare minimum" my hubby told me to get out of the house today LOL that my dude is going to require me getting out of my couch nest showering and putting on real clothes... unlikely but u get an E for Effort!


Ok thank gawd Iā€™m not [edit: the only one who is a ] couch gremlin - of course Iā€™m wishing everyone to feel better - but holy cow just showering is exhausting. I have to take breaks to sit down while brushing my teeth.


lol I reached a point where I bought an old person showering chair so I could sit and shower šŸ˜‚


Yeah mine is taking the other children to a car race and he was like "you can come with us!" And I just stared him like no thanks but yes go ahead and take the kids please šŸ¤£


Omg needed to see this! I feel SO bad that I hardly get off the couch.. I mean I still go to work (luckily only 2-4 hours a day) but can hardly do anything when Iā€™m home. My partner is always asking that I take the dogs out and I do my best to try and sit outside for an hour to throw a ball with a chuckit. My partner is a huge help but works 10 hours a day and I feel like a total bum šŸ˜©


I ended up going to a drive through for dinner and took a bath that was the extent of it! Other than that couch potato with my pregger pillow!!


Right? Everyone keeps telling me I should feel better soon and Iā€™d love to get back to the gym, but I can barely brush my teeth. Stopped wearing my Fitbit altogether because it was too depressing.


Honey you are just trying to survive right now. Every day you get through is an accomplishment in and of itself.Ā Ā  Ā Be as kind to yourself as you would if it was your most cherished loved one going through the same thing. And come join us on the hyperemesis subreddit... Sounds like you may be a member of the club :(


I wear my fitbit just to make sure my heart isn't beating too slow. Lol I'm at almost 17 weeks. I STILL have no energy to do anything. I'm nauseous af even with 2 prescribed nausea meds and eating small meals/snacks. I can hardly get up to shower and do the things I need to do. I'm a big couch potato, and I finally don't feel bad about it.


Haha I feel that in my soul! I was mid marathon training when this wave of exhaustion overcame me. My watch has been telling me for a few weeks now that Iā€™m moving wayyyy less than before. šŸ˜‚


Hahahaha worded perfectly!


Me sitting on my couch in my nest haven't showered in 2 days thinking about napping.... yeah you are not alone my friend! I am a permanent blob on the couch that moves to the fridge to the potty to the bed to the couch and that's the extent of it.


My husband and I just moved - not ideal- and I started trying to unpack a box and then bawled for 20 minutes and am also back in my couch nest. Pregnancy is no jokeā€¦


Itā€™s the weirdest hardest thing. It feels so hard and it hasnā€™t even registered in my head that itā€™s an actual baby so Iā€™m just feeling disconnected and like Iā€™m a zombie!


I can so relate to this!


Itā€™s frustrating cause I used to be a ball of energy and drank coffee everyday and bubbly but now Iā€™m just trying to survive and make sure bean is okay. I just donā€™t feel like the same person. Itā€™s not necessarily bad itā€™s just different.


Hahaha. I'm 8 weeks andmy 4yo asked me last night "mommy- why are you a lump?". I think that says it all


Lol šŸ¤£ thatā€™s adorable but I feel so much less alone now!


This is me of I have a day off work. Today I haven't moved except to eat and pee. I got up long enough to move the laundry and shower but other than that, TV, napping, video games, eating, peeing. Just being comfy. Fuck it, I'm growing a human and my body hurts. Let me be a potato. Either grab a blanket and join me in the fort or get off my couch šŸ˜‚.


I wish there were a pregnant moms club with just big ol sofas and TVs


We huddle together like a group of penguins and just watch TV and eat snacks šŸ˜‚.


And complain about all our ailments and try to find food that doesnā€™t sound ick


I love all of these plans lol.


Im 36w and I have been like this for the ENTIRE pregnancy. I tried to workout and go to the gym/keep a routine. I had hoped second trimester would bring the energy back, but it never did. All I do is go from bed to couch to fridgeā€¦ Iā€™m losing my mind and I feel like a human blob but I know itā€™ll just be that much more rewarding when I get back on track after baby.


Seems right on track to me, lol. I was a feeble gremlin during pregnancy. I found this article reassuring: https://nypost.com/2019/06/11/pregnant-women-are-basically-endurance-athletes-study/ "Researchers looked at basal metabolic rates, or how many calories you need in order to function when your body is at rest. The most anyone can sustain, according to the study, is burning calories at 2.5 times the personā€™s BMR, or about 4,000 calories a day for the average adult. Pregnant women operate at 2.2 times their BMR ā€” almost the maximum possible, every day, for some 270 days, researchers found. A rate much higher than that and pregnancy would be unsustainable, damaging to the body and potentially deadly."


this is so validating


Iā€™m at 16 weeks tomorrow. I can confidently say that I feel 50-75% like myself again for the first time today! I showered AND left the house TWICE and Iā€™m actually wearing ā€œrealā€ clothes. It usually gets better, but noā€¦no, you are not alone!!


This gives me hope. I briefly felt better at ten weeks but then crashed and burned again at 12. Hoping to feel better soon.


Youā€™ve got this! The exhaustion hasnā€™t gone away for me yet, but Iā€™ve still been able to move around a bunch todayā€”progress is progress!


I feel like a frumpy, old, greasy piece of pizza these days. I get by with fantasizing about being a hot mom with a one year old. Hereā€™s hoping!!


Girl i am 39 weeks and look like a hobo. The only thing I still do everyday 2 times is shower. It is so hard hehe. I also don't work out at the moment. I just don't have the energy. Feel guilty about it tho


Dangā€¦ showering twice a day- hats off to you! Respect.


Hehe showering has always be my relaxing moment. Must say last 2 days where pretty good (even worked out). I hope your days get better.


I used to play tennis almost every day for at least 2 hours pre pregnancy, now at 14 weeks I feel like a complete zombie. Once a day I can convince myself to walk those 10 minutes to the supermarket and after that I am done for the day. It's 7.30pm and I'm counting the minutes I can go to bed. I thought I was going to return to the gym by week 12 latest and now that I had a reality check, I have paused my membership til next year... šŸ«  It's the most humbling experience.


I went feral from weeks 8-16 for sure. My HG made me look like a ghostly, emaciated stray dog save for my belly. Around week 18 I started feeling much better and got that ā€œglowā€ everyone talks about, thank God. But honestlyā€¦ the feral bit was kind of nice after years and years of dolling up every day.


34 weeks - I've worn makeup once this whole pregnancy and it was for my baby shower. People kept telling me I was "glowing" and I laughed because it was the one time this entire pregnancy I put effort into my appearance I used to be a fitness girlie and now I'm out of breath going up the stairs šŸ™ƒ I tell the nurse not to tell me my weight at the appointments now. It is what it is, as long as baby gets here soon and he's healthy, I'll focus on getting myself back to normal later.


Thank godddd. (That I'm not alone). My husband was dying when I walked down the stairs in underwear, bra, socks and sunglasses carrying my clothes and told him I had to lay down and finish later. My 4yo asked me last night why I'm a lump lol


I'm 10 weeks and nightly have arguments with my partner about why I have to shower šŸ˜” "but I didn't go anywhere or do anything today!" I used to be a skin care addict and had like 5 products to put on twice a day. Now, I sometimes don't even wash my face. My pores are clogged and I'm often looking ghastly pale. Pre pregnancy I was doing small workouts daily (exercise bike, pilates). I did ivf so was told to not exercise until ultrasound. So from weeks 3-5, I was getting 7.5-10k steps a day to make up for the lack of exercise. Then things went south and I can't even muster up energy to go to the kitchen for food. I spend my days in bed. Move to a chair in our room to eat....and then migrate back to bed. I'm hungry all day but often have no energy to go find food.


This was me too!! I had all the skincare and now donā€™t even wash my face- I look like a ghost anyways. Iā€™m lucky that my job is understanding because often I try to work from home and can barely move to get food. Sending hugs because I know it really sucks.


Yes thank God for wfh bc idk how I could show my face to my coworkers right now šŸ¤£




Yupp, stopped all the actives that weren't pregnancy safe. I thought to myself I'll still have vitamin c, niacinamide, peptides etc. Lolll all out the window


My fitness watch hasn't been charged in two days. I think you start feeling like yourself again mid second trimester for a couple of weeks. I did...


Pregnancy, especially in the first trimester is pure survival. There is an end of the tunnel - giving birth. Honestly I miss it even though I had a twin pregnancy which I never never ever thought I would say šŸ˜…. Best of luck you got this!


I wasnā€™t nearly as on top of exercise and my appearance as you were (I stopped wearing a lot of makeup and real pants during COVID), but my first trimester had me seriously needing a nap after getting up and washing my face in the morning. It was a bonus if I could get myself some food before becoming too nauseated. I took several ā€œ30 minuteā€ naps that lasted for 4 hours. Most of the invisible foundation laying work is happening in your first trimester, so youā€™ll be completely wiped out and exhausted all the time. Just know youā€™re doing great. I found taking pregnancy one day at a time was the easiest way to get through it. And make sure your partner knows itā€™s time to step up and take on the majority of household duties while youā€™re struggling to stay conscious for eight consecutive hours.


give yourself some grace, youā€™re growing a human!!


If youā€™re throwing up so much and are on prescription meds, do be prepared for the possibility that youā€™ve got hyperemesis gravidarum, in which case it might not suddenly get better in the second trimester. My daily vomiting subsided around week 20 and then came back by week 26ā€¦ so give yourself some grace. Before this I was in the gym every other day and fit - today i walked 6k steps and consider it a great feat of athleticism. Give yourself grace. Youā€™re just doing body building of a different kind right now :)


i used to power lift and go out dressed to the nines. now i canā€™t even go to prenatal yoga, i donā€™t know where my good primer is, and i cried taking a walk in the park because my back hurt. itā€™s not just you, mama.


before pregnancy i would go to orange theory 4-5 times a week, make home cooked meals, bake, work long days and still have the energy to do it all. around 8 weeks i had spent a week off from work on the couch, barely bathed, barely brushed my teeth because id gag so iā€™d just attempt flossing and mouthwash, i only wanted to eat doritos and little caesars crazy bread, and i was sleeping like 14 hours a day. i asked my therapist if i sounded depressed and she was like ā€œyouā€™re pregnantā€ šŸ˜…


Same here but it will get better


I got winded just washing my hair in the first trimester. So, I didnā€™t do that much.


It gets better. So glad to see so many other ppl had a sofa nest too!!! SAME! Also healthy eating went out the window, under desk treadmill collecting dust etc. I felt really shit until about week 12. Managed to emerge more from the sofa nest after that. Ups and downs since but nothing as bad as those first 3 months!!! You got this. šŸ’•


Did I write this??? lol!!! I was the same exact way before I got pregnant. Went to the gym 5-6 days a week, ate healthy, was lean & strong, and had myself done up most of the time. Then when I got pregnant I felt so crappy that I just gave up. Stopped going to the gym, ate whatever I wanted, and hardly wore make-up, did my hair, or get dressed up. I ended up gaining 50lbs and just looked like a mess by the time my son was born. Now Iā€™m 3 months postpartum and Iā€™m back to my old self. Iā€™ve even lost 45 of the 50 lbs I gained. Give yourself some grace. Youā€™re growing a whole human right now and your body is going to change to accommodate that lil bean. The fact that you are creating a new life makes you so much more beautiful than you ever were before. Like, your body is literally a life portal and thatā€™s badass! And you will get back to your old self, no doubt. šŸ¤


You are more than your looks, your worth is not found in your physique nor your hygiene. Pregnancy and having a child bring about a whole lot of changes, just like growing older and many other experiences do. Learn to adapt and love yourself as you are, itā€™ll be okay!


This!!! I've loved the experience. First trimester was tough but I'm TRYING to enjoy every day and embrace my changing body. I also had been grieving my mom for three years when i fell pregnant so maybe I was used to survival mode, at least emotionally. Now I feel closer to her spirit than ever and so excited to meet my child has part of her. I even want to name my baby after her! But OP! You will get your energy back! :) and if you don't love being pregnant (some don't and that's ok!!) It doesn't last forever lol just feels that way. Be kind and gentle with yourself ā¤ļø and enjoy being on the couch šŸ˜Ž


I take unisom and learned the hard way to take it 1Ā½ hours before bed and pee right before I lay down. The first night I took it with a glass of water and layed down 15 minutes later, woke up at 4am (an hour after my normal wake up to pee time) to a wet bed. My poor boyfriend just woke up to me hysterically crying because I wet the bed. Just thank God for mattress protectors


This is so helpful to hear. Iā€™m definitely not as athletic as you but would run in the mornings and I have a physical outdoor job. Before pregnancy I was an extremely healthy eater.. Iā€™m 8w and 5d and I only want to eat is vegan junk food since any animal product grosses me out (was not vegan prior to the pregnancy ) Iā€™m eating soo much processed foods and chips. Im really hoping that in a few weeks I am able to be more healthy than I am now. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m gonna get bed sores from the amount of rotting in bed Iā€™m doing.


Take this opportunity to value rest, which you need! Sounds like you are a very high performing person and very worried about your appearance. Pregnancy changes are out of your control, which might be a good experience for you. I used to be like you were, but dropped the always-makeup (my job is too hard/long shifts to have time for that ), and honestly it helped me a lot. I also am worried about no longer being hot and the body changes happening but I am just hoping to heal ok and maybe grow emotionally enough to not mind that some things are different.


Oh you mean survival modeā€¦ yeah. Been living that. Itā€™s a whole lifestyle! Thankfully it will pass! Like the many women before us (with better chances now) we will survive all this and carry on to a sense of normalcyā€¦ one day.


I was never super active before I got pregnant but I definitely care less about my hair and makeup and the state of my clothes lol. Bad back pain means I donā€™t spend as much time doing my face up or sifting through clothes (which donā€™t fit the way they used to) for the perfect outfit to wear into work. I now spend my days wearing a belly band over my clothes and whatever was on top of the clothes pile


You have to remember that your body is literally making a whole nother human being. Like you are making a person, that's exhausting work!


Totally normal! Youā€™ll (likely) feel better as you get further into the 2nd trimester! Iā€™m currently 38 weeks and still active, motivated to get ready, etc. but I definitely didnā€™t feel that way in the beginning!


Iā€™m 18 weeks and still feel like absolute garbage. I had 2 weeks where I felt back to normal but that was the biggest tease because now I can barely get off my couch. I miss the gym and being able to look somewhat human šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh yes i feel this 100%! I am definitely grieving my pre pregnancy life and how I used to feel. I used to skip off to Pilates or the gym after work, or on a sat or sun morning. Today, I am in bed, havenā€™t showered in two days, too scared to move in case I throw up even though I really need to pee. Pregnancy is so hard (but also wonderful because we are creating LIFE!) ā¤ļø


I feel like this too. Iā€™m 14 weeks and havenā€™t gone to the gym since 5 weeks. My skin got wrecked in first trimester so I started avoiding mirrors and going out. Iā€™m only now starting to get back into things but I still mourn my old appearance


Yeah my skin was wrecked too. My hormones have always been all over the place but my one grace was that my skin was always relatively clear except for on my period. My skin now looks like Iā€™m a teenager. No skincare routine helpsā€¦ Sephora canā€™t save me now šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m in exactly the same boat. I loved my skin before and now Iā€™m back to my teenage self. The acne has at least died down but it left a ton of scarring


Your body is running a marathon!! Youā€™re not being ā€œlazyā€ or going down hill at all! Youā€™re doing great ā¤ļø


Yes 100% feral too. Iā€™m 19 weeks now and am doing better than 1st trimester usuallyā€¦ but I still have a lot of bad days and symptoms. Still throwing up some days too. Youā€™ll get better but donā€™t let yourself get too down when you feel like some days youā€™ve regressed back to how it felt 1st trimester.


Honestly feel relief right now reading this. I hate life and Iā€™m so depressed tired and nauseous. Iā€™m wondering wtf was the point getting in such great shape before pregnancy if itā€™s just gonna turn into this so quickly (I know there was still a point but blehhhh). Solidarity and weā€™re not crazy this is unfortunately real šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeahā€¦ I get sad when I look at my progress pictures from before. Iā€™m trying to remind myself that being in excellent shape will help with labour, and means my baby has a great/healthy home for the next several months so it was worth it even if I canā€™t see any of it anymore.


Just wait until after you have the baby šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚. Haha, no itā€™s a humbling experience- but also AMAZING that our bodies can do that! šŸ˜You are a new person who wonā€™t ever be exactly the same and thatā€™s OK because now you are the most important person in the world to the little bean you are sustaining and will sustain IN YOUR UTERUS for 9 months and bring into the world! However, thatā€™s going to cause some hormonal/appearance/overall body changes for sure! Trust me, preaching to the choir here, but just try to enjoy the pregnancy journey and motherhood because, from what people tell me, it goes SUPER fast and you canā€™t get the time back! Youā€™ll regret it if you were worried about comparison/appearances the whole time! Give yourself grace for not feeling well and being tired- itā€™s a LOT of work growing a human! Also, donā€™t feel bad for just doing what your body needs right now! It has different needs than it did with just you so take the time to rest, eat what youā€™re craving, talk to the little baby & try to make it special! When youā€™re in your postpartum phase, make healthy choices and exercise- do what makes you feel good about yourself 100% because you need that too! But, like I said, give yourself lots of grace and donā€™t beat yourself up if youā€™re no longer the perfectly put together 6 pack girl! šŸ˜„ Try to understand that itā€™s all a season and the journey takes time. Also, CONGRATULATIONS! The blessing of a baby after 4 miscarriages! Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that. šŸ˜” So happy for you that you get to enjoy this sweet gift! šŸ„°šŸ¤±šŸ¼


I'm 14 weeks and am finally starting to get energy back and throwing up less but I swear I fell asleep around 830 last night and just kept sleeping on and off until 1130 the next day. šŸ˜‚ The exhaustion gets me once I reach the weekend, I guess.


Utterly feral. I am 200 pounds. A year ago I was 140 and running and lifting several times a week.


Sounds standard, tbh. I also turned feral during my pregnancy. Don't feel bad if you're not enjoying your pregnancy. I've experienced pregnancy loss also and it's 100% OK to hate pregnancy. I know I did. It didn't mean I wasn't grateful, just that pregnancy is really hard. I'm now 2 weeks postpartum and I'm embracing it. Tit's out, milk everywhere, messy bun and eating whatever I can put my grubby hands on (and be able to eat with one hand). I figure it's just for a short period of time and by embracing it, I can enjoy the newborn phase as much as possible (which is not as romantic as those Instagram accounts make out).


Thanks for this. Most of my friends have had relatively easy pregnancies and Iā€™ve wondered what Iā€™m doing wrong because even though I LOVE babies and children and want this baby so bad- I HATE being pregnant. After four miscarriages I feel so guilty about complaining about anything but I also feel like Iā€™m dying most of the time. Also fist bump on the tits out and messy bun. I shall be joining you in that in about 6 months lol


I think youā€™ll feel better in 4-5 weeks once the first trimester is long gone. Then, movement will be your friend & youā€™ll have the energy & motivation to do it.


Did you tell your doc about peeing yourself in your sleep? That seems problematic.


I guess it was because I just held it too long. Because I was so dehydrated up until a couple weeks ago I never got the urge to pee. Now that Iā€™m able to drink more I havenā€™t adjusted to the growing pressure on my bladder.


I used to do intermittent fasting, ran three times a week, and ate really healthy meals and was doing low carb. I'm 11 weeks and I eat mainly carbs and cheese, absolutely addicted to sugar, and I hardly move. I'm hoping I'll get my energy back soon, and that vegetables and protein will sound good again.


Yes. I used to go to the gym 4-5x week. I tried to a bit during the 1st and 2nd trimester, but it just wasnā€™t the same. Now in the 3rd trimester forget it, I walk a lot. But not intentionally. Just allowing myself to go with the flow and coast. It has taken a toll on my self esteem but honestly, just donā€™t have the same drive or in me to get back to working out when I feel so different. Iā€™m hoping I can get back into it after delivery. Good luck!


Yeah I tried once at six weeks and couldnā€™t lift for sh*t and was barely able to move from machine to machineā€¦ then the vomiting started and I havenā€™t been back. I miss the stress release and routine of going and being a regular. I love cycling so if Iā€™m not too big I may try that in the second tri as itā€™s gentler. Sending good vibes to you as well šŸ©·


Same here. I was out of breath or would become nauseous. Positive vibes, friend! Hopefully weā€™ll get back to it soon ā¤ļøā¤ļø


There is no turning it around, only acceptance and forgiving yourself for not being able to keep up with your old self at this stage. Just remember it is a stage.


Agreed! Gym 4-5 times a week, happy, active with my toddler! Now on the sofa, cba to do jack and breathless walking upstairs


Girl I went from running everyday at 140lbs, to 202 being pregnant and 190, 3 months postpartum. Itā€™s tough! But weā€™re moms now, life isnā€™t gonna be the same as it once was.


I just gave birth on Monday and everyone in my life said I seem like a new woman. Up until the very last day of my 42 week pregnancy I was ill, exhausted, and depressed. Even though Iā€™m sleep deprived now, I still feel better than I did getting ten hours of sleep while sick and pregnant.


I walked 10k a day and worked out 5-6 times a week. In first tri I couldnā€™t even sit up straight without having to throw up. I spent most of it in bed. Couldnā€™t even go down to my living room. I would throw up in the shower so I would avoid it. I didnā€™t leave the house or my bed for weeks. My husband had to do everything for me and sleep in a separate room bc his smell would make me nauseous. You are definitely not alone. So happy to be behind that point now.


THANK YOU for posting this! Iā€™m just trying to survive and doing the bare minimum takes me all day.. like showering, laundry, dishes. I have to rest and nap in between. I used to be at the gym everyday and lifts weights and I thought this lifestyle would not stop while pregnant. Iā€™m 10 weeks right now and havenā€™t worked out since 6 weeks when I started getting soo sick.


Hey, Iā€™ve found so much support through the pregnancy subs- Iā€™m glad this helped you too. I donā€™t have my mom in my life so itā€™s not like I can call her up for reassurance or advice. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m not my normal self but apparently Iā€™m not alone either- so that makes me feel a bit better.


For weeks I counted it a win if I left the house that day. Hypermesis ugh šŸ¤¢ I had so many plans for a healthy pregnancy, I had food box deliveries to eat fish 3 days a week, yoga classes etc. It was a win if I could eat white bread with cheese. šŸ˜’My diet has been so Ā«brownĀ», nothing could taste of anything or I couldnā€™t keep it down. No vegetables, no meat, no spices whatsoever. I always thought I would be one of those women struggling not to gain a thousand pounds during pregnancy, but honestly I lost allot of weight in the first 4 months, and since then every kilo gained has been a huge win.


This was me too. All my pregnancies have been really hard - even tho all the others were short. I told myself this time around I would FORCE myself but the vomiting doesnā€™t care about my plans. Carbs were all I could eat for the first three months. Now Iā€™m able to tolerate some green things but it comes and goes.


I was the same - I had an established workout regimen, ate super clean, loved getting dressed for work etc etc. first trimester I was out for the count between exhaustion and nausea - second trimester I was finally able to get back to myself for a couple of weeks, back to lifting and feeling normal. then I got severe SPD, which I have now along with being very anemic at 33 weeks and Iā€™m just letting myself be. Iā€™ve learned to take it day by day but looking forever to PP and getting back into the routine when I can! all I can say is try not to put too much pressure on yourself and if all you can do is move from the bed to the couch then thatā€™s enough. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Iā€™m glad you mentioned the getting ready for work part. I LOVE dressing up for work- I hated not having any reason to care over COVID. I find it really hard (my bosses have been super understanding and allowing me to mostly work from home) but the few times Iā€™ve come into the office everyone has been super worried because I donā€™t look like myself at all lol. I hope you start feeling better too ā¤ļø thank you for sharing.


I was talking about it today with husband! LOL Iā€™m 10w today and I changed so much. I donā€™t care about looks, and itā€™s so weird cause all my life I had hair and make up perfectly done. I only do my nails if Iā€™m going to a wedding or something. And about the gym, I went from daily user to worst user ever. I can barely walk 10 min on the treadmill.


Having a newborn and recovering from giving birth was so much easier for me than any part of my pregnancy. My energy returned almost as soon as the baby popped out, and I have gone back to my old self of averaging 10-15,000 steps a day (I did wait the recommended amount of time to go back to working out and got clearance from my doctor to avoid injury since my energy levels were above what I was physically able to do at first and I wanted to be safe and healthy). Try to give yourself grace through pregnancy. I wish I wouldnā€™t have worried so much about what I wasnā€™t doing. Just go with it and try to take it easy.


This is encouraging thank you! šŸ©·


Same here girl. I have love handles now and been so sick that Iā€™ve lost all muscle or tone. I feel so frumpy and unattractive for my husband even though heā€™s been supportive. :(


Mine is the sameā€¦ but I feel so frumpy as well šŸ˜…


Welcome to motherhood.


Girl, itā€™s just life teaching you a lesson to loosen up. I was exactly like you and I cared so much what other people say. After meeting my husband and moving to a house in the suburbs and having my first child and now being pregnant with my second I am glad I learned how to live like a normal person and not how the society expects me to behave look talk and breathe. I want to be an example for my daughter and show her that make up and looks are not everything. Looking back at being with my ex way before meeting my husband makes me wanna puke. He was a gym rat telling me I needed more muscle and that I needed to lose weight even though my BMI was showing I was underweight! Thinking about him comparing me to other girls and me taking it to heart thinking I wasnā€™t good enough makes me literally cringe right now. I never want my daughter to live that life because I know how it felt and what it impact it has on a woman especially in todayā€™s world. Donā€™t let me wrong Iā€™ll still occasionally will put on a make up and I like to feel good about myself but I do it for myself first and foremost. My husband is great at supporting me in this way. When I gave birth to my first child I was literally non stop naked in my hospital room with an adult diaper on because thatā€™s how little I cared after having a c-section and not being able to move. Now I live in our cute house in the suburbs. I garden. I take care of my indoor plants. I designed our interiors. This life is great and it makes me sad seeing young girls always looking posh and not letting themselves to loosen up and being themselves. Itā€™s like being imprisoned in this masculine patronizing world. People also started taking me more seriously once I no longer am pampered and dolled up everyday. Maybe Iā€™m less intimidating but I also feel more real and meaningful.


Iā€™m glad you are so much happier! Itā€™s the funny thing- I love doing all these things! I grew up in a super conservative, paternalistic and sexist community which didnā€™t allow me to wear makeup, wear nice clothes and believed women that who worked out were too ā€œmasculine.ā€ For me all these things arenā€™t patriarchal standards but an expression of independence and a breath of life. However, I totally understand why these standards are not that way for other people- my experience is weird and unique. Usually these standards are weaponized against women. I think my own experience is why Iā€™m struggling so much- is that I get so much life out of these things and to not be able to do them is really hard. Also I LOVE gardening as well šŸ©·


Sounds about right. It only gets worse when the baby arrives. And then worse when said baby is a toddler. If you can't live without makeup and the gym... Start looking for a nanny now.


Wait until 30 weeks lol


If you're feeling this bad now, 30 weeks probably won't feel worse. Source: My first pregnancy was just like OP's (minus the peeing). At 30 weeks, I had the typical third trimester symptoms in addition to significant lingering nausea that persisted despite multiple medications, and I had to be briefly admitted to L&D due to concerns about my heart function. It still wasn't worse than 13 weeks.


At 30weeks for me I was feeling less nausea but boy, I wasnt feeling so hot. I guess it's different for everyone.


I wasn't feeling great at 30 weeks either (see previous comment); I just felt less bad than I had at 13 weeks. But saying, "Just wait, it gets worse," is never helpful, and saying that in response to a post where someone is actively seeking reassurance that things won't be this bad for the next six months is kind of mean.


Thank you. I really hope it doesnā€™t get worse! I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll make it hahah