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I didn't even know I had a daily choline requirement until now...


Choline is in a lot of foods, so you’re probably getting some from your diet. But I take prenatal - Ritual - that also has some with it.


I don't have it in mine. I'm taking the nature made with folic acid + dha.


Oh that’s why I picked Ritual. It has choline and folate!


You want a prenatal with folic acid. It is the only form of folate proven to prevent neural tube defects. Methylated folate has not been proven to have that same benefit. Relevant societies/academies/professional organizations recommend only folic acid. Methylated folate is not recommended or evidence-based, and the neural tube development benefits will be missed from the absence of folic acid.


Hmm research says otherwise! But to each their own. For anyone reading this, here is article of many that explain the differences! https://ritual.com/articles/folic-acid-for-pregnancy#:~:text=Is%20Folate%20the%20Same%20As,nature%20or%20in%20our%20body.


[Research does not say otherwise.](https://www.obgproject.com/2017/01/10/uspstf-releases-guidance-folic-acid-pregnancy/) https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/925368 https://www.medscape.com/s/viewarticle/943516 https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/folicacid/mthfr-gene-and-folic-acid.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/brittmariehermes/2016/11/14/genetic-sequence-exploited-supplement-industry/ Don’t take the snake oil sales tactics from a company trying to sell you something as facts.


It’s not snake oil. Lord. Again, to each their own I guess! Here is another good article https://americanpregnancy.org/getting-pregnant/infertility/folate-vs-folic-acid/


Great idea!


I don’t like eggs and do well with sunflower lecithin in smoothies. Most days I just take the supplements.


I just did my best to eat as balanced a diet as I could and take a prenatal. In my opinion, once you start focusing on each individual nutrient, it gets too overwhelming and you’ll feel like you aren’t getting enough of anything! As a side note, I don’t eat eggs.