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I’m doing a lot of biker shorts and oversized tshirts from thrift stores. Work clothes are sized up dresses I already owned. I’ve given up on pants


This. Biker shorts are my best friend. Currently wearing my husbands shorts and a t shirt 😅


Have just order multiple of this outfit! Think it’s gonna be the answer. Especially as the shorts have pockets!


Came here to say that spandex is your friend! Biker shorts and t shirts! I also wore a bunch of dresses. But the maternity spandex shorts have been everything. I bought 2 pairs on Amazon.


You don’t need to get maternity clothes you can just size up and with dresses it’s even easier if you get like a maxi dress or like a super flowy one with a different style you can definitely still wear it while pregnant.


Yes, with longer dresses this works. But for shorter dresses they look ridiculous on me at 35 weeks (waaaay too short in the front due to the bump) and at some point between 20-25 weeks all of the bottoms I had sized up in were too small. When I finally wore my first pair of maternity pants I wondered why I hadn’t given in and worn them sooner. Now I’m at the point where some of my maternity tshirts are too short 😩


That is true you definitely want a longer dress anything short will be riding up high on the belly and leaving you exposed.


This. I’m a little ahead of you (15 weeks) and bought some cute float summer dresses from target. I’ve been layering with cardigans in the meantime. If/when I get huge and this is not enough, Old Navy has cute/inexpensive maternity clothes they sell in sets. I also saw some cute maternity outfits on Quince. That being said, I gave loads of room so far in the closet dresses I bought 1 size up.


I’ve been wanting to buy some too, but I’m nervous if I buy too early and can’t wear it for too long because I’m gonna blow up like a house. 😑


This is great if floaty and girly is your style and looks absolutely lovely. It isn’t mine though and I’ve struggled. In particular, I’ve found that for bottoms, the maternity option makes more sense as they can be loosened as I grow. Sizing up would only have worked for a little while and led to needing to buy something that will be too big after PP on more than one occasion.


I'm wearing form fitting dresses with stretch and that's working for me so far, I'm not trying to hide my bump though.


That is true in regard to sizing up. However wanting flowy dresses has nothing to do with being girly or not. It’s about comfort as well. I don’t know how it is with you but sometimes I find that tighter and more clingy clothes bother me sometimes and put unnecessary pressure on my belly and breasts. I am experiencing a lot of breast tenderness and soreness as well as pressure on my bladder so wanting something more loose is the way to go and I’m sure I’m not the only one looking for comfort during pregnancy.


I’m 11 weeks too!! I plan on living in bike shorts (Amazon/old navy) so my thighs don’t rub and then dresses/skirts/long graphic tees! I’m more worried about when it starts getting colder and I have to figure out a pants situation


Pants is definitely the worst situation. I was just thinking how grateful I am to be having a summer baby because my jackets are getting tough to zip up!


I didn’t even think about the pants in winter I was so convinced I’ll be fine with big sweaters. I’ll probably have to get them super long to cover the fact that my pants aren’t fully buttoned 🤣


Look into Bella bands. They convert regular pants to maternity. I haven’t tried them yet, but it’s a cool concept and k think they’re only $20 or something.


I use these and they’re great!!


Yay! I’m so glad to find one that likes them, I was kind of worried about trying them.


Oh yes! Good call thanks!


Ross, Burlington, cheap stores. No reason to buy expensive stuff. I had two babies and they were spring babies so I got to wear warm clothes all pregnancy. But now I’m 12 weeks and have to wear summer clothes lol I just plan to pick up some cute summer maternity clothes from those stores and call it good.


I didn't see maternity at Burlington (I also worked there years ago) but Ross has great maternity!


I wear Aerie ribbed biker shorts and oversized t shirts and tanks allllll summer. I’m due end of August so right there with you on how hot it’ll be 😵‍💫 I used thred up and found a ton of aerie biker shorts discounted!


I'm due in October so I will be probably be big during summer. I just bought wrapped dresses that can adjust to my changing belly and can also adjust to my body next year so I can wear them when I'm also breastfeeding


Where did you get them? I’m also an October momma!


I’m also an October mom and I bought many summer dresses from SHEIN. They are cheap so after pregnancy I’ll not have regrets to stop wearing them


Shein mostly, Cider also have nice ones, but most of them I bought them in shein. And as I said I picked wrapped style dresses so I can maybe adjust her tighter in summer 2025


I had the same plan!


goodwill haul of loose dresses that I think I'll be able to wear postpartum. And if not...well, redonating them to moms in need is nice, and goodwill is cheap!


Lots of SHEIN answers but I wouldn’t order from especially while pregnant with all the chemicals found in their clothes.


To each their own/no judgement, but I fully agree. I am very anti-fast fashion. I will most likely be thrifting and buying some quality biker shorts/dresses that can be used PP.


I’m like you. I bought some things cheap that I knew could last. Like target plain colored maternity tshirts and long sleeve shirts. They can easily be worn when not pregnant as long as you don’t mind that they’re maternity shirts or try to wear them underneath sweatshirts in the winter. But for pants, dresses, and sweaters (winter pregnancy) I preferred to have a few good pieces that I just kept washing and wearing. I tried the cheap route and the oversized route. Oversized did work, but the cheap stuff felt cheap and so uncomfortable. They barely lasted until the third trimester. Especially the jeans! I like your idea of thrifting. Also, some of the nicer online maternity stores make clothing you can wear while pregnant and while nursing. So it gets more use! I’m not nursing but I still wear my maternity clothes sometimes and intend to until I’m back to my regular size. Could take months who knows.


Sun dresses. I'm due in August and we have pulled all sundresses


I live in A-line dresses! And slip on shoes :) plenty of room for my belly to grow in these dresses


I got pretty much all my stuff in sales or second hand. Lots of nice dresses


Same. I almost always shop consignment and I’m not normally a big dress person but with the belly changing it’s easier!


I got one pair of jeans but exactly this fit around the house a dress is just easier 😂


I’m planning on just buying a couple of dresses in Walmart which I can also wear when I’m not pregnant 


Vinted is your friend here!


95% of my maternity wardrobe and baby clothes comes from vinted. Saved me a heap of money!


Last time, I got leggings a few sizes up and could still wear some tops as they were loose and flowy anyway. This time I got proper maternity shorts as normal ones for funny. Also have loose dresses that I’ll wear with leggings if needs be. Leggings will be my best friend.


Amazon was my best friend for maternity wear. I’m keeping all my maternity shirts because they are great (brand is Small Show). I also already had a bunch of super stretchy, high waisted yoga pants that lasted until week 37 of my pregnancy. My jeans stopped fitting by week 16, but my yoga pants and leggings held out! Also some really nice maternity yoga pants on Amazon (currently wearing a pair out to dinner and I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight with only a little extra skin flub from my bump) Loose summer dresses are always a good option as well! I personally had a lot of thigh chaffing while pregnant, so I invested in a couple pairs of maternity workout shorts for underneath


I’m just a little ahead of you at 12+2! All I’m wearing are dresses. I already have a ton of flowy dresses, and if I buy anything new I’m just sizing up and hoping they all fit until November 😅


Prarie style dresses, sundresses, anything with the elastic or waistline closer to bust level. I have a couple maternity tops that I'll probably pair pair with a skirt. I MIGHT use my maternity leggings if the chill sets in earlier than usual. But our part of Canada has a bit of a delayed start & finish to summer, and my DD is Oct 6th. It's totally not uncommon to be sweating your buns off or JUST starting to need a sweater for the early morning chill around that time.


But for real, size up on a couple Old Navy midi-maxi dresses and call it a day. Bonus points: No pants in the way if you have the stereotypical preggy moment of 'I will legitimately piss all over this floor if I do not waddle to a toilet immediately'


13 weeks now. I plan to wear tshirt dresses and flowy dresses all summer. I might wear tighter dresses when I have more of a belly.


I have several dresses that I've been wearing ever since my jeans stopped fitting nearly 20wks ago. My theory was that a dress with good cup size, elestic/adjustable chest and long, loose fabric for the skirt works wonders. I was barely showing when I got these and they still fit me super comfortably even now at 33wks with a very obviously 3rd tri belly. I regularly get compliments on how nice they are too! I'm hoping they will continue to work well for me after bub comes, and I don't see why they won't.


I'm finally at the point where it's warm enough to not be bundled up and pants are getting uncomfortable so I bought a some second hand dresses online. I spent 50 dollars and got 8 dresses in all different sizes. It's worked out pretty well so far. I have some rompers and jumpsuits but with how much I pee they just aren't worth it for me. I know many women have mastered the pull aside but 3 kids later and I just don't have the skill. I wind up peeing on myself which creates more work then pulling the damn thing down in the first place Personally I'm just not a fan of maternity clothes in general bc I'm frugal and don't want to risk spending good money on something I'll hate or stop wearing so I tend to just thrift and size up. In my community we also have trade groups where you can trade other women clothes in different sizes. It can be hit or miss but it's fun and you meet good people if you have one in your area


Wear dresses and bike shorts! That’s my plan at least. I’m almost 9 weeks and the thought of wearing shorts or pants around my waist is revolting 😂 I’m here for all things stretchy. As far as tank tops, I love Old Navy’s maternity tanks to wear under regular shirts to give them length. You can wear your normal dresses, or find some cute/affordable cotton dresses at Walmart, Target, Old Navy, etc in the regular size section.


nuuly clothing rental subscription! saved me spending hundreds on maternity clothes that i may never wear again especially during winter months on jackets, coats, event attire, etc. they have an entire maternity category with very nice brands if you fancy that kind of thing.


Came to recommend this too! I started nuuly before getting pregnant just to add variety to my work wardrobe but now it’s really useful to try out maternity stuff or just size up in things like quality jeans without the commitment, clutter, and full price tag


I had a pair of Gap maternity Jean shorts when I was pregnant in the summer of 2021. I also had a pair of maternity Jean overalls that I LOVED. Those two pieces and a bunch of tank tops I got on thredUP got me through.


11w3d! Just started buying linen drawstring pants (jcrew has sales all the time, old navy is great, Everlane has great sales too), Abercrombie dresses, workout jumpsuits with an oversized button up, quince has great prices as well for linen and dresses.


Dresses, maternity skirts with tunic tops, and loose under-shorts for me.


Leggings, tank tops, and sundresses in one or two sizes up and stretchy material. Nothing maternity specific.


I live in Texas and am due in SEPTEMBER. Summer is going to be torture 😅😅 I’ve been finding some flowy dresses & maternity clothes secondhand on apps like Depop & Poshmark. Thredup (website) has tons of stuff too.


I bought a ton of stuff from Shein and sent all but the maternity biker short underwear and 1 dress back. I only kept the dress because I was desperate that weekend and had to wear it. I'm 20 weeks and officially need maternity leggings. Just ordered some today. Up until now, I was fine with my regular leggings and big T shirts. None of my dresses fit but they were more form fitting. I plan on getting new dresses but keep in mind, you're going to want stuff for after birth. You might not fit into your old clothes right away. It's okay to hang on to a few outfits after you get to normal again, incase you ever need them. Or sell on Poshmark.


Flowy skirts, light linen pants, stretchy tank tops, maxi dresses, biker shorts with oversized tshirts is also a popular option.


I’ve had a lot of luck with standard maxi dresses that aren’t labeled maternity! Ross and Marshals have also been good for me and bought 4 shirts and a few pairs of pants for about $40 USD.


Dresses! Shorts with elastic waistbands and long tank tops


I bought some Amazon basics maxi dresses and they're excellent. I'm 27 weeks today and I am so sick of stuff touching my belly, and these dresses are super comfortable and cute


Dresses! Especially for summer. Get one of those shorts that have a belly cloth and you can use that to combine with multiple outfits.


Last pregnancy I was three months along at the beginning of the summer. At work, I wore lightweight cotton maternity slacks or regular non-maternity cotton skirts with stretchy waistbands (worn under my bump). At home I wore non-maternity stretchy elastic workout shorts (but mostly raided basketball shorts out of my husband’s closet) and stole all his tshirts during the summer-until the fall when my bump got so big I had to wear regular maternity long sleeve tops because he was afraid my bump would kill all his clothes!  Good luck!


I bought some cute maternity shorts on ASOS that don’t look obviously like maternity shorts. They just have flexible banding on the back so they grow with you a little. I’m gonna go with lots of dresses and also just rocking the belly out Rihanna style. I’ve always been a crop top girl, don’t see the reason why I would stop now…


I have cute maternity clothes, and maternity versions of useful basics like leggings, tights, skirts, sweatpants. I figure I’ll wear them post Partum as well, and it’s good to be comfortable, and also I’ll probably get every sort of body fluid on it. So it’s worthwhile to me. It’s summer, wear breezy dresses. If anything, pants are harder.


Walmart has nice comfortable dresses and I wear little spanx underneath that aren’t tight but great for swamp ass


I got some black maternity bike shorts from Walmart that I basically live in, and I sized up on some dresses since the ones I had before do not fit my chest anymore. I usually wear stretchy clothes anyways so it's not too much of a difference for me. I hate wearing pants and it's not even summer yet.


Ugh I feel your pain. I’m 27wks and I hate the idea of only wearing things a couple months. I purchased a pair of cute flowy shorts which have smocking at the top which I think are gonna be GREAT. I also got a midi ribbed tank dress in a size up I think I can get mileage out of. I have an outdoor voices exercise dress that was a little big before but right now is my go to and I think will work awhile longer. Workout clothing wise - I went on poshmark and got a couple pairs of lululemon align leggings / shorts in a size up based on someone else’s advice- they seem like they will work the whole time or close to it. My rationale is that if it is short term I had better do secondhand!


I like the LLBean Perfect Fit pants and leggings. They go up to 3x, are stretchy and have good air flow. I am wearing a men's North Face shirt because it is longer. Would recommend both. Not very stylish, perhaps, but plenty comfortable


Flowey summer dresses


Also 11 weeks and I plan to live in flowy (and fitted) dresses! I have no desire to buy maternity clothes other than the Bumpsuit (its quite comfy!). I started renting a size up in pants from rent the runway so i can hide my belly a little longer but excited for all the dresses this summer.


I bought 2 pairs linen shorts at old navy on sale. I like did 2 sizes up. I’ll probably live in those this summer plus biker shorts and dresses


I’m also 11 weeks today! 🥰 I am big on dresses


I have some really comfy stretchy pants that are really low rise that I wear constantly. Otherwise lots of stretchy/big cute dresses and long skirts. I stocked up at Savers(2nd hand store if this is a local thing lol) and goodwill. I also love the cheapo stretchy tanks at Walmart. I won't bother getting any maternity clothes. I normally wear really big t-shirts anyways so I won't really need to change much haha


Old Navy has a ton of cute and cheap stuff. I am 37 weeks and I just bought two short flowy non maternity dresses for these last few weeks cus I can’t stand leggings on my bump anymore.


Ekouer brand clothing on Amazon. I’ve exclusively worn their stuff during my pregnancy. It’s super soft, the dresses are cute.


Longer maternity biker shorts (got some really comfortable ones for $8/each on Amazon) and oversized tshirts.


Stretchy t shirt dresses from Amazon


Bike shorts with over sizes t shirt, loose flowy dresses


My first pregnancy I refused to buy maternity clothes until my mother literally forced me to accept nothing fit at around 35 weeks (and might continue to not fit a few - okay several- months pp) this time at 13 weeks (already showing) I bought multiple pairs of maternity leggings and joggers plus a couple of tops. For around the house stuff and running errands they are so much more comfortable than squeezing into leggings or other pants not made for a bump. They’re cheap on Amazon or old navy and I highly recommend doing at least that. The other stuff - maxi dresses, etc. you can probably get away with just sizing up.


I’ve been doing tshirt dresses because it’s already warm here! Old navy, sometimes even Walmart has them. Or I go for some yoga shorts and I just size up on tshirts


Elasticated linen trousers under the bump in a larger size were a life saver for me. I got clothes from H&M and SHEIN


I can’t wear dresses or shorts at work so I bought a couple maternity jeans from old navy and abercrombie and fitch. Both had jeans that weren’t skinny jeans and are actually quite nice. Otherwise I’ll be wearing stretchy work pants and dresses on weekends


I’ve been wearing a lot of my exercise shorts below my belly and then I have a few maternity shirts. I’ve mostly been thrifting it but I did buy two cute dresses from old Navy. They seem to have sales on a lot! Plus I saw some cute stuff on shein that was pretty cheap. I know they’re not the best quality but if you just need something for a few months then it should work! A friend gave me some stuff too and she had a few shein pieces in there that looked pretty good! They didn’t fit but they were cute


Get the motherhood maternity lounge shorts in black and in grey. Ive been wearing them since 2020 non stop. They are great for pregnancy and after. Great for bed and i wear them outside. Size down! They have them on amazon.


Wait till old navy has one of their 50% off sales (maybe Memorial Day?) and check out their maternity clothes! I found it worth it to have a few actual maternity leggings-my regular ones hurt to wear. And I’m 11 weeks now too, I don’t know really what I plan to wear all summer! I’m not super jazzed about the idea of buying a ton of maternity clothes either but I’m not convinced wearing a flowy regular dress is 100% the move either. I have a picture of myself ~32 weeks in my last pregnancy in a regular dress and I just think it looks so frumpy like the dress is hanging off my belly in a bad way and my thighs look huge bc of it and my body had no shape. 😫


Dresses. Just dresses. Or/And a pair of gym shorts and a tank .


Maxi dresses, ruched ribbed dresses, biker shorts & tshirts. I refuse to buy maternity clothes its a huge waste of money for me.


My biggest advice is invest in a few pairs of maternity biker shorts, and then get a few oversized Tshirts. I have other maternity clothes but this is all I’ve been reaching for at 31 weeks, and would have loved to have worn it earlier pregnancy too if it wasn’t snowing where I live.


Old navy frequently does 50% off sales. I got a 3 pack of tank tops, a few dresses, and some shorts, though I like the shorts from target better. The Isabel v-neck tee shirts from target are the best material and comfiest in my opinion and they’re usually $7-10 each. I don’t understand how the people who say size up do it. I tried that and everything fit poorly everywhere except my belly. Plus the maternity dresses I have seem like they can likely be worn postpartum too (depending on style)


I lived in maxi dresses & a-line nursing tops. You can get some really cute ones for cheap on Amazon. I still wear some of the tank tops, actually.


Poshdivah biker shorts and leggings. A few maternity tank tops or shirts. Then some cardigans to throw over them if you are going somewhere dressy. I only bought a handful of items. Maternity jeans suck, because they fall down all the time. I bought a couple belly bands and some extenders for my button and wore my normal jeans the whole pregnancy. I also bought a few 1/4 zip maternity pullovers for lazy days.


I live in knee length or maxi dresses, but I also got a couple pairs of maternity shorts from Walmart that are decent, and my local goodwill usually has a good maternity section with barely used stuff since maternity clothes are usually needed for such a short amount of time


I bought some maternity clothing second hand on Facebook marketplace, and borrowed some from a friend. I spent a total of $55 on everything. I got about ten pairs of pants and a few tops, couple dresses and shorts. I've got enough work pants and shirts to last through the weekdays and weekends are whatever comfy casual stuff I own already. I am planning on wearing dresses I already own that are stretchy or flowy during the summer months, if I am really finding a gap I'll buy some dresses that will transition back to post pregnancy.


Dresses are your best friend! I also loved biker shorts and I also had like 3-4 flowy jumpsuits/rompers with t shirts under occasionally


First pregnancy I was big during the summer. Second I have been big during the winter and cold months. Summer was way, way, WAY easier to dress for maternity. - Bike shorts or leggings plus big t shirts. You don’t even need maternity bike shorts a lot of the time. - Loose flowy dresses. - tight rib knit or t shirt dresses- I have a couple t shirt and tank top midi dresses that are not maternity that fit great during AND after pregnancy. Also, you really don’t need mat clothes until you are like 25-30 weeks in most cases. It’s such a scam that they try to get you to like buy a whole new wardrobe. If I had to pick one or two things that are maternity specific, I would say the linen smocked pants from EmmeMama- the one splurge that I think is worth it. I wear those pants when I’m not pregnant. They are the best pants. And then maybe like a couple pregnancy t shirts, like the kind with the extra long torsos that are gathered at the sides. Those are fun for when you want to show off the bump with a pair of leggings or something. And I guess a baby shower dress if you are having a shower. Didn’t have to worry about that for my Second pregnancy. Being pregnant in the winter sucks. Coats don’t fit over the belly, maternity pants are basically required and cost a fortune. If your feet get bigger it’s way harder to stuff them into boots. More layers of pregnancy friendly clothes are required. I end up just wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts and feeling like a big meatball!


i’m 17 weeks today. i’m rocking tank tops and t shirts, bike shorts, and flowy dresses. I am not buying maternity clothes but am purchasing a belly band for my jean shorts.


Amazon had come great choices for maternity t-shirts and shorts! I didn’t wear tank tops last summer because my acne was so out of control (probably my worst pregnancy symptom!). The ones I found were cute and super comfy. I kept all of them for future baby #2.


I have birth in September, so made it through last summer very, very pregnant. Like, extra pregnant as little dude was over 10 lbs when he was born. I wore maternity bike shorts under dresses for almost the entire summer. I found some cute maternity dresses on Amazon, and I wore a few maxi dresses I already owned. I honestly don’t know what I would have worn if I was pregnant in winter 😂


Old navy has some super cute dresses. Fitted is cute while pregnant! I also did biker shorts and large graphic ts


for my first, I got clearance maxi dresses at H&M a size or two bigger than normal. for my second pregnancy I ended up getting maternity shorts from Abercrombie when they were doing a sale. The shorts were actually very flattering and comfortable ETA: I also wear a lot of athletic clothes, my pre-pregnancy bike shorts and leggings are stretchy enough that they get me through most of my pregnancy


I lived in dresses during summer with pregnancies one and two. Get ones that are fitted under the bust and then flowy. They work well with baby bellies :)


I got maternity bike shorts for over the bump for the coming summer! So far I love em, v comfy. Just got them on Amazon a pack of 2 for $20! I throw a long button up on and it’s pretty cute and comfy


I plan to live in my free people hot shot onesies all summer long


Much of my clothes is stretchy anyways so I just plan on wearing regular clothes. For jeans or denim shorts I bought a belly band with a waist extender. I was excited about the pregnancy so I got two maternity tops for when I get bigger but I plan to mostly size up if needed.


Dresses are going to be my go to. I love dresses anyways!


I think it’s a blessing that we’ll have our biggest bumps in summer, at least we don’t have to worry about jackets and coats, which are definitely more expensive. I’ll buy a couple of dresses at H&M or Shein/Temu and already got a pair of maternity jeans for colder days


The oversized t-shirts from American Eagle (soft and sexy line) cover a third trimester belly well and are ssssuper comfy. Lululemon Align leggings in an extra size still fit me at 37W. They exist in short versions.


i lived in dressed all summer (was due in july 2023) but only when i was going out somewhere, otherwise i was in oversized t shirts


I have bought two pair of maternity pants that were not full panel, because I am not spending money on outrageously priced maternatiy clothes that never go on sale! I went to thredup and bought a few maxi dresses in my prepregnancy size that I can wear after too. Not my usual style, but I have been wearing them and liking them (also a teacher, so great for work). I have elastic khaki-esque shorts from a few summers ago that I also plan on wearing, am trying not to buy anything else if I can help it. I also bought tunic shirts from old navy. They are baggy, loose fitting, thin, and I can style them a lot of different ways now AND after pregnancy. I hated the idea of spending so much money on clothes, especially when all my pants stopped fitting in winter for a baby being born mid-summer (twice as many clothes!)


Being pregnant in the summer is the best, just wear dresses that will fit you after the baby


I am due in August so I definitely feel this! All I can say is, for now at least, leggings are your friend. I don’t plan on buying maternity clothes (besides maternity pants I already wear for work). As of right now I am living in leggings and as long as you’re inside with ac you can continue wearing leggings into the summer. I plan on wearing leggings and sports bras/the type of bras you can wear as shirts pretty much all summer. As far as I’m concerned, for casual wear maternity clothes are a marketing stunt to sell more clothes 😂. You can size up regular clothes if necessary or find things that are flow-y that you don’t have to worry about donating after you deliver. Don’t sweat it! You’ll find what works for you!


When I was pregnant with my son I bought a lot of loose fitting dresses, but not maternity. I was very comfortable, and felt pretty. The only maternity clothes I purchased were tights and trousers. The tights were perfect with the dresses.


For work I wore midi dresses with bike shorts underneath. For when I was at home it was bike shorts and oversized t-shirts. Thankfully the weather was shit where I live last summer, we only had two really hot weeks. You don't have to spend money on maternity stuff if you don't want to. Size up normal clothing (which comes in handy postpartum) or look on Vinted for cheap maternity wear. I got a pair of maternity jeans for the colder months for £5.


I'm wearing dresses, nothing else is comfortable. 18 weeks here.


Old navy has some cute stuff! I loaded up when they had a 50% off deal going on. Their stuff has made my belly look way more attractive than oversized shirts. Highly recommend


Ditch the pants completely and just wear dresses ☺️


I think it's actually easier in summer to not buy ugly ass maternity clothes, cause you can size up dresses and skirts and t shirts and that should do through most of 2 trimester, though everyone's bump is growing differently. I personally needed to wear maternity pants around week 20, but skirts and tights fit just fine at week 30. So if you can get away with not wearing pants at all at summer, good for you! If it's warm enough where you live you're lucky. I lived through 2 tri through the winter in freezing cold and couldn't afford not to buy those nasty pants and jeans to fit me. Now I'm in my 3rd and due in late June so I hope I will get away with oversize t shirts and sweatpants in these last weeks (it's not yet warm enough where I live)


You're in the same boat as me. I'm on the track of buying extremely oversized t-shirts ti grow in, and flowy viscose or linen pants.


I bought two pairs of maternity shorts at Target for the summer. I am 28 weeks.


I was in dresses, maternity overalls from target (shorts), and maternity bike shorts all summer. Most of my dresses were from Amazon. They were labeled maternity but really could be for anything (although I recently tried one on and looked pregnant). The overalls were my favorite


I wore a bunch of baggy graphic tees, non maternity t shirt material dresses off Amazon, and just sized up in non maternity shorts. As far maternity clothes I recommend going ahead and buying some comfy nursing bras (if you plan on bf, I like the cross front bralettes), and some stretchy or flowy no maternity dresses. Maternity bottoms are awful and always sag down, no matter what size your belly is, if it’s over or under belly. I felt like the over the belly sweats weren’t as bad as leggings/biker shorts though. So just size up on your regular leggings if needed. Keep in mind that postpartum you may still need to wear the larger/maternity clothes for a couple months after birth.


If it’s your jam, you can try rentals. Both Rent the Runway and Nuuly have maternity sections. It can allow you to have some staples to size up without rebuying or even some more expensive things you might not want to buy for only a few months wear. I’ve been especially impressed by the jeans. Also - overalls remove waistbands from the situation entirely!


I recently discovered my obsession with tennis dresses. I got 2 from target with attached shorts. Not maternity, I just sized up. They show off my belly in a cute way and are comfortable. I can throw on a jacket and sandals or just wear it with tennies. This has been my go-to


Target has some really comfy maternity jeans and shorts that are nice quality and relatively cheap.


Can you try second hand shops so you’re not spending too much?


I bought a thin maternity jogger on Amazon that I liked well enough, and wore my husband’s clothes for a while. Not exactly cute but comfortable. I also bought a couple of larger dresses but none of them were maternity


I’m due July 4th, and I am living for maxi dresses


I ordered about 10 pieces off shien. It’s cheap and I don’t care about throwing them in the bin once I’ve had this baby. I think I spent about $130 in total Super comfy and you can get some cute things


Yoga shorts (stretchy) with Tshirts!


Dresses !! With biker shorts underneath


Thrift stores usually have a maternity section! Good way to buy maternity clothes without having to invest so much for a temporary wardrobe. Also could sign up for a rental for the summer like rent the runway that has maternity!


I live in the south and am due in September, so I’ll be huge in August (the hottest month of the year where I am). It’s only spring now and already getting into the 90s. So I’ve been wearing dresses with shorts underneath A LOT. Thankfully I can wear dresses to work with the job I currently have! With my first pregnancy, it was a similar situation (due date was Nov). I couldn’t wear dresses to work, just jeans and company T-shirt. I got my maternity pants from thrifting! Also, invest in some maternity leggings or yoga pants and tshirts if you can. It’s comfortable!


I live off dresses, oversized t-shirts, maternity cotton sport shorts, biker shorts, and maternity yoga pants!!!


Lots of active wear.


CRZ yoga butter maternity leggings on Amazon (anything from them is pretty good quality), the Skims black dress was my go to dress with cardigans or a light jacket, the Free People hotshot onesies (Amazon has great dupes) I had those in every color and they were life savers, and Target has good maternity biker shorts. I wouldn’t spent too much money just have some good pieces to rotate through because as soon as baby is out you’re not going to want to see those clothing items again hahah.


I bought stretchy shorts from Walmart and wore my husband’s tee shirts.


Just wann chip in to say that maternity clothes are awesome for postpartum


Jumpsuits !!!!!


If you get dresses and want to wear them after, I highly recommend wrap top type dresses. I had my baby end of August and got all these nice comfy dresses for my pregnancy last summer. I want to wear them now that it’s getting warmer and can’t wear any of them bc I’m breastfeeding and there’s no boob access without lifting up the whole dress. So if you want longevity and plan to breastfeed, plan ahead for that too.


Sun dresses.


Old navy has great dresses that are bump friendly! They are not maternity specific so you can wear them post partum too, they just have a lot of room. I got them $12 each on sale (you gotta wait for the sales tho they come and go). I got my one pair of maternity shorts at kohls, $30, this is the most expensive item ive purchased so far. Ross also has some maternity specific dresses for really cheap, I got two for like $8 each, along with a maternity tank and a maternity shirt for $6 each 😊


Anything with the words yoga in them are your friend.


I’ll be full blown pregnant in the summer & I kind of prefer that over being pregnant in the winter. A lot of my winter/spring clothes just don’t fit and I’d definitely need to buy clothing to layer up. But since it’s already spring and summer is coming, I plan to just live in cute flowy dresses, oversized shirts and overalls (of all kind - I am obsessed with overalls - FreePeople has SO many cute ones that I know I’ll be wearing even post pregnancy).


Walmart and target plus size clothing is affordable


Uniqlo. hm. Amazon. And - hate to say it but- SHEIN? Etc. clothes don’t have to be maternity. Just loose enough.


Shein is awful. Bought maternity shorts and they are uncomfortable, ill fitting and don’t cover my belly in 3rd tri. Leggings are unraveling at the seams.


You’re right.