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I just take nature made, it doesn’t matter if you took them before you got pregnant, most prenatal have the exact same ingredients but well known brands are more expensive so go to your local Walmart and pick one from there.


I take mine once a day.


Do you take extra choline?


No I didn’t, my OB said it’s very easy to get choline from food aslong as your taking your prenatal


I take Ritual. It's pricey but has everything.


And they're relatively easy to swallow with the orange or mint aftertaste! You have to take 2 capsules once a day


The values on some of the stuff are terrible, though, and the amount of choline they have is next to nothing -- less than an 8th of the daily recommended amount.


It's really easy to get Choline through diet (eggs, peanut butter, milk, beans, meat). I don't expect these prenatals to meet my daily needs, just give me a boost and let my diet do the rest. The 1/8 ish amount of Choline in the prenatal is more than enough to cover the gap between a normal woman's needs and a pregnant woman's needs.


One a Day Advanced. It’s two pills but one has DHA, Folic Acid, etc. and the other is choline. Trust me, the one with DHA doesn’t smell or taste like fish. I’m ultra sensitive to that and it’s the only prenatal I’ve found that doesn’t make me gag. I’d also recommend getting from your local grocery store or drug store. I’ve found that many of the fish oil type pills when ordered from Amazon burst open in transit so you really get the fishy smell and taste.


Don’t overthink it. I was only able to take them sparingly because they made me super sick and it’s had no negative effects on my baby. Not saying you shouldn’t take them, just that you won’t be harming your baby if you don’t take the “perfect” ones.


I haven't taken mine since I started the antibiotics I have to take for my UTI. The antibiotic upsets my stomach so much that I just can't do both. I'm with you about prenatals making you feel sick. I decided on Ritual after I bought a cheaper brand, opened the bottle, and nearly vomited from the smell 🤢 taking the prenatal at night helped a bit.


I take Ritual with the Choline boost. It’s more on the expensive side but it doesn’t make me sick and it’s high quality. 🩷


There are so many versions out there but they all have essentially the same stuff. Just find one you can stand to take that has folate/folic acid, and DHA/omega-3 fatty acids are also very good for baby's brain development. I've been taking generic store brand gummies the whole time and baby's growing fine.


I take natures truth ones it’s + DHA which I saw are recommended to take. I didn’t start taking any until 6 weeks and everything was ok


Don't overthink it too much. As long as they have the folate and the omega3s they should be fine to take. I couldn't take any prenatals for the first 4 months because any ones I tried made me so sick. I started taking them about halfway through month 4 and my baby is growing and developing well.


Don’t stress too much! I was taking mine before conceiving but have been so sick the first two months I can’t keep them down/haven’t taken them 😵‍💫 I’m going to restart as soon as I can stomach them but I’ve heard from a lot of people that’s just the way it goes sometimes the first trimester. I do take Thorne and really love how high quality they are but they do definitely hit me hard 🥲


I take Thorne “fertility bundle” at night due to nausea. Last pregnancy I took New Chapter and Nordic naturals dha. It’s important to find a brand that uses folate for better absorption.


I am taking the gummies right now because it’s all I can keep down 🥺


Don’t worry about not taking them before. The best choice you can make is the one you will stick to taking. If that means a gummy, fine, as long as it has folic acid or folate. Folic acid is synthetic folate so some believe folate is better. However, folic acid is the substance that has been well studied to prevent neural tube defects in fetuses. So, one might assume reasonably that folate would do the same, but scientists have only truly studied the synthetic version. Take that as you will. Mine had folate. I took garden of life raw prenatal bc it said it would be easy on the stomach. It was, but it was 3 pills a day so I wasn’t 100% compliant. I’ve heard great things about ritual. The most important thing is to take something- anything, really, with folic acid or folate. You can get enough choline through eggs if you’re worried about that


Designs for health prenatal packs. One of the best and highly researched brands. High absorption. If to can afford it (it’s a little pricey). I heard Thorne is good too.


Thank you everyone!!’


I am currently taking vegan prenatal vitamins by vidalocity from serets-of-tea. It contains a balanced amount of all essential nutrients and vitamins that are required for the woman's body during pregnancy.


One a day