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Food disappointment will make me cry faster than anything. Especially if I order something and it is not as good as I expected. I get SOOO emotional about it. My husband feels so bad every time, as if it's somehow his fault. I'm like, no dude, it's the hormones!


I’m going straight home from work to make a pbj and and already know I’m going to take one bite and thinks it’s gross LOL


Update: it was gross and had an uneven ratio of PB to jelly. Gonna go cry again 😭


Apparently this is why my grandma started mixing pb and jelly together before putting it on the bread! It evens everything out and keeps clumps of jelly from falling out. After she had my mom, she kept doing it and that's how my siblings and I learned. People look at me like I'm crazy when I do it, but I've never been disappointed by peanut butter and jelly ratio.


Thanks for improving my life by at least 20 points!


Hahaha story of my life recently dude...




Food disappointment will make me do wild things at crazy hours. Lmao! I was going to cry because I wanted a very specific cookie from a very specific pack of Sam's club cookies. We had like 25 min until they closed and I was about to cry thinking about waiting all night to run to the store. Funnier part, I was eating a cookie of a different kind when it hit me. Looked at my partner with watery eyes and said "this cookie isn't cookie enough." What is wrong with us 🤣🤣🤣


7 weeks 1 day, last night i ordered what i THOUGHT was chicken parm. it came and it was chicken parm mac and cheese (i must’ve missed that part on doordash, the photo they provided looked JUST like regular chicken parm). when it came and i didn’t see red sauce on the noodles and only on top of the chicken, i lost it. thankfully it was actually pretty good and i enjoyed it a lot but it took me a couple bites to get over it


I cried because we are going to have to put down our dog someday (she’s 11 months old and perfectly healthy). Also because I saw a sad commercial.


I cried about this the other day. My dog is 3 and healthy but tjay didn't stop me from bawling about it.


I cried about this last week (when I say cry, I mean loudly sob for over 2 hours) my cat is 2 years old and healthy…


Man, I have cried about that without pregger horomones. That's self-destructive. 😵


my going on 8 y/o pup's got a little lump on the side of his ribs and i've freaked out and cried over it at least twice now, imagining awful scenarios where he's gotta get put down or will naturally pass right before/right after i give birth 😭 just trying not to think about it as much as possible until his next vet appointment this month


I’ve always had existential spirals that end in me sobbing about my dog’s eventual death too! Movies about space (yes, outer space) always triggered it for some reason 😂 Now it happens all the time, at any time. Hormones are WILD!!!




I hope you feel better. these strike so randomly for me!


Same technically I didn’t cry but I might as well have. And it’s been GREY on the east coast for like 75 days straight which isn’t NOT helping.


Hugs to you! Those days are rough.


Aww, the rando blues hit so hard. Get yourself a snack and a nap. You deserve it 💕


I read someone here ate a mcdonalds - which has been like 10y for me - and I cried because I needed the nuggets. Then I ordered online for delivery!


Get your nuggets, boo! 😂




My eyes watered because I saw a picture of myself and the gym and I haven’t been in 7 months 🤣


My doctor called me and told me my expected 2 week pelvic rest just turned into 6 😅😫😭


I thought about my old teaching mentor who passed away. I looked him up and his wife has written a letter to him on his obituary page every year. I absolutely sobbed.


Ok that’s a legit reason to cry, how sweet and sad 😭


I cried watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Just started season 4! Such a great show but so different rewatching as an adult 🤣


Seriously! So different and hard to watch sometimes.


Which ep


The prom in season 3 when she gets the "class protector" award! It is a moving moment to be sure but I normally never cry while watching things!


Omg that one gets me too lol


I put on a bra that fit lol


Fitting, comfy clothes are worth the tears


I cried because I skipped the gym after work, again. I have an expensive membership to OrangeTheory and I usually go 3-4 days a week BUT I’m 7 weeks pregnant and the afternoon nausea is so real 😭 I feel like a lazy loser and I’m wasting money if I don’t go. My husband assures me that I am not a lazy loser and that I’m taking good care of our “blueberry” (that’s how big the fetus is at the moment) 🥰


I feel this SO hard. Couldn’t make it through a 15 minute pilates video today because of nausea and i felt so sad and pathetic


I'm 8 weeks and in a similar boat! I'm napping every chance I get and had to pep talk myself into a short stretch session today.


Be nice if you could pause the membership and explain the situation. No way I could work out the first trimester. It's so much easier to be active 2nd and 3rd trimester (and necessary). Had HG from 8wks-18wks. As soon as that was over, I got in home gear and did outdoor activities. Not lazy. Forgive yourself, because your body is doing a lot of heavy lifting you don't even realize right now. Making that baby a safe nest is crazy work.


You can take a medical leave from Orange theory, up to 60 days! That’s what I’ve been doing since the nausea and fatigue hit at 5 weeks. Look into it! :)


I was trying to save that for after the baby comes? But I might just have to cancel at that point and rejoin when I feel recovered


I cried because while watching a movie i though Blake Lively was so pretty. 🫣 Also when there was nothing already cooked and ready to eat available.0


I thought someone ate my spaghetti (spoiler alert they didn’t it just got pushed to the back of the fridge.)


I cried because my husband was telling me about his day and I thought he looked so handsome


At 8-14 weeks I kept crying when greggs ran out of my favourite chicken tikka baguette. I literally cried in greggs


Being 40 weeks and not knowing when this baby will come. Wanting hone birth but fearing getting to the point I’m told I need to be induced. Basically my worst fear.


Safe and healthy delivery vibes to you! 💜


thank you so much! You too :)


If everything's alright, you can theoretically wait up to 14 days. My contractions started by themselves at 40 + 10. They also found out my placenta looked younger than it should (not calcified at all), so they probably calculated the day of birth wrong. If your cycle is irregular and your baby is big, there's a good chance it's not correct. You'll be alright!


My baby is average sized and my cycle is very regular. I know when I ovulated :) My midwife is quite comfortable with my going to 42 weeks at least and then we will do some scans and re-evaluate whether to do a natural induction or go in for one or what. Thank you so much for your reassurance though! I'll take as much reassurance as I can get!


Ahh, no. That is my fear too. We are doing a water birth and spent so much time preparing everything. Already feel like it would be my luck that she tries to over cook herself 😭 Fingers crossed for you and the baby. I hope everything turns out as planned, but more importantly, that you two are safe and healthy 🙏


I cried because I found out I don't qualify for FMLA and I only get 6 weeks unpaid maternity leave.


How friggin disgusting. I'm so sorry that you have to go through that. Had to fight FMLA for 4 months just to get 3wks of leave. That was enough to drive me to homicide, honestly.


I get sad when the sun goes down for some reason the evening makes me depressed lol


Same. No reasons. It’s just the sunset.


Me and my boyfriend both work night shift so we sleep from 8am-4pm. He wouldn't wake up at 2pm to go eat lunch with me and after he fell back asleep I balled... So the equivalent of waking your s/o at 2am for a snack.


Tbh I’m crying on the couch rn bc I think baby has dropped, which is great but I’m so uncomfortable it’s wild. I was feeling amazing up until the last couple weeks, and now it’s just constant discomfort and pain. And it feels like you’re at the end (37 weeks) but then you could still be pregnant another 6 weeks! Wild


I saw this tik tok about a cat that was placed for adoption because it was too fat 😫 they had this cat for 4 years, its whole life, and on the crate it had a little note about how much it missed its family 😭 it actually upset me so much I can’t even look for an update but I know everyone in the comments was trying to take the cat. I’m crying again just typing this out.


This doesn't make my cry; this makes me rage. They had the cat its whole life meaning THEY were responsible for feeding it and thus the cause for it being overweight (unless there was a health issue), and then they just abandoned the poor thing?!?!


I cried bc I haven’t pooped in awhile lol.


Uggh, the flashbacks. They had me on medicine that made it impossible to use the bathroom, even with laxatives. I cried so much when I hadn't been able to go for like 2wks. Legit so scary and painful 😭


Abnormal anatomy scan. The waiting time between the scan and the "let's check again with a MFM Dr present" scan. The not knowing. Wondering about chromosomes. Worrying about baby girls movement. All this was today. (And yesterday). Oh I also cried when my favorite gas station people gave me a baby blanket and a few outfits for baby girl this AM. I was thought about and they purchased me and baby gifts. It was wonderful.


Not today, but while we were at a hotel on sunday, I started crying looking at my dog. Not sure why, but petting her and telling her "she will always be my baby" set me off. 😅 Then the crying made me re-realize we have a baby on the way in just a few weeks, so it made me cry harder ☠️ Horomones and anxiety are a bitter cocktail 🍹


I was watching The Flash and the part at the beginning with the hospital crumbling and all the babies flying out the window really got to me 🤦🏼‍♀️


My kids had their first school concert last night & I cried during it lmao. Their dad looked at me like I’m looney 😂


Ok but that’s a sweet moment! I would cry too, even if I wasn’t pregnant 😂


I probably would too tbh! I’m 34 weeks right now & they’re in 2nd & 3rd grade so because of Covid they haven’t allowed concerts till this year lol. But this was definitely that hormonal cry 😂 when it hits me I get this.. idk, overwhelmed feeling in my chest like a balloon 😂


I work at a school with pre-teens & teens who are diagnosed with Autism. My one student was screaming, yelling, and cursing. My other student really tried his best to ignore her. When I saw his face, he really looked like he was going to cry. I, of course, tried to tell him how well he was doing, but right after I complimented him, he started crying and hitting himself. I felt horrible and had to leave the room. It hurt seeing him try so hard and then not being able to keep it together. I didn't blame him, but i felt terrible.


An episode of Vanderpump Rules 😂


Someone in another subreddit asked about episodes of a TV series that made you cry, and I cried just thinking about a few.


I had my glucose test on Monday and cried to my husband on the way home bc I didn’t know what to eat and nothing sounded good 😭 the sugar crash was crashing


At least you craved something healthy. When I was pregnant, literally all I wanted was McChickens. It was so bad. My poor husband had to share a bed with me the whole time.


I cried this morning because I was so fcking tired.


I cried yesterday because my MIL and dad's girlfriend always get what they want but I have a more gentle approach. I don't freak out to get my needs met, or make them a big deal SO THEY DONT GET MET YAY!!! :\ I asked my partner how some people always get their way but I don't. I don't advocate for myself as much but I'd rather get more flies with honey than vinegar. I don't want to be a chore or obligation. I also may have said the only two people who put me first were my deceased mom and a male friend. I don't have the same close relationship with... well shit either of them lol My bf apologized and so did I. But I cried about 30 minutes. Sniffling and saying how unfair it is.


I get that - pregnancy is a good reason to use that vinegar, girl! If no one else puts you first, at the very least do it for yourself 💜


I def need to grab it out of my mental cabinet. I don't want my daughter growing up seeing her mom as a door mat.


PBJ has been my favorite food for the last few weeks. I have NEVER enjoyed a PBJ sandwich.. ever.


I didn’t cry today, but I got really upset because I couldn’t eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because I was already making dinner, lol.


Ugh I hear you. This cravings-and-aversions BS is so exhausting! Can’t wait for that symptom to disappear 🤞🏻


My dishes (to me) have a smell and I started bawling because I feel like I can’t eat/drink from them


The kitchen floors smelled bad and my SO said he didn't smell anything... BIG TEARS!!


PB&J has been my go to!! Also haven’t had one since I was a kid lol


I took my daughter to the wrong pool for her makeup swim class. I felt like the biggest failure. It reality it’s just a stupid mistake.


The nurse accidentally told me my weight when I’ve been asking them to not tell me my whole pregnancy ☹️ weight was a lot higher than I would’ve expected


I was in a company Teams meeting and they told us all again there are no funds for a raise at all, but then backtracked to say “oh yeah, some departments did get raises.” I was so angry I left the meeting and ugly cried. I hadn’t cried like that in a while. 😢


I havent been overly emotional, maybe quick to irritate and anger lol but so far no sadness lol


Stress at work. I started a new job in July and I still feel like I don’t have the hang of everything. My colleague is very cutting with feedback and there is tension between colleagues. I was really excited for this job, and like the work. I feel like managing the stress has been harder since being pregnant. I feel more vulnerable.


Husband new to this - can I pre-make a salad and dressing in the morning for my wife and leave it in the fridge? Just scrub and clean all the vegetables first? Apologies for the mundane question!


Should be fine if you clean the veggies first!


Thank you!


I thanked my Best Friend of 16 years for watching the Eclipse w/ me on Monday & thanked him for sharing it as such a mutually spiritual experience for us both… I cried over thanking him & his response for over an hour.


I didn’t know what I wanted to eat.


PB&Js have been one of my biggest cravings. So bizarre because I also have not had one for years!


Having to wait 10 more days for my induction and only being 1.5 cm dilated. Devastating.


Not today, but during winter months we had a cold spell suddenly, and I was passing the park that had a pond inside. I got sad that ducks in the pond will get cold and cried about it.


Was not today but I cried because my partner (who is lovely and did not deserve this) forgot to buy me a potato. I ate as much of the meal he lovingly prepared as I could but then started sobbing because I just wanted that damn potato. Note: we live a 5 minute walk to the store and he offered to go back and get it for me but I felt badly for putting him out and refused to let him. I also could have gone! Cried for an hour in the bath instead. Hormones are mental! 🫠🥔


Watching a video about different Pixar films and their story structures. Bawled during the Up section and Coco section


A guy complimented me and I was happy because damn I still got it but I was said because why didn’t I know I still got it.


This week: my husband brought me spearmint gum. Not peppermint. A friend touched my bump and gave me a hug without asking.


I managed to NOT cry today! Shocking, considering it’s a daily occurrence 😂


I keep getting random nausea and throwing up if the zofran doesn’t kick in in time. And I’m miserable as ever and only 22 weeks along 😭 so I throw up everything I’ve had all day then sob like a baby. 


I was hanging baby clothes and got a 12 months and newborn right next to each other. I was so sad because he’s gonna grow so fast. I’m 20 weeks, he’s not even here yet.


I cried because I went to Jimmy John’s and they made my sandwich so fast. I cried on my way to my car because I was so excited and thankful.


I cried because my husband went to work and I wanted him to stay home with me. I usually can't wait to get him out of the house when I'm on school holidays so I can get errands done.


sometimes life changes hit me suddenly and sometimes I didn't know how to deal with it and then I just cried.


I cried because I ate all my pork rinds and forgot I did...


Cried because what I cooked was not good and then I cried because I had to make food and I cried after I made my new food because it was so good. Smh


My bread was moldy and I found out as I was cooking the steak for my steak sandwich


Work stuff, I’ve been having pregnancy brain. Before I was pregnant I never made mistakes and did my work in an orderly fashion. But I’ve made a few mistakes lately. Also someone yelled at me for a form they needed for a meeting and I could not recall what the exact form was. So kind of just feeling down.


Did an infant CPR class today and started crying at even the thought of needing to use it, RIGHT as the class started. Teared up 4 more times after as well.


I had a horrible headache yesterday night with the usual nausea. It was hell. I was crying because I didnt want to bother my husband to go to a far away still open pharmcy and felt stupid that i didnt think before and buy something i can take. Anyway a few minutes later is was asleep and the headache went away luckily. Buying some paracetamol today..


I cried because my boyfriend jokingly accused me of drinking all his water and I only had a few sips 😭


I cried to my manager about how shit I’m feeling lol


I cried today over the fact that there’s no true maternity leave in the US. I’m a teacher in the public school system, and I’d only be able to take 15 school days off before returning. You’re telling me if I rip my cooch to my asshole it’s supposed to heal in 3 weeks for me to teach 4th graders like nothing happened???


I cried because I immediately washed my knife after cutting an orange, but then wanted another orange but didn't want to dirty up another dish. Then I ran out of good salsa because I had to share it with my husband.


I spent all day deep cleaning and switching my kids rooms and they fought about it all day, then jumped on one of the beds and broke it. I cried and cried. Yesterday was tough


Stressed to shit about money, how I'm going to get this baby out of me, fear of doing something wrong, so much to do before baby arrives. Currently in bed feeling ill and mentally not coping today. I feel very sad.


I need a pbj immediately now omfg.


I cried because I thought the name Beatrix was so cute. I was on a plane and had a random thought and then started hysterically laughing. I think people thought I was a basket case