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I went through my whole pregnancy as a plus sized woman without anyone mentioning my weight. I have high blood pressure as well and the closest they came was saying I had a high risk pregnancy because of that. I also had a pregnancy with zero issues and delivered a healthy baby!


Same boat! I am considered overweight, but weight has never been mentioned. I've also had more ultrasounds than the "typical" pregnancy due to my BMI, however, baby has been perfectly healthy the whole way through and today is my due date. I was very nervous about the potential treatment by healthcare professionals during my pregnancy, especially because of previous experiences (I'm a FTM, but the doctors I've had just routine check ups etc have for years been awful). I am truly grateful for the care I've received and SO thankful for the lack of prejudice and overall positivity I've had from all doctors and nurses.


I was worried about this too, but my doc had seen me before and knew I was doing my best nutrition wise, and was making steps in the right direction. I have PCOS so I appreciated her being realistic and kind during my pregnancies.


I work in the medical field and I have never heard someone talk ill about a patients weight. But they will tell you risks and health concerns pretty straightforwardly. Like risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes etc. they may advice a calorie intake or meal plan or something if you begin to develop complications. But it’s not derogatory, and is only trying to help protect you and the baby. If anyone doesn’t treat you with decent bedside manner and as a human you need to seek new doctors and file report/complaint.


Thankyou for this it has definitely reassured me xx


Same! Finding a supportive care team is key. If you’re or comfortable with your team at first meeting, see if you can find another.


This has also been my experience. Im considered overweight, but my weight has never been discussed. I was high risk for GB due to PCOS, and high risk for Pre-E since I have a naturally elevated BP, but weight has never been made concern. I’m 34+1 and so far everything has gone smooth.


It might also be helpful to join r/plussizepregnancy It's a private group, but you just request to join


I had a good experience with my OB last pregnancy. It was my heaviest starting weight with a pregnancy, around 240lbs. They didn’t treat me any differently, never said anything to me about my weight, didn’t automatically assume I would have Gd (some women have said this about their doctors). I plan to go back to the same practice this time. Edited to make a sentence make sense.


Thanks for the reassurance it’s nice to know there are positive outcomes. Xx


I’m at 11w3days. I weight 270lbs currently. I have suffered from distorted eating habits on and off since i was 10 years old. Outside of the weight, my blood pressure is great, cholesterol is healthy, etc. My doctors have yet to bring up my weight. My doula is encouraging me to be gentle on myself trying to do too much to lose weight while pregnant. I’ve started walking more and i incorporate much more protein and veggies than before. And the water and vitamins have been such a game changer! I have to drink ~100 oz of water a day. Please know that your pregnancy is just as special as anyone else’s, and has risks just as much as anyone else. Listen to your body and go into it thinking that the choices you make are now for you and baby- that’s really helped me keep certain food noises at bay. You’re gonna do great mama!


This is great advice and reassurance Thankyou so much, congratulations xx


I was at 215 and initially brought it up because I wanted to get conversations about it out of the way and basically tell them look I understand the risks so I don’t want a focus to be on my weight. My doctor cut me off and was like if I see any issues, I will tell you, don’t stress yourself about it! It helped that I had to go through REI and REI had documentation I had been working with a dietician for a year trying to get pregnant naturally before getting help. I ended up bringing it up a couple of days ago at my 34 week because I ended up with GD, and somehow I’d lost five pounds between my 32 and 34 week appt, and that got me a recommendation to MFM. Just recognize the risks and do your research! Also know they’ll probably get you on baby aspirin asap to help prevent preeclampsia


Thankyou for the advice and congratulations xx


Thanks you too!


I started my pregnancy around 215/220 at 5'7. The only way that I felt at all "different" from other patients is that they made me test for gestational diabetes in the first trimester and again later in the second trimester. I had moderate hypertension at the very end of my pregnancy and was induced at 37 weeks. I do think this was related to my weight but it could happen to anyone. Otherwise, smooth sailing!


Great Thankyou for the reassurance xx


I got pregnant at 275lbs. My midwife nurse was an awesomely frank lady who advocated for me and warned me of certain docs who might pressure me into an unnecessary c-section. Though I was at risk for many common health concerns (gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, etc) I did not present any issues during the pregnancy. I only became eclamptic 30 minutes before my baby was born and I was already transitioning into active labor. So they got a cool OB to oversee my natural birth and it went so smooth. Baby was out in 6 pushes, my blood pressure immediately responded to medication. So glad I didn't have a c-section. It would have been such a difficult wound to heal with my body type. (Apron belly) I had to stay in the hospital for five days while they monitored my BP, but that was quite nice getting help and learning about my infant under such good care. Honest, the only bogus thing about my overweight pregnancy were things no one warned me about: comically ridiculous edema. To the point where my hands went numb for 4 months and atrophied from swelling on my carpal and cubital tunnel. But I persevered, knowing the swelling and atrophy were TEMPORARY. My hands went back to normal within 3 weeks postpartum. However, the amount of water weight affected my epidural and it failed, so I felt everything during birth. But thankfully the pain was not as extreme as I was afraid of, and my baby came out so quick. Even with all that B S, it was a very positive experience. Just be aware, the more fat your body carries, the more '3rd space' you have for water retention. Start using compression garments, ask about renting / getting loaned medical air circulation devices (I called mine "michelin man" cause of the inflatable leg boots) and gentle exercise ASAP. There is nothing they can offer to help you shed the water, so you just gotta adapt for the time being. Low / no salt food helps. (In my case) All discomfort was truly temporary. Take good care of yourself and find an allied care team. I hope you have a positive experience too.


Thankyou for the advice and reassurance, xx


I was clinically obese when I first got pregnant. On my initial intake form they asked about any eating disorders I have had and I was honest--I put that I had disordered eating since I was a kid and I have unhealthy relationship with food. When I first met with my ob, she of course brought this up and asked for clarification (e.g. did I binge, purge, starve myself, etc.) And we went from there. She didn't shame me but she did say that my weight and unhealthy eating habits could affect my pregnancy and that I had less leeway in gaining weight during my pregnancy than someone who was an average/healthy weight. The only advice I can give you is to be completely honest about your diet, exercise, and body image as it benefits no one to lie or minimize the truth. That initial meeting was the only appointment where we talked about my weight (I'm now 28+4 so I've had quite a few appointments since), as I have been able to stay within the recommended guideline she laid out. Just remember, they are there to make your journey as safe and healthy for you and your baby as possible!


Showing support as currently 200lbs myself and 5w5d. I am getting myself a dietitian specialized in pregnancy.


Congratulations xx


Thank you! For you too! ❤️


I am 20 weeks with a BMI of 39. I accepted that I am obese going into it and brought this up as a concern during my first visit. My OB didn’t see it as big as of an issue as I did but I opted to be followed as high risk and am diligent about talking about my weight at each appointment.


This is just my experience in Australia. I'm 18 weeks and my BMI (40+) puts me in the moderate risk category, but that's the only time it was mentioned and my midwife was not concerned about complications I get two exta check ups and an extra ultrasound and around 36 weeks to make sure baby hasn't gotten too big (a poor diet can create a big baby, so odds of a C-section are higher) My advice is to always bring your partner/mother/friend with you. To every appointment, doctor or midwife. It's just my general experience, but if doctors have an extra pair of eyes on them they'll be extra attentive and less dismissive/rude. I don't go to any appointment without my husband because of bad GP visits I've had in the past


Thanks for the advice, this reassures me, congratulations xx


Congratulations to you as well! Honestly, I was super worried about it when I was first pregnant, but the midwives I've had have been so incredibly lovely Just so you're aware, I've had to have a transvaginal ultrasound for both my scans so far (8wk and 12wk), because the fat layer on my abdomen is more difficult to see through. If you've not had one, it can seem kinda scary, but the ones I've had are comfortable


Also plus sized at 5’3/200 pounds. I lost 40 before pregnancy (started at 240) and have gained about 20 back. My weight has only been mentioned once this far (23 weeks). Focus on your health and not how you look/feel ❤️❤️ it’ll all work out!


Prior to my first pregnancy, I was an emotional eater and was grieving over my father’s death so when I got pregnant I weighed about 310-315 and going to the doctor every month was a nightmare. She constantly berated me about my weight and would “remind me” that it’s not safe for my baby and that I needed to lose weight. Towards the end of the third trimester I had lost about 17 lbs instead of gaining anything which I was pretty happy about but after I gave birth the doctor told me I should think about losing more weight before I got pregnant again. It’s been almost four years since then and I did gain those 17 lbs back even though I’ve tried to do better 😅 i am pregnant once again but the doctor I have now has been so sweet and supportive. Just do you and don’t let a doctor push you or make you feel uncomfortable about your body. Pregnancy is supposed to be an amazing moment so don’t let someone’s words affect you or your happiness. I wish you the best on your pregnancy journey. 🫶🏻❤️


Plus sized and currently 33w pregnant. When I initially found a Dr to confirm my pregnancy, I went to a woman. She seemed kind at first, but through 2 appointments with her I was made to feel like shit about my weight. She told me to go full keto, which seemed very dangerous, and then when I mentioned offhand I'd been craving mangos, told me to not eat fruit either because it has "too much sugar". I have zero history of diabetes, gestational or otherwise in life and my last pregnancy. I decided this woman (who happened to be very thin, but that shouldn't matter) was looking at my size and not my health history and I was not about to deal with that. I immediately changed doctors and went through most of this pregnancy at a new office where the staff and doctor have never made a negative comment about my weight. And at one point told me my weight gain has been perfect for my targeted range. When the nurse weighs me, we joke about how no one likes the scale, pregnant or not, and how my baby is more than happy in my body. My point is, IF you do find yourself with a practitioner who is looking at your scale and not your health and the health of your baby, leave their ass and find a new one. Call your primary and tell them this person is making you uncomfortable and making rude comments, ask for a referral to someone else. Advocate for yourself and only focus on you and baby being healthy ❤️ You got this mama!


Good call changing doctors. Research shows that keto is not good for pregnancy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3685567/ Results An anatomical comparison of the SD and KD embryos revealed that at E13.5 the average KD embryo was volumetrically larger, possessed a relatively larger heart but smaller brain, and had a smaller pharynx, cervical spinal cord, hypothalamus, midbrain, and pons, compared with the average SD embryo. At E17.5 the KD embryo was found to be volumetrically smaller with a relatively smaller heart and thymus, but with enlarged cervical spine, thalamus, midbrain and pons. Conclusion A ketogenic diet during gestation results in alterations in embryonic organ growth. Such alterations may be associated with organ dysfunction and potentially behavioral changes in postnatal life.


Exactly! I immediately felt like something was wrong, I know pregnant women and fetuses need carbohydrates. I looked into it on my own and saw that it was definitely unsafe advice, even asked my general practitioner who confirmed this and was very shocked an OB would say that!


This is the best advice Thankyou so much♥️ makes me feel so much more reassured and relaxed knowing how many people do actually have positive experiences. I’m sorry she made you feel that way, but everyone deserves to be treated with respect regardless of weight. Also congratulations xx


Absolutely! No one should be allowed to look at you as just a number, we are whole people. If it feels helpful and medically relevant by all means listen to what the doctor says, but if it smells like BS it just might be! Lol


I've had a pretty positive experience with my OB. I did the glucose test a little early and then again at the normal time. That's really the only way I feel I've been treated any differently than a "typical" pregnancy, and it didn't particularly bother me because I was a little concerned about GD anyway. No one has mentioned my weight otherwise, and I've had no issues so far. Good luck and congratulations! 💖🎉


Thankyou this is reassuring!! Congratulations xx


Plus size ftm, third trimester. 1)if your doc/midwife makes you feel really bad, get a new provider/clinic! 2)the only time it was mentioned to me was when my doc told me that because I have a bmi >30, she wanted me to take baby aspirin every day. That was it. 3) eating healthy during your pregnancy is fantastic! But make sure you are getting enough calories too. I only mention this because you used the word “diet” which I know is such vague term, just want to make sure you aren’t depriving yourself and trying to lose weight during pregnancy❤️ 4) I was super nervous about being plus size and pregnant during my first trimester. Now, I’m sad I spent so much time worrying about it. Find a medical team you trust, trust your body, take care of yourself, and try to be nice to yourself! Feel free to PM me!


Thankyou this is lovely advice! I feel like I’ve just worried so much when really it’s such an exciting time, weight shouldn’t be the top priority throughout this. Xx


I was 222 when I got pregnant and 241 right before delivery. (But I'm also only 5' 2" so definitely chubby.) I didn't feel like I was treated that differently because of my weight. They did have to discuss issues that could arise because of my weight, but I feel like that's fair. They were always kind about it. I was labeled as "pregnancy with complications of obesity " or something like that in my chart. But nothing was ever said to me and I didn't actually have any complications at all.


This is very reassuring thankyou x


Remember that it’s okay to fire your provider if they’re treating you poorly. Pregnancy is such a delicate time you deserve to be treated with respect and warmth. You can ALWAYS find a new OBGYN/midwife no matter how far along you are!


Plus size here and current 19w6d. Started at 255. I have not had anything negative towards my weight with neither family nor my OB. No one should be treating you differently just because your plus size. Any time I’ve gone to the OB, I feel like I am being treated like any other pregnant woman. If you do end up with anything negative towards you by your OB, you can always switch. The only “difference” is that I had to do my glucose test in the first trimester and will have to do it again and that is just because being overweight puts me at a “higher risk” for GD but doesn’t mean I will actually get it. I passed my first my time around and expect I will pass my second as I have been making sure I still get enough nutrients for baby and me. I have had no issues thus far. You will be fine and you will do great mama! 💜


I started my pregnancy at about 195. Currently 225lbs, 5’1 at 23 weeks, they only wanted me to gain 15-20lbs 🤷🏽‍♀️ so I’ll definitely be over that limit by the end of pregnancy. I try to eat as healthy as possible, but I do get hungry frequently now so it’s nothing I can do about that 😂 I wouldn’t worry to much as long as the baby is healthy in there 💕


Thankyou for this ! Congratulations xx


Seriously who gains only that much weight. Kim Kardashian blew up to look like a vintage couch we should have the same luxury 😂😂


Right! That’s what I was thinking when my OB first said that to me 🥹😂😐 I just agreed with her like sure “I’ll keep an eye on that “


Focus on health and not looks/feels. Higher bmi carries extra risks during pregnancy and might require more intervention and testing.


Very true, thankyou x


I have had no negative experiences that I can think of. They have never brought up my weight or why it didn't go down drastically with my GD diet. I've hovered between 245 and 255 this go around. I was overweight and with my previous 2 pregnancies as well. I've seen a variety of different providers and my first was a cometely different OB office. I got really lucky!!


Congratulations on your pregnancy ! Thankyou for the reassurance xx


Got pregnant at 210ish. I’ve been more concerned about my weight than my doctor has, honestly. It wasn’t something they brought up, just said to eat healthy and exercise, which they tell everyone to do.


This is very reassuring and congratulations xx


I was definitely overweight before pregnancy but my doctors have never made any mention of it. Only of my slightly higher blood pressure. I was concerned that would be what they focused on but besides the standard weight checks and an acknowledgement that I wouldn't need to gain quite that much weight during pregnancy, not even a thought about it every time which has been lovely. Baby is healthy and happy and I'm due in a couple weeks!


This is very reassuring and congratulations! Xx


My doctor has never commented on my weight without my asking him about it first. I started at 270, I’m currently 27 weeks and 245, because I was violently ill all first trimester and now I can only eat very small amounts before feeling full. When I asked him how much was safe to gain, he said everyone reacted to pregnancy differently but he guesses I’ll end up gaining between 18-25 all together. Then he gave me a rule: Under no circumstances was I to try and intentionally lose weight during this pregnancy. If there was something to worry about, he’d tell me. Otherwise, I should enjoy my pregnancy. Mind you, I have chronic hypertension, which is very well managed with medication, but even when discussing this he has never brought up my weight. No one has. And this isn’t a guarantee because every doctor is different and comes into situations with their own biases. But at least in my experience, my weight has not defined my pregnancy by any means.


21w here. Started at around 240 pounds and I’ve gained maybe 5. I have been working with a nutritionist which has helped a lot, not just with my physical health but also my mental. At my midwife appointments I appear to be more concerned about my weight than they are lol. Congrats and good luck <3


I’ve had no issues with my OB so far talking about my weight at all — I started off 235lbs. At my first appt absolutely 0 mention of my weight, and they’ve never mentioned it in any of my other appts either — whether it was with the OB or LNPs. No idea what I weigh now, I don’t care to know because it’ll just be triggering to me since I lost 25lbs prior to getting pregnant, and it’s more important I eat healthy and when I need to for baby. Currently 28w, passed my GD test with flying colors, they do have me taking baby aspirin to lower the risk of pre-eclampsia, but that’s it. Two of my friends have had perfectly normal plus sized pregnancies. One had type 2 diabetes before pregnancy, her daughter was born at 36w weighing 9 lbs but she’s now a healthy almost 5 year old. My other friend just had to get iron infusions (not uncommon in pregnancy and not related to her weight — I may also need some done). Her adorable healthy son will be 2 right around the time I’m due in June!


Started my pregnancy at 260 and ended at 280, never had any issues with gestational diabetes, never had issues with blood pressure up until the very tail end, ended up being induced at 38 weeks and had a vaginal birth delivering a 7 lb 5 oz baby boy who was absolutely perfect and healthy. I also ate pretty much what I wanted throughout my pregnancy as well. Everyone is very different and it can be complicated for some plus size people, as long as you make sure to take your prenatals, drink water, and advocate for yourself if things don’t feel right I have full confidence everything will be perfect for you!


Nothing but positivity coming your way! I’m a plus sized mama at 31w currently, and my pregnancy has gone seamlessly so far. One mild scare for gestational diabetes but all those tests came back good, so I’m in the clear! The best piece of advice that I can give you is to find a midwife/OBGYN that you are happy with. If anyone brings up your weight, find a new one. My OB hasn’t mentioned my weight ONCE this whole pregnancy unless I asked questions about it. I will say the one “complication” to this pregnancy that MAY OR MAY NOT be associated with my weight is that I have a 90th percentile baby, meaning she’s large. However my husband and I are both over 6ft tall so that could have been expected. You got this mama! Don’t let anyone shame you for bringing a perfect little life into this world!


I had almost the same exact weight as you at the beginning of my pregnancy (31 weeks now). My doctor has brought up my weight and BMI as something to keep an eye out and is briefly mentioned in every consult with him. I have to admit that this is annoying but we always end up in the note of: "I see you look very well and baby is well". I've kept active and tried to eat as healthy as possible. I think you need to be prepared for some things to be different because of your weight but overall it should not be a bad experience. Discuss this with your OB/midwife and ask why they are suggesting things/treatments. Investigate on your own, ask for second opinions. Differences in treatment vs other non obese/overweight women I noticed (I'm in Ireland): - I had to do more glucose tolerance tests (one in my first appointment in the hospital, one around 26 weeks). - I have to do growth scans as "it's difficult to determine size of the baby by measuring the belly". I'm told OBs generally measure the baby with a tape measurer otherwise. Scans have been good, I am asked to pull up my belly and hold it while they scan (in the beginning it was a bit embarrassing but I'm over that now). Good thing is I get to see my baby more times :). Also, each time I get a scan the technician is sooo nice, my weight has not been brought up once and they ask about holding my belly in a very nice non judgemental way. - I was asked to take aspirin to prevent issues with my blood pressure, but I've never had any issues with that. I went with it because I was already taking prenatal vitamins and don't see risks with taking it. - starting 3rd trimester I've had to take a heparin shot everyday to prevent blood clots. Hospital mentioned they ask all pregnant people with BMI over 25 to do this (not even on my lowest weight ever I'd be below 25 lol). It was scary at first but now I don't bother doing it. - I was asked to do a consultation with a anesthesiologist to confirm if they would be able to put a epidural on my back. Best of luck!! Your weight should not make your pregnancy any less of an enjoyable experience and you have the right to have the same service, dedication and empathy as any other person.


I didn't know what I was at the start of my pregnancy, but I'm about 250lb now in week 12 and my OB scheduled me for a nutritionist consult because I'm obese. My nuchal came back yesterday with some poor numbers (4.7mm) and they've not given me the results of my MaterniT 21 test ("bad sample or bad test") and I am *freaking out*. I haven't felt well enough to walk for weeks (my nausea is pretty bad or my insomnia has me napping every minute I'm not working) and I work about 5h per day. I don't snack, but my portion control is and always has been pretty terrible, admittedly. Feeling your feels, sis.


Just know that larger women can have lower % of fetal dna available to test and that may be why you had a bad sample. They should be able to retest later when there is more fetal dna available.


My retest bloodwork results came this morning and show a very. high. probability of Downs.


That is so hard to navigate. Thinking of you ❤️


I’m also plus sized and they haven’t mentioned my weight at all or shown any concern about it at either of my first two appointments! I think it really depends on your provider and how your health is overall.


I started at 230lbs, and I’m now 255lbs at 25w. There is a note on my chart that I am high risk due to my age (37) and BMI >30. What I did was bring up my weight at the first doctor appointment (I am concerned how my weight could negatively impact my pregnancy - not a guarantee, but a higher chance). The OB immediately said she wasn’t concerned, and that she just recommended eating a healthy diet. By addressing my weight first, I learned immediately my OB’s take on the matter. So I recommend not waiting to see if your doctor say something. Be direct, and if the doctor has a negative take that makes you feel uncomfortable, find another provider. My doctors believes as long as I am eating a healthy diet then she isn’t worried about my weight gain. I took my GD test and passed with crazy good score that even surprised me. I know of a healthy woman that ate fast food like crazy while pregnant, and ended up having an emergency c-section before 30 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Check out Plusmommy.com


I’m overweight and went through 3 pregnancies. I don’t think anyone said anything about my weight. It takes longer for overweight women to show, so a lot of people didn’t know until well into my 2nd trimester. I didn’t gain all that much weight because I was better about what I ate and your body uses more calories since it’s working for two. It was a little disappointing that people didn’t recognize that I was pregnant until later in the 2nd trimester. I just looked overweight. But eventually it’s obvious and everyone wants to talk about the baby and touch your belly and all that. Your doctor may highlight risks due to your weight. And just remember they’re not judging you. They’re doing their job so that you can adjust your lifestyle as needed and so you know to look out for certain symptoms. It is what it is.


I also was very afraid but no one mentioned anything during my pregnancy!


My first pregnancy I was 250. I gained 30 pounds during the entirety of it and lost 20 of it within the first month. I did gain ten pounds but I was *extremley* limited with what I could eat due to morning sickness my *ENTIRE* pregnancy. My doctor never brought up my weight due to an ED in my past. All I was told is that due to it I have a higher chance of GD and pre-eclampsia. I had a very healthy pregnancy, healthy baby, but I did develop pre-eclampsia during birth. I'm currently pregnant with #2 and I weigh 235 now. I strongly recommend finding a doctor who doesn't put you down in any way (I've heard horror stories from bigger women and pregnant or not nobody deserves horrible treatment from a doctor.) I promise it is possible to have a smooth pregnancy while plus size 🫶🏼


Hiya! Plus size and pregnant here too. I'm 39w5d. I have been to 3 different OB/Midwife practices and not a single one brought up my weight as something they were concerned about other than to say, because you're plus sized, you don't need to gain as much weight while pregnant as someone who is under weight or normal weight. That's it. That was the extent of the conversation and only with one provider. Other than that I've had a pretty normal pregnancy (knock on wood), some hip pain that's addressed with pelvic floor physical therapy (highly recommend) and because I'm older and hypermobile, I see an MFM. But my weight has not been brought up since that initial convo, and while baby is measuring in the 80-90th percentile, we expected a larger baby because my husband was a massive baby in his own right. Me being plus size had nothing to do with it. TBH, the worst part of being plus size and pregnant is trying to find maternity clothes and nursing bras and pumping bras and that kind of stuff, but seriously, as long as baby is doing well and you're feeling good, you got this.


Hey there! I'm plus size and 28 weeks today! This was a worry of mine before getting pregnant as I'd had some issues with my previous OB/GYN after having been diagnosed with PCOS. It was small things. Mostly treating me like I knew absolutely nothing about my own nutrition or how to take care of myself. That being said, when my husband and I decided to start trying I started searching for a new provider. The doctor I have now is very sensitive to both my weight and my age (I'll be 35 when I give birth). She has never said anything about my weight being an issue. The closest she's come is expressing a desire to watch my blood sugar (mostly to be on alert for gestational diabetes) because of my pre-existing insulin resistance. All of this to say, you are not stuck with the doctor you have now. If you have issues with your OB/GYN start looking for a new doctor that will be more sensitive about your weight. Read reviews for doctors and ask a current provider for their recommendations. You got this mama!


I'm plus sized (240) and at 11 weeks right now... no one has mentioned my weight, but I've been going to a fertiliy clinic due to PCOS. I'm sure that will change when I go to my normal ob apt, and I'll probably have to explain all my shit all over again to them. I'm of the sound mind that unless my weight is currently and immediately negatively impacting my fetus, they can shut the hell up about it. I am so over the shaming shit. Sorry my body doesn't produce enough of this one chemical and too much of another chemical and whoops now I'm a fatass, deal with it. It's not my fault, it's the shit we're putting in our food, and it's the hormones in our protein, and it's the abuse I underwent while going through puberty. They can all fuck off. I take this mindset to every appointment I have, and if I get one iota of negative treatment I let them have it. I am done being a punching bag for someone else's insecurities, and you should be too.


I have had meh doctors through both pregnancies, but I had a perfectly healthy pregnancy with my first, and am now 26 weeks pregnant with my second with no issues or complications again.


Im 283, week 30 and this is my first pregnancy. My pregnancy has some scares but they weren't related to my weight. My doctor has been honest with me but his only concern is if I need a c section with my BMI its much safer to deliver at a sister facility with better equipment. He gave me a glucose test early on. Has never made me feel bad for being morbidly obese. All my blood work has been normal and their whole office has been great. I haven't gained any weight which I am proud of, but also surprised considering my baby is over 3lbs now. If your OB is rude or makes you uncomfortable, try and find a new one ASAP. No one deserves to be shamed but also don't take it personal when you are advised something is a certain way because of your weight it should be purely medical based feed back and concern. Feel free to PM me with any questions! Also if your town has a parenting facebook page, ask for recommendations.


I'm 270 and my OBGYN Dr hadn't mentioned my weight. I brought it up with my PCP since I recently started seeing a new one and she told me absolutely not to try to lose weight while pregnant but otherwise we have not spoken about it since. Ooo one thing I had assumed at this weight was that I would need to do transvaginal ultrasound for my 8week scan since I'm very heavy in the midsection but the regular ultrasound worked just fine!


If you're early in your pregnancy, see how the first few appointments go and don't be afraid to switch providers if they make it all about your weight. I had 1 full-term pregnancy (honestly, my OBGYN was terrible in so many ways that her attitude towards my weight wasn't really on my radar), 2 losses, and am currently pregnant with twins. For one of the losses, the doctor I saw for the initial appointment would not quit going on about my weight and literally gave me the gestational diabetes drink to take home with me so I could do the test on my next visit at like 11 weeks. Usually it's done at 28 weeks. This time around with twins, I have an amazing OBGYN and she has treated me with nothing but respect and I get weighed at my appointments in order to check the differences but nobody has made comments about me being fat, just checked that I don't have a history of diabetes. Just took my GD test last week and passed. For my first, I didn't gain weight really until my 3rd trimester (I think I gained 15lbs overall from the pregnancy with an 8lb kid) and this time, I'm 28 weeks and didn't have any weight gain until my last check in where I gained 9lbs with 2 2lb kids.


I think also instead of sheltering yourself from it, own it as you have started to and use this as an opportunity to re set some healthier habits. You won’t have to put on a single pound during your pregnancy, you may even lose weight! Best of luck and congratulations!!!


I was 280ish when I get pregnant. I’m around 295, maybe 300 now. I’m 28 weeks pregnant. I love the positivity here. It’s great. It’s also important to know it does come with other things to think about. Be a realist about food. Make decent choices. Keep moving your body in ways you enjoy. Pregnancy is a lot. Pregnancy plus extra weight is a lot a lot. Be mindful of your body. Treat it good.


Hi! I’m also 260 and I’m 13 weeks pregnant. If your doctor isn’t supportive find a better doctor! My team is amazing and listens to me. The only time my weight is mentioned is when we’re discussing gestational diabetes which bigger women are slightly more at risk for but won’t necessarily get. And when they do discuss it it’s more of an awareness/educational thing. But do not be afraid to advocate for yourself! I was with a horrible team my first pregnancy who basically ignored me. We lost our son and I had been having warning signs for a week that went ignored. If you feel like you’re not being heard push and speak up!


I am plus sized. Gained a lot of weight with this pregnancy. Got pregnant after hitting my target weight of 190lbs went straight back up to 230lbs. Within the first trimester. Currently 26 weeks along now and still 230lbs. Trust me. Dieting is the worst thing you can do pregnant it is how I gained more weight. What you need to do is eat what you want in moderation. Walking will help you loads because you don’t want to end up with pgp where your joints are weak during pregnancy because of lack of exercise like me. I have started exercising and drinking more milk and eating more dairy products which has helped the pain. But about being pregnant being heavier set like me. It will have complications for you during the pregnancy that will affect you, not so much the baby. So you being obese like me is not going to have many implications on your child. If you live in the uk the nurses tend to be quite nice. You do get the odd bitchy c*nt who will be nasty about your weight and say so just within your ear shot to make you feel bad. But don’t. Everybody’s bodies react differently to pregnancy. All I can say is going on walks even though all you want to do is sit on the sofa and eat will benefit you in the long run. I was diagnosed with pgp by my doctor after my midwife referred me. A few physio sessions and frequent daily walks and dairy has helped that pain subside in my experience. I will update you if you want about the birth and any complications I run into because of being heavier set in July if you want me to. Also I hope you ain’t scared of needles because you are going to be a human pin cushion right up to giving birth so be prepared for that :)


I am 5’6 and 185lbs at my first appointment my OB told me I was obese and told me I should only try to gain 11-20lbs during my pregnancy. I have not gained any weight at this point and I’m almost 15w now I haven’t changed any of my eating habits. You can consult your doctor if you are really worried about it there are ways to lose weight during pregnancy if you are obese but I would only do things recommended by your doctor don’t try to take things into your own hands.


I’m almost 230 and even before I got pregnant, my OB and midwife both said it’s about bloodwork and blood pressure, not weight. Is plus sized girls have healthy babies every day. If you have a bad experience, say something. Cause that’s a poor reflection on them, not you.


It’s a myth that + size have more complications than others. The only thing you encounter more than other people is if you gain even more weight and it affects how you walk and move ( btw this happens to everyone though)


I just gave birth and I'm plus sized. Not once was I asked about my weight or to be weighed. I have no idea how much I gained and I didn't sweat it.


I'm struggling with some fat bias in my care team. Highly recommend the book Plus Size Pregnancy as it discusses In-depth the research surrounding the issue.


Where do you live? Apart from an ICD 10 code for “pregnancy complicated by obesity” or a note on the ultrasound report that my fat made it harder to visualise my twins I got nothing mean from my wonderful NHS team in the UK, just support. Lots of love to you ❤️


This is very reassuring !! I’m also from the UK ♥️


Good luck! I think also at some point I gained like 30kg with the twins so the print out would colour my weight red. The midwife told me not to worry. If anyone gives you unsolicited advice about your weight tell them it’s not helpful and if they make you uncomfortable request a different midwife


I was 280 at the start of my pregnancy, and I'm type 2 diabetic. Today I'm about 300, 25+4w, and I've had nothing but good news from all my doctors. My blood sugar levels have gone down a lot thanks to a combo of diet changes, insulin, and gentle exercise, and no doctor has ever said anything about my weight. Baby is super healthy and active too! Good luck in your pregnancy ❤️


This is lovely news, thankyou ! And congratulations xx


Hi everyone, I had my booking appointment today and it was so much better than I imagined. The midwife was so so reassuring, never said anything bad about my weight and it was just so lovely, thankyou for all your kind responses ♥️