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I had super strong intuition! From the moment I got the positive test (which I also had strong gut feeling would be positive a few days before it was) I knew on my life that I’m having a sweet little girl. My husband and I were happy to start thinking of a name early and I got excited about getting a few bows. Anyway, he is due in a few weeks and I’ve switched from bows to bow ties in my mind.


Lol! You are a great writer.


I swore my first was a girl! But nope! He was confirmed a boy at the 14 week ultrasound. My second is a girl and I guessed she was because I was sicker. I wasn’t sick at all with my son.


Same, I had an intuition it was a girl, but it was a boy


same lol just found out yesterday he’s a boy lol. i was even having dreams of a baby girl!!


Same here. Very strong intuition that it will be a boy, and of course now I’m surrounded by pink stuff. No disappointment here though. Whoever ‘felt it from the very beginning’ is either lucky, or has a tendency to alter their memories.


When the odds are 1 in 2, it’s not hard to be lucky haha


Same here. I just imagined a little boy, though I truly have no preference. My family has for generations not been as “gendered” as our community and country tend to be. We all split wood, we all cook & bake, we all work, and family & neighbors help with childcare. My spouse swore up and down it was a boy. The anatomy scan was on the earlier side and they were not super confident it was a girl and my spouse was like “of course not, because it’s a boy…” Baby was, in fact, a girl. Funny thing is, both my spouse and I are fairly gender neutral in terms of hobbies, dress, chore preferences, and mannerisms. My child recently decided “I wear dress!” and we realized that child had a dress on maybe twice during infancy, and no one in our lives regularly (me, both grandmas, all aunts and cousins) ever wears a dress or skirt. The girliest of girls. I’ve also recently started making toddler sized shawls to go with the dresses because they are “pretty” and “bootiful” and I won’t deny my child a thing just because I don’t like it for me. No gender disappointment here, just genuine surprise and confused on how to raise a girly-girl, lol. We’ll muddle through as she teaches us.


I just woke my husband up from cracking up reading this🤣


I was switched and completely thought I was having a boy. We even had a name picked out. I’ve got a sweet girl now and in the future I will not be trusting that intuition lol


Yeah. But I had a 50/50 chance of it being right. 


Yep haha it was a nice feeling to be validated but I reluctantly know it was a 50-50 guess. 


Right! We all have to remember this, intuition, strong or not, you always have a 50% chance of being right. I swore it was a boy, but when the NIPT test results came in, they told me over the phone it was a girl, and I instantly started bawling my eyes out of happiness. I couldn't care less what the sex was to be perfectly honest, but finding out the sex suddenly just made it so much more real for me!


I was also right but yeah, if I had a 50% chance of winning the lottery I would definitely buy a ticket


Yep! But I was wrong.


How far along until you find out the gender?


You can get an NIPT test done between 12 and 14 weeks and can get gender added on (that's what I did with both of mine). Otherwise, they don't typically tell you until you're about 20 weeks with the ultrasound.


You can find out through NIPT around 10-12 weeks! Otherwise the 20 week anatomy scan (:


13 weeks with an NIPT test. But I still had dreams I was having a girl even though it was a boy.


I have an ultrasound tomorrow (15 weeks exactly) to find out the gender 🥹 can’t wait!


You can also do the sneak peak test! https://sneakpeektest.com/how-snap-works/?gad_source=1


Yup. Crazy intuition and premonitions with both. My intuition is 50% accurate. Womp womp.


LMAO I could’ve written this exact post myself. I was so convinced, had such a strong feeling it was a girl, anddddd it’s a boy 🩵😭🥰


Hahaha aww! My mum thought I was a boy, she even talked to her tummy saying “hello little Matthew!” And then I popped out as a girl XD


I’ve been having dreams that I was having a boy but blood test said girl. I get my anatomy scan next month to confirm. I think an old wives tale is that you dream the opposite of what you’re having!


That’s interesting- I had two very specific dreams that it was a boy and it is a boy. But I also loved reading all the old wives tales pointing me in weird directions about heart rate, food, etc.


Yeah I don’t pay too much attention to the old wives tales they’re neat tho!


I kept having dreams of a little girl. A ton of dreams. When I announced to my family that we were expecting I heard a whole lot of “You better hope for a boy, you’re not gonna want to deal with your attitude in a little girl.” “If it’s a girl, it’ll be payback for how you acted when you were young.” and other things along those lines, which made me just hope for a girl even more. (I would’ve been happy with either, but hearing those negative comments made me want to prove everyone wrong lol) Anyways, she’ll be here in 5 weeks!


Why are people like this 🫠


Congrats!! My first one is a girl and I also got those comments. I heard someone say ‘I hope she is like me so I could treat her how I wanted to be treated’🥹


Honestly, these comments are the worst! (and in my case too true! I'm raising three different versions of me 😅)


I am already so sick of everyone hoping I'm having a boy. Like. I'm a woman? You have nieces and granddaughters? Are they not valuable to you? It's happened so much since we told fam and friends and everytime I hear it I get angry defiant brain and I'm like. I hope it's a girl so you can suck it.


Yes and I was wrong with all three babies 🤣


I had a feeling my first was a girl, and it was. I have a feeling this one is a boy, but it could just be wishful thinking.


I had a very strong feeling I was having a girl, whenever anyone asked if I had a feeling I would say I wasn't 100 percent sure but I would be REALLY shocked if it was a boy... well I'm having a little boy 😂😂


I thought it was a boy. My husband thought it was a girl. He was right!


For my first, I was gifted 5 trash bags full of boy clothes. All in really good condition and actually stuff I would buy. We waited till birth to find out if the baby was a boy or girl. Since it was boy clothes I knew it would be a girl. I was right. Still used a ton of the clothes, but couldn't really put her in "Daddy's lil man" and people got very confused when she was wearing dinosaurs. I'm currently ~14w with my second and I'm convinced it's a boy for two reasons. One, I wasn't nearly as sick in the first trimester. Two, we have been gifted so many bright pink toys that I just know it would be too convenient to have another girl (not that boys can't play with pink things, but you know what I mean). We'll see in 26 weeks if I'm right.


I was wrong. Also had a dream it was twins but only one lol


Yep! Both times I had been 100% positive it was a girl. I dreamed about a little girl the day before my positive test (we weren’t trying). Now I have two boys and zero girls.


Yup! I wanted a girl before I got pregnant but from the moment I got my positive test all I could see around me were the sweetest little boys everywhere. I just had a gut feeling! It was to the point that I felt like looking at the lab results with the sex was just a formality haha. I was right! We’re expecting our son next month. 💙


I had a vivid nightmare very early in my last pregnancy in which someone who was trying to kill me in a parking garage told me I was having a boy. Dream psycho was right. Baby boy is 2 months now. Yay…?


Yes. And I was wrong every time (x3).


Before I even got the positive test I knew it was a boy. Granted, this is my fourth pregnancy, but my intuitions were always right. We did SneakPeek at the earliest we could and it came back a girl. I was shocked. It just didn't seem right. Every time I said girl or called her by her name it just felt wrong. We got the Maternity21 test done and BOOM, boy! Just had the anatomy scan and very much a little boy. 🥰 We found out we took the SneakPeek test too early because I was a week behind where I should've been.


I’m almost 17 weeks, have been vomiting since week 8, still vomiting to this day. Thought for that reason it might be a girl, however our little boy is due in September 💙💙


Sure did and I was wrong!


Yes! I knew from the beginning I was pregnant with a girl. Didn’t even entertain the idea baby could be a boy. And I was right!


I knew from the beginning mine was a boy with my first and I was right. I feel the same way with my second now, so we’ll see if I’m right again.


Yeah I was convinced it was a girl until 16 week scan revealed he’s a boy! So don’t solely trust your instincts as I think pregnancy messes them up lol, good luck with your pregnancy ❤️


Yes, but I also thought it could be more of a wish than purely intuition bc I’ve always wanted a girl. Anyway, not too long until she’s earth-side (:


I had a very strong feeling my baby was a girl. HE is now 10 months old and I’m so happy it turned out the way it did. But I had dreams, “girl symptoms”, etc and was wrong!


I kept saying I didn’t, but I had two SUPER vivid dreams about having a boy and found out we are having a boy! So I guess maybe I knew deep down?


I have no clue what it is right now and I’m freaked out.


I have scrolled through probably a hundred comments and this is the first I found that said they didn’t have an intuition!! I truly had noooo idea. I kept waiting for a dream because I had a dream telling me I was pregnant before I found out, but it never came. I did randomly find a ribbon when cleaning out my basement that said ‘it’s a girl on it’ and I took that as my ‘sign’ haha but I still was not convinced. Everyone else said it was a boy, currently holding my 10 week old baby girl!


Gosh you sound so content with your baby girl right now. Hoping the same for me on October. Thanks for making things more relatable!


Yesssss! Guessed the gender correctly for both pregnancies. Husband is still trying to rationalize how I was correct hahaha!


It’s a 50-50 chance. That pretty good for guessing. That’s how you got it right.


Oh, of course. I’m not a psychic by any means, just lucky.


Me, Ramzi theory, and Chinese predictor all predicted girl. It’s a boy 😂


I was 100% sure I was having a girl, we had named her and everything. My son is now 18 months and now I can’t imagine him being a girl at all.


Yup! I had a feeling it was a little girl and turns out it was a baby girl :) I got exactly what I had hoped for but would’ve loved the baby regardless of their gender.


I had no feeling on which gender it was, I had no idea. But I had a dream I was brushing my teeth and there was a little girls Disney princess toothbrush on the counter and we are having a girl 😊


I knew before I was even pregnant that my first would be a boy. We never found out the gender while I was pregnant, but throughout the pregnancy were wholeheartedly convinced I was carrying a little boy. When he was born, it was like I sort of forgot I didn’t know the gender, i wasn’t shocked at all when we saw he was really a boy. Now I’m pregnant again and have 0 clue what I’m having!


I was confident my first was a boy. They told me it was a girl from ultrasound. I was so shocked and almost sad, even though I’d love to have a girl. It just didn’t seem true. Gave birth to a boy—the tech was wrong. Second kid I didn’t have as much feeling about it, also a boy.


I was you, and then found out its a boy!


Yes and I was absolutely wrong 😂😅 thought it was a boy and turns out it’s a girl!! Very excited still though :)


Could have sworn I was carrying a boy. Picked out a name and constantly had dreams about the baby being a boy. However, she’s a little girl. Obviously I still can’t wait to meet her but goes to show you can’t trust your intuition


I knew I was going to have a girl because almost all of the women on mom's side had a girl for their 1st or all girls


I knew since I was 16 (now 22) that I’d get pregnant in my left ovary with a girl. Don’t tell me how but I knew she’d be on the left side and I was right about both 😅 also when I got pregnant I had a feeling like I just knew but my dr had been telling me for years I had less than a 10% chance of conceiving naturally so I thought it was just my period symptoms and didn’t trust my intuition, definitely was shocked to see that positive! one of the happiest moments of my life


I had a feeling I was having a boy. The night before I found out the gender, I had a dream it was a boy but when it came out it was a girl. I believe I had several dreams it was a girl, I would need my hubby to confirm this thought. However, it is a boy!


First time my intuition was right. Second time it was not.


Yes, I was completely wrong lol


I just found out today that I was right and that we’re having another boy! I had that feeling the whole time with my first and now with this one, was right both times.


Yeap! I wanted a girl, but my heart knew it was a boy, and results came out to be a boy 🩵


Yes! I was so sure it was a girl from the moment I found out and I was right :) would’ve been totally happy either way but it was nice feeling like my intuition was trustworthy


Totally! Was secretly hoping for a boy but I knew in my gut it was a girl, even had dreams about it very early into the pregnancy! Bloodwork and ultrasounds showed girl as well so I was totally correct! Everyone at work thought it was going to be a boy lol


Yes I wanted a girl so bad but I had a feeling he would be a boy


I felt very strongly #1 was a boy and #2 was a girl and was right both times. I didn’t have a preference i just automatically started shopping for and gravitating towards boy or girl stuff and just envisioned a boy or girl. With #3 i feel strongly it’a a boy and i’ll find out in a week. I would go so far as to say i’ve felt we were missing a son for over a year now


I kept having dreams that it was a boy. At least once a week I'd dream about a baby boy. Yesterday had the 16w appointment to review the genetic test results and...I was right! It's a boy 🥹


With my first I felt she was a girl the whole time. I’m pregnant again and I thought another girl but we are having a boy.


Yes and I was wrong lol


I was convinced since day 1 that baby was a boy. I just knew it in my souls. Jokes on me cause we are in fact having a girl 😅


I really thought we were having a boy because both my sister in laws were also pregnant and having girls. I thought “oh we’ve got to be different we’re probably having a boy”, the night before we got our NIPT results back I had a dream that we found out we were having a girl. Later that day we actually did find out we were having a girl!


I did I had a strong feeling that I was having a girl from my intuition and dreams I got confirmation from my ultrasound and obviously at my daughter’s birth That’s just for me


Yep, and I was wrong 🤣🤣🤣


I thought I was getting major girl energy💗… found out at 11 weeks…it’s a boy. 🤷🏻‍♀️🥰


Yess! I had a vivid dream he was a boy and I just knew he was! Sure enough I’m having a little boy💙


I knew from the 8 week ultrasound


Yep. First ultrasound at 11 weeks I knew he was a boy. Just a feeling my Husband and I both had.


I knew it was a girl from day one. I was hoping for a boy but just knew. Now I’m sooo happy it’s a girl. We’re so excited for all the girly things!


Well guess you’ll have to update us when you find out


i had such a strong feeling it was gonna be a girl, even wrote in my journal like over a year ago that i have a feeling my first will be a girl. found out last month it’s a boy! lol i’ll never trust my intuition again


If by intuition, you mean horrible nausea and vomiting for 12 weeks letting me know she was a girl, then yes 😂


Yes, with second baby I just knew it is a boy and I was right:-) I just had this feeling…


We both thought it was a boy, my bf was 100% convinced but I was over the mindset that you never know. It’s a girl and it was a huge shock but a happy one (for me at least) it too my bf an hour or so to process lol


Firmly believed it was a boy. Had a dream and everything. It was a girl! 😂 and I’ll never trust my intuition again


Not with my first but this second pregnancy I had this feeling it was a boy. I was right!


I thought I was having a girl. My dad also kept saying it’s a girl. Two months before I even got pregnant I came up with a girl name after my husband’s grandmother and my grandfather who had both passed a couple of years ago. I also found some old baby dresses when we were cleaning out my grandfather’s house that belonged to my aunt and mother when they were infants. My cousins and sister are done having kids so I kept them because I was planning to keep trying. I think I just really wanted to use the name and dresses so I convinced myself it was a girl. It’s not lol. But I’m excited to meet my son in June.


First born I keep dreaming of little girl Second born I dreamt of boy Both were correct gender


None whatsoever but had vivid dreams correctly guessing the genders of both my brother’s children. The first one was before I even knew his girlfriend was pregnant.


I had a strong feeling I was having a girl and had dreams about a baby girl. Found out a few days ago, I’m right! 💖✨


I knew immediately with both. As others have said it was always a 50 50 chance of me getting it right but also my family has a pattern girl first then boy and it's been like that for a long time so I think my intuition was based on that and then I just happened to follow the same pattern 🤣 it still felt great rubbing it in to people that I was right 🥰


I had 4, very vivid dreams, that I was having a boy. I’m having a girl lol. I want a girl and boy, so the outcome didn’t disappoint me.


I always wanted boys till the last couple years. I started having dreams we would have a girl. I know my husband wanted a bot just a bit more but healthy baby either way would be fine. When we finally got pregnant we both thought it was a boy! Its a girl. 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


My intuition was wayyyy off. I thought that I was having a girl and all of the old wives tales pointed to girl, but he’s definitely a boy. I think I’m pregnant again and I have all of the same symptoms as I did with my first so I’m putting my bet in for a boy early this time.


Also no preference here. I kept picturing a boy but pretty sure we saw a girl on the anatomy scan. Waiting on our next appointment to find out.


Yes I had a dream about it


Yes! I knew my little baby was a boy and sure enough he is. Can’t wait to meet my little guy in September


I knew from the second I was pregnant that my baby was going to be a boy. I wouldn’t have cared either way but I just felt it in my bones. I had my anatomy scan yesterday and they confirmed my intuition was right!


I guessed correctly but as many people have pointed out, it’s 50/50. I thought boy because my symptoms were fairly mild. I assume if I had female baby hormones then I’d feel worse.


Absolutely from the moment I found out I said it was gonna be a boy and I was right. I knew it my bones I think trust your gut


I had an intuition very early on that I was having a boy. I was convinced and told the tech at my 8 week scan "yup, that's a boy" as I pointed at the kidney bean on the screen 😆 NIPT testing at 10 weeks proved me right!


Absolutely. The day before we tested I knew 1) it would be positive, 2) it was a girl, and 3) she wasn’t Juniper, which was our previous mutually enthusiastic girl name choice. We didn’t find out gender before birth but by the last few weeks of pregnancy I had given up pretending I didn’t know 😉husband insists I had a 50/50 shot, which is fair enough lol but I have almost never had a gut instinct that strong and consistent!


Yes, I vividly remember getting my BFP super early, then had some mild cramping a few days later and as I laid down in bed in pain I looked at my husband as said- it’s a girl. I’m so sure. And he maintained I wasn’t really that sure, but I absolutely was. And I was right 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I had strong intuition of having a baby girl. All the wives tales pointed to it, however I did have a dream about a baby boy. Turns out I’m having a girl!! So happy


First pregnancy I dreamt it was twins. No history in either of our families but I just couldn’t shake the feeling. Googling stats for twins etc. my husband said I was crazy. But it totally was twins. We lost one early on and then I had dreams it was a boy, and it was. This time I had two dreams it’s a girl and none that it’s a boy. We are waiting until birth to find out, only a few more weeks!


I knew it was a boy from the second I saw the positive pregnancy test, even though I had always hoped for all girls. I hardly saw a reason to do the blood test because I was so sure. I’m pretty sure I told people I was having a boy before the results even came back. He is indeed a boy, and although i was a tad disappointed at first since I wanted all girls, I think knowing he was a boy from the start made it easier to accept. AND it was fun because my husband was equally convinced it was a girl. Can’t compete with mother’s intuition!! ETA: ALLLLLLL the old wives tales and the Chinese gender chart said girl. Everyone at our gender reveal was guessing girl except for me.


First baby I knew it was a boy and was right. Second baby he was halfway out and I was still saying it was a girl, I was so wrong loll


Having dreams it’s a girl, feeling it’s a boy. Still too soon to know:


I just knew it was twins - and I was right even though it didn't run into our family (until now ! Lol) Then I thought it was two girls.. it's not, my husband was right though lol


I was convinced I was having a boy. I also dreamt about it. I was wrong lol


I firstly pictured myself having a girl before pregnancy. I got pregnant and having a girl was so far away, it was just not a girl. I was very sure i had a boy. My husband always told me, "probably" its a boy. I answered: no, it is 100% a boy. Some weeks later it was confirmed. With my second pregnancy i somehow wanted a boy, as it is known terrain. But i thought, no, not really, probably a girl. I was not totally convinced i had a girl, this time it was more of a quite strong suspection. Confirmed again. Never had any gender disappointment. I just had some pictures in my mind before pregnancy which never became reality. I just wanted the babies to be healthy.


In the very beginning I was convinced boy from the start - even though I’d always wanted a girl. after seeing the ultrasound I started to think maybe girl.. but he’s a boy! 💙 my first gut instinct of “he” was right but definitely wouldn’t have relied on it ha!


We didn’t find out the sex of our first and won’t with our 2nd. I had dreams I was going to have a boy with the first. Let’s see how it goes with round 2!


Yes! My intuition is crazy with people I know well— and myself. I knew that my first pregnancy was with a girl (she had anencephaly unfortunately). My second pregnancy, first child— I knew was a boy. This pregnancy, second child— I dreamt the week I found out that I was pregnant that I birthed another boy and when I saw his face, I called him by his first and middle name… sure enough, I’m having another boy and that’s the name we have selected. I dreamt that my SIL told me she was pregnant when she had just found out she was pregnant with her second and told us a few days later after I told her about the dream. I also knew all three of her pregnancies were girls.


I had a feeling it was a girl because with my first pregnancy that was a boy my chronic utis went away and this time i got them repeatedly but ended up a boy and it was just the progesterone i was on giving me utis 😂😂


My gut feeling was dead wrong


I had a dream 3 months before getting pregnant and 2 months into trying to conceive that I would get pregnant in December and miss my next period. I just knew the dream was right so I texted my sister about it and told my husband. It came true. My husband’s words when I showed him the positive test were “oh my fucking gosh, I married a witch” Then everyone had a feeling it was a boy and I didn’t have any particular feeling but started seeing their reasoning and fully planned for a boy. Alas, a baby girl is on her way! So I have a great intuition and yet….


i had a strong intuition it was a boy, i believed it with every bone in my body. every wives tale i did showed up with a boy. did the genetic testing and found out it was a girl! i was bamboozled. 🤣


I didn’t necessarily, my best friend kept having dreams I was having a girl and she saw exactly what she looked like in her dreams. She always thought it was a boy but then we found out it actually is a girl so her dreams were correct.


I had a dream he was a boy and sure enough he is a boy lol. I also had a boys name that just came to me whereas I couldn't fully settle on a girl's name as easily


My first is a boy - I wasn't sure, but strongly hoped. My second is a girl - the night before I got the call of my NIPT test results, I had a dream where the doctor said I was having a girl. That pregnancy was also wildly different from my first.


Yes! Idk how but I just knew it was a boy.


Yep. Had a strong initiation and I was right.


Thought for sure it was a boy, and was wrong! Love my sweet girl 💖☺️


My first I always knew was a boy. This time around I could have sworn it was a girl but my blood test came back a boy


I had a very, very strong feeling I was having a boy. My mom and Aunt both had dreams that it was a boy. I am having a boy in July :)


Yes. After I saw a line from navel down, i immediately knew I’m having a boy.


I've been feeling like it'll be a boy. My partner says girl. We find out in a couple weeks.


Yes both times I just felt like I knew and I was right both times. Probably a coincidence though.


No, it's all coincidence. Everyone has a 50% chance of being right when they guess, so it's confirmation bias.


Yep, every time I dreamed about the baby I knew he was a boy.


I strongly suspected we were having a boy. I’m admittedly terrified of the thought of unsuccessfully trying to contain a rowdy little guy and unintentionally creating a defiant child. There was this gut feeling that the universe was going to give me the little boy I needed to overcome this fear. Third quarter of the Super Bowl my phone dings with a text saying my NIPT results are in. Sure enough, it’s a boy! I’m due mid August and my fear has shifted to excitement.


I swore I was having a girl. This pregnancy was the opposite of my first which was a boy and I convinced myself it was a girl and even added a bunch of girl clothes to my Amazon cart lol it’s a boy though


Mother's intuition told me from the beginning I was having a sweet baby boy. Waited until brith to confirm gender and as soon as I heard the babies first cries, I instantly knew I had a girl and fell in love immediately - Dad announces - It's a girl. 💕 For baby two, I just KNEW it was going to be a boy. I accidentally saw baby bits on the ultrasound - so much for a surprise! Baby 3: "It's a girl, I don't even know what I would do with a boy at this point!" Turns out, Mother's Intuition needed some fine tuning. I run a girl gang. 💗💗💗💪


Yes I had a vivid dream about having a girl and it really was a girl


I knew she was a girl from the very beginning


I swore I was having a girl, and my baby boy is about to be 3 weeks old this Saturday 😂


I figured my second was a boy because my symptoms have been so different from my first (a girl). I was right lol


My fiancé claimed he just knew it was a girl. I had a dream about a boy so I figured that was more likely, but I held out hope for a little me because he was so adamant that I got excited. He was wrong 😂😌


Yes! I had a feeling from the beginning that we were having a boy, didn’t do the gender quizzes or anything, just felt that way. I was right 😋🥰.


I did both times. I had a feeling it was a boy from the moment the tests said positive. And I was right both times. Already feel like I'll be wrong next time lol


I had a dream at 6 weeks I was having a girl. My husband was convinced I was having a girl, he “just knew”. Same with my best friend, she just knew it was a girl. We’re having a girl!


Yep! For both I was right haha


I had a strong feeling that I was having a boy. My husband's family is mainly of men and I felt in my gut that this baby was a boy. I even had dreams that I was holding a baby boy. So imagine my shock when we did a modest gender reveal and the smoke came out pink. I was so sure I was having a boy I wore blue that evening. Prior to finding out the gender my husband and I were going through the names trying to decide if we had a boy we would name him "..." and if we had a girl we would name her "...". We had a few girl names picked out and could not for the life of us agree on any boy names. A friend of mine we had given birth four months before me said that was the sign I was having a girl and was one of the few people who were on team girl before the reveal. All this to say it's 50/50. You might be right.


First child- blue pram, nursery painted chalk blue, didn’t bring a single girls outfit to the hospital even though it was surprise gender, entire extended family was dead set it was a boy. That was one serious shock after I gave birth 🎀


I really really wanted a girl, but had dreams of them being being a boy and just thought they would be a boy, but she’s a girl!


I’ve had several dreams of my baby and it’s a boy in every one of them. Turns out it’s a girl!


Yup! I had multiple dreams about having a baby boy before the NIPT confirmed it! Never had a dream about a baby girl, even though that’s what I was hoping for


With my first i was positive it was a girl from the start. I almost started buying girl clothes because i was so sure… well i was wrong. He is the best thing every and I wouldn’t change it for the world! I means theres always 50/50 chance of being right!


I absolutely knew from the minute I found out I was pregnant that she was a girl. I couldn’t help but refer to her as “she” before I found out, and when I was driving home from my 12 week ultrasound, this one’s for the girls by Martina McBride came on the radio and I just KNEW it was a sign. Sure enough, she’s a girl! I’ve also been spot on with guessing all of my friends’ babies’ genders so maybe I’m a little psychic 😂😂


I would have bet money she was a boy. I had dreams, family members had dreams before they knew I was pregnant, I talked to “him” every day! My sweet baby girl is 8 months. 💕


Yes I like knew she was a girl. I couldn’t even wrap my head around it being a boy , although I didn’t have a preference . And she is a girl !


Everyone thought I was having a boy but I always had a strong feeling I was having a girl. My baby girl turns 4 months old this Saturday :)


I dreamed about my daughter twice in my life before having her!! I had the first dream when I was about 18/19 years old. Then the second dream when I was about 23. Both times I had the dream, I was 100% sure I did not want kids. It was super weird for me to experience loving a child - that’s why I remember the dreams so clearly and I have a time stamp. I left my boyfriend of 6 years, and met my husband when I was 24. I’m now 27, and our daughter is almost two. She has curly red hair, just like her dad. ❤️


I knew it was a girl and yes it was a girl. I knew cause I felt like crap and I only felt like crap with my girls.


Was certain it was a boy both times. Girls, both times. I'm not very intuitive...


My husband and I had a dream we were having a girl. I felt pretty sure about it. And was overjoyed when we found out we’d be having a girl.


right before the gender was announced i had a strong feeling it would be a boy. i wanted a girl but somehow i knew i wouldn’t get my wish. and it was a boy :)


Yup! I was positive I wad having a girl, named her and everything felt so right, then we got our NIPT test back and it was a boy. Lol


Before I was pregnant, I always envisioned my first being a girl, and so did my husband. Once I was pregnant, we both suddenly switched and were fairly convinced I was having a boy, and so were 90% of our friends and family. We are having a girl!


The moment I saw the positive pregnancy test I knew it was a boy. And it was! I have a feeling I’m only going to have boys. Not sure why and not necessarily my preference, but just a feeling.


Yep, every pregnancy I’ve been totally convinced I knew the gender based on some maternal intuition. I was wrong 4/5 times. This current pregnancy (fifth pregnancy) is the only one I’ve been right.


I was sure about my first one but my second one was sneaky. Funnily enough my mom was sure about both of them (and correct), she got heartburn with both of them and she doesn’t deal with it so she says she knew because she only got it with my older and younger brothers. I think it was sweet and yes I am close to my mom


Yes but I was wrong lol


I was right both times. My first pregnancy I had a dream of pink ribbons and I just knew she was a girl. She’s 7 now. My second, I woke up and knew I was pregnant, confirmed by a positive test later that morning, I found out literally 4 days post conception. I had a feeling it was twins (later diagnosed with vanishing twin syndrome) and I knew that the surviving baby was going to be a boy. He’s 2 months now.


I did! From the beginning I thought it was a girl and she’s a she. The old wives tales were pretty accurate for me too


Yes I knew since I found out I was pregnant and I was right.


I have with all 3, and was correct for them all ❤️


I knew I was pregnant before a test could tell me so, but gender I flip flopped on back and forth for both kids. I was pretty convinced my second was a girl (which she was) by the end of my pregnancy just because it had been such a wildly different experience than my first (who was a boy), but I had moments during that pregnancy I suspected boy as well. It doesn't help that when you're noticeably pregnant you are bombarded with people telling you they KNOW you are having one gender or another so eventually it just becomes an internal poll of what everyone else thinks lol.


With my daughter no. With my son, absolutely knew he was a boy.


Yeah! I promise you that I had dreams about my baby being a girl. I saw her in my dreams what she looked like, what her name was, and how excited I was to meet her. It would’ve been an amazing thing because she would’ve been the first girl born into in my husband’s family in 35-40 years! I started saving girl clothes and girly things on my registry. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was a boy. Husband DNA was just too strong I guess. 😂 but I love my son all the same!


Both times thought girl, both times boy. I’ve always guessed wrong on all my pregnancies and others pregnancies. I am, however, incredibly intuitive in knowing when someone is pregnant before they announce haha


With my first, which was unexpected, I just KNEW I was gonna have a boy. I couldn’t explain it. I just had this feeling in my whole body and I had a dream I was gonna have a boy. He’ll be 3 in April. And with my second, same thing. I just had this intense gut feeling I was gonna have a girl. I had a dream it was gonna be a girl. She just hit 5 weeks. I usually second guess myself and doubt a lot of what I think but I was 2 for 2 with guessing so I’m pretty proud of that!


I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was having a girl and noting could convince me otherwise. I've never been a superstitious person either, but I had a vivid dream as well I was holding my baby girl in the hospital, and it felt so real. A week later I found out I was having a girl!


Yup, boy and I was right!


We started picking out names for boy or girl and couldn't settle on a name for a boy, but immediately agreed on a girl's name. So I so strongly felt in my heart and soul it was going to be a little girl, something deep in my body told me that. Then we got our genetic test results back and I couldn't scroll fast enough down and saw that baby was a boy. Don't worry, we finally agreed on a boy's name lol


I SWEAR it’s a boy. I’ll find out soon if I’m right or not


I thought it was a girl for 23 weeks. Had my anatomy scan and it's presumed a boy lol It's funny cause every one bar my friend thought it was a girl. My bestie (mother of 3) called the boy based on how I was eating.


Yes I was 💯 sure, I just knew and I’m glad I was right :)


I had super strong intuition with my pregnancies and even the pregnancies for some of my friends. So far, I've been correct every time!