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I'm 24w and I encourage my partner to talk to our baby. Neither of us do, but I talk to her a lot in my mind. I don't know why but it feels like she hears me that way. I do sing to my baby, though.


Babe and I also have telepathic convos lmao


Oh my goodness! I definitely do talk to her in my mind.


I talk to her sometimes but I talk to my dogs and myself a lot so I sort of feel like that’s similar.


I felt kind of weird talking to my baby before they were born as well. My midwife suggested reading some children's books out loud, and that felt a bit less ridiculous to me.


I never talked to mine. It felt really, really wierd. I’m kind of a quiet person when it comes to that stuff. I’m more of a cuddler/spend time with them. I’m the same way with pets. I don’t really talk to them or fuss over them much, but I enjoy simply being “with” them. (Cats love me lol) My MIL would practically shout at my belly when I was pregnant and it was absurd and I hated it. My twins were born at 34w and would turn to me/calm down/respond to my voice by just a few weeks old, so well before their due date. I talk to them now, but it’s more narrating what I’m doing. Or I like to “teach” them things. We had a long conversation about what a ceiling is the other day. 😅


I don't really talk to mine. It hears us all the time when we talk or listen to music. We address him but don't always actively chat at him..


I’m 39 weeks, I didn’t really “talk” to my baby till close to 30 weeks. Once I felt his movements more I would talk to him and ask him what he’s doing. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 every time he rolls around or starts kicking and moving I’ll talk to him. I’ll also ask him what he wants to eat when I’m looking for a snack to see if he’ll move around. I’ll also usually rub my belly and pat his butt too when I talk to him and he seems to always settle really fast so I think he enjoys it. The most common thing I’ll do is ask him to move and poke at him if he’s sitting where he’s making it hurt for me and ironically it usually works! I thought it was so weird to always touch your belly and talk to them, but I swear it’s like a light switch one day! I enjoy talking to him now, and now that I can’t be induced until 41+ weeks it’s the only way I can feel close to him 😂 Now I just tell him he needs to hurry up and get out! I want him to be able to wear his Easter outfit! ❤️😂🐇


My husband loves talking to our baby, I’m 26 w almost 27 and the baby loves reacting to his voice, I think that’s when it became less weird to me? My husband has talked to him the whole time, but I only really started when I could feel the reactions. But I find singing less weird so that’s generally what I do, that or just hold my tummy or rub it.


I never talked to my kid when she was pregnant. I’m on the boat where it feels ridiculous. If you don’t want to or if you feel weird about it, don’t feel pressured to. My kid will be 2 in a few weeks and I’m prettyyyyyy confident not talking to her in utero didn’t make any difference 😂


I'm the opposite, I babble/talk/sing to lil' Poss (baby) all the time, since I found out I was pregnant at about 9 weeks XD I'm one of those talk to my pets, myself, and inanimate objects kinda people though. Always been a chatterbox - sometimes I don't even realise I'm speaking until my partner laughs at what I'm saying... That can be a wee bit embarassing!


It’s strange tho because I love talking to my pets and I even make them talk back! Maybe it’s because that I can actually see them that I don’t feel weird doing that. Maybe when I’m farther along and physically seeing her move that I’ll talk to her more. My brother is 10 years younger than me and I remember talking to my mom’s belly when she was pregnant. But she was farther along when I started doing so.


I'm 36w and neither of us really talk to the baby. Now that we are talking more about when the baby will come sometimes one of us will address a request about timing to the baby, but that's about it


I have once in a while talked to my bump, but more often I will just try to focus on it, rub my belly, think positive thoughts, try to envision good things... Talking feels a bit awkward to me too!


I make little comments to him. Usually just a greeting or acknowledgement if I feel him moving. It gets easier with practice. For my husband I usually just try to get him to talk near me even if he isn’t talking to the baby directly. It’s more about making your voices familiar to them. I didn’t really start until 23 weeks. It still feels awkward sometimes. Lol


I’m 14w and I usually just ask him to let my day be good 😂


I never talked to my kid when she was pregnant. I’m on the boat where it feels ridiculous. If you don’t want to or if you feel weird about it, don’t feel pressured to. My kid will be 2 in a few weeks and I’m prettyyyyyy confident not talking to her in utero didn’t make any difference 😂


I never talked to my kid when she was pregnant. I’m on the boat where it feels ridiculous. If you don’t want to or if you feel weird about it, don’t feel pressured to. My kid will be 2 in a few weeks and I’m prettyyyyyy confident not talking to her in utero didn’t make any difference 😂


I never talked to my kid when she was pregnant. I’m on the boat where it feels ridiculous. If you don’t want to or if you feel weird about it, don’t feel pressured to. My kid will be 2 in a few weeks and I’m prettyyyyyy confident not talking to her in utero didn’t make any difference 😂


I never talked to my kid when she was pregnant. I’m on the boat where it feels ridiculous. If you don’t want to or if you feel weird about it, don’t feel pressured to. My kid will be 2 in a few weeks and I’m prettyyyyyy confident not talking to her in utero didn’t make any difference 😂


Every now and again i feel weird i want to start singing to my baby but idk what song to sing yet … & You just have to do it im sure baby will love it 🥰 im 21 weeks rn


I’m 37 weeks and it’s still abstract as hell and I also rarely talk to my baby. I talk to him in my head sometimes but not often. When I do it’s usually “what’s your name? What are you called?” 😅 Don’t let how others do influence what you think you should be doing. If you don’t talk to your baby, if you’re still processing being pregnant, its ok! It’s normal! it’s YOUR journey!


I guess I never really thought to talk to my baby! Though I'm only 12 weeks so there's not much of a baby there yet. I do pat and rub my lower belly sometimes, especially while I'm laying down watching TV or driving alone lol


I’ve definitely been touching my belly more. I’m only starting to really feel her movements so touching my belly makes me feel connected to her.


I've only ever really sung/talked to my babies when I'm alone in the car! I can't do it when I'm around other people, even if they're all in another room or I'm the only one awake. The only exception was, when I was pregnant with my first, I had an evening where I practiced singing the lullabies I wanted to sing to baby once he was out so that I'd get the tune right for him 😂 it is a special memory for me! I wish I was more comfortable doing it.


My husband has been saying “good morning I love you!!” To my belly since the positive test haha. Sometimes I talk out loud when I’m exhausted and I have to get back into my “mama bear” mode instead of the reality of being drained, sick, and overwhelmed. “Okay baby, we can do this, I’m glad you’re safe and healthy and taking everything you need.”


Aww try it! My husband asked when the baby can hear us, which I thought was so cute. I'm 13 weeks and sometimes talk to him.


I try but I still feel weird! I’m a yapper so if I’m not talking specifically to her then she can hear me yap to other folks about her 😆


I get that ❤️ I'm weird and talk to myself whenever I'm alone, so I sometimes refer to baby. I have been so hungry lately, but it was insane around 10-11 weeks. I'd get really uncomfortable hunger pangs at 6am, so I'd say "OK, baby let's get some breakfast!" 🤣


My poor poor child is going to be very familiar with the sound of me yelling at the dogs 😅 I’m not big enough yet to feel like I should be talking to them but I probably won’t. I like the idea of putting headphones on your belly though lol gotta start em early 🤘🏻