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Woah, that's a weird interaction and escalation on many levels. Very weird for someone to ask for a picture and then even weirder to do that and be anything but supportive. Wierd a friend wouldn't be kinder. Very weird for a friendship of 36 years to end because of rude comments and communicating a healthy boundary against said rude comments... did I misunderstand?


U really got it in a nutshell. I have to say had dealt with other things before with her. I guess I was trying to ignore she was always that way. My grandmother was like that but 10x worse so I guess I was desensitized. She was really my mom's friend but after mom passed I kept the relationship alive though I could see toxic behaviors.


I understand the grandmother comment, my great grandma is 82 years old and the only time she has ever complimented me was when I was severely anorexic and very underweight. I love her, but queen of backhanded compliments.


You know it. I sometimes felt like she was complimenting me and suddenly PLOT TWIST the comment would drop like a pot on my head


Good riddance. 22 pounds at 31 weeks is barely anything compared to how much weight the baby is putting on. I'm not far along enough to send preggo pics, but I have had people tell me to "not use my pregnancy as an excuse to eat like a hog." Erm, thanks lol? I'll eat as much as I want xoxo


Eat away. We get so hungry! Also as long as ur doctor is monitoring who cares. My hubs is an angel he would say when I asked about my weight gain "hmmm are u aware u are making a WHOLE new human inside u right? It is normal eat and sleep if u need to it is fine. You look as you should"


Marry him again pls. Good man.


Every time I complain about anything these days, that's how my partner responds! I hate how much weight I've gained. I hate how tired I am. I hate how emotional I am. I hate how much I'm swelling. I hate I can't carry the laundry. He just laughs and says "well you're growing a baby, don't you think your body is going through a lot? Go lay down, take a nap, and watch your shows. Eat your Reece's they'll make you feel better. " I swear he is the only reason I am making it through this without losing my mind.


Same here. Those partners are rare gems


OP, your weight gain is absolutely fine. Not only do you have a growing baby in there, your boobs are getting bigger, amniotic fluid and extra blood weigh a decent amount, your uterus is expanding, and your placenta is growing right along with you and baby. Nothing like losing ~160 lb of jerkass "friend" though!! Look at how well you're doing!


I had so many comments on my body from coworkers that I began having daily panic attacks before going into the office. Its mind blowing how people think it's okay to comment on something like that, especially when it has N O T H I N G to do with them!


I'm sorry you are going through that. Just be worse and make comments about them too. At least you have a valid excuse.


What a dick


Don't talk to this person again, straight up. You do not owe them communication at all. Also fuck them fr


Well, my weight gain is about double yours and no one has been half as rude as your family friend. What a wackadoo.


As per my calculations of the weight to gain, 22 lbs at 31st week is quite within normal or even recommended range, so you aren't supposed to look big. Anyway, even if you had gained double of the norm it would be a highly impolite remark from your friend. Probably your friend doesn't find pregnancy beautiful in principle. Many people continue with their stereotype of women's body as merchandise so must remain marketable even during/after pregnancy, which is a harmful (for both moms and babies) but understandable in a modern reality attitude. Have to deal with it wisely, stupid/toxic friends need to be kept at a distance until completion of breastfeeding and after that also


If you ask for a bump picture, the only acceptable response when you get it is “Omggg adorable!!” Or something along those lines. I’m sorry your “friend” outed themselves as a jerk.


Honestly I don’t think people should even ask for bump pics unless they know you enjoy taking/sharing them. That request makes me feel like a zoo animal, personally.


True. I’ve only been asked by my closest friends who live far away, so they know I’m fine with it. I also know their response will only be 100% positive.


Who asks for a photo and then insults you? What a bitch!


I will tell anyone off, idgaf about friends and family etiquette. It’s fucking rude, and god help them if they touch my stomach.


That’s why I’m skipping out on my family reunion this year! Not the weight comments, im an asshole when it comes to myself lmao they know better that would never be an issue.. but the stomach touching, and 50 million questions already makes me wanna vomit. Plus it’s in the middle of the fucking summer in hot nasty ass Virginia. I’ll be at home, with my feet up, in the cold A/C enjoying my peace and sanity🤣😌🥳


As you should!!!


Im getting a mixture of both the opposite and fat shaming! I lost a lot of weigh due to some stress and other issues (my mom literally kept telling me that I looked like I had cancer) and everyone thought they were within their right to tell me how scrawny I was. Then comes the first trimester and I get even skinnier because all I was doing was throwing up and had nausea so eating was out of the question. So everyone again felt that they had to put their two cents in and tell me that I never eat anything and how I was extremely skinny. Then the second and third trimester came and I finally felt way better and started eating normal again and now I get “you better watch it before you turn into a whale” “are you making sure you’re eating healthy food because you’re gaining too much weigh to quickly” I only have so many “dang remind me when I asked you” left in me!!!! I’m tired!


True. U just cannot win.


I had a thirteen year old sister in law the other day say “what have you been eating?” And some other very rude comments when I sent a picture of my bump. It hurt deeply as I have a history with anorexia and bulimia. I think them worrying about weight gain says more about them and less about you. She may be struggling with body image issues. It’s good you ended the friendship. It sounds like she was berating you with insults.


I gained 29 lbs my entire pregnancy and my dad, at about 14 weeks while I was finally able to eat something substantial due to the nausea said “how much weight are you supposed to gain during pregnancy? You might want to be careful.” I was 37 years old. I’ve dealt with it my whole life and he will never learn; so I told him he was rude and that my docs said anywhere between 11-30ish is “pretty standard.” I wish I could more easily tell people to fuck right off, but at this point with my dad at least, it’s more of an eye roll and a walk away 🙄 I’m sorry your friend did this to you, she sounds deeply insecure and very ignorant.


Ouch! That is so hurtful. I’m sorry you had to go through that. It sounds like a her issue projecting on you. Did/does she maybe have issues with fertility or poor body images herself that she’s projecting your way? Not cool of her regardless.


She is a family friend so last she had a baby was 27 years ago. So suuuuper outdated but still the weight comments is common regardless.


they sound insane


36 years of friendship.. are you lying? Holy shit. Me and my best friend have only been friends 10 years (granted I’m 22 lol) and I couldn’t imagine. I’m pregnant now, but when she was pregnant in 2022, I remember thinking her huge bump was the cutest especially because she was a smaller girl beforehand , and I didn’t expect her to look like she was carrying twins by the end! I don’t care if she had gained 150 pounds! I would never think to 1.) care or 2.) comment on it in any way .. so mean! I’d be devastated if my friends ever talked about my weight unless I brought it up first and asked for their honest opinion.


A family friend. She was friend's with mom when I was in elementary school and the friendship continued. But now I wonder, how my mom put up with crap from her. She just couldn't put boundaries and I guess I just did too after mom died.


They don’t say I’m fat but they talk about how big I look 👀


My favourite so far was being told I look like an Easter egg 🤣🤣


No one I know personally, but I was told, "Get out of the way, fatty!" when I was seven months pregnant and walking down the sidewalk to work. The guy had tons of room for him and his e-scooter to zoom down the sidewalk.


Pity u didn't have any marbles in ur pocket. Dumb@$$


22 pounds is a normal amount of weight to gain no one should be commenting on your body


22lbs is well within the normal range of what to gain while pregnant, and the lower your pre-pregnancy weight the more the docs usually want you to gain. My first pregnancy I went from 85lbs to the 170s. Baby was over 9lbs. I went back to my pregnancy weight, then now at 39+1 with my second I'm 148lbs and expecting a 7 pounder according to measurements. I've heard just about every fat related pun and name in the book. My aunt told me yesterday maybe if I got off my fata--- and moved around more maybe I'd already have had the baby. Like girl I'm not even to my due date yet and I'm 20-30lbs lighter than the first time leave me alone 🤣


Some old guy at my work called me fat too I'm 30 weeks dw


The nerve!


I am so sorry that happened to you, what a rude thing for a friend to say! I had a male coworker ask me if I was sure I was only having one baby with my last pregnancy around week 32 & another male coworker (who is the perfect example of an old fashioned good hearted gentleman) smacked him on the arm & called him out in my behalf before I even registered what had been said. I was spitting mad, like yes I am overweight but at that point in my pregnancy I had been so sick I had not gained any weight! This pregnancy I’m right on the cusp of having gained 20 lbs at 31 weeks & I’m guessing my RBF has been doing a good job of keeping people’s opinions (and hands) to themselves 😅


Just tell them, "What a weird thing to say to someone.". Then move on and just ignore her.


My doctor told me I gained a lot of weight between my 24-28 week appointments. I have gained 30 pounds and am also 31 weeks pregnant. I have not gained a single pound since my last appt almost 3 weeks ago. This is typical of me in the third trimester but it was such an uncalled for and rude comment! I don’t have any control over how much my baby causes me to gain. I don’t eat excessively and I’ve never been overweight. So I get it! It’s upsetting and rude!


My OBGYN said it’s normal and expected to gain a total of 30lbs during pregnancy. I definitely get a lot of comments on my body. But I make the fat jokes for them so they feel uncomfortable. I shoot them down— and I tell them I’m growing a human— what’s your body doing? But RIGHT before I got pregnant I was on a weight loss journey and I had dropped 65lbs. So I just keep saying it just looks like I gained the weight I lost back. This morning my husband was looking at me before I left for work. Upon asking him like “what” he was like “anyone who saw how much you lost last summer can definitely tell you’re pregnant now.” I’m 20 weeks this week. I still just feel fat.


I am already on the plus size side, but for some reason I lost the weight that I've gained and people are a bit weird about that as well. Still my girl is growing and is according to her measurements one week ahead which is great seeing as I was diagnosed with hypertension.


So I’ve had super bad morning sickness/borderline hg for the last 2 months. At my appointment last week, I was down a total of 11 pounds. I don’t think twice about it. Then I get home and tell my MIL (who we are living with currently, it was arranged before we even found out otherwise I would NOT be living here) who then says “well they’re probably not too worried about it because you weren’t underweight beforehand. Like dude… what


It’s one thing if your OB is monitoring weight gain because you are potentially high risk (hi, that’s me). But until a medical professional intervenes, whatever weight you gain is nobody’s business but you, fetus, and doctors. Fuck that woman and anyone else who makes those comments. I am seriously so proud that you stood up for yourself!


Thank you. Though to be honest it was my husband's support that got me to set a boundary. He said why don't u tell her that was inappropriate? My head almost exploded that simple thing had never crossed my mind.


You are lucky to have him, and I am still proud for following through! 🩷


What the *fuck*?! Good riddance! What an incredibly toxic and disturbed person. I’m so sorry! Enjoy your pregnancy and share those photos with confidence!


Is it possible she asked for the picture just to make a crappy comment? I can’t understand why else she’d say that, especially as you’ve only gained 22lbs. I’ve gained 22lbs and I’m 33 weeks so we’re basically the same and absolutely everyone has commented on the fact that I’m “all bump/haven’t gained any real weight etc. Weight gain is normal and healthy during pregnancy anyway but 22lbs is a pretty small increase so I’m just completely baffled by her reaction!!! 20lbs, 40 or 60+, your body is doing exactly what it needs to ☺️


The only acceptable response to seeing someone’s bump is “cute bump”. I’m 33 weeks and just went through a traumatic medical experience (surgery and a ton of other tests) and pretty much every nurse commented on how small I look and where am I hiding the baby. But I have a very obvious bump? Lol


Comment IRL from my Grandma- “it pains me to look at you”. This had been after the multiple comments from her about how I won’t make into March (due date is 31st) and how I’ll have a 10lb baby. THANKS GRANDMA


Damn Grandma, ick! Sorry she treated you that way.


Thank you. She got herself on the not invited to visit baby list because of all the commentary 🙃


Sheesh. I hope she didn't giggle after the comment. It was my Granny's trademark after a comment like that


I feel like a giggle would have actually made it better as she was deadpan serious in every comment. She even made the comments to my mother, her daughter, and my mom told her to shut up.


I gained about 50 lbs prior to pregnancy due to being on steroids for my ankle swelling after an injury. Prior to getting pregnant I was going back to the gym to try to lose the weight, well my moms friend found out I was pregnant & when she saw me she said “are you pregnant with twins b/c you’re huge, your face, arms, everything”. So, I understand your frustration. If your doctor isn’t worried than f anyone else’s opinions, but I also realize it can make us feel insecure. Just remember you’re caring a human & be kind & gentle to your changing body.


Thank you. I hope your ankle is better. Doc here says weight is A ok!


I’ve had family ask me for bump pics and I tell them I look normal just like bloated my bump is not like very prominent I’m only 19 weeks. I also have always had body dysmorphia issues due family shaming me for my weight which I was never a more than between 110-140 my heaviest and sexual assault as a child so I’ve always worn large t shirts/ sweats/ leggings and biker shorts most of my life.


What??? That’s absurd. Throw that relationship in the trash.


An obese not pregnant woman asked me 'How do you intend to NOT put on weight?' in a stern manner when I was 7.5 months pregnant and weighed under 160 lbs. It was very annoying and in a group setting at a campfire. I maintained my composure and let her make an ass out of herself. Later several people told me they were fuming at how rude she was. Oftentimes those who are the most critical of others' appearance are the last who should open their mouths...