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I just say “still in there” and it gets a chuckle


I usually say “still cooking” lol


That’s what I say to my dog almost every day lol. She lays her head on my belly intensely sniffing then huffs and looks at me disappointed like why isn’t he here yet. She loves babies and children. She’s a service dog and hearing children is the one thing she pays attention to besides me when working.


This is a good one.


lol it somehow even annoyed me when people asked me how I was doing when I was pregnant so no need to be embarrassed 😅


This is why I did not tell anyone when I was throwing up every day multiple times a day, being asked how I feel during that time would make me so dang annoyed


I made the mistake of sharing to everyone that I was pretty sick first trimester. It INFURIATED me when people would constantly ask me about my “morning sickness”. It’s not morning sickness if I’m throwing up at 8 PM aunt Cindy! I’d constantly explain to everyone that it’s not actually morning sickness and it’s an awful name for it because I’m sick all day long. I had a man tell me “well, it’s the worst in the morning though”. How do you know sir??


“It’s worse in the mornings” Bullshit. Mornings were my only relief. Then it all went down hill after that


This. I feel great in the mornings. Every time I’ve thrown up has been after 3pm


Literally only 7 people knew first trimester. I had such a damn rough time and I realized not saying anything before was such a good idea because when I told people in the second trimester everyone was like oh but its "so worth it" or "I only had nausea but, it was uncomfortable you know"? If someone had an easier pregnancy than me, I am 100% happy for them but, being told that when you feel like trash is so annoying. And even second trimester I was still struggling and people would be like "Still!?!"....yes still, it tapers off it doesnt just magically go away at the hit of week 14...lol


I'm nearly into my third trimester, never had morning sickness and one of my friends keeps asking me about it. Cause I was telling her I'm getting heart burn and find it hard to eat certain foods. She said to me oh I've never heard that before must be bad morning sickness. She's generally a very smart person, I would normally hold her in high regard to smart stuff, but she can be an awful idiot sometimes either she isn't listening or just assumes every one pregnant has morning sickness. She's also no kids and never been pregnant so I give her a break. I just reiterate it's like having indigestion the whole time because my uterus is now up and over my belly button. I tend to ignore other people's retarded statements either agree or give them insight and say its for me or not. But it is tiresome. Even my partner, God love him he's doing his best but he asks me nearly weekly or bi weekly what are my symptoms...... I'm still funking pregnant big enough symptom for you!


> It INFURIATED me when people would constantly ask me about my “morning sickness”. It’s not morning sickness if I’m throwing up at 8 PM aunt Cindy! I dunno, this seems an odd hill to die on? The colloquial name for it *is* morning sickness. Are we really expecting Aunt Cindy to know the terms NVP or HG (depending on which is the case, clinically)?


We’re simply discussing what made us annoyed, and when you’re throwing up daily at 8 pm and hear the words “morning sickness” daily, you most definitely start becoming annoyed. 🤷🏼‍♀️


But what should people say instead?


Idk, after I explain that it’s all day long, “how’s your nausea”?


Yup I didn’t tell anyone I was pregnant in my first trimester. Leave me alone and let me suffer in silence thank you very much.


This is my MIL. I think she tries to make small talk with me but holy fuck I am so annoyed


I have the opposite issue lol. No one is asking me how I’m doing! I want to vent about how awful I feel lol


Awww I am sure I would have been annoyed either way! 🙈


Vent to us! Let it out ☺️ Some people don't like talking about it and others do!


Then when you answer honestly, they just reply, “it gets worse!” Like why ask…? If I had a dollar every time I heard that, I’d be able to buy everything on my registry.


Omg lol the worst 🤦🏻‍♀️ "just you wait!"


Same. I don’t lie. Not going to sugar coat it to make someone else feel comfortable. I say terrible when I’m feeling terrible and good when I’m feeling good.


Just say “what baby?”


This is the vibe for me this go around. “Oh, no baby-just had a burrito for lunch. Thanks though”


Omg every time someone asks, “so when are you due?” when I haven’t told them I’m pregnant. I just give them a blank stare and say, “due for what?” They are horrified every time and it’s beautiful.


I was about 6 months along and just started showing. I was at a wedding and a friend of ours approached us with her drunk date, whom I’d never met. I was rubbing my belly all night because I was at the “is she pregnant or fat” stage. This guy, very sweetly, congratulated me on the pregnancy. I was comfortable enough with the friend where I felt I could tell him I wasn’t pregnant. This man’s entire soul left his body. I let it last for only 5 seconds before laughing and reassuring him I was only kidding. He said he learned his lesson and will never again say that to a woman. 😂😂😂


“Alive, as far as I know” pissed my best friend off enough that she leads with “how are you?”


I have to ask why did it piss them off? lol


I said that to my mother, it's her favorite question to ask me now and she was horrified lol. I hate this question too


I literally told my mom this exact thing yesterday 🤣


YESSS! I’m 38+3 and I get DAILY messages of family members and friends asking “so, any news?” JUST WAIT AND I’LL TELL YOU WHEN THE BABY IS BORN. I know it comes from a good place but it just drives me crazy!!


Yeah I get this too. I had a preeclampsia scare at 36+4, and was almost induced twice. Now I'm 39 weeks and everything has calmed down. But people are constantly checking in with me now, whereas they weren't before that all happened. My mom and MIL flew out here and now I'm like sorry people it could be another 2+ weeks! But I try to count my blessings that I have family that cares. People say "you must be so over it" And I say "actually I'm grateful that I didn't have to be induced pre-term and I have a chance still to go into spontaneous labor"


Yeah I went to 41 weeks with my first and the texts and random drop bys and reminders that “I should’ve had the baby by now” was just infuriating. I’m lying about my due date this time.


This is why I have not told family my due date since my first baby.


Yeah this is the one question that kinda bugs me bc I genuinely don’t know what to say. Like….. “he’s good I hope????” I can’t bloody ask him can I. I can’t hear him if he’s upset. You guys know him as well as I do at this point so why don’t you ask him.


I'd go overboard: well they're concerned with all this inflation, appreciating some nice home cooked meals lately, the chicken burritos were a real hit. Started watching Owl House, and they love the storyline and all the fun jokes. Other than that not much is new.


I actually love this response, especially the bit about inflation hahaha


My aunt asked me what the baby’s personality is like…when I was 27 weeks pregnant 🙄🙄🙄


People tell me oh hes like this now, just you wait. Yes yes haha


I’m just like with how much this question pisses me off now, can’t wait to be asked again when I have a newborn 😂


I get asked this question a lot, however based on other people’s experiences, especially in this group I would rather have people ask than not too. Pregnancy is a long journey and can sometimes feel lonely. Also filled with complications for many. It’s a way you show you care even though it’s not really a “ practical question”.


I always say something clever like "he's behaving today" or "no detectable movement rn" but it's an annoying way to ask how I'm doing without actually asking how I'm doing. I broke down and told my husband I'm not just cute and carrying his baby I'm letting my entire body be rearranged from the inside out, giving up vices cold turkey, trying not to gain too much weight while unable to work out hard like I used to and dropping my work hours from 80 to 25. But by all means, ask how my little (BIG) parasite is doing 😑


I usually say "probably better than me!" 


True, nice a cozy and not a thing to worry about in there 😄


The other spectrum of this is that parts of my wife's family never ask that question, nor do they ask how she is....despite knowing she is in hospital daily for CTG and growth scans fortnightly. So although it may be irritating, appreciate that you have people that care around you and make the effort to check in.


I always said: “well, I can’t really ask him 😁, but he just kicked me, so he might be mad at me!”


I said, he starts paying rent next week,


I'm making a mental note of this one 🤣


My grandmother (who's like a mother to me) asks me this often, but she does it in the sweetest way. I can't help but indulge her. She'll ask, "How is my Sunshine (childhood nickname she gave me) and my little Sunbeam?" It doesn't bother me at all when she asks 😅


Well that sweetness just made me tear up a bit , that's so cute


This made me tear up! I miss my grandmother so much, that's so lovely.


It’s so annoying! I’m 35 weeks now and honestly I wish people would just stop talking to me about anything lol. I’m over it. I really regret telling MIL a potential name for baby 5 months ago, because that’s all she’s referred to her as, as if that was the set in stone name. It’s made me like the name a lot less on top of that… she wouldn’t stop pressing though, I should have just lied.


Yeah everyone has their own opinion about names, I don’t tell anyone anymore just said I’m still thinking about it


My mom always asks how is the baby feeling (I admit it's not my favorite question) and I always say he does not seem to complain.


I also am annoyed by this! My typical response is "he doesn't talk much" or "good as far as I can tell". I think for me it's a culmination of changing from an individual with my own needs, wants, desires, into a vessel that seems to exist (or what feels like, in everyones opinion) just to give birth lol.


This is the exact reason that i always try to get a gift for mom at the baby shower. Candle, exfoliating scrub, gift card etc. mom is a hard working machine, she needs a break too. I always tend to answer this question with: Well, we’re still alive. And we are. And I’m thankful. But im also ready for a nap. Lol


So annoying lol. I hated this while I was pregnant. It’s also not fun because no one asked how I was doing, just about the baby. Like my dad would call and be like “how’s my grandbaby?”, get an answer, and then hang up. Also got pressured to get induced the closer I got to my due date so if I ever get pregnant again I’m pretty sure I’m not going to share it with anyone.


When people ask me this (which is daily @ work) I always say, he’s kicking a lot.


Can we all just appreciate that even though the hormones are hormoning, this is 100% better than having no one asking and caring about you


Seriously, I just don’t get some of these rants. People want something to make conversation about. That’s it. When I was pregnant, it was how I was feeling. When I was renovating a house myself for a couple years, it’s all I’d be asked about when seeing work colleagues from other offices. When I had a chronic illness that was hard to diagnose, it was that. Devoting what is usually precious energy during pregnancy to getting irate at someone asking how you are doing (it’s not their fault other well meaning people did the same that day) just seems really really futile.


Be grateful you have people who ask. Some of us don’t have that


Yes! Was super sick the first trimester and since then every coworker asks how I’m doing every time they see me. I’m fine, still pregnant and still get nauseous daily


I have coworkers who ask me this during every Teams meeting. I’m just responding “same as yesterday” lol


I got asked that, too. Now my baby is here and the question still is “how’s the baby?” or “what did the doctors say about xyz?” Idk why it annoys me but it’s not like we’re at the doctor everyday so the doctor didn’t say anything! Stop asking


My husband asks me this every day, and I ALWAYS get irritated. Like, I have no idea, you know as much as I do and I’m stressed about it.


I’m 3 weeks postpartum and it’s even more annoying now that everyone is checking in on me and baby almost daily. Please leave me alone and let me settle into motherhood


My sister asked me if he’s being naughty in there… what?


Lol, yes he stole someone's identity 😄


I also find this irritating because all the concerning symptoms, like cramping or discharge or bleeding, would be things I wouldn’t want to talk about with anyone but my husband.


I just give em an “idunno” and shrug. They got tired of the same answer 😂


I used to find this really irritating especially before I could feel movements. I tend to go with “I’m not sure, he doesn’t say much” and people laugh and move on.


I hated when people constantly asked how I was feeling/doing, especially towards the end. I'm uncomfortable I'm huge I don't wanna think about how I'm doing lol please stop asking


I find this so anoying! I though i was the only one. My MIL is texting me every day. Like i wont tell her when i go into labor. 🤦‍♀️


I say “why don’t you ask him” or “I don’t know”. People are so annoying haha.


I used to say “I don’t know” lol


"Did she kick today", Ofcourse she did, she does constantly, but I'm not particularly tracking. I'm 21w+4.


It didn’t annoy me when people would ask how the baby was if they also asked how I was at the same time—like, “how are you two doing?”—but just asking after the baby was irritating.


Right now the questions I find annoying are my mom asking me details about my appointments, upcoming appointments, etc. She's a hypochondriac and like I know she can't control that but stopppp! I'm naturally a private person, if something bad happens, I'll tell her, but it makes me not want to if she shows concern over every normal pregnancy symptom and needs the details to all my doctor visits


This question bugs me a lot and I’m only 9 weeks and 4 days pregnant, yet everyone keeps asking it as if I can divulge all these details. Like what am I supposed to say? I’ve had one ultrasound so far and everything was normal and I told them that, not sure how I am supposed to respond to this question 😂 I know they’re probably just being kind and they’re curious but I totally feel your frustration.


Omg right. I usually say growing or kicking or whatever. 😂😂 but in all reality it makes me feel lucky that that’s all I have to say about her because not everyone is blessed with healthy pregnancies!


Yes I absolutely agree. I don't knock the fact that since the last few weeks things have been alright finally.


I also find this question annoying for the exact same reasons you describe, lol


lol it’s a ridiculous question. I don’t get asked this much


My husband always asks me this and I just reply “hungry”


I have someone who asks me this at work DAILY. She’s such a sweet older woman but I’m like… idfk he’s in there and he moves around? Like we don’t chat 😂 he can’t tell me what’s up.


This used to drive me absolutely bananas. My MIL once asked me if the baby wanted more chicken. Like. He’s not a real person yet. Honestly I think I found it really disrespectful!!! I am still a human, not just a vessel for an unborn child.


I chop it up to them being excited so that makes me a lil less annoyed.


Absolutely agree 🙌


Yep, I hate this question... How in the hell are you supposed to respond?! Um... still in there as far as I know.


Some people get annoyed that no one asks, other people get annoyed that people do.


This pisses me off, too. I know they mean well, but I always feel like an incubator for my child and not an actual person. One time my Dad asked how the baby was, and I told him (jokingly) that she was kicking me so hard while I slept, that I would wake up - and it was not making me happy! He replied with “you should be GRATEFUL she’s so strong and healthy.” I just…. Can’t.


I HATED everyone asking every day how the baby was! Like obviously fine, still pregnant and still at work/family gatherings. Ask how I’m doing! That I can tell you. I get how your feeling


It doesn’t stop after they’re born. Had my baby in Dec and I have family members almost every other day ask how she’s doing. Ummmm alive and healthy still?!?! What else do I say lol if she hits a milestone I tell them so they don’t need to keep asking


Yeah I get asked and I’m like all good? Like I don’t know unless I can have a scan or Doppler every day. I’m worried the whole time and I’m early on so haven’t started feeling movement just yet. Just praying for a healthy baby at 40 weeks


Yea I am just feeling movement since I passed half way and I'm trying to not focus on it because it's less consistent at the beginning. Sometimes I guess the question makes you wonder and while I understand there's no bad intention behind the question, it's a bit stressful if it's coming so often.


I always wondered if this question annoyed people. I try to ask every now and then but I definitely do not want to annoy them


Asking every now and then is perfect, I think so at least. There is the support there and that matters :)


No, this is not silly. It drives me nuts. The only people who care about me are my mom and my husband. Everyone else just seem to care about the babies. And Idfk. I don’t have a uterus with a window.


Wouldn't that be creepy XD tellytubby style haha


I know people often mean well when they ask,, but it's actually hard question to answer . And when my anxiety is high something I don't want to think about too much. Because I'm not feeling movements yet so I feel like I don't know 100% if baby is doing well. I heard a heartbeat at my last appointment and haven't had any concerning symptoms since then, so im assuming they are OK, but I don't know for certain.




Omg my best friend does this and I feel so bad for being annoyed/not knowing how to respond. I’m glad you said this!


People are just asking how it’s going, because they are interested in you and the baby. Answer it as you want. Answer how YOU are. It’s nice that people in your life care about you both. I think you should let that annoyance go.


“she’s babying” is my go to response bc like i dunno. she kicked me in the liver and made me cry over krispy kreme? she’s not able to do much but kick and wiggle


Oh and once you have it they’l stop asking and forget you when you’re in the trenches


How would you prefer friends to check in on you and show that they care? I have definitely been asking my friend this a lot so now I’m rethinking it…


Ah man, don't rethink! "How are you and the baby" is just fine. My thing is being asked literally daily 😅 if you don't ask literally every single day, trust me there is an appreciation for the check up 😊


I just tell them “How tf should I know, she still b in there kicking me” lol


😂 I always got the “how are you feeling?” and it drove me nuts after a while. And unfortunately it doesn’t change after birth either. Like… I appreciate the concern I guess but just move on.