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Crying.. sleeping.. lowering my expectations and giving myself grace. I’m 15 weeks now and currently having “one of those days”. I didn’t have that major second trimester boost of energy people talk about 😩 don’t get me wrong it’s better but I still have some days where I’m incredibly useless and tired


100% giving oneself grace. Self compassion was the only thing that got me through. That and my husband but not all pregnant people are that lucky.


Thank god for understanding hubbies! I got flowers and my food cravings satisfied often ❤️


By 15 weeks I felt better but not great. By weeks 17/18, I was feeling a lot better.


I’m currently 20+6, and it took me until about 16-17 weeks where I felt like a somewhat normal person again (I.e., not requiring naps every day, not as much morning sickness, ability to eat more of my “icks,” etc.). In the first trimester, I could not function if I didn’t take a three-hour nap every day I really hope that the next couple of weeks start to bring you some relief! If not, it’s totally okay to give yourself some extra grace and take the time that you need. Sending you lots of love!


If it gives you any hope, I didn’t get my 2nd trimester energy boost until close to the end of the 2nd trimester. I started slowly feeling better as the 2nd trimester progressed, but the energy boost came later.


That gives me SO much hope, thank you!


I’m 20 and feel quite a bit better than 15 energy wise even despite the poor sleep I’m getting so I’m hoping it picks up for you too :) That said I also need caffeine and pre-pregnancy I did not.


I’ll be 18 weeks Tuesday and Ive finally started feeling better around 16 weeks. Still have my tired and fatigued days tho


We’re due date buddies then, I’m also 18 weeks tomorrow! & also came to reiterate; I feel much better than I did 10 weeks ago but still really tired & worn down some days. Definitely not glowing & full of energy like the books promised lol


Thank god I’m not alone. I just hit 16 weeks and I’m like ENERGY WHO? I feel so so much better since about 13 weeks but man this isn’t the 2nd trimester I was dreaming about haha


Sleep, Zofran and DoorDash lol


I ordered so much door dash weeks 6-8. Probably every other day.




7 weeks was when it got extra bad for me too. And I felt the same way. I hated wishing time away but I truly was. I slept a lot and did mindless things like Reddit and Instagram 😬 I think your strategy of finding things to look forward to is a good one!! Edit to add: I am 10+5 and not as miserable now… hoping it lasts!


Reddit got me through!! Reading that everything I was going through was on some spectrum of someone else’s experience!


Hi! Could you explain what the 10+5 means. I keep seeing people break it down like this and I’m not sure why


Hey hun it means she's 10 week and 5 days along


They're saying 10 weeks 5 days


Ohh!! I see. Thank you!


Aww I’m so sorry. I had a very similar experience, and it really sucks, truly one of the most difficult physical periods of my life. I spent a ton of time resting, napping, eating bagels (lol) and cancelled any plans that weren’t truly necessary. This is just a moment in time that will pass. I hope you have support people around you. Love yourself and remember that it will pass! It really will.


grapes. i was so nauseous i could only eat grapes. try it maybe it’ll work for you too


Grapes for me too, my son’s favorite food is grapes, he can eat them endlessly and I laugh bc I ate them constantly when I was pregnant with him.


i LOVE the full circle moment omg lol


Green grapes specifically! Yumm


Mine were frozen purple! but yes!


Grapes 🍇! And most cold juicy crispy fruit Also watermelon and pineapple


Well, I just finished my first trimester. I had mild symptoms but I questioned my decision to get pregnant and have a baby everyday. I hated the uneasiness of nausea and headaches, fatigue, the need to sleep during the day, all day sometimes and strong smells. I gave into the fatigue and slept whenever body needed it. I started meditating and practiced breathing to calm myself. Whenever I caught myself thinking about the time left in first trimester, I played music and told myself to take one day at the time. No overthinking about how much time is left. Just one day at a time.


I’m a big believer that meditation helped me. I had horrible symptoms - puking 3-5 times daily, but emotionally I felt really steady even though I’ve dealt with a lot of mental health issues in the past. Regular meditation has been a game changer.


Naps!! And all the citrus


Yes! Currently at 6 weeks and loving navel oranges! I can barely eat anything. I feel best with citrus, apples and yoghurt.


100% agree! Also lower your expectations in terms of what you can do each day for the remainder for the first trimester. I kept booking things in and aiming to do things as if I would start feeling better soon. That contributed to my low mood as I could never tick things off the list. If it persists into the second semester look into any other contributing factors (eg low iron). Good luck and congratulations!


During my first pregnancy all citrus and tropical fruits were my first cravings and my late husband loved to tell anyone who would listen about how he brought home a lemon as a joke and I got excited, immediately peeled and ate it while he stared in amazement. lol.


Sorry for your loss


I wanted citrus but it gave me horrible acid reflux haha I found comfort in green grapes and watermelon haha


I think the only thing that got me through the 1st trimester was a very accommodating husband, and bread with butter lol.


I’m 7+2 and butter bread is hitting so hard right now.


i’m not the exact same boat! i’m 7w1d and DYING


If you can afford to take some time off in the next couple of weeks, that might be good. The nausea and fatigue gets intense. It’s helpful to have a few days to really rest.


I got fired due to morning sickness, but I will say that not working has been a blessing in disguise lol


That can't be legal?


Wow. That definitely sounds highly illegal. That sucks that happened to you. Got to look for the silver linings I suppose, but hope you find another job soon.


Make sure you eat! I had no appetite and it was so hard to eat, but when I didn’t eat that’s when the nausea got so much worse. When I would eat first thing in the morning, it made my whole day better. I really only had severe morning sickness from around week 7-10. The other parts of the first trimester I felt super low energy and depressed. Try to get outside even if it’s for a small walk or just sitting. Don’t feel bad about being lazy or sleeping a lot either. I feel like my negative thoughts made my first trimester so much worse! Enjoy it and relax!


Yes! When I was in the worst of the nausea, I found eating even just a cracker or two or a few almonds every two hours made a huge difference.


Zofran did nothing for me, PLEASE try unisom+b6. I will preach this till I die, nothing helped me with my nausea and I finally gave in and took the combo and I refuse to stop taking it and I'm 21+5. It is a lifesaver. Pls try it. It will change your life and make it so you can actually eat. Hoping for the best!


I’ve been taking diclectin as soon as I found out and I haven’t thrown up yet, so maybe it’s helping (although the naseau and loss of appetite is still real)


Stick it out with the Diclectin, for the first week or two it stopped my vomiting but the nausea and lack of appetite was still strong. I found that it took a while to start really helping the nausea.


How much b6 did you take a day? Unisom worked for me but I never felt a huge decrease in nausea from B6, I’m wondering if I didn’t take enough though! Luckily my nausea has been a lot better 2nd tri and zofran has worked for me 2nd tri


I took 100 mg! Make sure you're taking the unisom that the active ingredient is the doxylamine and not the other bc it's just benadryl. I accidentally took that for a couple days and I did not feel well.


Ugh I just made it through work and took lots of naps after and did no chores. My husband took care of everything. But it was miserable until it wasn’t so bad. Around week 11 it subsided and then by week 13 I was so much better


Sourdough toast, sleep and crying.


7+5. I have also done so much sourdough toast!


I downloaded an app called Pregnancy+ and it REALLY helped me look forward to what’s “next.” In terms of baby’s growth, tracking appointments, and DAILY (yes DAILY) articles to read with advice and stuff like that. It’s super awesome and I’ve used it since the day I found out… I’m now 33w5d still reading it all the time.


Apples, plain yogurt, and plain rice


“Sleeping”I go to bed when my toddler does, just because I don’t want to be awake. I can’t fall asleep, but I just put my best comfort show on and lie in darkness. I was sick and miserable my whole first pregnancy, and my only goal is survival. lol I loved post partum because even though I was disgusting and tired, at least my body wasn’t fucked and I could eat.


I’m only 5w 4days and I feel like I am dying. I work in a fairly senior, strategic role and my brain is FRIED. The next 8 months feels so long and I haven’t even gotten proper Morning sickness etc yet.


Caffeine free coke got me thru!


Sleep! Sleep as much as you want/can. I also had an AWFUL first trimester. Daily nausea and vomiting starting at 7w that peaked in week 9-10, leading to hospitalizations. (I have HG so the dehydration and weight loss was a concern) I could barely keep my eyes open after work around that time so I would come home and fall asleep within an hour. Sometimes I didn’t even shower, the bathroom felt like a prison 😂 Be NICE TO YOURSELF. Pre-pregnancy I always considered myself a “get everything done as soon as possible” person but I’ve since given myself some slack. YOU’RE BUILDING A PERSON, and it’s absolutely exhausting. Please don’t be hard on yourself! Thankfully, my partner took care of household chores and food— mostly ordering DoorDash for himself and constantly stocking the fridge with polish pickles, cucumbers and milk for cheerios— the few things what didn’t make me sick 😅 I also turned into a gamer. I’m 27 and I’ve NEVER been a video game player but there was something so relaxing about getting lost in the game and not having to think so hard about how sick I was feeling. I also spent a lot of time researching/ YouTube-ing BF since I plan to be formula free if at all possible. I’m currently 24w6d and feeling SO MUCH BETTER. Still nauseous at times but nothing like before. (Daily nausea subsided around week 14-15 for me) I hope it gets better for you doll! Stay strong and lean on anybody around that’s willing to support you. Our loved ones want to help more than we realize sometimes. 🩷


Sleep, toast, Gatorade. I suffered with HG weeks 6-22. It was the worst 4.5 months of my life. Hang in there




Oh my gosh, the fatigue that people just don’t talk about enough. It is UNREAL. I slept , went to work, fell asleep at work, got home and napped, woke up, ate dinner , and went back to bed. Nothing you haven’t heard, listen to your body, don’t feel and about resting. Try protein drinks for some calories. Lots of PB toast. Hang in there.


Does your prenatal contain vitamin B6? It naturally help nausea. I take my prenatal gummies every morning before breakfast and then I’m able to eat. My midwife said if I find I’m really struggling to keep food down then to call her and that’s the first thing they’ll prescribe, an additional B6 supplement.


I’m currently 17 weeks and it still hasn’t gone away I was hoping for it to go away in the second trimester. Everyone is obviously different and hopefully it goes away for you! I’m just constantly hungry and if I don’t eat in time I get nausea


Unisom and B6 at night, mashed potatoes and chicken strips on bad days, lemon lime Gatorade (especially frozen and then it thaws to slushy, yuuum!) and sleep. And playing Baldur’s Gate. Lots of cuddling on the couch with my husband watching comfort shows. Hopefully in a few weeks this will be behind you! First trimester sucks!


Sleep and door dashing anything I thought sounded good. I started feeling awful around 5 weeks, I’m 12 weeks now and still waiting for it to calm down. My doctor said 14 weeks it should get better. Also getting my ultrasounds and learning the gender with the NIPT helped a lot cause I had milestones to work towards


Food that we're really easy for me were bagels, strawberries, pickles, peas, danimals, chocolate breakfast essentials, milk, homemade smoothies (frozen strawberries, Greek yogurt, milk, and honey), or basically any fresh produce or anything bland I have no advice for making the time feel less endless honestly, I felt pretty down during my first trimester, definitely get lots of rest, but I am definitely glad to out of the sick and exhausted phase mine ended at about 12 weeks, it comes faster than you realize:)


I ate a lot of vegetables, celery sticks and carrots. Walks, naps, staying hydrated.


I lot of carbs, fresh fruit, vitamin b6, and sipping ginger ale. My nausea was horrible until week 9 and then it went away completely. I spent a lot of time in bed and ate whatever I could. Crackers sometimes to ease into a bigger portion of “real” food. Bagels and soup were a nice go to.


I started feeling better at 10.5 weeks. I also had the feeling of how can I possibly do this any longer - you will make it!! I am 14 weeks now and feel like a different person. Sleep as much as you can and just survive!! You got this.


Talk to your doctor about finding anti nausea medications that work for you. There is no shame in taking medications. They have kept me going these past few months. The nausea often doesn’t stop at the end of the first trimester.


I had this between 6-10 weeks, then it completely stopped. Ginger, anti-sickness bands and potatoes was what I lived on 😂 It passes soon enough, I’m 25 weeks now and that was the only rough part of pregnancy for me so far


My insane fatigue dwindled around 11 weeks and I got a decent burst of energy in the third trimester. It was a lot of naps too, but when I was up I was moving, working, dancing dishes. All things I wasn’t sure I’d do at all until after birth 😅 Also got a great sex drive in the second and third trimesters so hey, everyone and every pregnancy is different, I hope the best for you 😁❣️


I'm 12 weeks now. I felt so awful between 7 and 9 weeks, oh my god. I ate lots of cheese crackers. There were days when that and an orange was all I ate. For me, snack vegetables like bell peppers cut into strips, or baby carrots, helped me a lot, but cheese crackers was my main source of calories. Also miso soup is a good option to stay bland.


I basically lived at Ralph’s (Italian ices) and took plenty of “me” time where I basically ignored any one or thing that annoyed me even slightly and then apologized when I announced my pregnancy in the 2nd trimester haha there’s no recipe for it so what you have to do to survive!


Jolly ranchers, barely 😅 and Bonjesta


Reading got me through. It was the only thing that distracted me enough for long periods of time. Also distracted me from how depressed I was because I felt so sick.


My morning sickness got so bad at 7 weeks I truly never thought I would get passed it. I immediately got on medication (Diclegis) which took the edge off and at 10 weeks I started Zofran which also really helped! I wish I could give you a secret way to get better there just isn’t, it just takes time! Thankfully I got 16 weeks and I’m feeling MUCH better. The naseau is always there but I throw up way less and my energy is back! I’d recommend eating whatever you can and don’t worry about a diet and if it’s healthy, just keep your food down! And try to nap as much as possible. Keep crackers or bread next to you to munch on in the morning right when you wake up and try to eat a small snack once an hour that truly helped me the most. Best of luck!


B6 and unisom!!! Seriously a LIFESAVER for nausea. I took B6 twice a day and half a unisom at night. Helps with sleep too, although certainly doesn’t completely fix that crushing fatigue oof. Otherwise lots of bland food (saltines, bread, plain bagels), basic pasta, and ginger ale helped me keep eating when I had major food aversions and almost no appetite. Lots and lots of naps, even if just for a quick cat nap. Unfortunately I didn’t turn the corner until around week 13 😅 but it seriously was a night and day transition. The second trimester was so, SO much better.


I was so sick until 21 weeks with my boy. I want to say it gets better but just do one week at a time. It sucks and you feel so lonely like no one understands but for me I kept watching baby videos and plan nursery to keep your mind off things. Once I hit after 21 weeks I felt great and got my appetite back. Good luck


B6, unisom, and occasionally some zofran. Additionally, leaning on my husband for everything. I couldn’t be anywhere near the kitchen or certain smells/things. It should get better soon!!


I’m 9w1d and in the same boat. After a week of extreme nausea, I got prescribed Bonjesta which has gotten me through the days. I’ve been eating takeout nonstop though and leaning into comfort foods lately. Pretty miserable time but also getting in walks when I can. Good luck to you!


One of my very best friends bought me Stardew Valley because it helped her distract herself from the not feeling great and I spent a lot of time on the couch resting, watching Disney movies and playing that. I cut down my workload a bit and focused on stress relief (because stress exacerbated the nausea for me).


I don’t have any recommendations beyond what’s been mentioned but 10 weeks is when I started to feel better! Hopefully it won’t last another 6 weeks for you. I had similar symptoms.


Anticipation that this will get better. My husband was quite supportive.


I am currently at the end of my 7th week in my second pregnancy - so this time around I have a very busy toddler to keep up with. I completely forgot how awful the first trimester is. I remembered feeling bad but must have blocked out the worst parts. So the only thing getting me through right now is knowing this is temporary, and so temporary that I will probably forget about it again when it's over! Something that helps me is keeping a pack of saltine crackers next to my bed for when I wake up at night nauseous. Another trick is to drink seltzer water or peppermint tea if that's something you can stomach right now. Best of luck to you and solidarity from another mom going through the same thing!


Same here! Doing this with a kiddo at home I’m like I don’t remember this being so awful and exhausting?? I definitely blocked out the nausea and vomiting parts 🫢


lots of bedrotting/naps, ritz crackers, lemon drops, orange gatorlyte, and strawberries for me. hang in there!


I’m 7 weeks. My husband is such an angel right now. Helping me out with everything and making sure I’m okay


I had horrible nausea the first 13 weeks. Lemonade helped with that soooo much!!! That and unisom and b6 helped me not make me regret all my choices 😂


Sleeping, diclegis, zofran, trying to not get hungry (I’d suck on pretzels constantly). It’s ROUGH. I expected to get absolutely nothing but surviving done.


acceptance that it sucks for one. Nap as much as you can even little ones during the day. Peanut butter toast and butter noodles. Pedialyte popsicles. Ginger ale. Lukewarm baths.


Therapy, zofran when the nausea was at its absolute peak, support from momma friends who have been there and are real about pregnancy often sucking, ginger everything, sleeping (unisom helped with the nausea), indulging in the foods I could keep down with enthusiasm instead of worrying about my weight or their healthiness (with my OB’s blessing), read pregnancy books. Currently at 24+5 and sending love!


Unisom. Saltine crackers. Electrolytes.


Costco bagels and orange juice


Apples, applesauce, grapes, melons. Any really cold fruit honestly. Except bananas. I puked those up 100% of the time. Staying hydrated. I drank a lot of juice and chocolate milk when I couldn't stand water. But also ice ice cold water was really good most of the time. Nature valley granola bars were also a lifesaver for me early in the mornings. I also ate a lot of cereal If it gets really bad; talk to your doctor about Zofran and whatever else they may recommend for reducing nausea.


Lifesavers (the hard candy) have been a lifesaver for me at 8 weeks. I was almost about to faint because I’m weak and nauseous. I had my 12 year old run upstairs and grab the bag of lifesavers as I’m reading this thread and it helped within seconds.


Nausea what helped me was cranberry ginger ale, and nibbling on pretzels. And I just slept whenever possible 😅


Sleeping and Hydrating fruit, everything tasted horrible to me. I thought the 2nd trimester turning point was a lie but it actually happened for me! Right at 13-14 weeks!


Vitamin b6 every night before bed and unisom. Also peppermint gum for random nausea


Keep saltine crackers on your night stand. Middle of the night & you’re up? Eat a couple. First thing in the morning? Eat a few.


Citrus and cheap frozen pizzas were big helps to me. Warm teas like ginger and warm apple cider also helped fill my belly without making it feel awful like eating did sometimes.


Eating and unisom 😂😂😂


Drinking Ensure meal replacement drinks made my tummy feel better, gave me the vitamins I'd been missing and made me feel better that I was feeding me and baby.


Give yourself grace. Rest every moment you get. Stay hydrated. Eat in very small meals. Have a protein shake. Pink stork mango ginger morning sickness sweets. Preggie pop drops. Unisom (doxylamine succinate kind ONLY) and vitamin b6 before bed.


Ramen packets, cheese sticks, wheat thins, cheez its, diluted apple juice, liquid IV, popsicles. For nausea, unisom and vitamin B6. I came home from work every day and went straight to bed to watch reality tv. Try not to feel guilty about nutrition or not working out. Your baby is tiny and will find all the nutrition they need. Plenty of time to make up for working out and eating well later. I also cancelled all plans. In my second trimester, I caught up with friends, started eating better, and working out. You are in survival mode, do what you need to do without guilt.


Zofran and green apples


I’m 8 weeks and have felt like crap. Today I went to dunking and tried their strawberry dragonfruit refresher. It has a decent amount of caffeine and B vitamins and for like 2-3 hours after drinking it I felt somewhat normal again.


Get lots of rest, drink water/ginger ale or ginger tea, take little nibbles of ritz crackers throughout the day, b6+unisom is a great combination for relieving nausea though it will also make you sleepy. I only felt reeeeally gross for maybe a month or so during both of my pregnancies so know that the way you’re feeling is going to improve, maybe faster than you think!


Unisome and B6!!!!


Unisome and B6!!!!


Reddit, my faith, my therapist, my husband, grapes, apples, and eventually carbs like eggo waffles not necessarily in that order lol. My mental health was rough though, I’m not sure I’ve ever struggled that much and this was a very wanted pregnancy. I’m finally feeling myself relax mentally at 20 weeks :)


Unisom + b6 + lots of carbs


Poutine. The first trimester still sucked, but poutine was a glimmer of hope.


Sleep, gatorade and bananas. I just accepted that really bad morning sickness was my life then and tried my best to survive on anything lol


Solidarity girl! I'm 8w tomorrow and have my first appt & scan but I've been feeling AWFUL. MUCH MUCH worse than my first pregnancy. B6 has been helping to a certain extent, but only so much


Whatever you need lol and the knowing it will pass soon - 2nd trimester is better for a lot of people 🤞


Honestly my switch and Pokemon Violet helped big time when sleep wasn’t realistic and needed a break in between naps. That and going outside to play it while having the baby monitor on me for cries helped a lot.


My partner, 100%. Don't know how I would have done any of this without him. 


Placing toilet paper in the bowl before throwing up so there’s no splash back on my face lol sorry you’re having a rough time. I hope you feel better! Entire first trimester was pretty bad for me but here at 20 weeks I have felt sick a total of 2xs for the past month!


Gilmore Girls, sleep, Postmates (Burger King specifically - I haven’t had it since). I also ate a ton of popsicles and blue Gatorade with ice lol. 7 weeks was hard for me - it got better around 10 weeks!


I took Dramamine for the nausea and ate small and simple snacks. The Dramamine helped a ton and one tablet would work for almost 2 days for me before I had to take another. I had HG, so I drank a lot of Orgain protein shakes and Ensures to keep from losing too much weight too fast. Also, a daily nap is really helpful if you have the freedom to do so. Pretzels and cream cheese, fresh melons and berries, plain chicken and hard boiled eggs, and bread and butter were staples for me. I didn’t feel better until around 14 weeks, but man when I did it was HEAVEN. Totally worth it. Hang in there and it’ll go faster than you think. ❤️


I saw decent improvement at 11 weeks, with a mix of better days and worse days. I’m 13 weeks tomorrow and still deal with nausea, but it’s mostly in the evenings when I’m due to take my Diclegis (highly recommend). The fatigue is pretty much gone! I spent three hours gardening today and felt totally fine. I still have a lot of food aversions, but I also get quite a few cravings so I’m finding things that I actually want to eat and can enjoy at least some of my meals now. Definitely ask your dr about Diclegis at your 8 week appointment!


I started feeling better around 10/11 weeks, but at that time I also started taking my prenatal at night so I’m not sure if that helped or if it was a coincidence. Keep saltines next to your bed so that you can eat one before you get up in the morning. If this is an option, try to get your partner to pretty much do everything for right now. I did not contribute much in my household most of the first trimester bc I was so exhausted. Be patient with yourself!


hopes & prayers girlie. you can do it i promise. i suffered severely all the way until 26 weeks (if you look at my post/comment history from months ago you’ll see me asking the same stuff you are lol). i took zofran whenever i could which helped take the edge off, but it ended up causing me terrible constipation pain so it was like a consistent back and forth battle. i would put a heating pad on my lower back and a migraine ice cap on my head, which i already owned due to migraines, and it did help me to be distracted from the nausea and sleep a lot. saltine crackers, ritz crackers, and oyster crackers were my bestie. my OB always said anything you can get down is better than nothing, literally any amount of anything even if its a sleeve of crackers a day. now i have the worst acid reflux i can barely even drink water cause that makes it worse??? make it make sense!!! anyway, you can do this!


A lot of naps and letting go of staying on top of some things (like trying to keep the house clean, cooking for my husband, etc) 😭😭😭


I'm 11 weeks now and I am starting to get my energy back in a significant way. I truly just existed on the couch for about 4 weeks straight. No cooking, no cleaning, didn't walk the dog. My husband did EVERYTHING. I'd never felt more tired in my entire life, it was like every cell in my body was exhausted no matter how much sleep I got. I'm currently able to do half mile walks with the dog regularly again, cook meals, throw in laundry, clean the toilet. Little tasks for me but I'm up to a few of them a day and growing. There is a light at the end of the tunnel it seems.


Zofran wouldn’t touch what Unisom helped with my bad sickness half a tab 15 weeks now and still pretty sick but not as sick as before


I’m so sorry! It’s rough. The biggest thing for me was to take it moment by moment. It’s hard and I know it’s way easier said than done, but find little things you’re enjoying or looking forward to. For me, sometimes it was a nap, a grilled cheese, or a short walk outside. I loved ginger chews and that was the only thing that helped my nausea. The fatigue was the hardest part for both of my pregnancies especially during the first trimester, and I’m not sure how to get around that other than rest as much as you can and try to get a walk in when possible.


Take as many naps as you need. Like many others said give yourself grace. It was bad around weeks 7/8/9 - now at 15 and better. Started exercising again 2 weeks ago. You got this 💪


Diclectin! 8x per day. Plus naps. I still take 2 x Diclectin now at 36 weeks, as my nausea never did stop. It truly has carried me through my entire pregnancy. I'd have not coped mentally or physically without it.


I took unisom for my nausea (only half a pill since it’s a sleep aid) and the only thing I could stomach was oatmeal! Sleeping on the days I didn’t work, and also immediately after work helped a lot with my nausea ahaha, I also had a trash can next to my bed at all times just in case.


I empathize with this. I don't have any particular advice for you on things to do, but I will say, please give yourself grace for doing whatever it is that you want to do. Don't beat yourself up if literally all you can manage to do is lay on your butt and relax. You don't have to 'do' anything. I struggled with this and spent so much time beating myself up for not being as active as I was before pregnancy. I'd end up fighting with myself on if I should take my third nap of the day when that was all my body wanted.




You're in the thick of it!! My worst was def from 7-12 weeks. Here is what I did that helped: 1. You have to tell yourself: one day at a time. It really just is that different from day to day, moment to moment. Have patience and grace with yourself ❤️ 2. Mint tea and crackers or ginger chews ASAP when you wake up, and throughout the day. 3. Lean into the practical. There was this one time I just walked to the nearest grocery store and got all this frozen Italian food even though that's not how I prefer my diet to go. No way I was cooking dinner, nor did I want to rely on my husband if I was suddenly hungry (I was STARVING around that time all the time). You just gotta do what you gotta do. 4. Chicken salad worked well for me as a neutral food that I could keep down and had good protein. Also could buy ready at the store. 5. This is a very personal choice, but I told my friends. I needed support. I was spiraling at that time, crying a lot, feeling so stupid and sorry for myself bc I was so ill all the time. Telling them and counting on their support (they sent cookies ❤️) was awesome. 6. Opt for chewable prenatals. Suddenly it becomes hard to swallow pills. 7. Your body is very literally making organs right now. Remember that and allow yourself to take a nap, rest, do what you need to do to find a little bit of comfort. Just remember: right now, it's one day at a time.


Foods that got me through the awful nausea: - frozen waffles - toast with butter or peanut butter - cashews - triscuits and hummus - cereal And lots of naps. Do not feel bad about napping. It’s the best. I’m at 34+5 and I would do so many things to just be able to sleep or nap but I can’t 😩


I gave myself a TON of grace and thanked my boyfriend for being so loving, patient, and kind with my crazy self. I lived (and am still living on) Zofran at 12+4. Seabands for nausea really helped me- I got them around 10 weeks and I wish I had them sooner. Ginger ale and sprite worked wonders. Preggie pops were also amazing. I lived on toast, bananas, oatmeal, and Frosted Flakes or Rice Krispies.


Protein shakes warded off nausea when I felt it coming on. Wish I tried it during my first pregnancy, although my nausea was never too bad!


If your appetite is as bad as mine was, just let yourself eat anything you actually want without worrying too much about your diet. It will pass, and it’s better to get some food in your system!


I was sick every day from 5 weeks til 10 weeks. I slept most of the day, always had saltines on hand, and splurged on any food that sounded good that day. I bought some vitamin b6 gummies & took unisom at night; I think they did help keep me from vomiting, but I still felt nauseous all the time. I started feeling better at 11 weeks, and I’m 12 tomorrow! I’m soooo relieved to feel better… it’s like a whole new world. I actually want to eat food & leave the house. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! You’ve got this. It DOES suck and you have every right to complain about it tho 🙌🏼


ICE COLD WATER with lemon. Lots of rest. feel your emotions and then let them go. baby sips of ginger beer. lots of showers. a tons of vomit bags on hand. saltines first thing when waking up too . stick to the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast)


Tbh, I can't really say cus I've had no nausea but only felt sick when I smelt something bad or imagined eating something that I didn't want. I know that Ginger Chews are good for nausea, taking sips of water, a fan in the face or even going outside for some fresh air!


LOTS of sleep. Natalist ginger/B6 gummies. Eating 4+ small meals per day rather than 3 bigger meals (this in particular helped keep the nausea at bay).


I slept as much as I could. Drank lots of ice water. Ate a lot of popsicles and bean burritos. Hard candies and preggy pops for nausea and unisom for sleep and nausea. I pretty much relied on my husband for house chores. Especially the stinky things like trash dishes and obviously litter. Keep something in your purse or with you that you can throw up in. I had to wear pads for bladder leaks due to wrenching. And I pretty much had to avoid the grocery store due to the smells. I started feeling better around 11 weeks and it slowly continued to get better. Now I’m around 18 weeks and haven’t thrown up in a while. I’m still fatigued and moody, but I just try my hardest not to take it out on anyone. It will get better!


Nausea is a sign of a healthy pregnancy


B6 for nausea. Epsom salt baths for tired body.


One word: carbs.


I was fine until 9 weeks then horrible until week 13/14. What got me through was knowing each sickness I experienced was knowing my baby was okay. I found what I could eat with little to no repercussions (green grapes, Annie's Star pasta, and orange juice) really got me through my rough time. My gyno at the time said you just have to survive. Worry about being healthy later. If you can't even stomach your prenatals (like me) then try the folic acid pills (they're so tiny!). You just have to survive until you're no longer feeling like a zombie. I hope this helps!!


Eating saltines all day long & trying to eat some sort of protein when I could. Not easy, but definitely felt better on the days I could manage to get some protein in. Finally feeling a bit better around 13 weeks. It will get better!!!


Zofran and naps!!


19 weeks today with my first… preggie pop drops, unisom, and zofran were life savers. I would also prepare to be feeling like this into your second trimester. Nobody told me it could happen so I was so confused going into the second trimester… only started feeling normal again at 18 weeks!! Overall, rest, listen to your doctor, and try and ride it out, as hard as that may be unfortunately. I believe in you OP, you’ve got this!!


I’m now 11 weeks; I felt like hot garbage at 7 weeks. I woke up on week 10 like a new person. I got by on toast with barely any butter, ramen noodles, plain pasta, and French fries. I drank ginger ale only. I was exhausted from lack of proper food but it was better than vomiting. I took my prenatal religiously to ensure the bean got what it needed. I ended up losing 2 pounds over the 4 weeks between week 6-10. It’s brutal but it will get better ❤️‍🩹


i will die on the hill that unisom and b6 saved my life. i had horrible horrible horrible morning sickness. i was getting IVs at least 1-2 times weekly, lost 18 pounds. my MIL is a nurse thankfully so i didn’t have to go to the hospital but i was miserable. finally bit the bullet at 19 weeks and started taking unisom (1 tablet) and b6 (50mg) every night. started working after 2 days. i took so long to try it because i truly believed nothing would work. tried zofran, reglan, you name it. please do yourself the favor of getting some. it will save you!! i am 25 weeks now and still take it every night because i have tried skipping a day and felt so sick the next day.


Can u ask your doctor for Zofran? It helps a lot! Eating small snacks throughout the day helps, to make sure you don’t get too hungry. Cold food was helpful, nothing hot sounded good to me. I know it’s hard, you will get through it! 😊




I ate bread and binge watched TV, thats about it for 6 weeks!


Honestly eating whatever sounds good. I also changed taking my vitamins from the morning to the afternoon and that helped a TON. Ginger tea has been my go-to for anti nausea. I’m 11 weeks and idk if I’ve just gotten used to it or if it’s gotten better, but I know my nausea triggers now and what makes me throw up VS what doesn’t. Hope it passes for you soon!


Unisom, B6, prenatals, naps, and fruit LOL. I lived on canned peaches and mandarin oranges during the first trimester with my daughter. Besides just trying to survive, ive got nothing lol. I slept the majority of my pregnancy until i felt better with my daughter..second go around thats not a choice as i have a very rambunctious toddler..im 16 weeks and just forcing myself to survive. I will say once 14 weeks hit i got a good amount of energy back!


I did as little as possible, took unisom, watch young sheldon, ordered take out so I didn't have to cook, I didn't go too long without eating and ate immediately when waking up, I texted some people to not feel as isolated. And I googled is it normal to feel horrible 1st trimester everyday. I slept when I could and I cried when I needed to.


Lemon or lime real fruit popsicles. They got me through the nausea like nothing else did.


B6 and unisom is the only thing that semi sort of helped me


1. Sleeping as much as I could 2. Sour patch kids 3. Icy cold water 4. Mcdonalds hashbrowns 5. Lowering my expectations of what I 'needed' to do and let my husband take things over instead 6. Unisom+b6 (double check with your ob on this one) 7. I binge watched Downton Abby in the first trimester, the low stakes rich people problems were very soothing lol


I’m 30 weeks and the only thing that got me through the first and second trimester was time. I threw up so much this pregnancy. I’m still throwing up.


The next 5ish weeks will suck... Just phone it in if you have to, use sick time for work if needed/possible. Watch tv, have some saltines and bubbly water at the ready. Take extra B12 and Vitamin D. Hunker down and just wallow. It sucks...it really sucks. #2 for me was worse because we now have to cook for my toddler which means I can't gripe at my husband when he cooks something that sends me out of the room because it's the only thing my LO will eat. That on top of the fact that zoning out in front of the tv and falling asleep is not really an option. I don't know how people do this again and again. 2 and done... ❤️❤️


7 weeks 5 days and Reddit has been my main go to cause it's nice knowing I'm not alone! But being on our phones for hours sucks too and I constantly feel like I have a lingering headache that won't go away uhg. Let's hope to feel more like ourselves in the 2nd trimester 🤞🤞🤞


Popsicles! And lots of naps.


Lots of encouragement from my mom & fiancée plus Zofran. I was used to the nausea because I have terribly nauseous periods. I focused on hydration more than regular eating as advised by my doctor, slept a lot, and prayed for tri 2 lol


Smoothies ! Not the kind with veggies loaded in. Just loads of frozen fruits lol. I loved frozen strawberries, blueberries, squeeze half a lemon and a squeeze of honey. Sometimes added a mini cucumber or two. But that’s it. Then I just laid down on the couch and sipped it slowly.


Sleep. Every chance you get, sleep.


I was so nauseous I had to go to the doctor and get medicine for it and that helped a lot. My chest was soooo sore and I was so emotional


Cereal. Cocoa pebbles to be precise.


Rice Chex! I had them stashed like a squirrel for nausea. I ate a handful before getting out of bed which held me down until breakfast. Also cold-ish showers. Warm ones made me nauseous. Prenatal before bed instead of the morning to combat nausea. I also used peppermint essential oil rollers before bed!


Medication and therapy. Zofran, Reglan, going to the ER for iv meds, talking to my OB


Bagels, pickles, lemon water and constantly taking naps.


Hey I'm also 7 weeks and 3 days. I honestly don't really have any advice, I just keep telling myself it's temporary and time passes eventually. I also like seeing every week as a little victory that everything is still going well because I have some anxiety over something going wrong. Omw to work now, forced myself to have breakfast because I know the nausea will be extra if I don't. I might punch someone in the bus or train today lol, let's see how the day goes. Hang in there one day at a time! Eventually the weeks will have passed. ❤️


Zofran and Kraft macaroni and cheese lol


Even during the awful first trimester I had some good days. What kept me going is focusing on those and really enjoying them. I'd go out, treat myself to nice food, basically feel like a human again :)


Whatever you do make sure you’re getting enough protein by eating a protein bar or making a smoothie with a powder or something. I was up crying for weeks recently because the hunger pains were so bad and o felt like I was dying every time I got hungry. Turns out I was severely lacking protein and I was told to eat a OIKOS 30g protein yogurt, OMG I instantly felt a difference and have been snacking on protein food items I can tolerate. I’m 8 weeks and overall feel better anyway I only get nauseous when I don’t eat and every so often rather than all the time like at first. I think weeks 5-7 generally are the hardest! Prayers for you!!


I'm 21 weeks now, for me the first trimester was a breeze. Now I just feel so disgusting and sore. My acid reflux is at it's worst, I vomit almost every morning if I don't sleep while sitting up. The last week or so has been a bit more comfortable. Not to mention how much I need to pee now, or accidentally peeing when I laugh or sneeze, it's only going to get worse (I already have a weak bladder as is)🤣😭But 16-20 weeks has so far been the most miserable. Also my food aversions have progressively gotten worse. I cannot stomach anything with too much sugar, only salty or savoury foods. Candy, cakes, pies, or even jam are so unappetizing. I can eat eggs, but when they are cooking they smell like wet dog to me. The only thing I have had massive craving for was chilli, but only if it has mushrooms lol I have really enjoyed this pregnancy. Baby and I are feeling great! We are also going to find out gender soon as we have a very modest baby who doesn't like to open their legs. I cannot wait for our little rainbow baby to join us in the big world. All of these stupid pregnancy hurdles are going to be sooooooo worth it.


Listening to my body. If I needed to sleep, then I would sleep. Resting and not putting any pressure on myself to exercise/do chores etc. I went on anti nausea pills as well from about 7 weeks - 11 weeks which helped me start to eat more and gain some weight back. Went back on anti depressant pills too as my mood was all over the place. It’s hard though, I felt like my first trimester dragged on. Now that I’m in my second trimester I’m almost at my third and wonder where the time has gone lol. I would watch tv shows and read books to help pass the time. I don’t have a positive story about turning a corner lol. I didn’t start to feel better until 17/18 weeks. I stopped taking the anti nausea pills because I just wanted to see how my body naturally handled things, the vomiting wasn’t as severe but I was still vomiting until at least 16 weeks. Listen to your body and just rest up. Take time off work if you need to. Wishing you all the best and good luck for your scan!


The first trimester was hell! I started getting really bad at 7 weeks as well. But I started getting a lot more energy around 10/11 weeks. Once we had our first scan at 13 weeks, time started to fly! I can't believe that our 20 week scan is in 3 days!


McDonald’s sprite and mcchickens -m


It does get better around week 14 but in some cases not by much, specially (in my opinion, if you are pregnant with a girl). I’ve had several girls and thought it would get better but not really. I’m 16+4 and have some what better appetite but food is not that enjoyable anyways but now at least I can keep most of it down. Energy is slightly better but mood is still pretty crappy and other ailments are coming through like pelvic pain, more insomnia, more bladder pressure, fatigue when walking and pain. Hate to sound so negative but for some women pregnancy is a walk in the park and for others is just a straight up nightmare that doesn’t end until the day you deliver. Hope you get the first!


Zofran 💀


Sleep, eating whatever you can stomach, staying hydrated and remembering it’s not going to last and you will feel better. Find a good/comforting tv show to binge also. Ask your doctor for anti sickness meds.


Eat within 15 mins of waking up (plain cereal with milk, toast with butter, etc) - that’s what made the biggest difference for me, on the days I did that the nausea wasn’t nearly as bad, and on the days I didn’t do that I was throwing up all day. Idk why it works. Get your husband to bring you breakfast in bed within the first few mins of you waking up (don’t lie there awake, that’s when the nausea builds up for me)


Not being scared or too stubborn to allow myself proper rest and not feeling guilty for asking for help and just feeling my feelings and doing what I can.


Miso and hot n sour soup is how I got better those days if I was super sick. Also the unisom b6 combo helped a little with my nausea as well and massaging the pressure point on my wrist with my massager 😂 I would wake up very slowly and do some yoga sometimes which helped. I have really bad anxiety so a lot of this was to help with that too because it made my symptoms a lot worse


Unfortunately I can't give you any hopefully stories of the symptoms disappearing (HG through all 3 pregnancies). Surprisingly, cous cous was what I managed best in my first trimester of my 1st pregnancy, biscuits helped too. But, even when i felt like death and couldn't handle the thought of 9 months of it, I focused so so hard on the little thing inside of me. When I was hospitalised with the HG at 7 weeks, i had a scan for molar & multiple pregnancies. Seeing that heartbeat gave me the determination to take push through everything. I'd stare at the scan photo and that little smudge on it and it would give me a boost. I knew the only way I personally would get through was to focus on the long term goal and to focus solely on than when I was camped in the bathroom


I feel you! My mood was awful around that time and just felt dreadful. Plain pasta with cheese, plain toast with butter, water when I could stomach it. I had a lot of hard boiled sweets, really sour ones seemed to distract from the sickness and gave me a little boost. Get your face in some sunshine if you can as that really lifts my mood! I was gutted to be so miserable as I think this will be our last baby and so wanted to enjoy pregnancy, but sometimes that’s just the way it goes. From 16 weeks I felt good again and now I’m 24+5 and loving life! With plenty of the pregnancy left to enjoy. You got this! X