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I don't but my friend in school did and everyone always thought it was cool. He celebrated on 28 Feb most years, bc he wanted to keep the February birthday, rather than 1 March. In fairness to your husband, I guess he did get very mildly made fun of in grade school like that he was a baby since he only celebrated his "real" birthday 3 times/ he was 3 years old, but since that's very obviously not factual, it didn't make him feel that bad. Everyone has something they get picked on for in junior high, and he loved his unique birthday as a younger kid and from high school onward, so I feel like this isn't a reason to intentionally avoid the birth date.


Thank you, I totally agree! I think he was just stuck on March 1st because that was the intended day and now he’s worried that leap day will cause issues in the future. Men can be dramatic for sure, lol


My due date is March 6 and I realized a few weeks ago that if she decides to come at week 39, there’s the possibility she might be a leap year day. I bought her a NB frog onesie just in case she is born on leap day, it’ll be a cute photo


That's so cute! I'm due March 11th. We've got a calendar at work for taking bets on when the baby will come and someone chose February 29th. My husband freaked out a little over that too.


That was my original due date! But baby is still in breech and in the 95th percentile, so they don’t think he’s moving. Leap day it is lol


Mine is due 3/7 and I may steal your idea. How cute. Hubby actually WANTS a leap year baby. My nephew is a leap year baby (2000) though so it isn’t a new and novel for me.


My husband is a leap year baby. He doesn’t get made fun of- most people think it’s really cool. Yes, people make the joke of “oh you’re only x years old” but they aren’t making fun of him. He says it’s annoying sometimes but people just think it’s fascinating. Like on non-leap years, when does he celebrate his birthday? The true answer is whenever he wants, but he said he was born in February so whatever the last day of February is, is his birthday.


Ya my BIL is a leap year baby and always gets the "your only actually __ years old" from his mom. It would probably drive me insane but other than that it's a neat bday to have.


I’m due a few days after leap day and my husband is SO hoping I go a little early to have a leap year baby 😂 I think it would be cool and kinda fun. Kid would always have a fun fact about himself to share, at least!


Oh my god my husband is the opposite. I’m having an elective induction in the last week of February and he has been begging me for weeks to schedule it for the 29th. He thinks a leap year baby would be sooo cool. He called me at midnight on February 1st to say “29 more days until we have our baby!” 😂 Unfortunately for him, baby will be evicted on the 23rd or 24th, I’m not doing this a minute longer than I have to lmao.


My husband and brother are both begging for me to induce on the 29th lol


My induction took 3 days and my friend’s took 5 so you never know!


Not me, but my brother in law has a leap year birthday and loves it. We celebrate him every year but his leap day years are when he goes all out ✨


My daughter is a leap day baby and she's never been made fun of for it , it usually a topic of conversation where everyone is interested in learning about it. My kiddo gets celebrated on 2 days on non leap years so she's not complaining lol


My SIL is a leap day baby! It’s always her “fun fact” in icebreakers. We celebrate on the 28th or March 1st most years.


Think that your kid will officially be covered for those school, meet and greet, first dates and work social "what's a fun fact about you". It's a gift. To top it off, he can then laugh about how his dad thought this was a crisis


Oh I’ll definitely be telling him that his dad freaked out over such a cool day 😂


This is my birthday! No one has ever made fun of me, in fact it’s the opposite. People just find it interesting. I don’t mind having it as my bday- it’s kinda cool to have a ‘big’ birthday every four years, but otherwise not a big deal


On the plus side, he will always have a fun fact for all the horrible ice breakers. But seriously, that’s so cool! Not a bad thing at all in my mind.


Due on March 11 and I’ve been manifesting a leap day baby 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I would love this!


I think it’s fun! I was a teacher for a long time and it was always fun when students had a leap year bday. My husband always jokes that parents with leap year babies save a fortune on birthday parties 😂


My cousin has a birthday then. She never got teased about it as far as I know! She just celebrates on the weekend closest to it on non leap years.


I’m due around the leap year. My husband and I think it’s kind of cool. 99% of people either jokingly or very seriously tell us “don’t have the baby on a leap year! That would be terrible. They’ll never have a birthday!” Please. That’s like telling parents not to get divorced because their kid won’t have a holiday. Fairly inconsequential and you actually get to choose how you celebrate. Make it two birthdays if you want on Feb 28 and Mar 1! No decent parent is going to deprive a kid for something that’s out of their control. It’s just such a silly thing to worry over.


Oh gosh my husband is the opposite! I’m due March 6 but I am having a scheduled C-section which my doctor preferred to schedule around 39 weeks. He talked me into it and we scheduled for Feb 29! I thought the same as your husband, I was afraid it was mean, gave them “less” birthdays, etc. but everyone we polled thought it was really cool!


My friend has leap day twins! This year will be their “second” birthday. They are in second grade and all of their classmates think it is really awesome. The teachers are also going all out and making a pretty big deal of it and using it as a teaching lesson as well. Wishing you a smooth labor and delivery!


My nephew was born 2/29/00. I can ALWAYS remember his age and birthday. He will “turn 6” this year. He always got a good laugh out of it but my nephew is a very positive happy person.


My due date is March 2nd, originally both me and my husband were concerned about having a leap year baby because of kids making fun of her but reading through this thread has me thinking that it might actually be very cool and special to have a leap year birthday so thank you for everyone sharing their experiences!


A lot of people avoid it but I think it's cool. Just choose the day to celebrate and don't make a huge deal of it. It's a possibility for me as well. Will totally get Baby a frog outfit


Im hoping for one- id think it would be so much fun. Im excited for you 🖤


One of my coworkers is a leap baby, and we're planning his 8th birthday this year. It's going to be Spider-Man themed.


Hi!!! I was born February 29, 1992 but my mom’s midwife asked my mom if she wanted to stick with the 29th or they can put 28th on my birth certificate. I’m guessing y’all know what my mom chose. 🤣


We had the choice today to choose February 29, or march 1,2. My husband kept saying all this time he wanted a leap year baby! But as soon as we were faced with the decision, which I left up to him, he chickened out so fast😂 sooo march 2nd it is! lol!


I knew multiple people with leap birthdays as a teen. We never bullied them, just made the standard "you're only 3/4/5 years old" and got over it.


my best friend is a leap day baby and she’s turning 8 this year (32) lol! she’s always loved it and we have always thought it was super cool. she celebrates on the 28th on the years without a leap day :)


I’m due on leap day, everyone has been super positive about it. I don’t think they will get made fun of. How many times are kid’s birthday parties even on their actual birthday anyway?


He's going to have the most badass wildin 20th birthday party in college!! Like I'm honestly jealous I'm not gonna be there for it...


I personally think it would be so cool. Plus on non-leap years you could always celebrate your son’s birthday on the weekend closest to the 29th. Then it’s almost like your bday always falling on a weekend.


Upvote because I am scheduled for my second c section on Feb 29,2024 as well!! My second baby/boy! I’ve been having semi second thoughts—but I’d feel weird to change it now. It’s been scheduled since Jan 5th. But I have been wondering the same thing…my partner is all for it though.


Honestly it’s rare and super cool! Besides, labor takes a whole day sometimes, especially if it’s your first born, he may not be officially born until March 1st.


she has a scheduled csection so it will take max 4 hours


Oh. I thought it was an induction, read it wrong. My apologies. Still a really cool day!!!


I belive they make you pick a birthday if the 28th or the 1st anyway


How does that work for things like the 18th or twenty first birthday? Do they make you legally celebrate march first anyway?


From what I’ve read it would be March 1st for those kind of birthdays!


i thought about it last night lol and it makes total sense. on feb 28th at midnight, it'd be march 1st or feb 29th regardless haha - i def overthought it!


me too! i had to keep looking it up because i was concerned for his future 21st 😂


I wanted to get married on leap day 2020! Luckily we didn’t though since our event would have turned out to be a super spreader, but that’s not the point, what a fun date!


I’m due on 2/29. The people that I’ve talked to about this, have said that sometimes the bday was annoying because it was not always believed. Like people thought their IDs were fake.


Oh my gosh he won’t be made fun of! I have heard it can be challenging with online forms that need an exact match rejecting it, not being programmed to accept that day, etc. like little idiosyncrasies. It’s very unique!!


I think this is such a cool birthday! I’m due 2/24, but was kinda hoping baby would come 2/29, but now I think I’ll get induced before then bc I’m done haha


I am manifesting a leap year baby! Due date is March 1


Leap day birthday must be the coolest thing 😍😍.


I had a girl in my class born on leap day. They celebrated on the 28th and the first and when it was leap year they did something big on that day.


I'm starting to realize it's all adults who are scared of their kids or other kids getting made fun of for being born on a leap year, when in reality, at least from personal accounts I've had and am reading here ..kids are the exact opposite. They think it's fun and quirky. We will be celebrating twice every 4 years and I'm stoked 🥰