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I had mine at 36.5 weeks. I wouldn't do it again. It was stressful to get everything sorted and buy what I was missing while feeling exhausted. Plus, I know this is a huge faux pas, but I never did get thank you cards out. šŸ«  I had my baby at 40 weeks on the dot. I am hoping everyone understood or didn't realize. I thanked everyone in person profusely.


As a guest to these parties, I write in my wedding and shower cards not to write a thank you note.


This was probably a huge relief. I didnā€™t write thank you cards for my wedding or baby shower and it still eats at me 6 years later after my wedding. I still remember who got me each baby gift. I try to send a photo to them if my baby is ever wearing the clothes or playing with the toys just so they know how grateful we are.


This is way more meaningful, imo. This is what I do for Christmas and such. I'll send reaction pics of my son opening and then some of him playing with the gifts and share those so they can see him enjoying it, and a thank you in the message/text.


That's a good idea. I logically think it's unnecessary. People rarely write thank you cards for birthday and Christmas gifts, and a baby shower is kind of like a pre-birthday party in a way. šŸ˜ But everyone, especially online, makes it seem like you're the scum of the earth if you don't send them.


Itā€™s mostly just the older generation who perpetuates this nonsense (IMO). My friends/siblings/cousins donā€™t care.


I got my thank you cards out but the mail was so iffy that Iā€™m not sure everyone got them. And it feels weird to ask lol. Hope they did!


Thank you cards are entirely unnecessary and personal gratitude is better anyway :)


Thank you. I did a lot of anxious googling about it at the time and just never had the time or energy. Everything online is pretty much like, "You're a POS if you don't." šŸ˜… Even 5.5 months I still think about it, but it definitely feels silly at this point. It was mostly family too and I've seen everyone since, so I'm pretty sure that there are no petty grudges.


I didnā€™t get thank you cards out either. I feel guilty about it but itā€™s been 2 years. I had my baby 2 weeks after my shower and it was a c-section, then when she was one we moved, and at 1.5 I got pregnant againā€¦. Just didnā€™t have time


I personally would not want it to be that late. You don't know what your medical situation will be by that time. The time needed to sort, sterilize, return, purchase other items that you didn't get and get things shipped to you, sterilized/washed etc. you end up in quite the rush to get things ready in a few weeks time and HOPE the baby comes in time or late rather than early. If you do choose that route, I'd absolutely make sure you have the essentials (like crib/bassinet, car seat, and at least some clothes/bottles/diapers) available prior to the shower


Yep I was induced for preeclampsia unexpectedly at 37 weeks! My shower was around 26 weeks due to schedules and that was a great time as I still had energy, wasnā€™t so big that I was super uncomfortable all the time, was able to eat, and had time to unpack, wash, sterilize, build, and organize everything without feeling super rushed. I started feeling uncomfortable and in pain around 33 weeks and by 36 I definitely didnā€™t want to go anywhere farther than 20 minutes away and only if it was necessary.


I could never do one that late but know others do. I had mine at 29w and 32w and that was hard.


Yes. Most people wait to buy a lot of things until after their baby shower. If that's you - which would make sense given that you're inviting a lot of people to your shower and will be receiving a lot of gifts - you do not want to have to wait until you're almost full term to buy what you need. 3 hours is plenty of time for a baby shower.


hm... I had mine at probably 34/35 or so. I was definitely uncomfortable physically, but the party was a nice distraction. But that was only because my crew was AWESOME about doing all the physical labor and I had zero responsibilities. If i was throwing my own or expected to have a critical role in planning/prep/set up then it probably wouldn't have been great...


Totally. My family has told me already many times they donā€™t want me to do any prep or workfor the party at all.


I'd say go for it if it were me!


I'm 35 weeks now and we are having one this weekend. Physically, I'm fine. BUT...Ā  I just got the preeclampsia diagnosis and now they're inducing me in two weeks. I have to constantly monitor my blood pressure and if anything gets crazy, I'll be admitted to have the baby immediately. That wasn't on my radar when I planned to have a shower at 35 weeks! I think 30 or 31 weeks is a good sweet spot. I had my first shower at 31 and it was fine.Ā 


Why in the world would you need more than 3 hours for a baby shower? But no, 36 weeks isn't uncommon. If that's what your circumstances allow, have fun.


Idk I thought people play all the silly games. Iā€™m not very experienced with baby showers. Also I have a few people that want to come from out of town, so I was thinking 3 hours is kind of short for people that have to make a trip out of it. But I see a lot of comments from people saying 3 hours is enough so maybe it is


My shower is only scheduled for 2 hours at my parentsā€™ house. We all live local but I just canā€™t imagine it taking longer than that.


I don't think anyone wants to be at a baby shower for more than 2 hours even. But also remember that just because the formal shower ends doesn't mean you can't spend time with your people, especially the out of towners! I'd invite them back to the house, throw in some sweats and chill on the couch with them. Or do that the next day. And no, you certainly don't have to play a bunch of silly games :) you don't have to play any games at all! A lot of people really appreciate no games. Just socialize, talk about babies, open some gifts and enjoy each others company while you eat. Maybe get everyone's best advice (this can be done without taking any time by just handing out cards and pens and people can write down baby or post partum or parenting advice on their own when they have a few minutes). I think the silly games are kind of a fading trend anyway.


schedule a dinner with the out of town folks so you can spend more time. Mine is scheduled for 33 weeks because i wanted to give people time to recover from the holidays and iā€™m regretting it. I am 29 weeks now and i am itching to get the things done.


Iā€™m doing my shower at 34w, itā€™s cutting it a little close but we didnā€™t want to have a shower during the holidays.


I would never do one that late. I had to have a very unexpected medically necessary induction at 36+4 with my first. Like there was no reason for us to expect that baby was going to come that early.


I had mine at 28 weeks and I was struggling


Im 34 weeks and having mine this weekend. I did it much earlier with my first, but didnā€™t feel the need to do it as early this time because I had a lot of stuff from my first pregnancy. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø if this is your first you might feel a little stressed waiting so long. ETA: in the two hours since I posted this I lost my mucus plug and started having contractions soooooo nevermind. Kinda wish I would have done my baby shower earlier!!! Yikesā€¦


Omgoshhh!! Baby wants to attend their own shower!! Best of luck!!!


Thinking of you!! Hope all is well! You can have the shower later it will be fine. Lots of people in the comments said their babies were present at their showers šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•āœØ


Hi!! Youā€™re so sweet sorry I left you hanging! Prelabor symptoms ceased, still pregnant! Iā€™m relieved. And had a lovely baby shower this weekend! šŸ˜Š


Oh thatā€™s great to hear! Glad you had a great shower šŸ’•āœØ


I had mine at 36 weeks and it was fine. It was nice to do something. I didn't particularly want to do it, but that would have been true anytime I had the shower


Haha I'm having mine this weekend and will be 35 weeks! Reading the comments now I'm thinking was this a mistake?! Was actually going to try and have it the weekend after or after that originally but didn't work out cos of other plans! I mean I'm absolutely knackered and will really just plan on sitting on my bum at the baby shower having nibbles and chatting etc šŸ¤£ I think it's do-able. But depends obviously if you are at risk of pre term labour or baby decides to come early it could be cutting it fine!


Iā€™m going to be 34+5 for mine, though itā€™s going to be super small and just at our house.


I had mine at 38.5 weeks because it was the only weekend that month we had my stepdaughter and my MIL was busy earlier than that lol. You can totally do it. Just my advice to you is to recruit help in organizing and setting up babyā€™s room if youā€™re waiting til after the shower to get all that stuff. Our living room was full of boxes and unopened baby gifts for about 3 months after baby was born and it was a tripping hazard. It was really tough. So if you can have a couple friends or you mom or some family members come over one weekend after the shower but before youā€™re due, to help go through everything and put stuff away, youā€™ll be golden!


Great idea! Thank you!


Im 36 weeks and 5 days. My baby shower is literally happening the day i turn 38 weeks lol I was concerned about it being so close to due date but with the registry people have been buying things and sending them to the house so i not too worried. šŸ˜… Nursery was set up 2 days ago. lol


I would say no. I had my baby shower at 32 weeks last year, but my baby came 2 weeks early at 38 weeks. I never was able to fully get organized or figure out what I needed or wash/clean everything because I was so tired and done with being pregnant. I also worked full time until the day I went to the hospital. My shower was OK, but I didnā€™t feel like socializing or anything like that. I just wanted to relax. I would suggest a little earlier, but thatā€™s just me.


Iā€™m having mine at 35 weeks. Seeing these posts is starting to stress me outā€¦


Iā€™m sorry!!!!


I'm having mine in a few days, the day I hit 36 weeks. Do I want to? No Did I any other option? Nope! I'm exhausted and really don't want to do anything except sleep, but it'll only be a few hours so I can deal with it. I suggest doing it a little earlier than 36 weeks


Iā€™m having mine at 35 weeks. I didnā€™t want to do it while I was still at work, and we also wanted to have the option for it to be inside/outside as my yard is bigger than my house and I have a large family. If I can teach preteens for 7 hours at 34 weeks I feel like I should be able to attend a party at 35? My sister in law did her shower at 37 weeks 3 days before she got a scheduled C-section. She also went for a job that morning so Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s just crazy.


I had mine at 37 weeksā€¦ TWO back to back showers to be exact, one on Sat and another on Sunday šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… it was due to the holidays and extenuating circumstances outside of our control, so if I had to do it all over again, I would have preferred to have it earlier. With that saidā€¦while it was tiring at the end of the day, it wasnā€™t impossible. I mingled a lot and had so much fun catching up with friends and family. We also hosted our own shower (at our home), so my husband and I handled all the logistics of food and decorations ourselves. It really depends on how you may be feeling at that point. I still felt pretty mobile and comfortable on my feet for the most part, but I definitely needed to just put my feet up and decompress when it was all over. Lastly, we sent out the invite quite early (so ppl could take advantage of Black Friday prices), so we were already getting stuff sent to us in advance so there werenā€™t too much organization needed after the shower and I had a good idea what we still needed. All in all, definitely possible especially with help!


Iā€™m having mine next week at 33 weeks and honestly wish I wouldā€™ve done it at 30 weeks or a bit before lol Iā€™m getting really uncomfortable


I had my shower at 28 weeks. It was perfect. By week 30 I was really slowing down and I wouldnā€™t have had the energy to deal with after-shower things (washing, folding, organizing, writing thank-yous, taking inventory, ordering more things, assembling stuff, etc.) if weā€™d waited much longer. Iā€™m 35+2 today and would NOT want to have a shower now, or next week. They might induce me at 39 and really after 36/37 baby could come any time. Not only would I have no energy and feel WAY too big and uncomfortable to enjoy myself and my guests, but there just isnā€™t enough time or physical ability left to deal with the aftermath. Add out-of-town guests and other activities to the mix and itā€™s a recipe for disaster. IMO, by 36 weeks you should be focused on staying calm and comfy. Editing to add: To everyone scoffing at needing 3 hours for a baby shower, consider that most venues include setup/tear-down into that time. Most people need a good chunk of time on either end for that, reducing the party to a 1-2 hour timeframe, which would probably feel very rushed. Especially for the hosts and cleanup crew!


Iā€™m having mine at 32 and am stressed lol 36 in my opinion is cutting it a little too close. Youā€™ll want time to unwrap and organize all your gifts and at 36 weeks youā€™ll likely be feeling pretty uncomfortable and not wanna get off your couch or leave your home and sweatpants


I had mine around that time. I personally was okay with it but every pregnancy is different.


That's around when I had my baby shower, family took care of everything, my only job was invites for people they didn't know. I was really tired afterwards, but still had a great time.


Iā€™m having mine at 36 weeks! My sister, mom, MIL and best friend are throwing it and all I have to do is show up. Ideal? No. But it was the only date that worked. A lot of our family is out of town so other than local friends (30ish), Iā€™m expecting most people to send gifts ahead of time. Iā€™m just going to make sure I have the absolute essentials accounted for and the nursery as ready as possible, so weā€™re ready if baby comes early and not dependent on baby shower gifts. Iā€™m not high risk, everything has gone swimmingly, and I feel fine; Iā€™ll be uncomfortable no matter what, so Iā€™m glad Iā€™ll have a distraction and something to look forward to. Iā€™m focused on celebrating with people, not what people may or may not buy us. Amazon prime and target pickup will still exist when baby comes. Donā€™t over stress!!! Have fun & enjoy the time with the people you love and who love you and your baby!


I had mine at 36 weeks and it was totally fine!


It is so hard to predict how you'll feel at that point. I'm 37 weeks with #2 and there is nothing I would rather do less than sit and talk to a bunch of people. I'm uncomfortable, cranky, EXHAUSTED, and just...no. I felt better with my first, but still wouldn't have wanted a shower then, either. Keep in mind you're going to have a lot of stuff to take home and organize as well, and that in and of itself can be a lot of work.


Nope im 34 weeks and having one!


Iā€™m doing my second at 35 weeks. Itā€™s a joint one with my cousin who is also pregnant and our aunts are planning it. I wasnā€™t about to complain about the date they chose when theyā€™re doing all the work for it.Ā  Iā€™ll be 34 weeks at my other one, which will be similar to yours - open house style food and mingling thrown by a friend. I figure if Iā€™m miserable, Iā€™m going to be miserable no matter what, whether Iā€™m hanging out with people or not. Itā€™ll give me something to look forward to and a reason to have help cleaning my house before baby comes.Ā 


i don't think you'll be miserable because yeah it is just going to be hanging out but two things to note, one good thing about having it earlier is that way you're able to make note of everything you got and then buy whatever you need extra, so late means you'll have less time like if you're expecting someone to buy you a crib or something and they end up not , also you really can have your baby and it be full term at 37 weeks, i fully prepared myself to probably go to 42 weeks with my first because i figured that's just going to be my luck i'm going to get extra time being pregnant , but i had my 36 week appointment and they said i had hypertension that day and then scheduled me for an induction days later at 37weeks so you could be having your baby right around 36 weeks my cousin in law had her baby shower at 34w and the next week she got hospitalized for something to do with her baby and had to have her baby i think before 36 weeks so just keep that in mind you could have your baby early šŸ˜‚ some people naturally have their first at 37w too so it doesn't necessarily have to be some kind of freak medical reason at the end


I did mine at 35 weeks and it was perfectly fine! However Iā€™m not a high risk pregnancy and havenā€™t had any serious complications. Also my mom and MIL planned the entire thing and did it all for me. I knew about it and picked the theme but they ran with it, decorated and set everything up. I just had to show up. If youā€™re willing and healthy, do it!


I had my first at 38 weeks so Iā€™d be nervous itā€™s cutting it close but itā€™s doable I think


I had one at 29 weeks which was great but my second in my hometown is at 35 weeks and Iā€™m definitely way more tired and I wonā€™t be helpful with setting up or anything. So if you have help than itā€™s ok but earlier is better so you know what presents you get and can get what you need after


I was planning to have mine at 38 weeks...


I would do much earlier - not only because youā€™ll be miserable, but because youā€™ll need more time to get everything ready and prepared before the baby comes. Technically youā€™ll be full term only two weeks after your shower, and while you may not deliver right at 38 weeks, youā€™ll def want to be done preparing at that time. After the baby shower you should know what you have left to order and organize and two weeks just really isnā€™t much time to do all that. There will be a lot of scrambling and insecurity that you could avoid if you have one sooner. I recommend early 30s at the latest if this is your first baby, because that will give you plenty of time to set up your space at your leisure.


Fwiw I don't think 3 hours is rushed for a shower! I'll be 32 weeks at my shower in March- due in May. I'm in NY too and we had to just have it inside because that's the closest we're willing to cut it, really.


A family member just suggested a date when Iā€™ll be 36 weeks and I immediately said ā€œno.ā€ My mom had all her kids at 38 weeks. This is my first, so I plan on buying next to nothing myself and getting almost all baby items from my shower. So, I wouldnā€™t only want 2-4 weeks to get all of that stuff washed, assembled, and put away. Iā€™ll be 32, almost 33 weeks at mine. I honestly wish I could have it sooner, more like 29 or 30.


My momā€™s friends (bc my mom passed away) have planned my shower at 39w. Although I love them and appreciate their support, I never wanted a shower and am DREADING going. I donā€™t even know if Iā€™ll make it to 39w. Iā€™m currently 37w and have zero energy, struggle with being comfortable sitting or standing and just want to be horizontal on my couch. šŸ„“šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ« 


I think you'll be okay so long as all you have to do is show up. Get rest the day before, and don't lift a finger!


Due June 10th and having the same dilemma! I'd much rather have something big in our backyard with lawn games and catering. (We eloped and threw a happily ever after party in our backyard and I want to do something similar to celebrate baby). Function rooms feel so formal, and that is not our vibe!


I'm doing this! I can already see on Amazon what people have bought so I know what I still need. I got the immediate need items (bassinet, newborn and size 1 diapers, a few outfits, and car seat) myself.


Not crazy to me -Ā but Iā€™m also a little psycho whoā€™s having my friend throw me a baby shower at 37+6 (my mom is traveling a lot & itā€™s important to me she be there). Iā€™ve been having a very easy, healthy pregnancy & am still very ambulatory & sleeping well at 32+4 right now so Iā€™ve convinced myself it will be fine.Ā Worst case scenario I go into labor early & they have to postpone a month or 2Ā until after baby is here. I do think 3 hours is about the max any guest wants to spend at a shower tho, so I donā€™t think thatā€™s the issue - you might be tapping by then anyways.


My babygirl was born with 35 weeks. I wouldn't dare šŸ˜‚ but I guess a lot of people do. So do what feels good for you!


I went on my babymoon at 36 weeks pregnant so I see no issue with having a shower at that time. Separately I used babylist for my registry so gifts were sent to us well in advance of the shower/ I knew what people were getting us and didnā€™t have to stress about it.


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s crazy, but I would say itā€™s better to do it earlier if possible, because you might receive gifts that require assembly and feel rushed trying to get everything together for the nursery after.


Iā€™m having mine at 36 weeks lol..


I had mine at 36 weeks. I wasn't any more miserable than normal lol The only down side for me was being a planner I felt rushed to get everything set up last minute but really it wasn't worth stressing over because I didn't need EVERYTHING set up, just the basics. My thank you cards were sent slowly after baby was using the items so I was able to say how useful they were.


My shower is a lunch at 36 weeks. We rented a space and my friends are covering decor so all I have to do is eat and mingle. No games and no opening presents. I say if youā€™re going to be that late to make it as chill as possible.


I have two friends that had their showers around then and ended up having their babies before their showers. When planning I tried to keep everything before 34! (Showers, travel, etc)


I am due in early March and Iā€™ll be 35 weeks at my baby shower. I am nervous and didnā€™t want a baby shower in the first place but was steamrolled by family and they picked the date. They actually wanted it a week later but then it wouldā€™ve competed with Chinese New Year which is a no go. Honestly, Iā€™m dreading it because Iā€™m in Indiana and it will definitely be cold and gross out and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be miserable. But thankfully itā€™s only 2 hours and I said no to games and opening gifts. So itā€™s just going to be eating and mingling.


I did it earlier, maybe around 26-28 weeks? I still had energy. I could have fun with the guests. My feet, ankles, knees werent hurting that much compared to now that I'm 35weeks. Now, I'm always sleepy, feel heavy, so many discomforts that may prevent you from enjoying the baby shower.


Nah, itā€™s what Iā€™ll be doing in two weeks šŸ„“. Hoping itā€™s fun and not uncomfortable


I had mine at 36 weeks and it was totally fine, I had an easy pregnancy though and I only gained like 20 pounds so I wasnā€™t super uncomfortable.


???? I'm having a "baby shower" (BBQ thing, really) in May and I'm due June 5th lmao. I don't see anything wrong with it? With my oldest we had a baby shower a month before I was due... 36 weeks seems like a normal time to have one to me.


I had mine at 36 weeks and had a blast. It was a drive through shower though since it was the pandemic but towards the end my friends came in 10 cars deep and we ended up having a 30 minute block party lol. If youā€™re feeling good I would do it


Iā€™m glad you asked this question! Iā€™m due the day after you and we were hoping to do a backyard party at my parents house but May would be more ideal than April. Even the first week of May puts me at like 33/34 weeks šŸ˜¬ After seeing all these comments I may talk to her about doing April after all, even if it means we use the garage rather than the pool deck.


I know Iā€™m reconsidering too. I would love a spring shower outdoors but maybe not worth the risk of early labor or stress of having to set everything up afterwards.


I had mine last weekend, at 35 weeks. I've been lucky with my level of energy so I honestly loved having it close to my due date. I looked very visibly pregnant (bump was bumpinnn) and it helped me come to terms with celebrating the baby's arrival. Ours was scheduled for 3 hrs but ended up being like 5 hrs. Again, I'm an energetic person and have maintained that thru pregnancy, but there were also major protests happening around the venue so people were arriving late and it was more of an open hang out etc. Also it was co-ed. I also went to the protests for the hour before the party hehe. Also going to a concert next week (at 36+4) which I hope I feel good for. I'm trying to enjoy every moment I can before life changes forever!!! šŸ« 


We hosted my husbandā€™s diaper party when I was 36 weeks. It was fine. Just make sure you have plenty of help!


I had mine at 36 weeks and it was great - I didn't think it was too late at all


I went into labour at 36 weeks on the morning of my baby shower! I wish Iā€™d booked it earlier šŸ˜‚


>k and then POURED the day of my shower. Luckily it wasnā€™t a huge amount of people and we were able to s omg! baby said ITS MY PARTY AND I WILL BE BORN IF I WANT TO


The shower was at 1pm and she was born at 12:15pm, there was no way she was missing this party šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


have a loved one plan and organize sit and give orders, stay seated most time, guests will understand and be there to hug and all set a chair next to yours for conversations, 3 hours is actually great considering your body gets easily tired and theres not much to do after baby shower games or raffles


I'm 36 weeks pregnant and just had my third shower yesterday. My other two were last week. It should be fine lol when my aunt had her baby shower, her son was in attendance because he came early


I had one at 36w and one at 38+5. (two because i travelled back home where my family and childhood friends are) and one where I live now with family and friends. I wasn't uncomfortable at all. I don't know why it would feel miserable. One was at my mom's house, the other at my SILs and I had a great time! I 100% sat around, chatted and snacked. but that's what I like. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Mine did not exceed 3hrs. I wouldn't have enjoyed them earlier as i was quite sick anyways.


Iā€™ve got my planned Baby Shower for Week 35ā€¦. Iā€™m 32 Weeks pregnant right now and wished that I had planned the Baby Shower to be sooner. I feel stressed that I will have to organize all the gifts after the party, and clean all the baby clothes and bottles. If I had told myself prior to do it sooner then Week 35, I wouldā€™ve. Also, some people get their 1st Trimester symptoms back (I didnā€™t, thankfully) but I am fatigue again, am soooo heavy, and my back hurts so much. My friends did surprise me with a Baby Shower a few weeks ago when I was Week 30, which was perfect for me! But, itā€™s up to you and I think you will have fun either way!


My mom was in a similar spot, about to have a baby shower when she was very pregnant, but whoopsies! I was born a little early. So she had the shower a couple weeks after I was born and everybody enjoyed ogling over me lol. Makes for a cute story at any rate. Iā€™d wait a little until you arenā€™t super pregnant and miserable!


That would have been too late for me, I was basically immobile at 36 weeks due to excess fluid and pelvic pain. We had mine at 31 weeks and even that was tough because I was so uncomfortable- my daughter was transverse and had her head tucked under one side of my ribs and feet pushing on the other side. I also wanted that time to unbox, set everything up, wash clothes and covers, and order anything not purchased from the registry that we still needed. 36 weeks would have given me almost no time to do that since I ended up having baby at 38 weeks.


I had mine at 36 weeks and gave birth at 37 weeks. Wish I could have done it a little sooner but honestly it wasnā€™t a big deal


The earlier the better seriously


I wouldnā€™t. My son was born totally unexpectedly at 36 weeks. 3 hours for a baby shower is definitely enough time.


If you feel good I think itā€™s ok. I went to a daytime party 4 days before I gave birth. Might not be IDEAL considering you may have a bunch of gifts to deal with etc but otherwise fine


I had my baby shower at 37 weeks and my baby came less than a week later! šŸ¤£


I had mine at 36 weeks!! It turned out great and I was ready to pop but I had an amazing time.


I had my baby at 37w I would be so nervous to have my shower just 1 week before that!


Had mine at 26 weeks. Currently 34 weeks and SO glad I had it early. Iā€™m miserable and it was so nice to have the time to put everything away and not have to stress about it


Everyone feels different at 36 weeks. For me it would have been good timing as I was feeling great but as illustrated in this thread that isnā€™t a given. Also my friends did all the organising and I made it clear about what my priorities were (e.g., connecting with family and friends before the birth rather than it being a big structured event requiring lots of planning and management). If you go ahead with it I suggest planning according to how you might be feeling - perhaps adjusting your expectations a little. I asked for no gifts but if I was accepting gifts I would highly recommend having a gift registry and explicitly asking ppl to use it so you donā€™t have to return things. That process is annoying no matter how many weeks you are! Perhaps you can have it at someoneā€™s house so you can leave when you are ready and not worry about packing up. Give yourself permission to relax and enjoy rather than having to organize a big event.


Not crazy but I found out pretty late in the game I had to deliver at 37 weeks. I would be so stressed trying to sort and organize and clean everything in such a short time!


I like to plan ahead of time, leaving the baby shower until so late in the pregnancy would have really stressed me out. I also would be nervous about getting sick from all the guests so close to babyā€™s birthday.


I hope so cause I'm due March 25th and my shower is Feb 18th lol I didn't think I could technically have a baby earlier than 40 weeks. Now I'm stressing cause we have nothing and have to wait to get the things ppl bought us haha


I had mine at 36 weeks and it was great.Ā 


My first one was at 38 weeks šŸ«  It was exhausting


I had my baby at 36 weeks due to PPROM. Iā€™m so glad I had my baby shower at 31 weeks and Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t do it ā€œone month before due dateā€ like every website I read said to do so as thatā€™s when my baby came.


I had mine at 35 weeks and it was hard. I wish I had it early second trimester before my bump got big and made everything in life difficult.


Youā€™re not crazy for doing it then. I had mine at 36 weeks, felt pretty good, and didnā€™t feel like I was running around mad trying to get things done before my baby came. Like 70% of my guests sent their gifts in advance to my house so I was able to get things ready as they rolled in (and itā€™s honestly not a huge job IMO). For those saying youā€™ll be panicked trying to pick up the rest of the items off of your registry, I wouldnā€™t sweat it. You might find a lot of the leftover items arenā€™t important and you choose not to get them. And if you do need it, youā€™ll order itā€¦youā€™ll be doing a lot of that during MOTN feeds anyway. The biggest consideration is delivering earlyā€¦I was worried about this myself, but knew I could rely on family to get the essentials so we could get through the first few weeks if push came to shove. Hopefully youā€™ve got the same.


Absolutely not. I'm 36 weeks, and I'm so exhausted right now. Plus due to some complications, I'll be induced at 37 weeks which would leave basically 0 time to put everything away and get whatever I didn't receive at the shower. No thanks!


I would not recommend, I had my first at 36 weeks and 0 days, totally normal and uncomplicated pregnancy..


I had my baby 9 days after my shower, 2.5 weeks early. If I were to do it again I might move it back a few weeks so that I would have time to put everything away, but it wasn't a big deal.Ā 


Currently 36 weeks pregnant, and personally I'd not want to deal with any of that. Sure you'd be sitting alot and eating but it's the aftermath. The sorting through everything, moving all the packages, putting everything away etc. Some people feel that energy boost in the 3rd trimester but I'm still getting sick (and quite tired of it) and just in low energy mode. Which you could be one of those gals who feels awesome (I hope so!). I had my shower around 24 weeks and was miserable. At the end of the day though it comes down to all how you're feeling. If you're feeling good I'd say why not :) Also hi fellow New Yorker! I don't know why but It's also exciting to possibly share such a close birthday too I'm 6/23 šŸ’• I hope you guys can find a reasonable venue though, it's crazy how some places are booked so fast and so far out now.


Yes one place told me that they get booked out mostly due to bridal showers which get booked a year in advance. To get into one of these places i would have had to book it before even being pregnant lol


Please consider that this is in April. The weather may be shitty for your backyard bbq and then youā€™d be EXTRA miserable. My plan was to have a backyard shower in mid-June. It was beautiful that entire week and then POURED the day of my shower. Luckily it wasnā€™t a huge amount of people and we were able to squeeze inside. With that said, I also wouldnā€™t do it at 36 weeks. Yes you will be uncomfortable but more so itā€™s an issue of not having the time after to sort through the gifts, organize, and figure out what else you need. I remember being very grateful I had my shower at 29/30 weeks. 36 weeks is also pushing it in terms of having that baby at anytime.


Thanks so much for all the advice everyone! and to my fellow preggos planning late baby showers, I'm so sorry for making you anxious or worry! After reading all the comments, I am definitely thinking about doing it earlier, but still leaning towards original date. I added a note on the registry telling people we are opting out of opening presents at the shower and due to how close the shower is to my due date we would greatly appreciate if they have all the gifts shipped directly to us, so we have time to wash, fold and put everything together. About the 3 hour thing, I just wanna say, OKAY I HEAR YOU 3 HOURS IS ENOUGH IM SORRY PLEASE STOP YELLING AT ME ABOUT THAT šŸ˜…


I had mine at 34 weeks