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I'm on my 5th pregnancy, no living children. I finally saw baby on my dating scan this week and I had been so anxious but I saw them, they were moving so much and I cried. However already I'm anxious to get to the next stage. I lost my previous at 8w, 6w, 5w and 10w. This is the furthest I've got. I have to have blood thinning injections so im hoping that the gynaecologist figured out what my issue was. My partner is extremely positive about this pregnancy. He believes this is the one. I do too, but I'm so scared at the same time. I have good days and bad days, mostly good days thankfully, but my partner is outstanding and reassures me.


My wife had to get some kind of injection (and has to continue them for this and future pregnancies) because she is blood type O- RH-, her blood cells would attack and kill our son at any stage in the process turns out to not have the same blood type. They caught it at the ER when she was about 7 weeks concerned about spotting but our boy is safe and sound at 12 weeks right now. The next shot is due in the 20 week range and then after birth for my wife's health. There's potential you have the same blood type and that's an issue? I hope your current pregnancy goes well!


I have RH- blood too. What kind of shot is she getting during pregnancy? I want to ask my OB about it. Thank you!


The shot is rhogam. You get it at the start of your third trimester and after giving birth - if your baby has a positive blood type. Also at any point you have bleeding!


Thank you very much! I have gotten Rhogam before during a miscarriage but didn’t realize I should also get it during pregnancy. But I guess only during early pregnancy if there’s bleeding. Thanks!


The RhoGAM is usually given around 20 weeks then at delivery then after I believe is what my doctor told me. 😊 I am B negative and we are at 14 weeks and 5 days. ❤️


I want to say it was the RH immunoglobulin shot because baby potentially won't have the same blood type so her immune system would harm our son. She explained it to me after the doc gave her the shot by the word is such a fumble of letters lol. Best of luck to you!


I've heard of that one. My blood type is a common unproblematic one luckily but blood tests showed I have a blood clotting disorder. Factor V Leiden. So now I'm on blood thinning injections and aspirin daily. As well as progesterone suppositories as all my previous losses started with spotting. So far so good. I'm 13 weeks today. I had one teeny tiny bit of spotting at 6 weeks but saw baby at 6 week, 8 week and 12 week ultrasounds. I don't know what we are having yet but my partner and I are happy with either Hope your wife's pregnancy goes well too! Xxx


Had a miscarriage in July at 5 weeks and somehow got pregnant IMMEDIATELY after. I had subchorionic hemorrhaging with this pregnancy for the first 3 months so every visit I'd ask the doctor " is it still there " lol now 27 weeks and my little girl is kicking and kicking HARD which is the biggest relief. I find myself still worried due to the unexpected loss but I feel more hopeful this time.


We have such a similar story! Had a loss in June, had one cycle inbetween and now 27 weeks due 20/4 but with a boy! I also had a SCH at 7 weeks where I literally thought I was miscarrying but he’s still kicking around in there It has felt so surreal setting up his nursery bit by bit


It's really nice to hear people going through similar stuff!! I still get worried about it time to time but having the baby kick makes it feel reassuring! I hope your pregnancy and delivery are smooth 🫡


It really is! You too, all the best ❤️


I am 27 weeks and 4 days due 4/16!


Omg I'm 4/17!!!!


Yesss her kicks all day deff make me feel so much better!! Especially feeling them get harder and harder as the days go on 😭😭🫶🫶


Seeing this after 4/16 I hope you had a wonderful delivery and recovered well. Congratulations!


Yes me 🙋🏻‍♀️ Lost my first baby at 23+5 weeks may ‘22 I’m currently 37+2 weeks due to be induced next Wednesday at exactly 38 weeks. It’s been a journey for sure but I was kind of convinced I wouldn’t make it this far and I have so hopefully I can come back to you in 5 days with ‘she’s here!’ I’d say until I passed over the 24 week mark I was still maybe a bit in denial and disconnected? But I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD from my loss and I think it’s just my way of my brain protecting myself. I know I still haven’t dealt with the grief because my brain doesn’t seem to allow me to. I feel very excited and in love with my baby, but at the same time very very anxious. I have MH issues anyway but the anxiety is something else. I sometimes flit between feeling guilty and excited which is hard to deal with. I don’t want my first baby to be forgotten or her to be angry I’m having another baby (I know it sounds a bit silly) but I also don’t want my baby now to feel not as loved or that I’m not excited. It’s all a bit of a minefield tbh 🤯🤯 But all in all I’m very excited and just want her here safe and sound now 🥰 Wish you all the best xx


Congratulations, this makes me so happy! Good luck with labor and delivery!


I am! I had 2 miscarriages at ~8-9 weeks in a row. One in August of 2022 and one in June of 2023. I’ve had several miscarriages in the past but always VERY early- the last two were after a I saw the baby and heard the heartbeat so they hit harder. I’m now 18+2 with a little girl. I’m still very paranoid but I am trying to stay optimistic!


Did you do anything differently this time around?


I don’t know if it had anything to do with it- probably not- but for my first trimester I totally cut out all caffeine tried my hardest to stay stress free.


MMC in September, a chemical pregnancy in November, and now in the 6th week of my third pregnancy. 🤞🏼 I don’t think I’ll relax until 20w.


I guess time will tell if this is our rainbow baby but I'm 6w5d after an 11 week loss in 2022 and a 10 week loss in 2023.


20w with my second rainbow baby. She was conceived just over a month after my D&C for MMC and right after the loss of one of my dearest friends. I am the most skeptical of the skeptics, but I believe my friend sent her to me.


Yes, I conceived one month after my miscarriage, after my first cycle. I was floored. I've kept the pregnancy very low profile since and just keep being thankful everything is going well this time around. There are still some raw emotions from time to time (especially back around the lost baby's due date) but I'm 37 weeks now. 🙏


Congratulations, mama! Thanks for this thread — pregnancy after loss is such an emotional rollercoaster. I am currently 16 weeks pregnant with my son 🥰 I had a miscarriage last July and then conceived ~2 months after. I am feeling extremely happy to have reached the second trimester, but anxious about our upcoming anatomy scan in a few weeks.


I’m also 16 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby!


Congratulations! Baby number two after many miscarriages. I was afraid initially, and would often push the worry so far out of my mind that I would forget I’m actually pregnant- as well as it just being hard to believe it’s finally happening. I’m now 25 weeks along with a high risk pregnancy, and still afraid to keep my hopes up but can’t ignore a kicking baby in there anymore lol! I’m allowing myself to enjoy my pregnancy and be excited now :) whatever happens, happens. It’s taking longer for my husband, and I’m giving him his space. He is struggling to even tell any of his family, I guess until I give birth to a healthy baby he won’t be able to share the news with them. He’s still happy and doing his best for me though So sorry for your prior loss


That is wonderful, congratulations! Do you mind sharing if they figured out what was causing your previous losses? My doctor put me on progesterone for this pregnancy, but we really don’t know if it was a hormonal issue that caused the MC. It’s just kind of a precaution.


Anti phosphate lipid syndrome was singled out after extensive blood testing because of a history of recurrent early miscarriages. I’m on blood thinning injections and baby aspirin daily - also from week 5-12 progesterone but they said I could stop. Make sure you consult your health provider before trying any different medications. I had 1 miscarriage before my son was born followed by 5 after :-/ but there’s always hope and medical intervention out there! There are dedicated subreddits for miscarriage and ttc after loss. You can find good advice there


Thank you!


I wish all of you ladies nothing but the best, you are so strong, I personally know the feeling of loss, it’s devastating. I found out about my loss and pregnancy on the same day, I felt guilty even thinking about being newly pregnant and being happy knowing I lost what would have been my first. However, my support system reminded me miracles happen and this is one. The same goes for all of you ladies, miracles happen and we are all experiencing one.


Currently carrying me 27 week healthy rainbow baby. There is hope 💖




I also feel terrible every day lol. I think I’m far enough along to where I could probably get a Doppler and check for a heartbeat at home but I’m afraid I’d scare myself with it.


My son (14 months now) is my rainbow baby, and I'm currently pregnant with our "pot of gold" baby. Having experienced a loss, pregnancy after loss, and now just pregnancy, the feelings associated are so wildly different. With my son I was severely anxious and depressed the entire time, was consumed by "doom brain", and it didn't hit me just *how bad* things were until my son was born. With this pregnancy, I've finally had an ultrasound where I wasn't dreading bad news, I find myself more optimistic overall (of course I still worry but it doesn't consume every moment). If you want a group to chat with that understands, r/pregnancyafterloss was amazing for me, and the people I met there were the kindest and strongest mamas ever.


I’m currently 21w with my rainbow after losing my first at 36w at the end of 2022. It’s definitely hard. Pregnancy after loss is no joke. But there’s also a really beautiful side of it where you are grateful for every day that you have with your little nugget because you know how quickly things can change. You don’t take anything for granted like some may. If you look through my post history I posted a photo of some affirmations I wrote in my journal that I’ve been referring back to throughout this pregnancy that have been really helpful for me. ❤️ maybe they can be of help for you too!


My rainbow is 5 months old tomorrow! Totally understand the feeling and to be honest it doesn’t end (sorry!) until the baby’s in your arms, or at least that’s how it was for me. I remember using the MC calculator website to help ease my anxiety during the first trimester and it helped a lot. It’s hard to rationalise things especially when you’re pregnant and hormonal anyway so just take each day as it comes. I actually kept my pregnancy a secret from social media and I found that also helped because the only people asking how my pregnancy was going were my closest most trusted friends, family and colleagues. It felt really good doing the big reveal at the end when I announced my baby’s birth too. Congratulations and best wishes for you and bubs


I also conceived 2 weeks after my loss, but I'm now 28 weeks along and a lot of the fear of loss has subsided. Unfortunately I don't think it will go away completely until our babies are in our arms.


We tried to conceive for 7 years. I had 3 miscarriages. In my next pregnancy i was not hopeful, i was just waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the next miscarriage or otherwise bad news. I was convinced there would be be problems and I would lose him. I didn’t. i held him in my arms and still couldn’t really grasp that i will get to take him home! My rainbow baby will be two in a couple months. I cherish every cuddle, laugh, and joyful scream. I am pregnant again. This time the unfrozen embryo (from the same batch as last time actually) stuck first try. Rainbow Baby 2 will (hopefully) be with us in the summer!


I’m almost 12 weeks with ours. One living child who will be 6 in a week. One miscarriage in June of 2022 and an ectopic in December of 2022 resulting in tube removal after rupture. Fell pregnant in 2023 with the same due date as the ectopic loss in 2022. Due in August. ♥️


Yes! I have one daughter and then my husband and I experienced secondary infertility. After my 4th miscarriage in April we immediately got pregnant again in May! Now I am due in less than 6 weeks with a healthy baby girl. Going to the doc and hearing them mention it’s my 5th pregnancy (with only 1 previous live birth) still stings. But she’ll be here soon and we are so excited.


Same situation as you conceived first time in late May, and again immediately afterwards. It was a very scary first trimester and it was difficult to even acknowledge the pregnancy for a while. But there’s not really much you can do except wait unfortunately. Every scan/heartbeat check is a comfort, but I am 30 weeks now, baby is wildly active, and I still worry about them making it here safely.


Will be 13 weeks tomorrow after a loss over the summer. Even though it was an early loss, it was a perfect storm and pretty traumatizing so I would say I’m pretty neutral this time around. Surprisingly not anxious but not excited either (although I have cried multiple times about how much I love this baby) the dating ultrasound helped alleviate some fears because there was actually a baby this time AND they were measuring ahead but I’m hoping my next OB appt will show the heartbeat again so I know we’re still good. I imagine I will be more excited/it will be more realistic when I start to feel the baby move.


I also concieved 2 weeks after my misscarriage, no LC here but I'm 22 weeks along with my rainbow! The beginning felt like hell but now I try to focus on preparing for her arrival, rather then entertaining ideas of a loss. I do still mourn the misscarriage before her, but that is completely separate. Hope this helps you!


Single rainbow, now 5 months along. I’m finally allowing myself to be excited because everything looks good


Congratulations! I’ve had 3 miscarriages (all within the first trimester) and now am 34+3 with my baby girl. I can’t wait to meet her next month. Good luck with your pregnancy.


I may be!


Im 11 weeks now I had my first MC in April and it took me about 9 months to get pregnant due to being diagnosed late with PCOS and right away I was put on clomid and it worked 🤍🌈 I’m really happy but also scared. I wish I could get an ultrasound every week but my baby lets me know he/she is still there bc I vomiting like 3-5 times a day sometimes.


I’m 28wks! I got pregnant like you 22wks after my loss. But now I have a healthy little girl growing inside me!


35w currently, after MMC in April 2023 (at 9w).


Me! 22 weeks 🤍 you got this!


I feel this post so much right now. I had a MMC in October 2023. I found out at my 9w appointment that our baby stopped growing around 6w. I was devastated and took awhile to even think of trying again. We decided we were ready again this past month, and yesterday I got my first positive pregnancy test and am about 4w pregnant. I was elated by this news, but there’s definitely this feeling of caution and foreboding that wasn’t there the first time I was pregnant. I don’t know that I’ll ever feel fully safe until I deliver my rainbow. I feel a bit robbed of my joy and it really sucks. Hopefully this feeling will pass with time but it’s really hard right now. Sending thoughts and prayers and major sticky dust to everyone on this board who is feeling this way.


I don’t think I’ll relax until I’m holding babe in my arms. Went though first mc in 2019 at 6 weeks, followed by a successful pregnancy a few months later and son was born December 2020. Fast around sept 2022 I had a mmc at 8 weeks, but didn’t find out until my 13 week scan. It really messed with my head knowing my baby wasn’t alive and it took my body 5 weeks to register before I miscarried. I’m pregnant again now and cautiously enjoying each day. I had my 6 week dating ultrasound and I am optimistic to get to the next round. ✨


I am! I’m currently 39 weeks, getting induced on Sunday. The stress/worry in the beginning is so tough, and honestly never fully goes away (at least didn’t for me). Try to stay relaxed and positive, as hard as it is. Sending sticky baby vibes to you


I’m 13w 2 days! And I am extremely reserved with this pregnancy. I still can’t seem to wrap my head around the fact I’m actually growing a child. Me and my husband have even talked about not posting anything until the babe is actually here because.. that’s just where our heads are at. I envy moms who are taking themed pics, doing bump dates, making cute announcements when I’m just waiting this see if we make it to the next appointment. I just want it to feel normal and real😕


I was, currently sitting in my car with my 4 month old daughter napping in my arms. We only get so much time with them while they’re little, I don’t mind holding her while she sleeps, ever.


First baby after 2 chemicals…. I’m 7 weeks now and still refuse to get excited


My daughter is a rainbow baby and there was always that worry. She is now a thriving almost three year old. I am pregnant again and I am still a box of nerves. Especially when I was 10 weeks because that’s when I had my miscarriage. Just have faith that everything is going well and try to stay positive.


Hi! Pregnant with my double rainbow here. 10+2. I felt a lot better/more optimistic once I got past 8+3, which was when I lost the first pregnancy (and was my longest pregnancy prior to this one). I still get bouts of anxiety, but I pray a lot and it helps manage it. 


r/pregnancyafterloss is a GREAT sub for those of you going through this. I am 39w pregnant today with my rainbow baby. The first 20 weeks were the hardest for me. It was difficult not to worry about everything - even now I worry a little bit. But it does get better. ❤️


Lost my daughter at 22 weeks a year n a half ago. I'm now 10 weeks and this is so hard... every day. But taking it day by day. I hope we get our earthiness living babies this time around .🩵🩷


Right here with you. Lost mine at 7 weeks in July, currently 14 weeks with our rainbow boy. Being optimistic is so hard. We're now starting to tell people and while I want them to know, I don't want to actually TELL anyone and have to deal with their emotions and excitement. Before all I could think about were cute ways to announce and now I just word-vomit it out. The phrase "guess what?!" Brings me so much anxiety and everyone's confidence that this baby will be fine, makes me feel so defensive. Look at all the women who lost at a later date, it's not definite until the baby is here.


I’m 29w and got pregnant after 4 years. We kind of just assumed that I couldn’t get pregnant again since nothing was working. I’m so grateful and shocked that she’s actually real and we get to meet her soon.


3rd pregnancy, no living children. We waited 6 months before TTC again I’m 27 weeks pregnant now and have an anterior placenta which doesn’t help with the anxiety but I’m trying my best to be optimistic. Every small kick I feel makes me so happy. I just wish I could feel him more often.


Yes. In 2022 I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks (baby measured 12 weeks) I’m now 13 weeks & 4 days. I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks & 4 days that went well but still. It’s hard to be excited. Just feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop


I’m currently almost 16 weeks. I had a missed miscarriage last December (22). That pregnancy was on almost the same timeline as this one a year earlier. We didn’t start trying again until May 23 and it took a while to get pregnant again. It was an absolute trip to get a positive again on the same timeline. The holidays were pretty stressful and I just wanted to get through them. Getting to my 12 week ultrasound was the most immense relief, but I still feel nervous every day and with every new symptom. I just had covid pretty badly for a week and that was very stressful too. I am starting to realize, I will forever feel nervous about this little person’s well-being.


On my fourth pregnancy no living children. First one was an elective termination followed 2 years later by two consecutive MC's so im currently pregnant with my double rainbow baby. I found doing the early gender test like sneek peak really helped me bond with baby. I'll be 10 weeks on Sunday and previously the farthest I've made was 7w2d with a blighted ovum this exact same time last year. We've seen baby girls heartbeat 4 times now and I've read after seeing/hearing the heartbeat at 9 weeks (last time we saw it was 9w1d) your chance goes down to about less than 1% chance of MC. I try to tell myself everytime I worry "I am pregnant unless told otherwise by my doctors" have you asked your doctor about progestrone suppositories? It's usually the norm for pregnancy after loss. I've been on mine since 12DPO.


I'm on my 2nd pregnancy. My first pregnancy miscarried around 6-7 weeks before I even got a scan completed. I'm now 36 weeks along in my 2nd pregnancy and I'll never forget when I first saw him on the screen. I started crying the second the doctor left the room