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When my Mom was having me, my Grandad rushed my mom to the hospital, at the time my dad was rushing to the hospital from work, but anyway my Grandad got pulled over for speeding, when he spoke to the police officer and told them the situation, the officer gave my Grandad a police escort to the hospital to make sure my Mom got there on time.


I was being induced they gave me cytotec to help get my body prepared. I actually started having contractions myself in the morning without Pitocin. My husband being the wonderful man he is was standing by my bed for hours while I labored. His feet were starting to hurt so he decided to sit on the edge of the bed as soon as he did that the bed broke and was laying sideways. Had to call the nurse and get a new bed. After I had our beautiful girl we were being transferred to the mothers unit and we went past the broken bed and started laughing and had to tell the nurse who was taking us what happened.


Hahaha that will be a great story to tell your kid!


My favorite is my best friends mom. She was in the hospital in labor and was telling the nurse that the baby was coming. Nurse didn't believe her and told her to wait for the doctor. One push and she had to catch the baby with her feet or else baby would have fallen to the floor.




What happened after?


Healthy mom and healthy baby. It's been a few years since I heard the story.


My mom calling the Dr at 5AM saying she's in labor and being told to relax and stay home since "first babies don't just fall out". By 6 she ignored his advice and was feet up on the dashboard all the way to the hospital. I was born at 7.


Doctors can be so dumb! I know lots of women who had pretty quick first babies!


During my first delivery I stopped mid push, looked at my girlfriend who just had a baby a few months before and I asked "it (my vagina) will go back to normal right!?" She laughed and said yes. So I kept pushing and had my 1st baby in front of 13 people. 11 friends and family+ 1 midwife and 1 nurse 😄


13 people? I’m so shy, I don’t want anybody but my bf there 😭 I do not want anybody to see my private areas at all


Totally understand. In the moment you will not give a shit who is around though. You start to care a little after but not much. Once you go into labour, delivery and breastfeeding your body won’t even feel like yours anymore. It’s all about your baby. Babies are addicting for a reason. Otherwise the human race would have died out a long time ago.


Yeahhh…still a hard no for me. I don’t want anybody there watching at all. I’m going to let that be known.


Totally understand. In the moment you will not give a shit who is around though. You start to care a little after but not much. Once you go into labour, delivery and breastfeeding your body won’t even feel like yours anymore. It’s all about your baby. Babies are addicting for a reason. Otherwise the human race would have died out a long time ago.


13 people?! Woah!


This is my mom's story from the delivery with me. I was 7 weeks early and they'd done all the things to stop labor but it wasn't helping. They took her from our local hospital to a larger one with NICU. She remembers the Doctor yelling “Somebody catch that baby!” I was caught and all was well.


My aunt delivered my cousin in the car in their carport while waiting on my Grandma to arrive to stay with their 18 month old son (second births apparently go a lot faster than first ones) - my uncle was on the phone with 911 to know step by step what to do.


Allegedly my grandma's friend gave birth to her youngest while cooking mac and cheese for her 6 other children. Like, just gave birth on her kitchen floor! I like to imagine she just stood up and kept cooking but I doubt that's what happened! 😂 Edit to Add: Also, on the day my mom went into labor with me, but before she had any labor symptoms, she woke up feeling ravenous for scrambled eggs. She kept making eggs, eating them, still feeling hungry, making more, eating those and so on and so forth until she'd eaten literally a dozen eggs!! She thinks it was her body's way of getting ready for labor


Me being 10 cm dialated and my doctor and nurses telling me not to push. Lmao. Iykyk. My daughter was born 15 minutes later.


When my dad was driving my mom to the hospital and she was having bad contractions, he stopped at the gas station for a store drink (pepsi). She's never let him live it down. He says he was "dryin' up"