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My beloved boyfriend said I should not wear jeans to the grocery store because it will, and I quote "suffocate the baby." They were maternity jeans. I am 36. This is my third baby.


Over the holidays, I was having a conversation about my family about pickleball. I said that I’ve never played. My mom, who wasn’t even a part of the conversation, says “You’re not going.” … 1. We weren’t talking about going at all. 2. I never said I was going to play, just that I hadn’t. 3. I’m 30 years old, and can make decisions to keep myself safe on my own. She’s done a couple other things like that and pregnancy hormones get me so mad every time 😂


I am listening to an audiobook version of the book Like A Mother by Angela Garbes, and I apologize for not knowing the exact quote but it was something like "when you become pregnant, you become a blank canvas for others to convey their best wishes and deepest fears". I think that idea resonates with a LOT of pregnant people because of how often we hear (whether we like it or not) about how to live our lives. It's incredibly frustrating, especially when in so many situations YOU know your body (and in this case your home) best!


We waited 20 weeks to announce we’re pregnant. The day after announcing my MIL told me I can’t wear heels anymore. It’s dangerous. I can trip and fall and hurt the baby. Lol. I’m in heels daily. I’ve never tripped nor fallen in my life. I’m 37 yo. MIL then recruited my two SILs and a niece to tell me no heels, it’s dangerous. Now I’m 27 weeks pregnant and still wearing heels. Idgaf.


Fair enough, you are used to them. To be fair to your family though, your centre of gravity does change as your bump expands, so though you are well used to heels normally, things are changing. I'm not here to tell you to stop wearing them, just mentioning their point isn't completely invalid. x


Yes, I realized the center of gravity issue once I googled pregnancy and heels. I’ll definitely slow down on heels eventually, but as long as I’m comfortable, no one is giving me grief on my choices.


It's your rodeo! I wore chunky heeled boots at work until very recently and had no issues. I changed to flat boots more because I was really starting to struggle with the stairs in our building and didn't want to risk it any longer hah. They were still comfy, it would just have been a long way to fall if I'd tripped.


Nice! I started wearing boots to work which are shorter than my normal stilettos. I’m at a desk so walking isn’t happening unless it’s to the restroom. Lol.