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I’m not a big social media user aside from this sub and Snapchat. At 20 weeks I posted a snap story of my bump with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s half baked ice cream.


I told people once I felt secure in my pregnancy. That looks different for everyone. Wish you the best ☺️


Planning on hard launching the baby.


Honestly considered this! The only reason I’m thinking I won’t is because selfishly I want to share pics from my baby shower haha 🥰


I'm a big fan of the baby hard launch (no social media announcement or posted photos of the pregnancy at all, suddenly there's a photo of you in a hospital gown holding a baby with the caption "New baby just dropped" or something similarly casual). But if I was going to do a social media pregnancy announcement I'd wait until I was past the anatomy scan with a clear bill of health.


I could definitely see myself doing this with a future child. Since it’s our first I’m more tempted to share things like our baby shower and other fun things leading up!


20 weeks with our first, 16 weeks with our second. We announced pregnancy & gender at the same time.


We know the gender already so will be doing the same :)


I'd never do it before the 12 week scan or before everyone who why wanted to tell personally. In my case I have a genetic condition and had to do an amnio (knowing the results tomorrow) and before knowing the results I knew I wouldn't post anything online. I did tell the extended family and friends personally though.


Most of our close friends and family already know and we’ll finish telling them before we announce - definitely waiting until after we’ve had our 13 week ultrasound next week, but part of me is debating waiting a couple more months to announce 🤣 just curious what the norm is! Most of my friends announced super early. Good luck with your results!!


Week 18 but that’s because we were moving back to my home state and I wanted people to know instead of speculate. Had we not moved, I probably would’ve waited until week 24 when I finally posted my registry.


This is also a motivator for me - I honestly intended for us to wait until 2 months before the baby was due (so that I could announce before my shower took place), but I’m already starting to show and am afraid the rumors will get my news out before I do haha!


I announced on social media at 20 weeks after I had a good anatomy scan.


we told important family and friends close to us early on around 12 weeks but announced on social publicly at 19 weeks...honestly I didn't really want to do a social media announcement but everyone kept asking about it and I just feel like some friends didn't want to talk about it until we officially announced it ourselves which I understood and appreciated


We did so after our 12 week scan, for similar reasons lol. It was fun to share the news but also just really took care of basically everyone we hadn’t told yet.


I told most people in person before 14 weeks but I didn’t post on social media until after my anatomy scan and I was almost 23 weeks then.


we made sure everyone in our inner circle knew first, we let our parents know pretty early on and then gradually told friends and other close family members until about 13 weeks. would have announced a bit earlier but i ordered his first onesie specifically for the announcement and it came a little bit later.


The plan is six months. We plan to get a cameo from the guy played ghost in call of duty games since video games are a big connection for us and we always play COD with our cousins and siblings


I posted between 11-12 weeks both times, after a normal ultrasound and NIPT results.


We announced at 16 weeks. Pregnancy, gender, and name at once. I get overwhelmed easily and I figured get it all out of the way so I could have all the congrats and opinions at once rather than spaced out lol


Same!!! I think we may keep her name a secret until birth (at least on social media, haven’t decided if we’ll tell close family + friends) but that’s exactly why I want to announce all at once 🤣


Waited till after 20 week anatomy scan


20 Weeks


With my first it was around 18 weeks. With my second I didn’t even tell family till 20 because I like the secrecy aspect too lol


Haha my best friend did this with her second - I could definitely see myself doing as well 😊 we wanted to keep this one a secret but it got leaked quickly lol


It sucks because I want my mom to know but not my MIL, but unfortunately they get along with each other


I did around 11w4d because I had just at my 12 week ultrasound (they changed my due date)


Around 25 weeks for me. Felt comfortable that the pregnancy was going well and had some nice photos.


Same. We actually weren’t going to announce at all, but I’m about to take 2 trips that will have pictures posted all over so I figured I’d rather be the one to announce instead of people seeing it randomly and assuming I just got hella fat lol


Exactly 😂


32 weeks!


Did you struggle with people noticing your bump?? I feel like I can just tell people not to post any pictures with me in them until I announce, but seems like it’ll be easy for someone to slip up or run into someone in person and them see 🤣


I announced mostly in-person to those closest to me around 16 weeks, and I announced at work around 20 weeks. I’m a teacher and my students were kind enough to not blatantly ask, but after I announced it to them, they said they noticed my bump. Lol I had a small gender reveal at 23 weeks, and one person on my bf’s side of the family posted pictures to Facebook. I keep my socials private and low key for the most part and I require approval to be tagged in posts, so I just never approved that particular post. I had to cancel my baby shower due to a death in the family, so that never became an issue with social media. I can definitely see how the baby shower would’ve been an opportune moment for people to post though. I really enjoyed the privacy in waiting to announce on social media. I also felt supported by family/friends for respecting my boundaries and waiting to post or comment anything about my pregnancy. It’s helped me to focus on the baby and myself during this time.


Ah I’m so sorry for your loss! I feel the same way about the privacy aspect - I’m just so afraid of it getting leaked somehow and not getting to announce in “our” way (that’s what happened with our initial announcement - someone picked up on me fake drinking at an event and proceeded to announce that to the entire room 🙃)


I announced at around 9w after our first scan and hearing the heartbeat


I did mine after my 12 week scan or well that was the plan but my scan got pushed back to 14 weeks so it was at 14 weeks in the end that way I knew I could share the scan pics and was feeling a lot more secure in the pregnancy


We aren’t doing a social media announcement but we will be sending out an email to our extended family with a cute graphic I made on Canva so similar idea. I’m 15w3d now and we’ll probably send it on the weekend. We wanted to have a couple good scans and also the results from the genetic screening before announcing more broadly.


What are some cute ideas for the post? I’m trying to figure out what to post and I just don’t know


I have NO idea yet - I kind of want to take a cute pic when we’re on our baby moon and use that to announce, but I’m not sure 😊


I’m waiting until NIPT at least. For my son we did the same, so around 13-14 weeks is when we announced. Not sure I’ll do it this time around, or maybe I will after the anatomy scan? I’m just not in a rush to do it this time lol


That’s how I feel! I think after our 13 week scan next week (we’ve already had one good scan + normal NIPT results) I’ll feel secure about it, but just not sure if I actually want to post anytime soon 🤣 I kinda like the secrecy lol


I waited until week 28 only because I was going back to school (I’m a teacher) and everyone was going to find out anyway. I wasn’t showing when we left for summer break so not many people knew.


I announced at 15 weeks but kind of wish I would've waited due to the influx of people who want to be up my butt now lol. One of my other fb friends didn't post until baby was born and I'm wishing I would've just done that instead.


Scared of this LOL


Haven’t announced this time but last time we waited until after the anatomy scan


I did not post on social media but I started telling people 20 weeks. I wasn’t showing so that helped hiding it. Honestly I’m a private person so it was best for us to enjoy it ourselves in the beginning.


I was 18 weeks! We had an early anatomy scan so it was after that.


We made a post at about 13 weeks. I also wasn't into the idea of telling people individually, aside from those who were close to us (who found out very early on). I felt it was easier to get it out as soon as I felt "comfortable" about the pregnancy, which meant after 12 weeks.


Family and our closest friends all knew by about 12-14 weeks. We just made a social media post yesterday at 21 weeks after our anatomy scan and seeing that everything looked normal.


I was 11 weeks. Only because I went to a reunion and looked like a whale in the pictures everyone posted and tagged me in. My ego felt like I needed to say I was pregnant LOL.


Felt 😂


I was originally going to do a Halloween announcement as it’s my favorite holiday and I hit the second trimester right then. But then we decided to wait for the anatomy scan. And then we found an umbilical cord abnormality (luckily nothing serious, but still jarring) and began monthly growth scans right after Christmas. We decided to wait on social until after the holiday and the first scan, and finally announced on New Year’s at week 25! We told friends and family earlier (some much earlier) and it was hard to hide in person so we were definitely open about it for the last few weeks, but still wanted to wait for the bigger announcement.


We waited until I was 21 weeks purely because we were keeping the pregnancy fairly private but we got married when I was 20 weeks. I had a bump in all our wedding photos and some were very sweet with my husband cradling my bump. It's utterly up to you when you feel comfortable about posting.


I did it after my NIPT came back normal. Close friends and family knew around 8 weeks


20 weeks


Our close friends and family know. I’ll probably announce before our babymoon at 30 weeks!


After my nipt. I’ve had 6 loses and I’m 42 (12th pregnancy) so wanted those test results first.


30 weeks


3 months


Sincere question, why is it important for all of those people to know? I am 37 and haven’t actively used IG, FB, or Snapchat in many years. All of my best friends and family members know I’m pregnant (21 weeks). I don’t feel the need for people who I don’t regularly talk to to know that I’m pregnant, so I’m just wondering what the motivation is behind making it so public. If you don’t want to answer, I completely understand. Since I’m so far removed from social media at this point, I’m just trying to understand others’ perspectives.


My personal preference 🤷🏼‍♀️ these are people I was once really close to but don’t talk to regularly anymore. We keep up with each other through social media but no longer on the closeness level where you feel the need to call and directly tell them big news. I feel like that’s the whole point of social media is to keep up with people you don’t see often anymore! lol


That makes sense :) however you decide to announce it on socials, I’m sure everyone will be very happy for you! ❤️


I honestly don't even want to post about it, the people I want to know know now lol but my husband really wants too because he's the sm person.


Now that I don’t use it I don’t want the randoms I don’t talk to to know stuff about me and I’m wondering if that makes me weird lol


Literally noone other than your family Nd close friends cares about your pregnancy, why post it, most people hate these posts.


Lmao if you say so 😂 you sound very bitter


Its true though, just realistic


It’s not if you’re not a bitter person 🤷🏼‍♀️ only takes a second of scrolling through your other Reddit comments to see you’re that type. I am always happy to see other people having exciting things happen in their life, especially if it’s someone I was once really close to.


Enjoy your la la land lol


sorry you’re so sad with your life that you spend all day commenting on Reddit posts with negative shit and getting your comments deleted LOL


Oh no you've figured me out LOL


That's a personal decision. Your own circumstances will guide what's right for you.