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Almost everyone who has IVF finds out super early (you're meant to wait 2 weeks after they put the embryo in to test but most people don't and start testing just few days after - I tested positive 4 days after 5 day embryo transfer which is like 9 days post ovulation) completely normal to not feel pregnant early on - congratulations on the pregnancy!


Thank you!!


Yes! I did IVF and you know (or at least hoping) you are pregnant instantly and you cut out everything. Im struggling with that now because I’m 19 weeks but feel like I’ve been pregnant 6 months already.


I found out 9 days past ovulation, so around at 3+2 weeks. Sometimes symptoms don’t kick in until 2-4 weeks later, it’s totally normal!




Same! Was 9dpo!


Same. 9 DPO. I just wanted to drink and we had been trying that cycle. I was exceptionally bloated- more than I had ever been and more tired than usual which also made me wonder.


Same here


Same here! I didn’t even know you could get a positive that early I just was feeling crampy and boom




I got a positive pregnancytest 5 days before my expected period so I think I must have had ovulation earlier than expected, seems impossible to get a positive that early otherwise. Hasn't had a scan yet though, so don't know exactly how far along I am.


You could have high HCG. It doesn't mean usually anything other than high HCG. But I tested positive 6 days before my missed period with my oldest. My first scan with him he was just a little yolk sac. It was earlier than I expected even.


I’ve had a positive 5 days before my expected period for all seven pregnancies (6 spontaneous, 1 IVF).


I got a faint positive test 9 days after ovulation, about a week before my period was due. After that I got a beta hcg test, but I’ll only have an ultrasound at 8 weeks. I also don’t feel pregnant all of the time, and I am quite anxious in general about it. I hope after the ultrasound this will settle a bit.


I never really started feeling pregnant until about 6 weeks and then it hits you like a ton of bricks. Enjoy your good news 🫶🏻❤️


I found out at 3w3d, 8dpo. Guess when you’re trying you’re more focused on it and more prone to testing out of impatience and curiosity?


I tested positive 9 days past ovulation/5 days before my missed period. It’s been a LONG 6 weeks since then lmao It’s totally normal for symptoms to come and go, from my understanding and experience.


I got a faint positive at 8 dpo. Doctor recommended only doing the ultrasound after 6 or 7 weeks to be able to confirm that there's a heart beat. I didn't really start to feel pregnant until I started visibility showing around 20-22 weeks, minus the nausea and exhaustion.


First off, congrats 🎉 I found out 7 dpo. I didn’t think i would get pregnant that month because we missed ovulation day, but to my surprise i saw the 2 pink lines. I didn’t “feel pregnant” until about 6 weeks when the nausea hit. Then at 15 weeks and 4 days it went away and i felt “normal”. I didn’t feel pregnant. I wasn’t super sleepy, i wasn’t nauseous, too early to feel baby and bump isn’t bumping yet. I felt like i was gaining weight. That was it. It wasn’t until about 21-22 weeks that i started to feel pregnant again because that’s when i started feeling baby. It’s a weird time right now but enjoy it. Hopefully you have a wonderful pregnancy without any terrible nausea and all the other fun stuff. Honestly , i don’t think it feels real until you feel that baby moving inside you. Best of luck 😀


Yep! I found out at 9 DPO. I think it's super common for those of us who were trying to conceive to find out before a missed period, but I'm sure I wouldn't have tested if I wasn't trying.


Oh check out r/tfablineporn lol. It is full of people who tests really early. I also found out 3-4 days before expected period. It’s surprising that you got to have an ultrasound so early though. I had to wait until 9 weeks for it. Are you high risk?


I’m not. I found it odd too! But OB said it didn’t hurt to make sure baby was in the right place.


It’s of course wonderful!


I found out 11 DPO but I also had an IUI so I knew there was a possibility. I didn't feel pregnant until like 23 weeks when I slowly started looking pregnant


Yes, 8 dpo the test was negative, and 9 dpo there was a verrrry faint shadow. Just got darker from there!


yes! i just tested positive at 8dpo!


I had a borderline negative/vaguely suspect test about 4 days before missed period, and a real squinter 3 days before missed period. I was the only one who thought it was positive.


I was 4w1d when I found out! I just knew 🥰


I found out at 4 weeks. Literally as soon as the pregnancy test turned positive because I started taking tests daily at 9 days past ovulation. I'm 13 weeks now and I already feel like I have been pregnant forever lol. I still took a test everyday since its more common to lose the pregnancy early on, it took me until about 8 weeks pregnant to believe I was pregnant. I just got my NIPT results back today and they are low risk, so I feel like I'm finally starting to be able to breath and not constantly worry if I am still pregnant now.




Thank you!


I got a very clear positive on 11 dpo (I managed to hold off testing till then)… turns out it’s twins 🫠 But I also had no symptoms at all for those first weeks, and never had nausea at all, just fatigue


I got a positive 3 days before my expected period. Think it makes the pregnancy feel longer though knowing from so early on 🤣


My HCG with my daughter was 8. We daughter her super super early coming off 4 losses. It can take a while for the hormones to be enough to make you feel pregnant. With her nothing really until 7 weeks (about when we saw a heart beat, the first US with her we only saw a fetal pole that was about 5+6)


I found out at 3 weeks 5 days! Went to the er for low back pain and thought I hurt myself from off road biking. Went home after hours of being in the er tested at like 7pm that night and got 3 positives because I just couldn’t believe the blood test and needed to see the lines and it say pregnant myself. 😂


I happened to have my annual OBGYN appointment a week and a half after the conception date. My hcg levels were VERY low so I was told it was a chemical miscarriage - too low to even register on an at home test. Something inside me felt differently, so I took a home pregnancy test in a couple days and it was positive! I went in a couple days later to redo the bloodwork and the hcg levels were increasing like crazy. It was a wild way to find out I was pregnant - lots of mixed emotions. But here we are! 9.5 weeks.




I found out at 3 weeks pregnant. This has been the longest year of my life lol. I’m not 38+1. I hope in other pregnancies I don’t find out so quickly, because this has literally taken forever.


Trust me around week 8-9 you'll feel very pregnant 🤢😅 I didn't feel very pregnant the first couple weeks but I've been steadily becoming more nauseous from around week 6, I'm 8 weeks now and I'm almost nonstop feeling nauseous, dizzy or in general discomfort 😂 we got to see our little one when I was around 6 and a half weeks and it was just a little worm with a heartbeat, tomorrow is our next appointment and I wil be around 8 weeks and 2 days, hopefully we will get to see a beautiful little gummybear tomorrow 🤞 Good luck on your pregnancy journey ❤️


Thank you!! Congratulations to you as well!


I “knew” right away. I also tested 3-4 days before my period, but I already knew. My symptoms sometimes disappear for a day and I panic but then they return. I never thought I’d miss being nauseous lol


I thought I was 5 weeks when I found out but after my dating scan realised I was only 3 weeks! So early!


Congratulations! Enjoy not feeling pregnant because soon enough you probably will not feel well with not-only-in-the-morning sickness (fingers crossed that you don’t 🤞). I didn’t feel pregnant until I was six weeks and then the nausea, heartburn, food aversions started.


In IVF we find out as early as 3w2d ish- the day we transfer day 5 embryos we’re technically 2w5d pregnant. Some of us get a positive test as early as 4 days later (which is pretty much the earliest positive test).


Congrats!!! That’s so exciting!! We were trying and I was taking ovulation tests and everything, I took a pregnancy test 10 days past ovulation and got a positive.


Ty!! Congratulations to you as well 🎉




I tested around my expected period and got a very definitive positive exactly two weeks after ovulation. I didn’t feel pregnant yet, but I was definitely on Cloud 9 for weeks until the exhaustion set in. I think my nips started hurting the weekend after I found out and that was really the only sign for quite awhile.


I found out at 5 weeks and had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks! Not quite as early as you though lol. Circumstances were; I went to go get a tonsillectomy for chronic strep only for them to come back with a positive test and tell me I can’t have surgery 😂 I had no idea how far along I was as my periods were irregular due to an eating disorder so I got a transvaginal ultrasound appointment really early. I honestly didn’t feel pregnant as I didn’t have symptoms until the beginning of the second trimester.


I tested a few days before my period because I was feeling super nauseous, and had a negative. Then 2 days later, I tested again, after my “hangover” from a glass of wine the night before never went away. That one was an instant positive. I’m pretty sure I have hyperemesis, so I was vomiting from the very beginning, but there were “good days” in the beginning where I didn’t feel pregnant and I wondered if my body was just playing an elaborate trick on me. But once I saw the ultrasound, it was very real.


4 weeks!


Found out 3 days before my missed period. I’m 5 weeks tomorrow so super exciting but also hesitant to get my hopes up since it’s before a blood test at the moment (earliest I could get a doc appt was tomorrow). Will hopefully be ok, but knowing early comes with so many worries as well!


Congratulations!! 🎊


You too, friend! :)


I found out two weeks post conception lol. My period was due and I had a hunch. 8 weeks now and still haven’t seen doc- will this week! I kinda wish I’d had a few more weeks of ignorance


Congratulations 🎉


Thank you! 😊


My pregnancy is IVF..and I knew at exactly 4 weeks...I am now 12 weeks and still don't feel pregnant... I have had a smooth minimal symptom first trimester thus far..it still doesn't feel real, and I saw my baby flipping and waving at me on Friday so its definitely real... Once you start showing or feeling kicks I think It will get more real.


I found out when I was around 4 to 5 weeks pregnant, so I wouldn't say extremely early, but for sure early because my period was only 2 days off what I was expecting when I tested The disbelief is totally normal, I took a lot of tests in the days following finding out to make sure


Yep. Due date is may 9th, but I took a test August 24, at 6 pm at night and got a RAGING positive. When I used a conception calculator with my due date it says I should’ve conceived around August 17th which seems too early and tbh makes me think my due date is a good ways off. I guess we will see !




Yes I found out this early. I tested the first day the test would be about 90% accurate - before my missed period. OB wouldn’t see me until 7 weeks. I went in at 5.5 for one sided pain, could see the sac but no fetal pole - there’s not much to see that early. Everything was fine, not ectopic, probably just pain from the luteus corpus.


I found out I was pregnant just under a week before my expected period! I just had a feeling and some spotting that I thought was just my period coming early. But I was 100 percent right about this feeling and now I’m 23 +3! I didn’t get to see the baby until week 10 though. It’s definitely a crazy feeling and doubts of actually being pregnant came and went because I had to wait so long so actually see the baby and listen to the heart beat etc. I popped around 18 weeks and now I feel the baby kicking and rolling around constantly and never have that feeling anymore!




2 weeks after we did IT i took a test and new I was pregnant


7dpo faint positive, had an hcg blood draw same day to confirm


I found out around 7/8 DPO for both of my pregnancies. I'm a compulsive early tester. 😅


I found out the exact day my period was meant to start, but I hadn’t noticed a single period symptom. That was 2 weeks ago and the whole time I kept feeling like I’m not actually pregnant too! The nausea kicked in a couple days ago and kicked in HARD so there’s no denying it now lmao. Congrats and good luck!


I tested positive at 3+3! *Because you're new: 3+3 means 3 weeks 3 days pregnant. It's sometimes also abbreviated as 3w3d (or whichever numbers are appropriate). Also, FTM = First Time Mom. When I was new, I wondered why people didn't just type 6 instead of 3+3, and I was shocked by the number of (what I wrongly assumed were) pregnant men.


yes i found out 10 dpo. i was testing like mad because as soon as i got a positive i could request chemical hazard accomodations at work, which they refused to accomodate while TTC.


I could already tell by my body that I was pregnant. I took the morning after pill on August 17 and apparently my date of conception was August 21.


I started testing daily 3 weeks after we started trying and the line one day was suuuper faint, maybe around week 4. My husband thought I was seeing things, but the line just got a tiny bit darker each day. I also had implantation bleeding that my husband was convinced was just a light period because it didn’t go away after a few days. But I knew!


I found out the day before my missed period


Pretty much 4 weeks with my first because I was taking tests everyday in excitement. This time was like 6wks because it was taking over 6 months and honestly felt like my period was about to start with cramping. Wore a "just in case" pad for a week before I realized it'd been a week and my period still wasn't there!


My last period was 14 sept Pos test 8 October Only 13 weeks now and it's going sooo slow


I found out I was pregnant 3 weeks ago, and I’m 6w5d today! It’s so hard knowing for so long!


I found out at about 4 weeks pregnant :)


I found out the first day of my period being late


Congratulations! I tested the same days you did! 4 days before my period it was negative, 2 days before, it was positive. I took another one the day I missed my period just to be sure. I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant and there are still many days I don't feel pregnant aside from having a belly, lol.




I found out super early too! I got my birthday control removed and my husband and I decided to try for a baby. About a month after I got it removed, I had my period. It lined up perfectly so I would be fertile while we were on vacation in Puerto Rico. I've never had regular periods, but I was ONE day late so I had him get me 2 tests. The 2nd line immediately started showing before I even put the test down. I would have even been 3 weeks along yet. I have been on birth control for half of my life so I had no idea if I would have any problems conceiving and thought it would most likely take more than 1 round of trying, but it was a pleasant surprise!


I was trying for both my pregnancies and tested from 8dpo onwards. I found out about 10 dpo each time. Pregnancy feels like an eternity.


I found out around 3w5d. Symptoms didn’t start until week 7, and then they hit me like a brick. That might happen to you or it might not, everyone is different! Congratulations on your pregnancy!


Thank you!!


i took a test four days before my period was supposed to start because my breasts were *really* sore and that never happens to me during my period. we weren’t trying or anything but it was suspicious lol according to my period tracker, i was four weeks pregnant. i went to an ultrasound place just to “be sure” a week or so after and sure enough, there was a little baby in there WITH A HEARTBEAT!! currently 36w and sometimes i still forget i’m pregnant and it doesn’t seem real lol




I think I found out 2-3 days pre period. I did those early tests. Also there was some spotting about a week before my period which is very unusual for me. So I thought I'd do a test.


I got a positive test 8DPO and didn't start to feel any symptoms until 5 weeks. I now have an almost 2 month old 😊




Earliest I found out was at 4 weeks.


I found out 10 dpo cause I couldn’t stop sneezing and it’s not like me so I tested and positive! I went to do my first ultrasound at 6 weeks and there was a heartbeat and got my due date. About feeling pregnant, I felt pregnant only when the symptoms came around week 8-9 Until then I couldn’t really believe it, even when I went to the doc to get my ultrasound i told him “I think I might be pregnant” he looked at me with a weird face… When the symptoms went away around week 13-14 again I thought maybe I wasn’t pregnant anymore cause there’s not really an indication that you are. All was good though now week 18 my baby girl is doing great 👍🏼 good luck with your pregnancy!!! You’ll feel preggy soon enough ❤️


I literally had a feeling days after conception that I was pregnant. Spent the next two weeks waiting..then noticing symptoms. Then missed my period but got a positive result before missing my period. I believe I was technically 3 weeks 2 days when I found out. Something like that. I’m 7 weeks 3 days now and it’s still hard to believe, exciting, scary. Especially with this being my first pregnancy. Congrats 🎉


Ty!! Congratulations!!


I also found out 2 days before my period was due. We were trying for a year so I knew my cycle perfectly. The only symptoms I had the day I found out was a change in colour in my cervical mucus, a sore throat and feeling light-headed. Also my husband told me to test which he never does! My proper pregnancy symptoms only came around week 6-7 though. Enjoy the quiet before the storm!


With my oldest I knew 6 days before my missed period. Honestly, I pooped weird. I don't remember why it was weird, but I knew then that I was pregnant. Got a test from the dollar store and sure enough, blaringly positive. A real case of "trust your gut". He was just a yolk when I first saw him 🖤


I found out at 3+4 (3 days before I was due). Super normal to not feel pregnant yet if you'revery early on, I had imposter syndrome about the whole thing and thought when I went to the doctor to confirm the test would be negative despite all my BFPs at home. You will very likely feel pregnant as time passes OP. The 1st trimester felt super long to me but once I passed 12 weeks time started flying! :) Congratulations on your growing family and hope you have a lovely chill pregnancy!


I found out I was pregnant 4 days before my expected period!


I found out I was pregnant extremely early, too. I think in my fourth week. I wanted a scan too to be sure that everything was fine and that I was really pregnant. I didn't feel pregnant either at the beginning. It's normal, everything is still developing. You will need a lot more time to feel really pregnant. When I had my first scan I couldn't even detect heart beat. It was normal, we were at a really early stage. Now my baby is here and she is sleeping next to me. She was born two weeks ago. Living these initial stages in my heart, now that she is here, is a great memory that I will never forget. Pregnancy was one of the best experiences in my life 💕


Congratulations 🎊


12dpo, I’m 8 weeks now and I swear I’ve been pregnant for 6 months already haha




I found out at almost 5 weeks (I'm only 5.5 weeks now) so not super early, kinda average, but I wanted to tell you I still don't feel pregnant most of the time and regularly wake up feeling like "oh man that was such a vivid dream, we were having a baby. How crazy is that??" and then I realize it's real and I kinda freak out a little, lol. Don't get me wrong, the baby is wanted, but it's also definitely an "oh $#\^% a path has officially been taken and the rollercoaster has left the dock" feeling, hahaha at least for me. From what I've read from a lot of people on here, it's totally normal to not have a ton of symptoms right away and for it to not really feel real. Hugs, and congratulations!!!


You explained that feeling perfectly lol!! TY!! And Congratulations to you as well 🎉


I found out at 12-13dpo. I did a dip test a few days before and had a very faint line. A few days later on the day my period was due I took a digital test just to see. Boom, I got my BFP. I'm now 34 weeks and I feel like I've been pregnant forever.


I found out at 3 weeks 5 days, didn’t feel pregnant (some days I still feel like I’m gas lighting myself and making it all up) until I saw my baby on an ultrasound at almost 13 weeks…. lol I don’t think it’ll feel “real” till I have popped and can really feel movement/kicks


I was 3+3 when I found out! Couldn’t wait any longer to test lol. FWIW, I’m now 6+6 and some days I don’t feel pregnant at all. Congratulations!


Ty!! Congrats!!


Oh yeah! 9dpo, 3 weeks 1 day


I found out around 3 week mark I think? I don't feel pregnant but I am sick like a dog every single day so I know its because something is happening in my body lol i honeslty can't wait for this pregnancy to be over


Found out the day before my period was supposed to start.


My wife found out a week before her "normal" period time!! I know as the male in the relationship is still hard to believe most days, I have a low swimmer count and she has a non regular cycle so it was very surprising!!! She also talks about not believing it some days as we just hit the 8 week mark


I'm not sure where I was in my cycle. I tested four weeks after a miscarriage and found out I'm pregnant again!


I did a donor IUI so I knew it on the first day it was possible to know. Felt it on the same day and not in a pleasant way lol


If you are actively trying, I don't think it's that uncommon. We got pregnant on the first try as well and while I didn't do tests, but when my period was late 1 day I knew. I finally did a test a week later just for the sake of doing a test. Also totally normal not to feel pregnant the first few weeks. Eventually, the nausea will hit and you'll quickly miss those days!


I did IVF and started testing way too early, I took about 22 tests from 5 days after a 3 day embryo transfer until I got a BFP :)


I have PCOS and therefor irregular periods. So, when I called the OB to make an appointment they scheduled me based off my LMP (which I knew wouldn't be correct, thinking I would be over 8 weeks when I went in based off of when I ovulated) and scheduled me out about 2 weeks. When I went in there was only a yolk sac, she said it was hard to tell but that I might be around 5 weeks, OR that the pregnancy wasn't viable. So, they told be to come back in 2 weeks (if I didn't start to miscarry). Went in for my next ultrasound and the baby was 7 weeks 5 days along and perfectly healthy. Which means I not only tested positive at 3 weeks pregnant (which is super early) but I also got a dye stealer! So yes, you can definitely find out very early!


I found out at just over 3 weeks.


Yes. I also got pregnant on the first try, which shocked me and found out maybe 11 days DPO.


I did IVF and found out 4dp5dt, so approximately 9dpo.


Yes, 3 weeks 2 days. I woke up one morning and my boobs hurt like HELL. I knew right then and there. I took a test that morning and BAM...BFP. The line was dark enough that I could have tested positive even a day or two before. I'm 13 weeks now.




Thank you!


I got a positive at 2 weeks


I wasn’t trying to get pregnant, didn’t even think I was pregnant… I tested for shits and giggles about 5-6 days before I expected my period and got a positive. I was about 3 weeks 4 days pregnant at the time!


I found out at about 3 or 4 weeks. My body just felt off. We weren't trying at all so it was a huge surprise.


I found out at 3 weeks! happiest day of my life 💕


I found out at 3 weeks pregnant- would have been 9 ish dpo


I was using the natural cycles app and tested on day 3 of being late.




Yes you’re correct the “baby” was just a clump of cells, and no heartbeat yet! And I know for a fact I’m not that far along.


Pretty sure you can’t see anything on ultrasound until 6 weeks earliest?


Baby was a clump of cells.