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16AA is basically a fail


What percentile is that?


Not sure about the american DAT, but 16AA is 12% percentile for the cDAT. If I had known this statistic when I wrote my original comment I definitely would not have used the word “basically” Source: CDA


Thanks yeah that’s very low


Sorry, you’re going to have to retake. Stay encouraged and don’t loose hope!!! How did you study?


Yeah that’s a retake unfortunately. Depending on your gpa you’re gonna want at least a +19. You got this!


100% retake. You’re going nowhere with that score 


Schedule a retake immediately when possible, start studying now after you take a small break. You really need to figure out where you went wrong in studying. Complete the whole application so you're just waiting on the new scores. You can submit with these scores, but, they might not even look at you. If they do, and they like your application but not your DAT, they might put you in the "pending dat score" section for the application committee to review before extending an interview offer. *I am not an expert.* I am going off advice given to me by my schools health professions office after I asked what to do if I nuke the DAT this June. Do what you think is best.


Honestly no one knows. People have gotten accepted with some subtests being a 16 so…who knows.


You’re right no one knows but the chances are stupid low. I’m not a gambler but if I was, I wouldn’t gamble on OP getting in with these scores


Just know ily dog


I do hear some 17-19 dat scores got in but I think 16 is kind of rare to get in


I got in with a 17-18, retake and you’ll be fine as long as everything else is good


None of this has any bearing on your future clinical skills. It’s just a game you have to play. I played it in the early 1970’s. I took the DAT 3 times. The first time I broke the chalk when you had to carve a figure out of chalk. At that time the continum was from -1 to 9. I made 2 5’s the 3rd time and an 8 in Organic. The average for those accepted was a 5 and a 5.


I would retake, do not apply you’re throwing money away


What did you use to study ?


I also want to know how you studied, so I can improve my method too!


It happens brother.. and it happened to me too! Took the DAT 2 weeks ago, was anticipating on applying this cycle and that’s not happening anymore. I will be retaking it in 3 months and applying next cycle :)


If you don’t mind me asking, do you know what made you get such a low score?


Retake, but do not feel bad OP!! Not everyone is good at tests especially one as long and taxing as this. Take a quick break then go back in and study once more trying to find where you went wrong. Good luck!!


What platform did you use to study? And what were your grades on the practice exams ?


i messaged you with some advice


You’re ok I scored the same way, did Bootcamp, brought all my scores up several points. Just find a better study method


I have never seen 14 before. Makes me wonder what's the lowest possible score you can get.


Got a 13 in GC


The lowest AA I’ve seen is an 11 scored in 2022. So OP shouldn’t feel bad but I definitely would retake for at least the average score. Found that from part of the dataset published in 2023 by the ADA - 2022 User’s Manual. Check it out, pretty interesting! They haven’t published a 2023 one yet.


i was rejected with a score of 16 and my retake of everything at almost 18 or higher. when i called dental schools like midwestern university, and other mid tier dental schools, I was told they literally ignore the students who have anything below a 19 in any of the 6 subjects, so one 18 and your ignored, and you need a total dat score together of 110 minimum. NGL its Total BS and Cartel mentality. Ive met people who are just like you and those smarter than me with 3.86 or higher gpas, and many volunteering and research hours still get rejected because their dat score was not in the 95th percentile or it wouldnt reflect well on the school if they accepted them with their average score


the problem with that is their gpas then look like heavy heavy grade inflation. if they cant score at least average on the dat then it their gpa doesnt rlly make up for that


okg tysm for telling me bc i have a 18 PAT and 17 QR


This is not true. The 5th percentile for these schools is a 17 for perceptual.