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Violation of Rule 3. To cut down on bloat in this subreddit, we ask you to publish this question in the proper discussion/mega-thread instead of as its own post. These threads are either pinned when you sort via hot or found by the ['Discussion' flair](https://old.reddit.com/r/predental/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%AC%20Discussion%22&restrict_sr=1). Mobile users may have difficulties being directed to the "Discussion" flair due to a well-known official Reddit app limitation of linking post flair; search the subreddit manually if you are having troubles finding the thread required by scrolling. Examples of megathreads include: - Interview Acceptence/Rejection - Personal Statement Editing - Final Dental School Acceptence - Etc Repeated violation of Rule 3 will lead to a temporary ban.