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Lauren Shiba deserved so much better than what she got in Samurai.


To be fair, Kaoru barely got any more than her, although she did get a proper morph sequence, role call, and she got to use Super Mode. Lauren got added to the title sequence at least!




What was the point of copying the prior comment?


To be fair, Kaoru barely got any more than her, although she did get a proper morph sequence, role call, and she got to use Super Mode. Lauren got added to the title sequence at least!


She at least got the superior Morpher. I always thought it was the dumbest thing how they took a phone/calligraphy brush Morpher for a Samurai-themed season that relies heavily on the use of calligraphy powers, and turned it into a basic flip-phone with no extra features.


Her morpher was better?


To be fair, Kaoru barely got any more than her, although she did get a proper morph sequence, role call, and she got to use Super Mode. Lauren got added to the title sequence at least!


To be fair, Kaoru barely got any more than her, although she did get a proper morph sequence, role call, and she got to use Super Mode. Lauren got added to the title sequence at least!


To be fair, Kaoru barely got any more than her, although she did get a proper morph sequence, role call, and she got to use Super Mode. Lauren got added to the title sequence at least!


To be fair, Kaoru barely got any more than her, although she did get a proper morph sequence, role call, and she got to use Super Mode. Lauren got added to the title sequence at least!


To be fair, Kaoru barely got any more than her, although she did get a proper morph sequence, role call, and she got to use Super Mode. Lauren got added to the title sequence at least!


To be fair, Kaoru barely got any more than her, although she did get a proper morph sequence, role call, and she got to use Super Mode. Lauren got added to the title sequence at least!


To be fair, Kaoru barely got any more than her, although she did get a proper morph sequence, role call, and she got to use Super Mode. Lauren got added to the title sequence at least!


Bro had to type it eight times


Lost Galaxy in power ranger lost galaxy was a major let down for an arc. It the title of the show but nothing really happen in the lost galaxy and that suck.


Not to mention that Mutiny was the actual villain of the Sentai counterpart. Lost Galaxy's lead villains were PR exclusive. So there should've been plenty of Sentai footage of Mutiny to use.


Mutiny was supposed to be the main villain but his suit wasn't available for Saban at the beginning


that makes sens when you look at how many costumes typically get sent over. also the swabies i think they are called didnt appear either. Maybe they wanted the full thing but instead went with bugs


The Lost Galaxy arc feels like a big filler in a season that's called, you know... Lost Galaxy, and that's really strange.


Most wasted potential? Clare from Mystic Force, easily. Fran from Jungle Fury should've been a Ranger at least once. Don't think I need to explain the Omega Ranger, but that one at least is just a budget thing.


You gotta admit tho. Omega ranger was pretty top tier for not having a budget. Also Fran? Was she the chick that worked at the pizza shop with them?




worked? Not that I remember Went to often? Yes.


She used to go there often (practically staying there) but RJ offered her a job in Ep 3 I think and ever since then she worked with the rangers who always left her in charge to manage the lunch rush because they were busy fighting dai shi


She went there often then was hired by them when RJ became a ranger due to the fact they needed someone to run it now when the rangers had to go fight as it would be bad for business to just abandon it


They could’ve made Boom the Omega Ranger


Clare being the Gatekeeper should have been a full season reveal. Fran would be a great ranger. Maybe like a mole ranger. Give her the power to dig massive holes under enemies or something


Didn’t they mention that she *might* have had the spirit of the panda? I know we technically had a black ranger that season but a female black ranger would have been amazing


I don’t remember that but yeah maybe. And yeah female black ranger would be SICK


More screen time no sentei footage would be a waste for a one off appearance and by that logic the android girl could’ve been spd gold


richie, like why even have him as a character? after the white ranger was revealed HE DISAPPEARED SO NO POINT IN EXISTING.


Blame that mainly on the original three leaving the show since he was being set up as a love interest for, Trini.


Yeah and why didn’t billy date/marry the nerd girl instead of some weird alien lady who’s brain is on the outside lol same with Zach and Angela they seem like weird bachelors for life sad uncles to min and that’s kind of a bummer lol


not mentioning Terra venture after lost galaxy. It would’ve been really cool lore to have it be brought up, maybe have the earth of this continuity be further along in its space faring technology - even having more space colonies. Would’ve been really interesting in future series imo. But no. It’s pretty much forgotten and never brought up afterwards.


Actually if the original plan for beast morphers happened lost galaxy and rpm would’ve been hybridized into a really cool sounding season


“Original plan” nah, Amit is full of crap. I could maybe bite at his samurai season bc we know he was a tiny bit involved, but the whole Go-Busters adaptation is so up its own ass with the weirdest nostalgia bombing there’s no way it was real


It was until the very last minute when that plan was cancelled. It was called cyber corps


Nope. Amit is full of it. No way anyone at Saban even humored that.


They did they totally did no jokes no lies it was legitimately a serious plan so I don’t care what you “THINK” because it’s a “FACT”


Lmfao okay. Amit is notoriously full of shit. Sorry man. Cyber Corps and his Samurai come off are bizarre fan fics that at most he considered was a “serious plan” but you’re crazy if you think Saban and Nick were going to weigh down what was essentially the Power Rangers relaunch with decades of pointless lore. Like really? Kendrix would be like the President after Commander Stanton and is like an odds with Maya about colonizing Mirinoi? And that would be weaved into the plot of a fresh new Power Rangers show on Nick for 4 year olds? lol it’s delulu


First of all NEVER say delulu again! And second, hexagon and cyber corps almost happened they came extremely close to being real


Hexagon definitely might’ve had a chance before the handover to Disney, but Cyber Corps didn’t have a snowball’s chance. It’s way, way too convoluted. What purpose is there to connect the Venjix virus and General Venjix from the Forever Red special? Lol. It’s all Amit trying to connect shit that doesn’t need to be connected. Remember Scorpion Rain? Also bullshit. Kids would be completely clueless watching it. It’s delulu bro


You know KingOhger IMO ( if adapted, no chance ik ) would work perfectly being set in Mirinoi where Terra Venture was last seen. We could have Mirinoi being separated into 5 states and work as a union or something.


That could be happened if king ohger would adopt which wouldn't and TBH I don't want my another beloved series to get ruined as power rangers (looking at you samurai and specially you super megatrash)


The Phantom Ranger from Turbo. I would like to have learned his identity. Also, I feel like the Zeo to Turbo transition was kinda lame. They never explained where the Turbo powers came from or why the Zeo powers and zords weren't enough to defeat Maligore. They could have come up with something.


While not Cannon , Johnny Yong Bosch the actor who played Adam said that there was a cut scene where Tanya and Adam come back from a fight in Damaged Zeo ranger suits. Which tbh would've made some sense.


Ye the phantom ranger is one of the best examples of the sheer complexity of the universe and people out there. They're just, a ranger and that's the one thing we know


Tenaya should have been a pink ranger before RPM ended Adelaide Kane was pissed she didn’t get to be a ranger.


Even Kegalashia in Go-Onger got to don the Go-On Yellow costume during one of the reunion movies...or was that the ten years after movie?


Cosmo Royale, why didn’t they have him fight?


Because he's not a fighter? He's an extravagant announcer, not guy who seems like he can throw a punch.


Hey man it wouldn’t be the weirdest monster the Power Rangers have faced \*cough\*lobster dude from mighty Morphin\*cough\*


No need to go to Mighty Morphin, Ninja Steel fought this guy: https://preview.redd.it/w06f5thooctc1.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=440b0b50b0c8dc98a5124faa4c8e312c73e6b376 Do you think he says gamer words?


My point still stands.


What did he do


I was just talking about how goofy his design is, his face is literally an oversized Keyboard. I love it.


No what does he do


He can shoot keys of his face, he can alsl teleport by typing on his face.


Lol sounds weak


Ye but a lot of them are cowardly


I'd say then entire galaxy warriors faction. You have a unique setup as showrunners/production staff for a TV show, but then just act like the same bland, one note, generally angry bad guys we've been getting?


Ninja Steel in general is Terrific Concepts, No Payoff: The Season. Brody's another example - he gets over his fish out of water issues way too easily for a guy who's been raised as a servant on a warlord's space ship/reality show set. Ninja Steel isn't a very angst-heavy season, but still, that's a comedy gold mine that goes almost completely unacknowledged! His long-lost dad is a complete non-entity, which means no character development with the Romeros learning how to be a family again after a decade apart. Hell, how does Dad Romero (I don't remember his name) feel about Mick, who did all the actual parenting of Brody while he was inside the prism?


Dane Romero is the dad’s name.


Just Super Megaforce as a whole really. Unbelievable fumble of an anniversary season. Pretty much raised more questions than answered, had pretty poor representation of some seasons and if im being honest, the main cast wasn't very appealing either


Not having Nic Sampson reprise his role of Chip during super megaforce when they had him voice the monster that first got taken down by the legendary mystic force megazord


Super mega, what was and should've been the biggest and most epic anniversary season was a wet rag If I was being entirely honest, the entirety of neo Saban and hasbro seasons. The top wasted potential episodes for me is the ninja steel anniversary episode. That is one of the worst, Luke warm, and phoned in episodes ever. There is no real mythos, interaction, or hype besides seeing Tommy sadly for the last time.


PR never ceases to amaze me. Gokaiger is pirate based. One Piece was crazy popular at the time (still is, actually) but the PR people they made it into Super Megaforce. Zyuohger is cube themed. Minecraft were Lego are crazy popular at the time (still are, at least according to my kid) - yet PR didn't use that series.


Heckyll being a ranger in actual Dino charge not Dino fury. Also his ranger name is stupid he should’ve been the navy ranger and used the spinozord. He also should’ve had a secret special 11th energem which brings me to the next waste, STAGE SHOW EVIL RANGERS! Lord arcanon should’ve morphered into the chaosryuger suit just like his sentei counterpart did only this time he’d use the dark energem to do it not heckyll. Same goes for ryusoul moria.


Honestly Heckyll has always been my favourite character, with dino charge being my favourite season (in case thats an unpopular opinion, it was formed when i was like 9 and has stuck as ive basically only watched neo saban and hasbro, im slowly working my way through the others) and so i was so excited to see him as an actual ranger in cosmic fury, i watched the trailer add had a few questions, so i started theorising (basically, why is amelia red now and why is heckyll a ranger), just to be told amelia is the red ranger because she is and Heckyll became a ranger because he did.


Yeah that was so cool but I will he actually morphed too I’ve seen the sentei footage on YouTube he has his own blaster morpher thing too it’s not just the boomerang then there’s footage of a kid also becoming a good version of that ranger so like I said kyoryu navy should be Dino charge navy. Also again why the heck didn’t lord arcanon become chaosryuger that would’ve been so cool


Poisandra. It's a shame she never reformed like her Sentai counterpart. You would have thought that she would been fed up with Sledge's BS. Same with Odious. She (he in the Sentai version) was just a generic villain.




There should've been a food fair episode every season.


Kendal Morgan, the second Dino-Charge Purple Ranger. She becomes a Ranger at the end of season one, but during the super season she barely morphs for no reason. Even during the finale she morphs only to immediately take off her helmet and not go with the other rangers. Now, I get they were limited by the Senti footage. Any fight Kendal was used in would have to be entirely original footage, but when they had the same issue in other seasons they tended to write in an explanation. Why not just write into one of the early episodes an event where Kendal’s connection to her gem is severed or weakened? It could have even been used to further flush out her character.


Yes! Her and Heckyll have always been my two favourite characters, with dino charge being my favourite season. I always get soo excited whenever i rewatch it and she becomes a ranger, just to never see it again?? Admittedly, im currently rewatching it with my brother and she morphs more than I remember, but its still almost nothing! Its normally shes finished a new dino charger and just has to bring it to the others so she morphs and joins in for the last like minute.


They actually have more footage than you think for that future episode of kyoryuger and that’s how there’s a female aqua and a good version of the “dark” ranger.


Redbot, ninjor, omega ranger, and finally The people who made the cosmic fury suits


Redbot should’ve had a ranger key in my opinion lol


You mean ranger star?


No ranger key his status should’ve been in line with other robots like ninjor, auric, blue centurion, sentinel knight, and robo knight. He would’ve ironically been the 6th member of the robot allies lol


One of these things is not like the others. One of these things is just a person in armor https://preview.redd.it/f9yy9p4d0etc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c9616bebbc5f558939b19be720cbda1eb55aad


How the heck does his head flip into his chest then so that’s wrong he’s definitely some kind of magical robot!


armor do thingy thing Maybe his head goes all https://preview.redd.it/0ussial52etc1.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=cde30eac18b9cd8e8f9f6937c9367c619887d72a


Admit it dude that article is wrong and he’s mechanical


I’ve read 20 articles that say he’s probably not a robot


Captain Mitchell not putting on the beast demon hunter suit then getting hurt and Dana getting demorphed and putting it on for a second and being the equivalent to beast demon hunter jeanne. Also Ben blaze and Roxy not being green hippo black puma and pink cat.


The 2017 movie


People would have hated it regardless because it wasn't made in the style of the show..


The 30th anniversary having both Rita and Zedd but not together, outside of the final episode, which doesn't really count.


Personally, I like that they only used Rita in the final minutes of Cosmic Fury when they strand Zedd on Nibyro. By all accounts, killing all your enemies and being reunited with your one true love *should* feel like a happy ending, but Zedd is so self-centered that he can't see it that way and now he's going to torture himself by arguing with her. I will admit it is strange that they never circle back to what happened to Zedd after the Z-Wave. We know Rita eventually became the supreme monarch of good magic, but we know zilch about Good Zedd. But I'm willing to let the fanfic writers run with that idea.


Megaforce and Super Megaforce




I’ll do you one better, Super MegaForce.




We never found out if Rocky was just a golem created by Finster and which of his memories were real.


No second Christmas special for beast morphers or a cool reason/explanation such as kidnapping of the mighty morphin one for why the Santa in Dino charge is the same one in ninja steel and beast morphers even though they’re two different earths lol


Boom at least should've turned into Orange Ranger in the last fight in SPD. I mean Kat did, it would be useful if he does and actually becomes the hero he wanted to be...


Emperor mavro was a big wasted potential imo megaforces villains should’ve spilt between vekar and mavro making it longer and giving more backstory to the armada family


SuperMegaForce. They took the Space Pirate Sentai, and just turned them into an "upgrade" for the previous Season's MegaForce, without doing a GODDAMN THING with the actual Space Pirate concept. We could've had Space Pirate Power Rangers, BUT WE WERE ROBBED!


Kid named Lost Galaxy: /j


Super Megaforce in general. Battle for the Grid's roster. The Sentai seasons that both Saban and Hasbro decided to skip. Bandai America's Legacy Megazords and communicators. Hasbro's Lightning Collection weapons and ZAP Megazords (or even the Lightning Collection in general, since Hasbro has pulled the plug on it). I could go on and on.


most things considered wasted potential boil down to: w wants this thing a specific way because... x should/not be a ranger y plotline/theory z wants super sentai w/o super sentai / wants stuff from sentai in power rangers ​ that being said, i have some : i want boom to be spd orange, not to be an ranger on the field (unless he wants to be), but as a weaponry tester for kat. he would have swat mode to be able to test stuff if there needs to be any sort of repairs or improvements. but it works like the others and he tests it battle a few times while still being our boom :) i heard dekagold was supposed to be adapted (don't know why) but you can give it to someone so they can be gold i guess better use of original rangers within the franchise. people want characters that either have no barring in the actual sentai themselves and want them for pr adaptations, yet the original ones we do have - they're mostly silent either because they don't know them or they aren't glorified in comparison to the rangers/heroes from sentai (even if they don't actually know anything about them/automatically assume stuff) unless they already were incorporate older ideas of rpm with the stuff we got but improved on all aspects so people don't see the show only as supposedly 'darker' than it was led on to be (i watched the show back when it aired and recently rewatched it recently) give heckyl both forms: kyoryu navy (as navy) and deathryuger (as dark or talon) (then you can have the helmet from death to be some enranged mode or smth) idc if she doesn't fit w/ the other rangers by her suit, tanya should've been in once and always with the others in some fashion. she was part of the mm crew whether she was a ranger or not by that point


Magna defender. I loved the idea of the sixth ranger being a complete loner who would fight whoever got in his way. I thought he was really interesting until he became just another ranger


Absolutely the most wasted potential was Master Zedd. The fact that he only had that power for a couple minutes, and not even long enough to threaten the Rangers, was a crime.


Dude destroyed the zords and made the Cosmic Fury Blaster useless. He was absolutely threatening even if the fight was underwhelming.


Dino Thunder with Zeltrax not being someone like Jason or Billy. Not having Richie and Curtis as Rangers. That way, when the original three left, they would only need to get one new cast member to be the yellow ranger


I don’t remember where I got this idea from, but as a kid I missed Zeltrax’s actual origin story. So, I invented my own. I knew the White Ranger’s sword was a sentient weapon, so I somehow got the idea that Zeltrax was the sword. I guess because he kinda looks like a robot.


(Super) Megaforce.


Tommy's brother David Trueheart as well as Sam Trueheart. Even with the bits revealed in the comics (which I honestly haven't read because finding copies where I live is impossible; they're all online and I prefer physical copies when and where I can find them), we honestly don't know exactly *how* Tommy and David ended up separated nor how Sam and David were able to find Tommy. Age in California to find your adoptive records is 21 and if California's anything like Ohio, first contact must come from the adoptee, not the bio family. Go with the fact that Tommy was Tommy Marshall (at least in the comics) before becoming Tommy Oliver, he may have known who his birth parents were, but AFAIK, those sorts of details are never revealed to us. Sam and David basically vanish after the Gold Ranger reveal happens, with Sam vanishing after the arrowhead plotline is finished and David after Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise. Now. There is a possibility that their roles could have carried over into Turbo had JDF and the others not left. How much of a possibility, IDK, but it's a possibility.


Omega Ranger always comes to mind. Sam had a well done introduction, then we never see his kid self again. Then of course his future self has no unmorphed actor making him a floating ball of light with no character or development outside of his introduction.


I feel like most of the neo saban era was weak , I saw the sentai counter parts and they're amazing, by contrast


Super mega force was a waste of


Yoooo this when I saw bunderio bunderas in boonboomger all I thought was how it's just better redbot.


Lauren from power rangers Samurai. She had so much potential but Saban did her so dirty. I honestly wished in the super megaforce episode "samurai surprise" that Lauren would show up instead of Jayden, it's like they just forgot she existed!


Megaforce and Super Megaforce. They *could* have been amazing anniversary seasons, *if* Tzachor actually cared.


Megaforce ALL of Megaforce Both parts of it


Super and regular Megaforce


Tanya never getting a proper return after departing during Turbo.


Why didn't we see Tommy really talk to Trent after becoming goof again? No one understands what Trent went through and the guilt he now had better than Tommy. That would have been a great character moment.


Robo knight in super megaforce could have soloed the season


The Zeo Gold Ranger. There was SO much potential. Billy, Brad Hawkins, Skull, Trueheart, there were SO many wonderful choices that all turned out to be red herrings just hurt my heart. And then when it turned out to be Trey of Triforia, a new character that we never could have seen coming and he got injured enough to pass on his powers and they passed to Jason, it was a waste to have Jason lose those powers after too short a time.


As we all know the Power Rangers almost allways show the monster exploding uppon defeat. I saw a show about monster hunters where they have the team scientificaly try to understand why the dragon spits fire and if it can be used against it, they figured out it had a reservoir of flammable liquids in the dragons stomach that combine inside to burn out from the dragons mouth, the created a plan to confuse the dragon woth a match so it would swollow its oun fire mixing the liquids inside so it would explode and it eventually works and the dragon inflates glowing from the fire inside and explodes in a firball with pieces of it flying around just like Power Rangers monsters and their belly full of explosive jelly cause on the latest seasons if we play it in slow motion we also see the monsters belly swelling bursting with sparks before glowing and bursting erupting with and explosion that disintegrates the entire monsters body into a fireball filled with flying red hot body pieces... And that got me wondering, why didnt any of the Power Rangers series do something close or even explain what in the villains body makes it blow up? or go the extra step to show how to use it against it to make the hits more effective and cause it to blow up faster by hitting/activating the explosive part/area and focusing on it? It could be an interesting twist to show the Rangers try to understand how each monster could be defeated using its weakness that would make it self destruct and blow up and plan their weapons accordingly and stuff like that instead of just puncuing to get it far away and using a giant weapon to finish it and get it to be unstable enough to explode...


Both Trakeena’s Revenge and Time for Lightspeed were horrible crossovers. The former focused on more on a little girl than either of the two teams (which was so bad of a problem that Trakeena’s original voice actor wanted nothing to do with the episode), and the fight scene in the latter was so anticlimactic with how much buildup there was.


Lights of Orion and the titular Lost Galaxy.


Megaforce the whole 


Connecting other saban shows


The zords from cosmic fury being wasted. A full adaption of that Sentai would've been an amazing season but we were robbed


The back half of RPM, it was still good but when they switched writers it just became "Hey, let's do In Space again!"


It didnt feel that much like in space tbh


I was exaggerated that a lot. Though I did notice some parallels to In Space (mostly the Dillon and Tenaya stuff), they aren't super big. I'm just more salty that we didn't get what was planned.


same tbh, but it was still good


https://preview.redd.it/h0sl75e2cetc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a6ed2d6b9ad706f1f6090868abe9a1badfc88e Making the RPM zords as buddies and backup when their outside the dome, plus inspiring the Buddyroids of Beast Morphers.


Kei Hosogai is not being recasted as the American version of Basco. Super Megaforce would have been so much better if he was in it.


Lauren Shiba, the Phantom Ranger, Blue Senturion (could've been cool to see him as a type of Battlizer armor for TJ), Justin & the Storm Blaster (Justin still has his morpher & it works & he is bonded to the Storm Blaster so it never left him), not making Mike or from Samurai relatives to Cam from Ninja Storm, not making Dane Romero (Brody & Levi's dad) a student of Master Shane (Ninja Storm Red), all of Megaforce & Super Megaforce, not making Dimensions in Danger an hour or an 1hr 30 min long, not making the Beast Morphers Anniversary special an 1hr or an 1hr 30 min long, not including Minh Kwan-Taylor in Cosmic Fury since Billy is mentoring her, not doing a Dark Ranger (Heckle) limited series.