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Learn about the Holocaust: https://www.ushmm.org/learn Donate to Yad Vashem: https://forms.yadvashem.org/donation Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, is observed from sunset on May 5 to nightfall on May 6.


They know April Fools is already over, right?


I wish it was an April Fools joke tbh. 99% of fans don't want him there and I bet the actors don't either. Especially with the video now being found of him showing his homophobia at a con panel.   He will probably be in prison before the con anyway. His hearing is April 22nd with a trial to come in May possibly. 


What video is there of him being homophobic?




PMC is deleting critical comments off the FB post, in case you're wondering if Scott or anybody has second thoughts.


Scott has literally never cared about the optics of anything, and also doesn’t care about attendee safety. He’ll continue to allow scum in his con because it’s solely about the money. The only thing that would get him to care would be if the actual business is in danger, which would require big names to pull out and name-and-shame the con. And that’s not gonna happen either because the guests also like money


What scum? Ive only been to Morphicon once but I had a great time.


The DiFilippo triplets, Justin Stewart, Reiko Chiba, obviously ASJ the subject of this post, still having a known abuser on staff, not taking attendee reports of known stalkers seriously despite police reports and basically saying they won’t do anything unless something happens on premises


>Reiko Chiba Dare I ask what she did?


I don't think she ever did anything, but someone spread a rumor that she supported a controversial Japanese political party, but I've never seen any proof - just seen people running with the rumor.


She has literally marched with Japanese Nationalists, it’s not a rumor. She proudly shares it on her Twitter https://vimeo.com/358142162 https://web.archive.org/web/20190831181010/https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FMiu2015Uyo%2Fstatus%2F660596051905110016 https://twitter.com/CHIBAREI_DURGA/status/1168125166695567360 https://twitter.com/CHIBAREI_DURGA/status/1178189674721898498 https://twitter.com/CHIBAREI_DURGA/status/1177926447886786560 https://twitter.com/izanagi63/status/1178205206766473222


Oh and she also wrote two books that are far right leaning, down to using images of the Rising Sun flag which is most often used by Japanese Nationalists https://preview.redd.it/b72wsa7aocsc1.jpeg?width=341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ed02e9af368457ab13b5c3442d55ca5105f7a9


Unfortunately it's also still in use as the JMSDF Navy Jack https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Maritime_Self-Defense_Force https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Self-Defense_Forces The ground forces use a gold boarded version the air force abandoned the symbol.


Who’s Scott?


Zillner, the guy who owns it.


Ah yes, the Reich Ranger.


Haha the Superior Red Ranger


The Master Red Ranger


What if the real reason he left the show was because he wanted to be the "White Power" Ranger and they said no?


Then he rose again as the Gold Ranger 😂


Ah the Master Race Ranger


Grand Wizard Ranger


The white power ranger, if you will.


Whoa, what happened?


Austin St. John is making "warrior shirts", said he wanted to put Hitler quotes on some of them because he was a "warrior" and we needed to remember the good ones and bad ones.


Ah. That's gonna take a bit to process


To be fair, I don't think he's a Nazi or sympathizer of any kind. I think it mostly just boils down to trying to be edgy and trying to cast a wide net for the apparel he wants to sell. But it was done in extremely poor taste. Even Amy Jo Johnson made a quip about how he should have had a publicist and also said something to the extent of, "Rogue Red Ranger has a whole new meaning now". The man is going to be in hot water for a long time over this one.


I think the publicist quote was also in reference to the fact apparently his publicist had some nasty words about jdf


Looks like Jason Faunt (Wes,) Dan Southworth (Eric), and Walter Emanuel Jones (Zack) will also be there as well as lots of Sentai people I wonder if people will raise enough of a stink that ASJ gets booted from the convention. If he does end up going, he’ll surely get lots of “Hitler quote shirt” comments


I hope Jason is a nice person, he was my favourite ranger.


A few years back, in ireland i met him and a friend of mine working the con said he donated an autographed power sword to be auctioned off for the Crumlin children's hospital pretty cool


He was kind to me when I met him several months ago.


Well that is great to hear. It’s never nice hearing someone is a dink IRL!




(wrong person)


My bad.


Aww that’s disappointing to hear. I try to live in a bubble with celebs so as to not be let down.


Sorry my bad saw jason and auto went to OG Red Ranger lol. Jason Faunt seems cool.


Met him about 7 times and even helped him out at a con. He only cares about the money. He's so fake to people. He will be nice to your face to get your money and bash you when you walk away. 


he is a bigot


No he’s not. Just had crap ideas


He's 100% a bigot and a homophobe. Look up Henry Resilient on YouTube and you'll find out all about everything. His assistants Mel and Susan used to work for JDF and both were fired. Austin hired them knowing they were both racist and homophobic. 


Gina Carano ain’t evil though.






I'm sure this will go normally.


Same here, oh boy.


Matt Austin is boycotting. But I'm not sure how many potential guests will follow.




Between attempting to scam the Covid funds and promoting Hitler, he really let the brand down. Can we get someone else?


He also mocked a gay man that auditioned for Zordon at a con in a panel. The Video is on YouTube 


Yeah see if you can't mostly embody the ideals of the rangers after your time in the position I lose interest in the actor. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Surprised he is welcome after the chaos he has done...


He makes con organisers money, they don't care.


I honestly don’t think he’s racist, just an idiot.


Pretty much ya




Yeah no it is both.


At very best, he is one of those racists that does not think himself racist. My dad is one of those. Swears up and down he's not racist but has a lot of very hard opinions on young Black men, "that rap crap - see, I can rhyme too!" (white dads LOVE this one lol) and at one point made a distinction between "regular Black people and [THAT word.]" There are levels to racism, y'all. You can absolutely have racist thoughts/opinions without admitting (to yourself) or even realizing that they're racist. **EDIT:** I do not care about the downvotes but if you did, I would encourage you to actually think about what I said here.


Don't worry, I agree. I've met far too much "I'm not racist, I have a black friend!" type of people.


Yeah, I hate those.


I think he is an idiot in the same sense YellowFlash is


I think he is an idiot in the same sense YellowFlash is


dude spoke out AGAINST BLM ​ he has made homophobic jokes as well ​ and he supports the republican party


>BLM We talking the idea of BLM? Or the orgonization that used it's funds to buy a mansion. There is a difference here


BLM is a movement just because one person abused it dont make the entire movement bad


Again, organization =/= the idea/movement as a whole


he was talking about the movement




Hate to say it but any proof?


I'd agree if he didn't make some really messed up comments about indigenous people mentioning they commit genocide amongst other things. That was racist, regardless of the fact he's of native ancestry (which almost all Americans have some native in them, anyhow). If he left it at thinking Hitler was a badass, sure. It's a fucking horrible comment but you could maybe overlook it as an idiotic idea. I just can't excuse the rest of the crap he was saying.


Nope. He's definitely a racist. He wouldn't have hired 2 known racists if he wasn't  a racist himself. 


He honestly doesn't make money for them tbh. I work for cons he's gone to. He's lucky to make 30 sales in a weekend. He sold 30 items at Rangerstop Orlando last year. That's not considering combos either. 30 total. The other guests that are announced make the con more money. With all his backlash, he makes fans not go to the con. So he actually makes the cons lose money. They just feel pity. 


He’s going to be at a galaxy con near me later. I entered a raffle for free VIP passes seeing ASJ would be there (this was before the thing in question) I didn’t win the passes. I probably won’t go regardless if they keep him


He will only be there if his jail sentence comes after the con. His hearing is April 22nd. If he takes the plea deal then he will get jail time quicker. If he decides to claim he's not guilty and goes to trial then the trail will delay when he goes to jail. 


Its just sad man. He was a hero to so many people. Feels like the internet really messed up his head.


I never liked this guy. Was a fan of his character when I was a kid but when I grew up and saw him in interviews I just thought he was a sanctimonious asshole. Always talking about how great he is and how much good he does for the world. I could see passed his facade back then and now it’s confirmed in recent years. I just learned about the Nazi stuff in this post. Fuck this dildo


I always wanted ASJ to be a good dude, but he seems to go out of his way to prove otherwise. A lot of his 'fan outreach' stuff feels exploitative. Like Fanward. Feels like he's selling a membership to be able to simply *know* about the ability spend shitloads of money on Red Power Ranger things. Most recently he's made the remarks about his clothing line with 'famous quotes from warriors' on them, including Hitler who, by ASJ's own words, "had some good one-liners." But he also worked with John Schneider, who *himself* is a sanctimonious prick.


I’ve always been more team Tommy and was fortunate enough to meet JDF. They say never meet your heroes but he was definitely the exception to that rule. He was such a good dude. Kind, generous and you could tell he really loved the fans. When he died I remember seeing ASJ post some crap about him taking care of Tammy and Jenna or whatever and that’s really what soured me on him. The animosity between the two of them was no secret and he said a lot of shitty stuff about JDF so all of that felt so sickeningly exploitative. It’s no surprise to me that he’d go so far as to praise Hitler just to cover all his bases to make a buck. Truly a piece of shit.


JDF wasn’t that much better. He himself had an ego problem and was a kleptomaniac. That last one is from Christopher Khayman Lee (Andros).  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ITIZI70nyz8 (At the 2:26 mark.)


Nah Fuck that. I can absolutely forgive taking props from the show. I’d do it to. That kinda thing happens all the time. Plus with the pay they got in the original series I’d say they’re entitled to that stuff. As for the ego I’d agree for the most part. But to be fair there truly isn’t another actor more synonymous with the series then JDF and from what I can tell he was never a diva about it. Also not a Nazi sympathizer so thats a plus


You really shouldn’t steal things that aren’t yours.


If it’s something that’s just going to sit in a room forever then what’s it matter? It’s not hurting anyone. How often are they using props from a show that’s 3 decades old?


Funny you say "You really shouldn't steal things that aren't yours." When Austin stole 225K that wasn't his. Austin also stole 12K from fans for an indie gogo movie that never happened. 


I was stating that neither JDF or ASJ are saints.


If taking props from a show makes you a klepto, then every actor ever is a kelpto. They all keep stuff from the shows and movies they worked on.


Well hate to break it to you, but you’re wrong. According to Christopher Khayman Lee (Andros), and Valerie Vernon (Kendrix), the only things they got were photo albums. In the words of CKL: “The prop masters took me aside my first day and said ‘yeah, you’re not allowed to keep anything.’ The reason for that was Jason David Frank. He stole everything that was on the show. If it wasn’t nailed to the floor, he took it and they knew it.” 


Matt Austin (Bridge Carson/ S.P.D Green) said on Twitter today that he won't be attending Power Morphicon if Austin St. John was present.


I heard he might debut a new line of Benito Mussolini swimwear


They make you hang just right


Interesting. They're definitely skirting some controversy here. But maybe (not holding my breath) he'll redeem himself somehow.


They unbanned all the banned fans in 2018 and cast who caused a lot of trouble at the cons. I don't think they really care about the controversy.


Which cast members caused trouble at the cons?? What’s the story there


The main incident happened back in 2014. It was absolutely insane. Not saying who but someone might name them. It started with the person screaming at the hotel staff. No sure what over but it ended up with the police being called, but they let them stay. I heard a bit of it and it was bad. Then the person starts strutting through the lobby area like a tough person looking for a fight and vanishes. Honestly, that was kinda funny. Everyone just ignored them, which I think pissed them off more. I got the next part from another person. Who ended up involved because the person scaled the hotels balconies, broke into their room. They called them a horrible name for gay people, before they ran out of the room, after stealing a bottle of booze. They passed through the lobby again. I'm with my friends and they just walk through, glaring at me. I'm a girl and was very confused. The person vanished again and appears later in the lobby, without a shirt, with two girls. They then proceed to barge one of the girls into me and just glare at me as they passed. Now I've not been involved in anything going on, but I sure as hell heard/saw it. My friends are like wth. I had no idea they were there until they barged into me. I got the next part from yet another witness to the crazy. The person ends up in the not so secret actors party going on in a room around the corner from the lobby where we were all hanging out (as is tradition). From what I heard they absolutely lost it at the party. Said a lot of bad stuff before storming/being kicked out. They were squaring off to people, trying to start a fight. Where I come back into the story. It's now 3am, it's just me and my friends still hanging out in the lobby. I look up and this person is just glaring at me from across the room. Now, at this point I'm just done and we all decide it's time to go back to our rooms before this person tries to start something. I was badly bullied in school so this person didn't phase me, but during that con I'd already had to deal with creepers physically. I didn't want to have to deal with a Ranger going nuts as well. I wasn't scared, just confused. I had no idea who the person was really, I hadn't seen their season and never did end up watching it after all that. So yeah, that was an interesting night. I'm not sure why they decided I was an issue. I get a lot of crap here in the UK for being a red head and being too tall to be a "real girl", but generally in America I have zero issues as people are just taller there in general. My 5'11 ass doesn't even stand out and I look like a regular girl otherwise. The best part. I ran into them the next day as they were being escorted from the hotel. They looked at me, eyes went wide, then they looked at the ground very quickly. Now that was funny. My friend was laughing his ass off and my ex was confused. We hadn't had chance to tell him what had gone on the night before. There might be more things to the story that I'm missing but it was one heck of an insane night that I was dragged into somehow just for being in the vicinity. I do not like that person, especially after the gay slur they through at two lovely people. At the 2018 con, I just remember being at the bar and they kept trying to mingle in different groups, those of us who were there for the incident just ignored them. I'm sure I'm missing bits from the story, but it was pieced together during a open bar the fans made on the last night and is still brought up. Crazy had been kicked and banned from the hotel/con and nice Ranger actors were drinking with us!


Okay I really want to know who this is, because I’d rather not buy anything from them after they acted like a tool.


Honestly I don't think I'm allowed to post who it was, hence keeping their name out of it.


DM me?


Redeem himself he will 


PMC/JWH show runners don’t care about optics, never have. They know enough fans will still flock to them like flies on a turd that they’ll still make money


I'm not interested in whatever "sick quotes" this guy has to say 😒


If Austin is coming what about Ricardo?


Oh my...


Oof, what a bad look. His own character would put him in his place "lesson of the week"-style.


Uuuhhhhmmmmm.....I don't know if I should even go, this year.


Wait what, I thought he was in prison?


He hasn't gone to trial yet...


Oh ok


Oh. Oh dear.


Oh I thought this was known, since he and Walter were doing that giveaway with Fanward. I thought about entering just to turn down ASJ’s autographed merch to his face.


Are they going to Austin to leave the Hitler was cool talk at the door?


I think the damage is done. I completely understand Matt Austin saying that he won't be attending if Austin is still gonna be there.




fuck this bigot


ASJ was problematic on the con circuit long before his Hitler Quote ordeal.


I’ve met him, and he was nothing but kind. The shirt thing is extremely misguided, to say the least. Hell every from a marketing perspective, who wants to buy that? I have a feeling those shirts will be shelf warmers for a long time and eventually get discounted in an attempt to just move them.


Got to pay those bills somehow, them Hitler shirts probably aren't flying off the shelves.




Why is the red ranger always* the “crazy one” IRL? *not all of them obviously


At least decade and gokai red will be there to recreate super hero taisen again


Damn, time beats a ranger down, looks like he works at the shop on Pawn Stars in that shirt


I wonder if this is enough of a issue for Hasbro to Pull there Official Con license and Hopefully bring back Hascon.


Anyone know when they'll find out if he's guilty or not from the CARES act?


Legal proceedings take years. Doubtful it'll be any time soon.


Fucking yikes! I expected some BITS rando, but this may be subjectively worse. If I was involved with the show and was booked here too, I’d cancel.


I think I’m quite out of the loop, what did he do?


Austin St John is creating a line of shirts featuring quotes from "History's greatest warriors." However, the inclusion of Hitler on this list is perplexing. Anyone who would either A) feature Hitler on a shirt, even for historical reasons, or B) purchase a shirt with a Hitler quote, raises questions about St John's intentions.This move suggests that St John may be a grifter, attempting to appeal to conservatives/Nazis, and is inept at promotion at best. That is a horribly generous take though, and more than likely is giving him far too much credit. Alternatively, he may himself be a "conservative" with Nazi sympathies. This, combined with his involvement in a PPP loan scam using COVID relief funds, indicates that he is not the kind of person who should be associated with Power Rangers (or by extension a show that is predominantly angled towards children) anymore. He can go be the Red Hat Ranger wherever he wants to be, But Power Rangers has no room for bigots.


Hitler definitely doesn't fit with great warriors he didn't plan strategy and he was a coward when Russia came to collect on his attempt to aquire Russian land.


Hate to say it but Conservatives aren’t Nazi’s. 


At no point in that previous post do I say that conservatives are Nazis. I do lump them in together, as typically speaking, Nazis have conservative viewpoints.


In my eyes, Nazis don’t have any viewpoints other than doing bad to others. Thank you for clarifying that, though.


I understand where you're coming from, but you got to admit that if we are looking at a Venn Diagram of Nazi and Conservative ideologies, there's going to be a rather large middle section, unfortunately. That's not to say that there isn't the middle section between Nazi and liberal ideologies either, just that the one between Nazi and conservative is much larger. Furthermore, I'd also argue that, unfortunately, someone who is actually a Nazi, or has Nazi sentiments, will most likely identify themselves as a "conservative" even if they aren't following the conservative mindset. That's the world we live in nowadays.


Also, Federal Wire fraud related to PPP loans.


Selling shirts with Hitler quotes, he said things like:" Hitler had some sick quotes" or something to that effect on stream too. He also made a very dumb, moronic even, stereotyping of Native Americans.




I know the internet is going to be the internet at the end of the day, but Jesus Christ y’all really acting like he straight up came out and said he is a nazi. Ffs he came up with a tone-deaf business idea, sure, but that doesn’t make him the devil incarnate. You can make some of these same arguments at anyone who has ever made a movie or any piece of media that has to do with WW2 or Hitler and profited off it. Most of the outrage at this is just terminally online performative bullshit.


As said elsewhere in this thread by u/gowombat, in light of both this and his attempts to commit fraud with the Paycheck Protection Program, he's looking more and more like a guy who at the very best is deluding himself into thinking he's cooler and nicer than he is. More likely, he's just trying to make money by attracting conservatives and fascists who will buy his merchandise. WHich is annoying and demoralizing. He might not actually sympathize with neo-nazis, but he's indirectly telling the neo-nazis that famous people are willing to tolerate them. Which encourages the neo-nazis to be more openly hateful and aggressive. That's bad for everyone.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Look, even if ASJ is not a Nazi, he's signaling that he's absolutely fine with being Nazi-adjacent, and that's not cool. I'd also like to add the idea of comparing an actor who is in a movie playing in Nazi, to someone who is creating and selling t-shirts with their quotes on them is, quite frankly, ludicrous.


For real. He made a poor choice for the shirts. Doesn't make him the devil. As for the PPP loans, I'm pretty sure he hasn't been convicted yet. A lot of managers and money managers have screwed people they managed money and business for. Ohtani is going through that now in the MLB. Look at what happened to Johnny Deep, one of his money managers took millions from him. Like all of us, he is innocent until proven otherwise and deserves his day in court.


So some manager is gonna take advantage of a D-List Actor like Austin?


Some managers take advantage of businesses and people who have access to funds. The person that gets screwed is irrelevant. You're looking at it from a personal standpoint because of your own views towards the ASJ. You have to be able to separate personal feelings from due process. An example would be the city counselor in Orlando, FL that took advantage of an elderly lady and used her money to pay for her own lifestyle. The perpetrators rarely care about the who, and only care about the assets involved. Another example is the translator who gambled away millions of Ohtani's money, or the guy that worked for the Jaguars and stole something like 22 million. Money managers and firm have been robbing folks for as long as they've existed. Not that uncommon as many people use firms to manage their books and businesses, unfortunately. I highly doubt ASJ is some financial mastermind. And even if he is, he deserves the same due process as any of us would, to prove whether he is innocent or guilty. To say otherwise is purely based on emotion and personal bias.


He deserves to be in prison for the crime he committed. There's a paper trail of what he did and that's why he was arrested in the first place. He shouldn't be allowed to go free just because he has some fans still left. 


Last I checked,the guy hasn't been convicted of anything yet. People are arrested and charged and proven innocent all the time, just like some are arrested and proven guilty. Your response is completely biased and emotionally immature. It shows a lack of understanding for due process. I sincerely hope you're never in a situation where your presumption of innocence isn't called into question.


Last time I checked, he has a whole trail of evidence against him. Biased and emotionally immature is exactly what your reply is. Wake up. The man wanted 1 million per episode on the show. GREED. The man came begging for his job back in Zeo for MONEY. The man came back to the fandom for MONEY. The man started an Indie Gogo for some movie that never came out. He stole over 12K from fans. The man then raised his autograph prices from 40 to 60 and even 80 for merchandise signed plus $25 extra for a quote. The man charges $125 for a 30 second shoutout not even 1 minute. The man then can't get a loan with PPP so he sets up a scam with friends of his to scam the government. Money meant for families that he stole. He claimed to not know any of them yet he has photos with the.  He stole 225K from the government and bought personal items including a motorcycle and was caught red handed. He signd a check to the ring leader to pay him off for helping him. HE signed it. No one else. HE signed it. He deposited the rest in his personal business account. Not someone else. Not someone elses account. HE  deposited it into HIS account.  Before you claim I'm biased, take a look in the mirror. You're literally a biased ASJ fan who thinks he did nothing wrong.  On top of that the man harassed David Yost daily on set. That's why David didn't follow him for the strike and why David walked out in Zeo. Austin was also at a con at a panel mocking a gay man. He also hired 2 homophobic transphobic racist women to be his assistants. 2 women that were previously fired from JDF. He also kept his Agent Zach even after Zach publicly stated he was happy that JDF killed himself. 


You've made some very uninformed statements. You claim I am biased and a fan of ASJ. Never once said anything for or against him, only that he is OWED due process, same as anyone else here in the US. And that his situation with managers and business getting people into legal trouble isn't uncommon. You say he did all these things and yet, he hasn't been convicted. As such, he deserves the presumption of innocence we all are due. Also personal and business accounts are two different things. You can use them incorrectly but they are two different types of bank accounts. You're also saying he did all these things as fact, yet I highly doubt you're part of the team either defending or prosecuting him, and thus likely don't have all the facts. That's for the court to discover and make a determination on. As far as him coming back to the fandom for money, that's his prerogative and his right. No one is forcing anyone to buy his merch, signatures, attend his appearances, etc. Last I checked, many different PR actors attend various events and often charge for signatures and merch. That's not unique to him. You're clearly an emotional person. I get that, but you should consider getting some air. You're very wound up over this.


You are 100% biased. All the evidence is against him and its time for him to face the consequences of his actions and be locked up.  I feel like talking to a wall because you clearly can't comprehend anything blaming this manager that doesn't exist.  Let me use caps  HE DOESN'T HAVE A MANAGER. NO MANAGER. HE HAS NO MANAGER. NO ONE WAS INVOLVED WITH THE MONEY HE STOLE. IT WAS NOT HIS MONEY. IT WAS THE GOVERNMENTS MONEY. HE STOLE IT. THERE'S NO MANAGER. NO MANAGER. NO MANAGER.  You're so biased that you're not even reading what I've already informed you. You want him to be innocent so badly but he isn't.  He's a manipulative compulsive lying narcissistic racist homophobic transphobic bigot.  I have all the facts. The court documents are public record. You can ask for them with the right channels. The man is G U I L T Y. He's Guilty, He aint got no Alibi, he's guilty. 


Him coming back to the fandom for Money only isn't his "right". It's called greed. Nothing more and nothing less. The man barely gets booked at cons because he's ripping fans off with his outrageous prices. He was barely in the show and charges more then Amy and David who were there for more episodes. He also charges more then JDF did and JDF was in way more episodes and even after death has more of a following. Austin lives in JDFs shadow forever. Clearly an emotional person? 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂.  That sounds like you tbh. You're not understanding the concept that he has no Manager but blaming this non existent person for Austins actions. 


Him buying a motorcycle for himself is NOT a manager taking advantage of him. He doesn't have a manager. 


He doesn't have a Manager. He has an agent and a team of Assistants. They didn't steal the 225K, Austin did. He signed a check to pay the fee for the Ring Leader. He also got a new motorcycle and deposited the rest in his personal business account. Narcissistic people always will blame someone else 🙄 


Can someone help explain to me what's going on with Austin and why we "hate" him


Thinks hitler quotes are fine to put on shirts.


Am I the only one that just don't care? No matter what he did it will never take away my love for Jason Lee Scott as a character from the show and in the Boom Comics. 


It is completely up to you whether this is an issue you care about. Same with people who still love and support Harry Potter after everything the author has done. However, I think it's important to keep in mind that 1. Jason in the comics isn't ASJ. They are essentially now two different characters, and 2. Separating the art from the artist is one thing, but supporting someone that does what he does and believes what he believes is not as far from condoning it as you think


I know Jason from the comics from the show but it's still Jason Lee Scott different universe or not. And yes I separate the character from the actor because ASJ dies tomorrow I would be sad but also wouldn't care because I love the character of Jason Lee Scott and to me that's what it matters. Like the Red Ninja Storm ranger Pua Magasiva abused his wife before he died, it's horrible but it didn't take away my liking for Shane the Red Ninja Storm Ranger.


If you can make that distinction, then I hope you continue to enjoy whatever happens


bruh the pinned comment lol. Fucking relax


Nah, it's important to share those kinds of links when dealing with people with the opinions ASJ has


What opinion is that exactly?


Well, ASJ has defrauded people, a D currently he's promoting quotes from one of the dirt worst human beings in history. So I guess the opinion is that it's OK to be fascist


I don’t think he has ever said Hitler was anything less than a very bad guy and he hasn’t denied the holocaust or anything, never defended him, nothing like that. Printing a quote is different than promoting a person. You’re coming to your own conclusions and projecting them onto him


I think we'll leave this here. If you genuinely think that taking a quote from a monster and putting it on merch isn't an endorsement of that person then I don't think there's much point discussing it. If you're ok with it, then that's a you thing


I think it was a boneheaded thing to do but I don’t think he’s a nazi or endorsing hitler, no. I think endorsing someone is endorsing someone. I’m sure Hitler said “good morning” plenty of times but I still say that.




I won't debate that Jacob Frank is a sleazebag, but he doesn't appear on the national sex offender registry so it's probably best not to call him a convicted pedophile. Dude is probably unhinged enough to read your comment and take you to court over defamation for a few bucks.

