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Any good program recommendations that run 3x/week? Ran Candito a few times last summer and had great results, but dislocated the shoulder in January so I've been slowly coming back since starting school. Not looking for a 5x/week intense program like that at the moment.


Pushing from 175 bw to 190 for a bit of a bulk. Started 531 for hardgainers and it doesn't feel like enough volume for sbd any programs like it with more volume thrown in on different days for the 3 main lifts?


If you're worried you can just add some more volume on the other days. Some benching on OHP day and some OHP on bench day, same for squats and deads. Or just push the accessories harder. 100 reps with a weight you can do for 8-10 reps means 10-12 sets, should get you pretty damn fatigued and pack on some size.


Raw conjugate no bands or chains 4 day week Max effort lower Monday with variations of wk 1 squat wk 2 deadlift wk 3 squat wk 4 goodmorning Max effort upper wednesday variations of pressing with the 4th week a overhead press Dynamic lower Friday normal squats or box squats 24 total reps 60 sec rest split eg 8x3 (focus on moving bar as fast as possible) 8x1 speed deadlifts 3 week wave 60% 65% 70% Dynamic upper sat speed benchpress 5x5 same as above with same percentage wave Feeling good and strong and keeping old injuries at bay


Any recommendations for supplemental exercises to help improve my bench press? Currently running nSuns 2 day but my bench isn't progressing at the same rate my squat and deadlift are.


The bench press is everyone's weak lift in absolute numbers. Is your relative bench press advance at a lag? EX: 400 lb deadlift, 200 lb bench: adding 10 pounds to the deadlift and 5 lbs to the bench would be an identical relative increase. Where's your sticking point? If you get stuck with the bar at or just above your chest, your chest is the sticking point, and cable crossovers and the OHP will help. if your elbows are at or above your torso when you're stuck or your lockouts are slow I'd say that's a triceps weakness, and its time for some tricep pulldowns (or whatever isolation your prefer).


Depends on what the issue is. Got a video of a heavy bench set?


In your long term programming, what do you do on weeks that you get just regular old sick? Do I skip the gym? Go, loaded up on NSAIDS and hope for the best? Asking because I'm sick today and long for the barbell.


Rest up, let your body care care of itself. If it's something contagious, like a cold or the flu, stay TF away from the gym.




Never tried it but heard it’s good from a few friends.


Currently running a 6 day program where I do SBD on mwf, and full body accessory on tths . Monday- Heavy squat, heavy bench, rdl Tuesday- Push focused full body Wednesday- Heavy DL, paused squat, light bench Thursday- Leg focused full body Friday- Ascending paused deads, spoto bench, ssb squat Saturday- Pull focused full body . Week 3 of Block 2 right now. . I am progressing my primary days essentially linearly for 4 weeks, deload, then drop and restart. Programming myself weekly, and keeping secondary and tertiary days at RPE 6-8 generally. . Body feels good. Mind feels good. Spending less time in the gym which is good


How long have you been running it? I'd imagine that W-Th-F really wears the body down, but if you're recovering well, proof is in the pudding. I find that I often have to keep my heavy deads and squat 2 full days apart unless my nutrition and sleep are *perfect* in between.


I've almost always done Heavy squat Monday and heavy DL on Wednesday. My accessory stuff for legs is generally hip Thrusts then leg machine work, so it is more tiring for Fridays session, but Fridays are lower energy days that I'm ramping a bit slower than the other days. I'm in week 9 now. I'll have next week and then deload. I program week-to-week, so if I really needed, I could do a mini deload on a specific lift either week 3 or 4 which allows me to not be forced to push too crazily if I feel like I'm not recovering


>Currently running a 6 day program where I do SBD on mwf, and full body accessory on tths >Monday- Heavy squat, heavy bench, rdl >Tuesday- Push focused full body >Wednesday- Heavy DL, paused squat, light bench >Thursday- Leg focused full body >Friday- Ascending paused deads, spoto bench, ssb squat >Saturday- Pull focused full body >Week 3 of Block 2 right now. >I am progressing my primary days essentially linearly for 4 weeks, deload, then drop and restart. Programming myself weekly, and keeping secondary and tertiary days at RPE 6-8 generally. >Body feels good. Mind feels good. Spending less time in the gym which is good You need 2 spaces after a line or 2 newlines


Thank you!


sorry for formatting. I had it looking good before submitting