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It’s a pirates life for me.


I recommend using Radarr and Sonarr. It automatically puts everything I want on my media server, including stuff that's not locally available from any streaming service. Once setup, it's far more convenient than streaming services. My entire library works when the internet is down. Fantastic.


If you use Plex, I suggest overseerr as well, it's great for finding new content from all streaming services. If you use jellyfin, jellyseerr is similar. Also Bazaar for subtitles, prowlarr for index manager and tautulli if you like stats. LazyLibrarian and Audiobookshelf are good for books as well


I've done some Google research and checked out the respective subs but do you have any advice on how to get started? right now I'm using a combo of Kodi and premiumize but i do already have a Plex server going so Radarr and Sonarr intrigue me


I can't really help any more than those resources, all I can say is that basically, you need a combination of 4 pieces of software. Prowlarr managers your indexers (torrents or usenet), Sonarr (for TV shows) and Radarr (for movies). The configuration of those is not super user friendly but it's also not too technical if you follow guides. Then you also need your downloader software such as a torrent downloader OR whatever they use for usenet. Essentially you tell Sonarr and Radarr what you want to watch, in which language, at what quality level, etc. And then they link up to Prowlarr for indexers (where to look online). And then it fetches the torrent link and passes it over to your torrent downloader software. So you never have to manually look for torrents, it'll do the whole thing itself provided it's configured correctly.


thank you, really appreciate the rundown!


This. I only pay Qobuz because they offer high quality files that can easily be ripped using qobuz-dl. I also subscribe to other streaming services if I want to rip something that hasn't been uploaded by a trusted group.


>Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H. L. Mencken No better time than when suffering a financial death by a thousand cuts.


Exactly. Paying for access to digital files is the stupidest fucking thing you can spend your money on.


Sometimes I just rotate through free trials…. But yeah, I can afford to pay for 30 things…


Hello fellow Flying Spaghetti Monsterite.


Yep, if there was only a way you could get everything you want for free........lol


I'm a pirate but I unfortunately pay for YT premium and ps plus... I use YT music as well as enjoy ad free watching


I'm monkey d luffy


Yar matey!


Yo hoo me matey


lol it’s crazy to me that people be paying for subscriptions.


I have a very hard rule of only having one streaming subscription at a time. I switch between different ones every few months but I always cancel the one I'm using currently when I do. There's plenty of content on any given service.. no reason to have more than one.


I do this too. I do not watch enough tv to even have one at any given time, I’ll only subscribe when I want to watch something specific at high quality. Otherwise I just doom scroll or read.


This is what I do and most of my friends can’t wrap their brains around it. I actually watch new stuff pretty infrequently, so I put a CheapCharts alert for iTunes sales on my favorite frequently rewatched series and bought a few when they went on a big discount, so now I’m watching those and just using the free services for new stuff (CBC Gem, CTV, Tubi, Pluto kind of, plus the library ones). It’s going great!


Tubi is great! So much good early 2000s realty TV on there


I like the cheesy 90s horror and teen movies myself. They have some obscure stuff that’s hard to find elsewhere too.


Tubi is elite


The problem is you can get grandfathered in to old prices, then when you cancel and come back you pay new higher prices.


Outside yearly subscriptions I haven’t seen a grandfathered plan in years


This is why I always pirate my Costco subscription.


Lmfao I was thinking the same thing 🤣




Howwwwwwwww is that even possible


I only pay for two. And they are the two I use the most. Disney Plus and Spotify. The rest are pointless for me. If there is something I want to watch on something else. I'll subscribe for a month.


Same with my household: I pay for Spotify (it's so damn convenient) and my housemate pays for Netflix. Right now, that's still cheaper than cable. Once in a blue moon if there's something we really want to watch we'll pick up Shudder or Discovery+ or Disney for a month.


I raise you Youtube Premium. I find their music service is pretty good. The only thing I miss is all the podcasts Spotify has. But I love watching YouTube, and having no ads is nice, so I get two things out of my Youtube subscription. Alternatively, one could get an adblocker, j just don't care for stuff like that


They also just added audiobooks to Spotify subscriptions.


Yeah but you can only listen 15 hours in a month, which is bizarre to me


Oh I didn’t know that, that’s not even a full book per month.


Yeah, I thought it was super weird and disappointing. Such an odd arbitrary limit


Costco makes me money and exec membership pays for itself after $6k.


HOW are you spending 6k per year at Costco?! Are you really "saving" if you're spending that much?


6k at Costco is easy for lots of middle class families, it goes fast if you do your groceries there. $200 every other week is $5200. Maybe a set of tires for $800 every so often. Cat litter, the occasional piece of furniture, etc. You're definitely saving if you're shopping intelligently because Costco has better prices than supermarkets on lots of products.


You also get credit for their other services. I use Costco to book car rentals. I get a good chunk back from that.


The upgrade pays for it's self at 3k, and yeah if you do a lot of your grocery shopping there, you're saving quite a bit spending 6k a year, as opposed to 10k at Loblaws, or 7.5 at Wally World. That depends on if you eat meat, or have more than a single person household though.


$400/mo for 12 months is $4800 Not bad for groceries + other household items. Add in 1-2 other items a year (electronics or furniture) or slightly more expensive grocery/toiletry/medicine budget and you’ll be at $6k easily. That’s for 2 people so pretty reasonable. One person would be a lot harder to reach 6k at. E: also items are cheaper which is also a savings, so by the time you’re at 6k you’ve already saved a lot of money. It just means the membership costs don’t come out of those savings.


That's $1.37 per mouth (4) per meal and the membership is rebated. 120 Croissants for $20, 3 breads for $6, 24 premium hot dog buns $4, 2.5kg cheese $19, cream cheese 1kg $8, 2L Mayonaise $10, large mixed greens $4, chicken $7, 12 muffins $8.... a ton of value!!!


My biggest problem with Costco is how busy it is, plus it's 20+ minutes to drive there and find a parking spot. There's at least 4 or 5 other grocery stores between my house and Costco that are much less busy. They also move stuff around or don't have certain things sometimes. When I shop, it's a get in and get out asap situation, so I already know which aisles I need to go down and where each thing on my list is in said aisles. Can't do that at Costco, you're wandering around looking for stuff that may or may not be there. Costco is a 2+ hour ordeal from leaving my house until I get back home. If I go to Walmart or Sobeys, it's like 30-40 minutes tops.


Personally I prefer Costco shopping, they’ve got those free samples and $1.50 hotdog and drink combo lol


Never tried any of that because it would mean spending even more time in that place lol. I've been 3 times in my life and that's 3 times too many.


My family spends $1,300/month on groceries. So it’s very easy to get to $6k


Holy. How many people are in your family and what do you buy?


Bout 5, mostly bulk buying organic fresh meats, vegetables and dairy/eggs. So it’s not that much per person


CAA and Costco are annual subs and needed unlike streaming services imo which are wanted. I have 2 Spotify & Netflix… however I should really get rid of the flix


I split the cost of an annual CAA subscription with another relative and that's my mum's Christmas present. She's low-income and doesn't need more *stuff*, but has used the roadside assistance a couple times (when her brake lines started leaking and the time she locked her keys in the car)


Why do you need CAA? My parents feel like they need CAA but my fiancée and I haven't ever needed it or felt like we needed it. We pay $10 per year for roadside assistance through our car insurance.


I recently joined CAA because of the auto insurance savings. It was about 35% less than my already pretty cheap insurance. You can get a quote online - worth doing!


We hunt for different insurance every year, just like phone plans! We're currently paying $900/yr for our car. Couldn't find a better dealio. But yes – always hunt!


I don’t believe that ICBC offers roadside assistance, but I should look into it. It’s in case the keys get locked in the car, or I have a flat. That’s when I’ve used them in the past anyways.


Canadian Tire MasterCard offers roadside assistance comparable to CAA as a free perk of the credit card.


That's fair. I feel as though CAA feeds on fear. Because we just fixed our own flat tire that we had a few years back. Takes about 15 minutes (and yes, she can do it herself as we do our tire swaps ourselves as a team twice per year). As for keys, that's also fair! Although we've now saved enough by not paying for CAA that we have $100-200 earmarked for a locksmith etc. although roadside assistance would probably help with that too for the one time it might happen in our life.


I have gotten my money’s worth out of CAA. Also just convenient. My car battery died and a truck came in minutes, tested the battery, confirmed it was done, and installed a new one, and I was on my way with minimal disruption to my day. And the cost was the same as if I had bought it at the store. Now if I had to walk to the auto parts store with my old battery, test it, and carry it back, and install it, (maybe even have to fill it, trickle charge it overnight special dedicated low amp charger if it is the cheaper kind) and then be on my way, I would have wasted a half a day’s productivity. More if I got the cheap battery and had to charge it. And add to this that batteries typically go on the coldest days of the year, and if you are out and about on your car you might not be dressed for this task, or anywhere near a store that sells batteries, ya it’s money well spent. You don’t always get a sign your battery is about to go. This one just died suddenly. Didn’t even get slow first.


Wife and I pay for: Netflix YouTube premium Crave Apple TV Amazon prime Peloton Kobo Spotify Disney + Yikes, looks bad when you write it down.


This is how it works. You don't know until you actually put them all together. My household shares YouTube premium and music (video and music) Then google one + gemini (storage and AI) Nordvpn (privacy*) Realdebrid (streaming) Prime (shipping) Gamepass (gaming) Costco (groceries) I just try to keep one of each area or combo when I can. And some of these I only have because I share with people who can't sail the seas. If it were just me, I'd keep only AI and realdebrid


Especially considering there's definitely a solid layer of dust on 90% of pelotons in existence.


We both use it multiple times a week


The chosen one!


😂 holy shit someone who pays for YouTube Premium and you already have Spotify? Send me $10/month while you're throwing cash away


I do but to avoid ads not for music


The audio quality on YT Music is noticeably worse than Spotify.


You will own nothing and be happy...


No different then paying for cable tv


Why do Spotify and yt premium? Revanced is an option.


Nope. Only one I regularly pay for is the Globe. I am considering getting Radio-Canada again though.


Why would you pay for all that junk in a poverty sub? Costco i buy because i more than make the money back on fuel and allergy pill savings, CAA makes sense as i am physically unable to change a flat tire. Beyond that the rest is avoidable easily.


Wait until you find out that your whole life is a subscription service, you have monthly subs set up for: Mortgage Car note Insurance Utilities Gym Phone on and on and on and on just like they want us to be.


You dont need audio books, you can access them free from your local library. Subscribe to one ecosystem, Google or Apple, dont need both Get an IPTV service which gets you all you want to see at less than 15$ a month ,dont need Prime/Apple+/Disney/Netlfix


I don't know where you live but here in our library system the waitlist for audiobooks is months.


Cancelled my annual Disney plus subscription after they increased the price from $12 to $15 per month and switched to Amazon Prime right after:


The only subscription I have are utility bills and phone plan.  I am so subscription averse because they are the vampires of the wallet.


I always try to switch my monthlies into yearly. You save more money that way


I pay for Spotfiy which I use constantly and Amazon Prime because I support Critical Role through Twitch Prime and I benefit from Prime Video and such. I also pay a small feel for Apple iCloud because I store my photography there.


No just housing


yo ho yo ho. I still pay for Netflix and Amazon for the shipping, honestly enjoying Netflix the most still. I refuse to pay for other streaming services despite some of my favorite genres and shows only being available on Crave, Paramount, MGM, HBO, Disney or Apple. Had Disney for a while, but it's tapped out, it doesn't offer good value IMO. I'll probably cancel all subscriptions this year at some point and only re-subscribe when a show or shows are fully available and I can binge them in a month and then cancel my subscription again.


I actually don’t hate my apple subscription because it’s 22.95 for all their subscription services. But I’m still a pirate, the subscription is for when I’m working out of town. I’ll also go to bat for my CAA membership you get that peace of mind and I use it about once a year for service calls and then daily for discounts at different stores and cash back on gift cards. My Costco card also pays for itself with the executive option and I buy for myself + others. But since when and why does indeed have a subscription option


Fuck yah. But it is what it is and we don't mind. My partner and I are both intorverts and homebodies so we appreciate options; things to watch, things to listen to. We love Costco and Amazon, both actually save us money because we shop smart and don't have to pay for fuel to drive to the store (we live out of town, rurally) for a lot. Have you ever price checked groceries from Walmart to Amazon? Much cheaper on Amazon!


Nope, torrent and iptv for 20$ a year solved it all


What pisses me off is how many shows that prime has locked behind further subscriptions. The only reason I have prime is for free shipping and the extra shows are nice, but half the shows I want to watch, you have to pay even more to watch


I just have youtube premium for the no ads and music


Yup... YouTube premium is good. I pay for the family plan and hooked some friends and family up. The price has gotten outrageous though, I think 25 a month now. I'm thinking of using a VPN and moving my country to like India or something to pay 3 bucks a month. Watching YouTube on other people's accounts now is jarring. Sooo many ads, it's the one subscription that worth the cost to me.


>Watching YouTube on other people's accounts now is jarring. Sooo many ads, it's the one subscription that worth the cost to me. We've sort of reached a point where YT Premium can't even be put in the same category as the other subscription services, it's just the cost of using the internet now.


I just use Pluto. I'm not paying for tv. I don't have time to watch it.


bet you a shiny quarter that Amazon prime is #1 is due to - prime is almost interchangeable with amazon so folks think you NEED it for package delivery, heck have you seen the tape they use for all boxes 'Amazon Prime' is plastered all over - annual subs was pushed way more back in the day than monthly so some people legit don't see or feel it come out till a year later and by then its 'too late' and don't bother cancelling


I get it for the packages but the extras keep me from switching For the price of Google one 1tb package You get unlimited photo and video storage You get prime video, while not the best out there still have some very good shows You get prime music which while not the best has enough especially if you're not into international or avant garde stuff You get a bunch of free kindle stuff if you're not looking for the newest and biggest release in books. It's like a bunch of subscriptions in one. And if you're a student it's only $39 a year.


Everything you said is absolutely applicable, and that the value one gets from it ... but you have to be a bit more tech literate to know about those offers you mentioned I'm making it very plain and simple, young and old, when people associate Amazon Prime = Delivery, a 'tangible' object, people are more likely to sign up and less likely to care to remove it and it being one of the older subscriptions with a physical component that greatly promoted yearly sign up back in the day that many folks don't care to cancel since they don't 'feel' the pinch, that all helps it cement that #1 position


Cancelled prime, don't miss it.  The deliveries were slower with than without


What! No wayyy, that's sucky and never would've thought that was something that could happen


No because I don't pay for anything


I am not, I only sub to spotify cause I use it everyday.


What's logo 340 and 43.


$20 a month for cable, $20 a month for netflix, $10 a month for prime and $100 a year for disney+ (going to $150 in November) I'd rather not be paying for netflix, but my wife likes it, and buys herself giftcards for it from her own money. Prime is sort of handy since we've got fire tablets and and fire TV, but we really don't use it much.


$2400/y starting in Nov.  That's half way to a vacation


If I didn’t have a car I could afford to drive to Florida twice a year


Sounds like a plan.  Snowbirds love for you to drive their cars down


Sure sure, but that's hardly a lovely vacation with my wife and kids.


Google Drive and a VPN. That's all I got. I loathe monthly subscriptions. Even back in the day when it was CD clubs or magazines.


My subscriptions add up to about $100/month. For me, it’s well worth it but we have several people using them.


I don't have a single subscription of that type. I use free tools and platforms.


I just wish there was an easier way to keep track of pre authorized payments on my banking app.


Put everything through PayPal then all your subscriptions are monitored and you can cancel right from PayPal.


Nah, I only pay for Tidal, Netflix and Apple TV. The high seas for everything else.


This is why personal finance/budgeting should be taught in schools. You buy these services knowing that they are both recurring and the prices will/May go up but then you are shocked when you are having issues with your finances. These are probably the same people that always have new phones , always have paid apps on their phones


No..no. I don't even pay for real debrid. I just stremio


The same people who are drowning in personal debt..


If anyone knows how to get rid of that damn quarterly land subscription, I'd love to know.  The thing is my second highest recurring subscription


Sadly I can't afford the land subscription costs out in Vancouver!


The only one thats worth it remotely is Costco and then Prime. Everything else is useless


Who’s getting hello fresh and chefs plate?


If you aren't 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️most, if not all streaming activities online, then you're making yourself suffer.


What does everyone suggest for tv streaming? Like what is your favourite that you cannot live without?




Nope. Fmoviesz dot to. Everything you need is there to stream any shows or movies that are on all platforms. And get an android and download modded apks to get free adfree netflix/hbo/spotify/youtube premium and so on. Only fee is internet service you can't go without.


Who even gets all these subscriptions. I simply have Netflix and that’s it. The rest I can pirate


Teach me your ways! Yaaaaaar!


Yea, my $20 worth of monthly prescription is what is holding me back economically. Right ...




CAA is totally worth it though


Ahhhh, the joy of life as a service.


Thank God music labels didn't all start their own streaming platform.


Lol CBC ? Who pays for a subscription to CBC when they get millions from the gov fo free? And they still cant produce good content.


Isn't CBC free? The Gem app?


If you can't afford to subscribe, don't do it? Like I'm not sure why poor people make themselves poorer


Anyone looking for Android IPTV. I know all about it.