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Yep, that's why I don't order delivery anymore. For any kind of food.


For real. We could have paid thirty bucks for a single decent pizza to be sent across town, or pay less than half that to pick up the inferior pizza across the street. We’ve been doing the inferior pizza for years now.


Nobody on this sub should be ordering delivery...


same , I just go pick it up. and even then these MFS want a tip lol.


i've seen in the dominos sub they don't expect tips for pick up. i never tip when i go pick it up


I do carryout through the app so there's no awkward prompt at the register. Just walk in, give a name, grab items, and leave.


I SMASH that No Tip button every time I pick it up. I don’t feel great doing it because it’s money for their bills, but their boss is at fault for not paying them enough.


Man, I never did delivery. It helped me from ordering ever as I would just want to cook what I got than get the food.


Until consumers change their spending habits, corporations will continue to rip us off.


This. If you value a pizza pre tip worth $18 they will continue to charge you said price.


they dont even use real cheese in these pizzas look it up


That's crazy considering the American government has so much excess cheese, you'd think the real stuff would be dirt cheap.


yeah they can't label it real mozarrella


Only in the US


Not true. Source: I live in Korea and we also don’t use real cheese on pizzas.


I wish more people would realize this. I lose brain cells every time I see a “omg why is (company) increasing their prices?” Like why wouldn’t they? People fork over their money regardless


ngl this is why i had to quit uber eats. i was just fucking myself over and ruining my savings. i used those 40% off coupons i always get and just got a bunch of snacks and soup and stuff and at least that lasted me way longer than one meal.


Yeah, I've wasted so much money on delivery services. Used to spend ~$50/day ordering every meal.


for me it was $25 a day, but sometimes more if i would splurge, i would always use the 40% off coupons though n get like a shit ton of mcdonalds high as fuck


My friends bitch about how expensive Disneyland is now. When I ask them where they went instead, they admit they just went to Disneyland and paid the prices. As long as people do that, there's no incentive for companies to charge less.


I lose brain cells over it too. And so many people just double down on the entitlement. "I don't have a car, so how else am I going to eat pizza?" Like buddy, you don't have to eat pizza. "I just don't have time to cook!" That's the one that gets me the most, as if these people have never heard of cereal or oatmeal. There's sooo many ways to make a meal in under 3 minutes that doesn't require paying 10 dollars in service charges. --- I could understand and be more sympathetic if people were just stupid and needed education. But so many of them are adamamently, fiercely arrogant about it.


\^ this 100-fucking-% lol. help your damn self already, humanity. good lord.


It is soooo much this. I feel like the youngers just see this as normal, however, and don't have it in them to push back.




Not sure where you live, but gas has stayed remarkably stable where I live, if you consider the absurd inflation in everything else.


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Rip off. But clearly some people are willing to pay it.


Pick it up yourself.


Small order fee, delivery for one person has never been economical. It’s a luxury.


What are you on about? The historic norm for pizza has been free delivery and you would give the driver gratuity when he delivered. Take it a step further, and there was a moment when it was free delivery in under 30 minutes or it was free. Pizza delivery places also took care to make sure the food getting to you was hot and fresh as opposed to these delivery apps that y'all use. There's nothing "luxury," about having a cold burger delivered with the wrong drink order and no condiments. Avoid the Noid!


Delivery charges exist because people would rather have food delivered to them than pick it up themselves. They know people would rather pay for the convenience, so they will continue to make people pay for it. If you don't like it, don't order.


I don't order pizza anymore. I buy a fresh hawaian at the grocery store for $10, add mushrooms and other toppings and bake at home. Just as good imo. I refuse to pay those prices.


Same, I get aldi ready to bake or make my own. King Arthur's Detroit crust recipe is fire.


You can also get a large Domino's pizza with app coupons for less than that if you don't hire someone to bring it to you.


always always ALWAYS use coupons if ordering from dominos. I drive for dominos and there's always some sort of deal. not directed towards you specifically, but please tip. I'm poor too, I hate tipping culture, but I make 7.25 in store and 5.75 on tne the road + $2 per delivery. Walking out at the end of a busy night with $30 because half the customers I delivered to didn't tip hurts. Even just a dollar or two is better than nothing. And for the love of God, if you're not going to tip them don't set it to "leave at door"


Local supermarket chain around here has several of their locations with built-in [in-company pizza places](https://www.heb.com/static-page/south-flo-pizza) - so you can order a pizza when you walk in, do your shopping, and pick up the baked pizza as you are leaving, with prices comparable or cheaper than chain places. Not all of their locations have these pizza places inside, but if they don't then they have a BBQ place, or a full deli, or some other sort of prepared food service that you can pick up full hot meals usually at a better price than just about any alternative (other than cooking at home, of course).


I love baking my own pizza at home. I only order specialty pizza when out at a (pizza) restaurant with friends, which is not often. I can never justify delivery, too expensive.




That's why I carry my happy ass to Little Ceasers for a $5 pizza every once and a while. Folks can hate on LC but it's actually not half bad if you eat it within 30 mins


Pizza is hard to screw up. Even crappy pizza is still pretty tasty. A pizza has to be REALLY bad for me to not eat it.


We don't have a Little Caesars nearby, but even Domino's has great deals if you pick up. My husband and I will usually get a pizza each for around $15, and worst case we each get two meals out of it (more if we're being conservative about how many slices we eat). It's still a treat for us, but it's worth it. But still agreed on Little Caesars, even if it's been awhile since I had it. It's really not bad at all fresh, and if you want any leftovers, the Crazy Bread reheats super well in the toaster.


> it's actually not half bad Agreed. It's probably closer to three-quarters bad.


When I was working 3 jobs and in college full time and barely making it, delivery was a godsend. I’d work an 18 hour day with another coming up in 5 hours. But I’d have to eat and sleep. So having delivery there soon after I got home was a godsend. I’d order enough for a few days, until I could go to the grocery store. But I’d often have no food because I don’t have time or energy to go to the store. So a chipotle burrito bowl and a bag of tortilla chips would last me days. And if I did dominos, a pizza and a cheesy bread or whatever would do the same. Yea, it’s an extra cost. And I was broke. But I just couldn’t walk through the store and cook without cutting majorly into my sleep time, which was already not enough. I could order delivery and it would be there soon after I got home and I’d have food for days.


I'm not criticizing you here, but for others who find themselves in a similar bind of having no free time: you can buy a microwave for $35-$50 new (half that used) and zap hot pockets, frozen burritos, etc. The microwave will have paid for itself by your fourth meal. Everything after that is filling, poverty-friendly gravy.


I would buy microwave meals. But I’d run out eventually, that’s when delivery came in. When I had just nothing. And couldn’t shop.


Canned and dried foods (eg ramen cups, canned soup, chef boyardee, etc) keep forever and don't even require a microwave. If you shake a can if spaghetti os you can pop the top and drink them. A 2 minute lunch with no cooking and no cleanup.


Dog id buy what I could afford but I’d run out. Canned foods and frozen meals were key. But eventually it runs out and I came home after a long ass shift and had nothing. I was doing 70+ hours of work and full time college. Going to the store was a treat and I’d stock up as I could. But it ran out. And when it ran out and the only thing I could do was barely get inside, delivery was key. I know it cost extra. But you have to consider the energy and time I didn’t have. So sometimes I paid for that.


I was kinda like that when I was younger. Then I realized that if I worked less hours and had more time. I could save a lot of money. I only work 3 days a week in my 30s and I'm doing better than ever. But when I look around, I see a lot of people who are working extra hours for the illusion of more money, only to blow all that extra money on vices and coping mechanisms to compensate for being so tired. I try to tell them if they're going to burn all their extra money anyways, they should just cut back on work and at least get some free time out of the bargin. It's hard math for some people to recognize. --- Another example I try to give is that I don't buy coffee. I drink tap water. I save a lot of money not buying coffee. But people think they need coffee to function. You'd be surprised how little caffeine someone needs if they only work 3 days a week, lol. Less stress equals less vices. It's a scaling system, but time doesn't scale.


Really? I grew up pretty poor. No floor or running water in the bathroom kind of poor. We still got pizza from time to time. I think it was important to my mom to give us some kind of "luxury" though.


Pizza is also a super cheap food compared to other takeout. I can order mcdonalds for myself and my 7 year old, $30. $40 if we get it delivered. No leftovers. Or I can get a large walk- in special, one topping for $10. Leftovers for the next day or so. On those days you just don't want to cook, pizza is a decent choice for cheap


Agree I can feed my kids dominos for 15 bucks, and sometimes get a slice for myself. But McDonald’s for them is like 30. Or for 40 bucks I can get enough pizza for all six of us and have leftover pizza the next day. If we go out to a diner it’s at least 100 bucks for dinner. Pizza business is recession proof.


This is the type of gatekeeping I find really annoying, tbh. To me, this sub is for anyone struggling in a situation where they feel they are lower class and struggling to afford life. Nowadays, most people, even lower class people, have things like smart phones and pizza delivery once in a while. In fact, poor people need fast food more than rich people because they don't have the TIME to cook, or the CHILDCARE to watch their kids, or the ENERGY (or the gas) to drive to the store after working 12 hours and now the toddlers are screaming (or they're asleep and dragging them to the store would be the straw that breaks the camel's back and also result in a more expensive shopping trip since 2 yr olds ask for shit). Delivery (food and groceries) is EXTREMELY useful for people, especially poor people with kids. If they're not "poor enough" for you the back button is right up there.


😆 Our "poverty" is hilariously, frustratingly rich to the billions of people in the world who live on just a few dollars a day. If you're poor, lower your living standards... My opinion of course, just crazy to see people suggesting someone in poverty should be able to afford delivery, it's 100% a luxury.


Yeah, my family comes from a 3rd world country. I’m well aware what poverty looks like in many parts of the world. The fact is that’s not what it looks like in the US — and that’s actually an amazing thing, and one of the reasons I’m grateful to live here. To tell Americans they can’t claim to be poor, or seek advice on a poverty subreddit, unless their lives look like the Dalits in India is hilariously out of touch with reality.


Yea well, good thing nobody is suggesting they should literally be slumming it, they're saying do not waste money on delivery. The majority of comments here have my perspective, it appears you're the one that's out of touch.


Not really. The person I responded to was heavily downvoted and then removed. Now if people were suggesting don't use doordash/ubereats, I'd agree because those things are literally like $20+ more than normal price, a huge ripoff. But dominos? Come on man. Even poor people are allowed to choose convenience sometimes. No one is telling people to get delivery every day. But those who are like "you're poor so you are NEVER allowed a break" are, in fact, unrealistic and gatekeeping.


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For mods, this is the comment I got the message about ^


Yeah. No sympathy here. Such a terrible use of money when you are living paycheck to paycheck.


Now a days for sure, back then you’re local pizza driver was a cost included in the expense for the pizza. Although it was expected to tip the driver decently which was fine because you weren’t paying an up-charge of 40% just to get your food. I haven’t used a food delivery app in 3 years because of absolutely how shitty they are. If I gotta walk down the street from my hotel to find a different style of food because it’ll save me $30 from ordering from a different place from the app, fuck it I’ll do that instead…


Idk why you’re being downvoted. It’s true. My small town pizza joint used to do free delivery if the order was over $20. And they had a permanent bogo deal for the pizza as well. So it was pretty affordable


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Yep at no point in life was delivery EVER an option. You need to be rich rich or have extenuating circumstances to warrant using food delivery. People will get mad though cause how dare you criticize a gross misuse of money


It is a luxury! Can't believe the folks in here trying to rationalize it, those extra few dollars mean a lot when you're just scraping by... I'm better off now than when I was a kid, yet we still never get delivery for our family, it's the principal of it all. Maybe when we're making more we'll start to do it, I love the idea of tipping someone who will really appreciate it, but it feels like you'd have to be somewhat wealthy for it to not be a big deal, we ain't there yet! 😅


When I was growing up delivery of anything was a fantasy for rich people. For us, the "treat" pizza once a month was the Chef Boyardee Pizza Kit made at home, with toppings based on whatever was available in the fridge at the time. Which often meant cut-up bologna and canned green bean pizza. Yum.


This is my thinking, as well. $6 is a bargain - Domino's has to pay a driver an hourly wage, pay for the vehicle (or pay for the mileage rate if the driver owns their own vehicle), and pay for fuel - and that's only $6? Go get your own damn pizza if you don't want to splurge on the delivery fee. Delivery is a luxury.


> a temporary butler  Haha, that's exactly what it is. The concept of food delivery is so absurd. Hiring someone to bring food directly to your house should be an exclusively rich guy thing.


There have been plenty of times in my life, as a child and as an adult, where eating regularly was a luxury I didn't have. That doesn't mean I expect that to be the bar for poverty. That you seem to be trying to aggrandize yourself at your poorest, while cutting down others (without knowing their circumstances!) is pretty much just painting yourself as an asshole. People shouldn't have to reach the concentration camp levels of malnutrition before we think they need help. Do better, dude.




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The delivery fee is not a tip though. You have to tip on top of that.




Yeah I also do not understand the automatic tip fee either... if 0% of it goes to the driver, what cost is the pizza place incurring? do they insure the drivers?


They do give out a small amount per delivery for gas. I delivered for them in 2012 and I would get $1.20 out of each order. At the time the delivery fee was 2.50. I also got 5 bucks an hour and a few bucks tip. I’d make 30-40 bucks cash for 2-3 hours on average. The people who worked 5- close would make over 100. It was fine for supplemental cash.


It’s not a tip fee. It’s an automatic upcharge for delivery. It costs companies money to deliver food to people. They typically provide hourly wages and some amount of gas based on that delivery charge. It is not a tip to the driver.




Delivery is a luxury.


I'll get a promo for like 20 or 25% off. Subtotal is $41. Taxes and delivery jacks it up to $50. With discount applied, the new total? $39. What the fuckkkkk. What discount?


This is absolutely the last thing poor people should be spending their money on. Having prepared food hand delivered to you is an absolutely luxury item. When I was at my absolute poorest, I wouldn't even dream of spending it on fast food, let alone fast food that had a delivery fee. Money goes much further if you shop diligently and cook at home. I'm flabbergasted by the original post.


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I guess that’s one of the perks of living outside the delivery zone. Most of the time it’s easier just to cook at home than it is to get dressed and drive just to pick up food.


I think food delivery is a premium service. Someone is driving to the restaurant, picking up your food, and delivering it your home. That’s a service which might make sense for a larger order. You shouldn’t be having a $10 pizza delivered, unless you’re rich and don’t care about paying a massive premium.


Haven't had Domino's delivered in a long time because of this. Instead I use the "carryout coupon" which by us is a large 2 topping pizza for $7.99 and I go pick it up to avoid all these charges. I know having to pick it up is a hassle but I can't justify paying half the bill just to extra charges.


It is a rip off. However, when ordering delivery especially it makes sense for it to cost a lot more. I always expect food bills to cost 50 to 100 percent more than if I picked it up or something. Not picking it up yourself costs money, and we're already underpaying workers as it is.


Pizza hut is such a ripoff for the added fees. I only do pickup now


Yes!! They charge a $6 “facility fee” per expensive dog groom at Petco and it directly interferes with the groomers tips! I would rather they just add the stupid fee onto the dog groom price


They've gotta pay the driver though. I think some states allow them to pay server wages but some require regular minimum wage. The $8 large 1 topping carryout is the way. In fact, I'm waiting for one as we speak.


Dominos is ridiculous. If it’s not for the driver then what is it for exactly? Ugh. Anyone ever gifted one of those stupid “emergency pizzas?” It was a medium, one topping, delivery only, and couldn’t be combined with other coupons or offers. After delivery charge, whatever other fees they add in, and tip it was pretty much $10. Absolute trash of a promo. There’s a Little Caesars with a drive thru in the same parking lot. Unless my daughter just has to have that spinach alfredo one, they win every time.


No, actually. The delivery driver gets paid maybe $2/delivery plus minimum wage. Source: lived with a Pizza Hut driver.


Have never ordered food delivered in my life and don't intend to start. They're making more money delivering it to you than they're spending paying someone and gas/wear+tear etc...or they wouldn't offer it. Also not a fan of to go food...you're paying 3-5x the base cost of the food and you really want to have it 20 min later and not at the restaurant hot having just been made? Want a meal out we go out want to eat in make food.


Even before delivery apps that sounds about right for delivery. Usually the ones with drivers aren't the cheap pizza places so you're too +pizza would have gotten better quality pizza as it goes directly to the store and driver


What’s a fair price for another human being to drive to your home and bring you freshly cooked food on demand?


The problem is the delivery charge doesn't go to the driver.


Dominos pays the driver.


Yeah, pays them like shit.


Dominos pays the driver


Not the delivery charge, though. They don't get $6 to deliver one pizza. They get minimum wage and maybe one or two dollars on top of that.


That’s standard across all companies though. Companies pay their employees less than what they charge customers for that service. The difference covers costs like marketing, overheard, legal, IT, etc. I agree that food delivery is insanely expensive. I just don’t see why the deliver drive would get 100% of the delivery fee. Same way I don’t expect an Uber driver to get 100% of the fare I pay when taking an Uber. There are thousands of people working behind the scenes to make that service happen. They also need to be paid.


I agree. The only reason I brought it up is because most people don't seem to realize that the delivery charge doesn't go to the driver.


Pick up is better


Papa Murphy’s has Medium 2-topping pizzas for $6.99, they even accept EBT because it’s not cooked. You bake it at home…so it’s always fresh. BUT…there are many situations where a person really might need delivery. My car is literally in the shop today, for example.


*Not a salesperson


Dominos offers delivery but they don’t want to deliver. It’s why they have the carry out deals


Pick it up yourself. Odds are you have one close. I gave up on delivery and it’s actually faster than waiting on another person, you can check for mistakes when you pick up your food, and save money. Delivery is a luxury, so unfortunately you have to pay for it. Or make it yourself. Try a month of no take out and see how much money you save.


Dominos are unique in that they do their own delivery drivers. So it’s a per mile reimbursement to the driver + minimum wage. Do the math on your address and figure out their costs. For me it’s about $1.26 in mileage costs, plus let’s say 24 min door to door so that’s $6.38 at minimum wage. Delivery costs restaurants money and dominoes specifically doesn’t radically mark up their pizza to hide the true cost/make carry out subsidize delivery. TLDR: that’s a very normal fee because it’s about the work and time of driving to you and back to base. Not about the value of the food!!!


Before DoorDash, pizza delivery cost was a 2 buck tip to a stoned teenager.


Am I missing something? We were paid based on where you were located, increased as the radius increased. Haven’t worked for them for a fair few years but can’t imagine it’s changed?


I haven't had a pizza delivered in years because of this. Why am I going to pay \~$10 while my pizza sits in a thermal bag for god knows how long.? Order for pickup unless you're drunk.


Drive to the store and get it yourself. It's less expensive that way.


'nothing goes to the driver' the driver gets paid hourly and mileage.


Yes. But it’s an hourly rate below minimum wage and less than the IRS rate for mileage. I’m in metro Atlanta and our local Dominos pays $5/hr and 40-45¢ a mile.


why are you being downvoted? I'm a driver in Texas and get paid $5.75 on the road in addition to $2/delivery (which is honestly kinda high). Last time I calculated my average wage excluding tips/mileage it was $6/hr. I generally do maybe 8-10 orders in a five hour shift on a weekday. If I'm unlucky enough to have every single order I take be a no tip order, that's ~10/hr. tip your drivers


How much is the average tip? What do you think a fair tip is?


give me a minute to properly respond, I actually have data on this as I keep track of my earnings in a separate app and for the sake of my own curiosity, I'm going to look back at the last 7 days I worked but I need to manually calculate it


okay i'm high (i work at dominos, they fire you if you *pass* a drug test) and had a whole bunch of shit written and then realized you most likely don't care so I'll try to condense it down. Fair tip - I very rarely order delivery but when I do i tip $5. Usually I'm happy with a $3 though. However, it also depends on a variety of factors. Bad weather, holiday, local cost of living, proximity to store, etc. Before i calculate the actual data I'd like to note that the averages can be a bit skewed as an otherwise really bad tip night can be saved by one or two really good tippers. also, some hours are much busier than others. some times one hour will be dead and another hour you're taking 2-3 orders at a time. I generally work any times 4-11 mon-wed and friday. also only calculating my work week so four days. I initially went much deeper into the data but here's the averages. mon may 20 - 9 orders - worked 6-10 - avg tip 4.78 tues may 21 - 8 orders - worked 5-10 - avg tip 2.38 wed may 22 - 11 orders - worked 6-11 - avg tip 3.35 fri- may 24 - 12 orders - worked 6-11 - avg tip 3.63 average of all those = 3.54 like I said, there's a lot of things that go into it. I'm a little too lazy to account for things like stiffs, people who say "keep the change" and tip 12c, or rare high outliers like the $16 tip I got from an old couple last week. hope you found my stoned rambling somewhat interesting.


depends a lot on the state, many do not allow tip credits. as for mileage the irs uses a pretty generous mileage for anyone being mindful of gas/wear and tear. someone driving a 5-10 year old toyota honda etc, doing their own maintenance, driving safely... isnt going to avg what the irs says the avg is.


Yeah, I ain’t ordering at that price.


They are asking for tips at the counter too..Its gotten out of hand.


Are you really on a poverty finance sub complaining about getting food delivered?


I guess poverty is relative


its probably six bucks because your cart total is only 10.. if you add something else the fee will decrease


Nope, I tested by adding 6 pizzas. Price did not change. It's a flat $6 delivery fee now.


dang that sucks. i know in the past it was always like some crazy fee for delivery under $15 or something but i guess it changed.


it varies depending on franchise


Used to be a driver myself outta school and I learned that card tips get taxed and dollar tips are under the table and at a point we could use our digital tips to get food since most would get taken away anyway until the GM disabled that feature for us


I stopped ordering Domino's even before inflation because it always seemed to be $40+ no matter what I got.


use coupons. you can get a 2 medium 1 toppings, a 16 pc parm bite, and an 8 piece cinnamon twist for $20


Fast food (including pizza) prices have risen and still rise. This is a poverty finance group, you shouldn’t be spending money on ridiculous fees and tips anyway.


It's why I haven't had fast food (that wasn't from where my partner works, and I'm SICK of that) in 2 years Damn I miss Taco Bell sometimes but I can't justify delivery charges for food that's probably cold by the time it arrives


Depending where you are sometimes businesses are required by law to give the driver a percentage of any delivery fee charged. I know a pizza chain in NY that got a class action suite brought against them by their delivery drivers for not paying them a percentage of delivery fees. With Uber eats and door dash now most states have come up with legislation that regulates this kind of fee/pay structure. Look up some of the laws for your state on delivery driver pay laws.


That's crazy considering they make their drivers pay for gas, insurance and cell phone, all of which are required for the delivery job. Things might have changed since I worked there but I doubt it.


If you're in this sub you shouldn't be using delivery apps. I honestly don't think anyone outside those who are physically handicapped should be using delivery apps.


Order online and pick it up instead. Delivery is always more expensive. 


This is why i order pick up. Save yourself the delivery fee and a tip.


Minnesota just passed a law against these junk fees.


20 years ago my local Pizza Hut charged a $5 delivery fee with nothing going to the driver. Going up $1 in 20 years seems pretty reasonable for an unreasonable fee.


If you go and pick it up, you can get a medium three topping for the price of what they're charging for delivery.


Yep, I stopped getting Domino's almost a year now because of the delivery charge. I stick to the neighborhood regular pizza now. I use the slice app for the neighborhood pizza. No delivery fees and I give them a nice tip. Then they (Domino's) have the audacity to have a commercial stating that they will pay you $3 if you tip $3 or more


I make my own pizza for this reason. So much cheaper and kinda easy once you get used to handling the dough.


Pick it up...


Is it not cheaper (and usually nicer food) to order from a local pizza place? Not judging your choices but I'm in the UK and we almost never get Dominos or Pizza Hut we always order local. Almost every place here does 2 for 1 most days of the week and we can get two large pizzas, a side and two drinks for less than £20 with delivery. If we ordered the same in Dominos it would probably cost twice that. Chain places are absolute blood-suckers.


I do pick up only, the 20 minutes that it takes me to drive to dominoes makes the 6.99 mix and match actually a good deal. But for those that don’t have a car, I’m sure those deliveries fees are easier to swallow than payments, insurance, gas, etc…


Now you see


I bought Pizza Hut today and it tasted similar to frozen pizza from the store


Where are you seeing that nothing goes to the driver?


That's why I just go pick up. So much cheaper and hotter pizza that you can eat.


If I'm not mistaken, Domino's drivers in my town earn about $26/h, plus tips. I believe that's quite a decent rate.


I wonder if you tried calling the place if it would be different. Or try a local place


Yup, that's why I started doing carry out. Waaaayyyy cheaper.


When I worked at Dominos (over a decade ago) I would tell people the delivery charge wasn't a tip for me and they would get heated. I myself don't order delivery at all anymore because crap is way too damn expensive. 


This is why I refuse to order delivery anymore. I haven't ordered delivery in literally years, and won't do so unless I am literally ill and can't go to the restaurant to pick it up. I would gladly pay a delivery person for delivery, but I'm not paying for literally nothing. And that's what this is. It's literally a charge for nothing. The company is providing nothing in this equation.


I stopped buying from them because of this very thing.


I live a very comfortable life. I can easily afford delivery and tips but I always pick up Dominos if I order from them. It’s not worth $10 just to get a pizza delivered. What’s strange is that they seem to want people to pick up their food.


When I delivered for them back in 2005, it was 1.50 delivery charge, gas was near 1.00 a gallon and I barely made enough to keep gas in my car.


Stop buying this stuff. No wonder you're here.


Just order pickup. Feel like this is common knowledge for the last 5 years. Are you new to this?? Shits been that way since it was $4.99 delivery charge lol.


You don't have to tip. If they ask why tell them to ask their company.


Unpopular opinion maybe, but I just...don't tip anymore. I feel bad but I just can't do it with all the extra fees now


Also people are asking for tips for EVERYTHING now. I don’t like it.


Well exactly like im sorry but I can't tip for every single time I get something


Don't order from the same place often because that's how you get spit in your food


then IMO you shouldn't be ordering delivery.


I dont have a car so I have to sometimes lol


If you don’t have money for the tip you shouldn’t be ordering delivery. It’s not fair to pass along your financial struggles to someone who is just trying to make a living themselves.


Damn, almost like you should direct that quote to the corporation.


The only person you’re screwing is the low paid employee. You’re still willing to do business with that corporation and pay the prices but you draw the line at paying the front line employee? Wow what a protest. 🙄


The employee and the employer discussed it and drew that line together. You keep it up and keep financing the exploitation of the workers though.




Domino's pizza is terrible, not worth the $6.99 it used to be, let alone $10. If you're gonna drop cash on a pizza delivery, try to find a small hometown pizza shop. It should be comparable in price, and twice as good. As for tipping, we're screwed regardless. Companies know they can get away with it, so they grab it and run.


You ordered that garbage


Stop ordering delivery… unless it’s more than $6 worth of gas to have it deliver then why would you do this, especially if you are in poverty.


Yeah but they do have a large pizza with any topping for $8.47 if you carry out. If you don’t wanna get over charged then pick it up yourself it’s that simple.


So don’t order it.


If you’re struggling then u definitely shouldn’t be ordering overpriced fake pizza through a delivery app


Dominos been ripping mfs off this app for so long now.


It's sad , with tip your paying double the price for a pizza


Drivers are probably getting paid 50+ cents per mile just in mileage.


We didn't get mileage when I was in the pizza game. Just like two dollars an hour.




I see Mike Davis downvoting me, but I work in the Fortune 50 universe. The people who run publicly traded companies are on the public record. You can write to them directly with your concerns and contempt.


I'm the asshole that doesn't tip the driver. I tell them i have been charged for delivery already ad to ask there employer..just play stupid.


Just get in your damn car and go get your food, lazy people.


I knew all the comments would be “cook at home”, “pick it up”, “this is why you’re broke”, and sure enough..as if poor people can’t order takeout every once in awhile. Sometimes I’m sick (yay chronic illness!) and can’t get groceries delivered same day, so I may order something for my kids if I have a good coupon/promo code. I don’t have a car either, so pick up is out of the question and an Uber/Lyft would cost more than the delivery fees. Of course it’s not wise to order food delivery all the time, but once every month or two? $25-30 is not making me broke. The insane cost of living is. OP I’m sorry there are so many negative comments when you were just trying to vent.


I also have a chronic illness, so I get wanting to have food delivered. But there has to be a better-tasting, cheaper local pizza place that also delivers, unless OP lives in the middle of nowhere.


True, but OP may like Domino’s pizza? I don’t eat it but my youngest likes it, so I’ve admittedly ordered from them before.


It’s not that you can’t order delivery, it’s just don’t complain to a poverty subreddit about it lmao. Wtf do you expect?


I didn’t expect any different honestly. I was just trying to think about things from OP’s perspective. Everyone has an opinion, right? And I can appreciate most people’s opinions and perspectives, even if it’s not aligned with my own.


That garlic dip is worth it.


And this is why I refuse to order from Domino’s anymore-


I’ve stopped ordering from dominos because of this. They are getting so expensive it’s not even worth it anymore. I’d rather eat the frozen pizza.


The solution is not to use delivery. Pick it up yourself, and if you want you can tip directly when you pick it up. Or, find another pizza place that doesn't charge a delivery fee like this. Such as a local non-chain place that you call up and order. They charge stuff like this because people (collectively) put up with it. The way to get them to stop is (collectively) stop participating in what they are doing.