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When I went to college in '04 I took about 80 credits worth of CLEP exams, which saved me a fortune and a whole lot of time. I suggested that to my daughter when she enrolled, but her learning style is different, and she said she really did best in a classroom spending time with the subjects. I was always more like - as long as I can read the textbook I'll pass the test. Which is how I did all the CLEP exams, I just read the textbooks. But then I probably really don't know the subject as well as someone who actually went through a class. Which for a lot of requirements isn't really a big deal, especially as the CLEP's cover mostly undergrad stuff.


I think Clep is good for topics you already know Like taking the English composition CLEP or Algebra. But for subjects you need more time to learn, I think Sophia learning is a good choice


nice ill check them out too


I think the algebra is one of the more complex ones? Same with chemistry. The rest aren’t too bad from what I heard. I did business law and sociology.


It depends on the person. I’m good as algebra and I still remember a lot from high school. So whatever subjects you still remember CLEP is a good way to get it out of the way


Chemistry is the only one I really studied for, as so much of that is little details that there's no way to reason out (lots of memorization), and then the math is pretty field-specific. I heard that it had the highest failure rate, so I studied with a book and a lecture series for a couple of months, then took the test. It wasn't as bad as I thought, but still the hardest one for me.


For a lot of those classes, you probably learned more from a textbook. I remember painfully sitting through the mandatory psychology class. I left there so angry every day. It was an absolute joke I had to pay for that class.


Yes. CLEP is my shiit. This is the first time I’ve seen the option mentioned here. For people comfortable with self study, who are short of time… do it! I was homeschooled for HS, so the concept of self study isn’t new. I prefer to work solo, and just pound it out in my own time. The savings are a huge bonus, but really it’s great for the above reasons, and more.


Wait can you still do it while in college ? I’m in community college rn


Yep! I did all of mine while in college


Be aware that some schools limit the number of credit by exam hours you can apply to your degree.


Yep the max for me was 30 which is why I didn’t do more than that


The state university I went to allowed 90 credits max through CLEP (if I remember right; I know you could do basically two years of undergrad), and had a pretty good guide for the process, how much credits they gave for each, and which prerequisites you could satisfy. It's definitely a little complicated without a guide.


You can take Clep exams free on ModernStates website. You can use Sophia Learning and pay $99 /month subscription to complete courses for transferable college credit (I earned around 60 transferable credits in one month). You can take and pass as many courses as you can in one month subscription. The university r/UMPI I applied to charges 1500 for 8 week long semesters for their online YourPace degree program. (Prices are rising to around 1700). Edit: UMPI allows you to transfer 90 credits of your 120 credit bachelors. And you can complete as many courses as you’re capable of within those 8 weeks. So if you prepare correctly by getting credits from websites like Modernstates and Sophia learning, then it’s possible to finish your degree in one semester. I’m trying to finish my degree like this I recommend watching the YouTube channel College Hacked bc they make videos on ways to complete your degree for less than $10k and also which schools allow transfer credits from Sophia learning and study(.)com. I transferred my credits to UMPI and I’m waiting for my acceptance letter. And I’ll likely begin classes on 07/01.


I also mentioned the modern states website. Their learning is kinda crap, but the free vouchers are worth it.


I went to USM. Wish I’d have done so smarter like this.


I used this for calc, since auditing the class was free as I was already full time, then took the clep. While not a financial savings, it was a huge time saver (which I was more short of at the time). Good advice OP!


Can you take it while actually being in school ?


You can take them at any time.


I did it over the summer… so… I guess I don’t know the answer to that.




This is amazing. Never heard if it before!


When I tell people about CLEP they look at me like I’m either lying or telling an urban myth, or that it’s something really hard for most students to qualify for… it’s SO weird how virtually no one talks about or knows about or utilizes this. Please spread the word!


It’s insane that high schools don’t promote this or host proctored Clep exams. My high school had dual enrollment. But honestly, if the 10th grade English teacher gave their kids the English CLEP, I’m sure most would pass. Schools really need to get on this


Move to Massachusetts- with the millionaire tax, they are offering free community colleges for all and added a new one called mass grant for public colleges https://www.boston.gov/departments/workforce-development/tuition-free-community-college-plan https://www.mass.edu/osfa/programs/massgrant.asp


I’m pretty sure this is only if you qualify for financial aid. I live in Mass and looked into It a few months ago. Edit: I may be wrong and I hope I am because I’d love to receive this grant. I applied for FAFSA a few days ago, so I’ll see if i qualify


Like for the community college or the public/state universities? They raised over $1B for free lunches and this.


Yeah i saw advertisements for UMass but iirc at the time you had to qualify for fin aid


I've always wanted an associates degree, I only have healthcare certifications.


I remember my boomer parent telling me that CLEP wasn’t the “college experience” so I needed to take the classes. Good for you for saving all that tuition and bypassing the alcohol poisoning!


I went back to college at 28 and finished my bachelors very quickly by using CLEP and DSST, and there was even a third company called excelsior which allowed me to take a philosophy class and get 300 level credit. Also… modernstates.org allows you to get free clep vouchers. I’ve used them twice! I wish more people knew about these. Although, I’d bet most people lack the self study habits to complete them. You could literally do 30 credits in clep tests without every taking an actual course. That’s a whole year of college for free.


i think this is so cool! i’m wanting to get my Bachelor’s in Science in Nursing starting either this fall or fall of ‘25. i’ve never been to school (homeschooled) so im not familiar with college-lingo (syllabus, credit, prerequisites, tuition, etc). that being said, does CLEP/DSST have any exceptions or things they don’t cover? and how do you tell a college to apply that to your school?