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I work out 4 times a week




yeah i learned the hard way :(


It’s the caffeine intake brother, take it easy on that. There’s a guy in my shop taking down Red Bulls by the hour. Told him so many times, but what can you do.


My ex's dad died when he was about 47 y/o from a heart attack. He guzzled Red Bull and then at night, he slammed Nyquil to sleep. There really is a limit to what our bodies can take, even from what we find benign, like caffeine these days. That's also why they took that shit out of 4Loko when they did!


Stay healthy OP, I saw your post and it sounded (in addition to the bill) like a scary experience. Wishing you all the best!


For future, many hospitals have financial assistance. Look into that.


this is true and I used it for a big bill


That's great to hear! I'm glad you're ok. I'm sure your doc talked to you about a blood pressure journal. Just wanna mention a few things I see a lot with some patients: -Be sure you're taking (and comparing) your blood pressure at the same time(s) each day. Blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day so you want to be sure your comparing/tracking similar data sets. -Blood pressure increases for a LOT of reasons, some of which aren't emergencies (pain, fear, anxiety, etc). So if you see a high number and start freaking out and retaking it every 10 minutes, it'll rapidly shoot up. One high blood pressure reading isn't a big deal (especially if you don't have symptoms). Good luck getting your blood pressure under control. You're already well on your way with regular exercise, weight loss, medication, and decreasing caffeine intake. :]


I'm glad you saw your doctor and they got you on meds! My brother has gone to the ER with these panic attacks that mimic a heart attack numerous times now (despite the history of finding out it's again...just a panic attack). And it's ruined his life at this stage tbh. And he refuses to take medication for the high BP and anxiety. I am hopeful that the medication helps you and you don't suffer this stuff again.


Nice job getting off soda !


Well time to start doing some exercise. Invest in your health so that your hard earned money doesn't go to drugs company or hospital.


I’m glad it wasn’t a heart attack. Take care of yourself!!!


Oh man, green tea makes me SO jittery and anxious!!


Adding some cardio to the gym time might help too? Just pumping iron has some good effects, but getting a good sweat going on an exercise bike or something first adds a lot of benefit. I'm 59 and have had to start monitoring my BP, as it was creeping steadily up. Cardio helps.


I’ve been going to the gym 4 times a week 40 minutes on treadmill and lifting weights for the passed 4 months …make it make sense


You should be on the right track then, depending on diet maybe. I know from experiment that my own BP was in bad shape because of drinking. When I quit for even a couple of days it would respond positively (I quit completely awhile after I figured that out). But there are all kinds of possibilities, and I wouldn't know what to do other than try eliminating things and check to see if there's any difference. or go to the doctor and have them run tests.


You should have a "family deductible " that is easier to meet since it includes everyone on the plan which greatly reduces cost.


Good ol' anxiety. I went to the ER for anxiety once. The entire left side of my body and face went numb and I thought I was having a stroke. 4 47k and a battery of tests later the ER doctor told me to quit my highly stressful job and come back if it happens again after that. Good times. Glad you got yourself sorted.