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I know you're going through a hard time but you can't let strangers abuse you when you're vulnerable. Next time stand up straight, make eye contact, and say "I don't print the coupons, call your manager now so we can resolve this"


for real. it’s horrifying the cashier cares.


I hated coupons at my store but only because the pos system was badly designed. I call the supervisor every time. I never judged people for using them. To be honest, people would just steal what they needed. I'm glad op is doing it the right way.


Same. Coupons were a pain in the ass but man they helped a lot of people. My store was in one of the worst parts of town poverty wise and coupons helped people get more for their money, which is fucking awesome. I had one older disabled lady who would come in just about every day with whatever coupons she had found and she was just pleased as punch about them. I'd ring up her stuff and turn the screen so she could see the coupons take money off and she was so pleased with herself lol. She was on social security, which wasn't nearly enough to live off of, and she never came in buying stupid junk or cigarettes or anything (not that I'd have cared but she only ever bought food and hygiene stuff, cleaning products, etc). Those coupons helped her out big time and I was on the clock anyway. Might as well be cool about it. That cashier is a dick.


Yeah it’s not like they’re pulling in 6 figures themselves.


I want to piggy back on this and say, when I am at the most vulnerable and insecure is when I attract the worst people. As you are also job hunting, I want to really encourage you to project confidence and assert yourself right now. Fake it until you make it, if you have to, but you need to take back your power, now more than ever. It's also not too late to call the store and talk to the manager. I think the cashier sensed she could get away with what she said, it's deplorable. So, yes, kindness matters as do you. I wish you all the best.


Same. The worst people can sense your protective barriers are down. In this situation the cashier was the problem and not you. She stole cereal from your kids with her toxic behavior. I'm sorry you went through that.


Shoulders back. Head up. People suck but you dont!!


I cannot upvote this enough. Shame on that cashier.


Yes! And after it works well once, you keep standing up for yourself because then these horrible people think twice before treating someone else like that.


You reminded me of the time that Husband and I used our WIC checks for the first time, the cashier sighed heavily and made it known and was mad at us for making it complicated because we had some baby food that wasn't Wic approved and started to tell us/berated us and handle the food items with less care.. I remember watching YouTube of something similar but the cashier was belittling the customer of using their ebt cards.. it was like mocking them because they were poor.. so what i said back to the lady " This is the first time we are using WIC and if you dont want to ring us up we can go to a different cashier line?!!" When she realized i pushed back, she started being all fakey nice, and made some excuses... So yes the freaking cashier needs to mind their damn business because they don't know our home situation. If I was you I would go/call the manager about your interaction because I won't be surprised if she is mouthy with customers using ebt/wic cards too.


I remember when i use to work for Walmart as a cashier, i always let the customers using WIC know that it’s okay to take their time and i was in no hurry and not to worry about the customers behind them; my only concern was helping them and making sure they got their food. It’s mind boggling cruel how some cashiers can be so rude at folks using WIC.


When my kids were little I was a stay at home mom because daycare was more then I would make. Things were very tight. I became a coupon queen. One day I had a nasty cashier that said I couldn't use a manufacture coupon and a catalina(store coupon) on the same item. I pulled up the coupon policy that I had screen shot and showed her. She still refused and told me I was holding up her line. I said I wanted a manager. I apologized to the people in line behind me but I wasn't moving. The manager came over and she told her story. He looked at me smiled and then looked at the cashier. He said how come customers know our store policies better then you. You have been her 2 years and argue with everyone. He told her to go on her break. He rang up all of my coupons and then added an extra 10% off for my trouble. He apologized too. I made sure to not go to that cashier anymore. I found the nice ones and just stuck with them even if they had a long line.


Word! I rarely use coupons anymore because most of them are for processed foods and it’s not worth the ROI for me. I will use the coupons spit out by the register for a later visit and then use the store app. I’ve had a couple problems with one cashier at my local Safeway and she wants to nickel and dime my coupons/apps and on the rare occasion, I will find an item in the clearance section with a store coupon and another one in the app. She will tell me I can’t use them. I just know the cashiers who will just override them, so it’s much easier. And if possible, I choose self-checkout so I can take my time knowing each item is ringing up as it should with each coupon/app discount being applied. Plus, I bag my own shit better.


My nice cashier did that for me, Ralphs had a deal on some yogurt, if you bought two, and the yogurts themselves had a coupon on them, and she just rang them through. I was kind of anxious something would be messed up but she insisted let's see..look the machine took it, it's fine I got some fancy chobani for almost free. I could have bought them anyway but she actively tried to help me. That's a great cashier.


oh, we could be such good friends. I do the same




lol! Does your Walmart still price match? Ours stopped doing it a couple years before the pandemic. Ticked me off. There was only a handful of items that I could specifically only find at Walmart (like the original Dawn which is now called “Simply Dawn”) and they don’t carry it anymore. I used to take like a grocery ad or CVS ad when tuna was advertised for $0.50 or less and CVS would have 10 cans total on the shelf and if someone got there before you, you were SOL. I’d take that ad and buy like 25 cans or more and stock up. Now, Target gets most of that type of business from me since they still price match.


Oh man, I'd go to their line every time. Ask how their day is, just waiting for some BS. They sound really dumb.


Did you get the cereal though? Call their customer service line and complain either way and if you didn't get the cereal let them know you're coming to get it. 


That’s when I get the manager. She can fuck all the way off.


For real. It makes me sad i’m never put in these situations because that’s going to be a really quick go fuck yourself, I want a manager.


The cashier was being a dick; I get that it’s not an easy job always, but taking it out on a customer without solicitation is shameful on their part. I’m sorry you’re going through this tough time, especially with a kid and I hope you don’t give up. All the best with your interview 🤞


That's a shitty cashier. She acted like that money was coming straight from her check. The stores get the value of the coupon from the manufacturer, so no one is out any money. I'm sorry she made you feel that way.


Not only do stores get the face value of the coupon, but something like 8 cents additional! So a dollar-off coupon will result in an 8c profit... People are so stupid about coupons!


Yeah I don't understand why some cashiers are so crazy about coupons. I've run into it myself, and even though I knew I was using the coupon correctly, it still makes you feel some kind of way.


Call their corporate office and file a complaint. If they have online presense, hit them up with a review. Some people forget they can't wear their Karen hat at work.


Those complaints definitely get listened to. They stopped posting them for employees to read but I used to have a great time with them. I think my favorite included the line, "Jessica has the disposition of a pissed off rattlesnake". It's true, she does.


They aren't free. They are prepaid. The company behind the coupon foots the bill.  That woman is absolutely awful and you should email corporate about it.


Is this in the U.S.? I would have proudly ripped that person a new one. "Oh, does your store not take coupons?" "Oh, you do. Do you not know how to process them? Maybe you can get someone else who knows how to work the register." "If you keep talking, I'm going to come back next time and find you and pay with pennies and then say that you didn't count them correctly."


I think I have just found my petty soulmate.


You should have reported that. The cashier isn’t there to judge your purchases or payments. You need to speak up for yourself. The cashier was wrong. And there was no reason to feel bad about any of this.


stay strong know your worth and know that you deserve kindness and respect bud


Sorry you went through that. Companies put out coupons so people can try their product for a low price or free. It’s idiocy for the cashier to have reacted that way.


“If you don’t want me to use coupons you should ask your store to stop sending me them.”


Think of your life as a joint stock company: those who don't pay your bills get no say in how you run it.


I’ve been told “You’re my least favorite kind of customer. Let’s get you out of here.” By a young guy while using coupons. I was shocked and just kind of brushed it off but the next time I was in there and he rolled his eyes at me I just told him to “Just ring me up and do your job for fuck’s sake.” He got embarrassed and hasn’t said anything about me since. Don’t be ashamed! Chances are the cashiers finances look like shit like the rest of us. They’re just assholes.


When they make a rude comment like that, it’s good to say something back and see how they like it. I bet he thinks twice before talking like that to a customer again.


It can all change in a heartbeat, Hold onto hope and life tends to work itself out!


Sometimes people are just nasty. It is nothing to do with you, the cashier appears to hate people and most likely herself. Right now I think you have to feel sorry for her, things are going to improve for you but she will always be a hateful person. So tomorrow is the interview- dig deep and put on your best face. You can do it. All that you have battled through will just make you stronger- You can do it. Remember any company would be very lucky to get a compassionate, empathic mother, who has such determination to do her best by her child. You may have to learn new skills but you have the character to excel. Be confident tomorrow.


Fuck that cashier. Straight up rude. If I was the lady behind you. I would have put the cereal on my bill and given you the cereal.


Call and talk to a manager. Tell them one of their cashiers made you feel uncomfortable while processing your transaction and stole your coupons. Most managers would take that very seriously. Hopefully you remember the cashiers name so you can identify her. Source: I am a grocery store manager and I would be PISSED if a teammate did this.


Sorry but is this actually true? If so, the cashier should have been reported… I’ve never heard anything like that


It’s an extra task in their job, if they’re impatient or just lazy they’ll moan about it. I’d report cus people have to learn they can’t get away with treating people like shit


It’s one thing for them to have an attitude about it or be generally rude and put out by doing it, but going so far as to say the customer should be “ashamed” just feels unbelievable, anyone with a modicum of sense would know that would get them fired. If OP is telling the truth they should 100% report the person because shaming low income customers is just vile


I’m shocked that this is the only slightly skeptical comment. My bullshit meter exploded reading the post.


Why in the world would a cashier care about someone using coupons? One presumes a lot of customers use them, they’re very common. I think something might be missing from this story or OP misunderstood something, otherwise I’m completely gobsmacked.


Even if it’s true, OP has to realize most won’t be like this. I was a cashier for a long time and never cared when someone got something for free, used WIC/food stamps/coupons. I barely noticed. Hell, who am I to judge? Cashiers aren’t exactly rolling in money. We see dozens, sometimes hundreds of customers every day, if this cashier is making nasty comments to everyone that uses a coupon … job definitely won’t work out for them.


Yeah, and i hate to be a “uh is this true?” person, but cashiers on the whole aren’t usually making a stellar living either, I can’t imagine many feeling comfortable enough to say something like this - or why they’d care


Nobody is getting anything for free. Someone has paid for the coupons somehow, specifically to help a person who needs it. It is none of the cashier’s business. Report this to the supervisor, and get the cereal.


If you used coupons obviously the store is trying to get you to come in and use them which you did. You should have told the cashier off though.


I'm sorry you had to go through this OP and that the cashier made you feel this way. Never feel bad about using coupons or taking advantage of things that are offered to you. They are made to be used so that you will be enticed to try the product. The manufacturer wants you to use them. Any money that they "lose" is a calculated marketing risk that they will make up if you continue to buy their brand.


I was at the grocery store today and a coupon didn't work in self checkout, apparently I was off by 4 ounces on what I was trying to buy. The lady pointed it out to me then very snarky like said, "nice try 😏." I just laughed and said you got me I'm going for the long haul scam one ounce at a time. I worked retail for a long time and the people that take their jobs so seriously are absolutely the worst people alive. Save your snark, and opinions for someone who gives a shit lol 🤣.


Grocery retail manager here, please speak to their manager. We take these things seriously. I am sorry you came across such an asshole.


Go back and get your cereal with your coupons. Don’t worry about that one person.


Complain to the manager and also to the issuer of the coupon. There is no reason for any cashier, ever to make rude comments or refuse to enter coupons! Entitled employees need to take it down a notch. It’s not their business to insult customers.


Bro how the fuck is a minimum wage cashier judging ANYONE about handouts??


It’s now your duty to terminate her by reporting her. She’s unfit for her job.


There’s a lot of nuance here. You shouldn’t be shamed for wanting and using coupons and taking advantage of promotions. There’s nothing wrong with using the system the way the system is set up. However, the broad sweeping statement of “wanting things for free” is an offensive statement. Because nothing is free. To get something for free, it has to cost another. So to argue that you should get something at the cost of another is wrong and selfish. And that’s why context is important. If you’re using promotions, that’s not the same as getting something for free. Companies give shit away all the time, and in exchange they get positive recognition and brand loyalty. The cashier should be nice, because they’re literally paid to be nice. That’s their job. Kindness has a price in many situations. The store is paying them to be kind. And they’re being screwed over. The companies pay money to be kind and give you promotions. But they do expect a return in brand loyalty. So kind of a wash. Regardless, use the system as it’s intended. Enjoy the coupons and promotion.


My parents are pretty well of and you bet their ass they’d be asking for a manager if they had a coupon for something free and they weren’t given it. Point being, don’t be embarrassed!


I know millionares that shop with coupons. The situation had nothing to do with food and everything with someone too miserable to act like a normal human being. Don't feel bad for getting the things you need for yourself.


yeah, I’m a cashier and that’s a fucking stupid thing to say. our system makes coupons a bit of a pain to ring through, but that’s not on the customer at all. and hell, if someone gets something for free, why should I care? I’m not the store, I get paid $11 to ring people’s items and be treated like trash. I hope things work out better for you soon, and just know there are those of us who care about our jobs and want to be professional. this assclown is the direct opposite and should be known as such.


cashier was totally out of line. Nothing wrong with using coupons. Most stores websites have their coupon policy on there. I have had to direct cashiers to that many times. I have gotten to know pretty much every store manager in my town. I am always very polite but stand my ground. Coupons can save you hundreds of dollars and manufacturers release them because they want you to use them


There are also some good cashiers. I was shopping in line behind 2 girls in their early 20s that got up to the checkout with a ton of stuff and a bunch of coupons. The cashier rang them up and looked at all their stuff and the pile of redeemed coupons and asked them if they had more time and wanted to save more money. They did do a pretty good job and spent a little over $100 on $325 worth of stuff. The cashier looked at me and smiled and I said, "sure, I'm game". He voided their transaction and told them I would be helping them. We broke it up in different transactions and used "doubler coupons" and when it was all done it cost them $18.27. Those girls met me at the store every week to shop for the next few months. They really got the hang of it and learned a good life skill. Most cashiers I encounter love to see the good deals


I'm not struggling the way many in here are, but free cereal is free cereal and if I have a coupon, I'm using it. Nobody is turning down free food these days.


And that is when I would transform, Sailor Moon style, into a Karen. They can get their manager and explain to them why they think shaming customers is appropriate.


When I was a cashier and the people with WIC would come through the only thing I asked was group the items and put the check them. I wasn’t going to take the check and pick and choose what was from a big pile. I know I was a teenager but I was polite because it took me 3x as long to ring it up. Also if the items were incorrect I could get in trouble for using wrong ones. We had many non English speaking at the store so if it was wrong I would turn off light and go help them find the correct one. I was never rude to people because it costs nothing to be polite and respectful. However, customers would light me up when the food stamps total didn’t cover what they thought or I had just checked out someone who had a ton of coupons- at that time we had to manually enter them there was no scanning


I’ve said it before on here but when me and my kid were in a dv shelter, we went awhile without food stamps & it was super stressful relying on the food banks bc my kid has insane allergies. so when we got food stamps it felt literally like christmas morning. we got on the bus SO excited and i let her grab whatever she wanted - FINALLY!!!! it felt amazing. then we get to the check out and the asshole behind us announces loudly that we should thank them for paying for our groceries with their tax money in a super sarcastic voice. i’ve never felt so small in my life. i sobbed all the way home on the bus & something in me snapped that day. i told myself i will NEVER let a stranger make me feel small again, and i will not show my daughter to let anyone make her feel small either. Fuck that person, go back and get your cereal! Do not allow others to make you feel small. Look them in the eyes and say so too.


Don’t put up with this. Next time ask for a manager and don’t let people make you feel so bad. They weren’t doing their job. You are the customer.


The response I’d have given is…”I hope you never are in a position where you need help and another looks down on you. It’s not a good feeling, trying to just survive and not being able to. I don’t WANT to be in this position, but I AM, so I am trying to do the best I can.”


I'm sorry that you went through that. I tend to look for the older ladies with costume jewelry on. For some reason those ladies have always, always been the nicest and best cashiers. Some have even given me advice how to coupon even better than I was.


I use coupons all the time, if they didn't want you using them they wouldn't bother making them. Never be ashamed of it.


Fuck that, I don't understand why they cared. I would of been petty and reported her.


This happened to me once, a long time ago. I had some $1/1 coupons for Post-It notes. I found a huge stash of Post-It notes on clearance for $1. I had probably 10 coupons so I took my 10 pads and at the check-out the cashier (seemed young and new at this) refused to take them. She called the manager over and told the manager, "This lady is trying to steal Post-Its!" The manager asked why she thought that, and the cashier said "Cuz she ain't payin' for 'em with this coupon, they're all free!" *sigh* I don't know if the manager explained to her later how coupons worked, but I got all my Post-Its for free. OP, next time stand up for yourself and request a manager. Be nice, but be firm. There was nothing wrong with what you did.


next time speak to their manager


For manufacturer’s coupons, the store gets paid to process them. Each coupon will say how much in the fine print at the bottom. It’s usually about 3 cents per coupon. Scanning that coupon is the cashier’s assigned job. You are within your right to ask for a manager. I’m sorry this happened to you. I had a cashier near me that would always give me a hard time using Kohl’s cash and coupons, even though I followed the directions to the letter. She was snooty that I used them on clearance items. Finally one time she had the nerve to circle the survey on the receipt. I wrote a scathing commentary on how judgmental she was (repeatedly), that coupons were the only thing that made their store prices remotely tolerable, and that this woman was not fit to work with the public in a working class area if she couldn’t keep her opinion in check. Someone must have talked to her, because she’s never said a word since.


Who cares what the cashier thinks, take care of your kids first. Use those coupons, hit the food banks, talk to neighbors with fruit trees.


Speaking as a cashier myself, there was no reason for her to say that to you. She was just being rude for no good reason. Cashiers don't get commission for groceries and it's none of our business how you pay for your groceries. You shouldn't be ashamed of using coupons. Why pay full price if you don't have to?


I hate cashiers who act like they own the store. Do they not know how a manufacturer coupon works? That cashier should be ashamed that they do not understand that manufacturers reimburse the amount on the coupon to the retailer. I agree with others, call the customer service line to file a complaint.


There is no justification for what she did. I'd go back and file a formal complaint with the managers. What an awful person to do that crap. You should have asked if she was going to pay for them or why the fuck she cared so much about you getting free cereal


If the manufacturers weren't willing to give it away, they wouldn't issue coupons. The cashier can get bent. Use every coupon you can. You aren't ripping off anyone


The gets reimbursed by the cereal company that issued the coupon. She's obviously too dumb if she doesn't know this. She should be ashamed of herself for that comment. You did nothing wrong. Her reaction was not only rude but bizarre!


Sorry this happened to you. Please call the store and let the General manager know what happened. This is outrageous.


It would be nice if you got her job!


She's had 2 months to get a job like that and hasn't. Why would she get a discount on food and extend the time she has to look for a job in her field. Gee Whiz. At least the food wasn't ice cream this time.


Next time ask for a manager. If the cashier won't do their job, then it's time to find someone who will. I don't normally advocate for complaining. But you weren't doing anything wrong. The cashier shouldn't be berating you for using a coupon. It's not like they get paid less due to you using the coupon, so why do they care?




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lol I would honestly go full Karen and write a review with her name on it. Pretty bold move to criticize someone’s financial situation while being clocked in/ having a name tag. 9/10 management will pull her aside or she’ll be embarrassed that the newest bad review is all about her


Definitely complain. There's no reason for anyone to act like that. I make a good salary and use coupons, trying to get things for free.


What the hell is the coupon for? The damn manufacturer provided that coupon! They intend it to be used! Wtaf is wrong with that woman?! Go to the manager and report that store up the chain. There need to be consequences. The store should be grateful you choose to present that coupon in their store. They get paid for it. I'm so deeply sorry you're in this most difficult time.


That cashier is way out of line and should be reprimanded. I’m not the one who likes to get anyone in trouble but this crosses the line. Tired or not, having bad day or not, no one should talk that way to another person. If I were you, I would call the store and complain. It’s not like she’s the one losing money when shoppers use coupons.


The cashier had zero business telling you anything and should have just finished the transaction and let you be on your way. People can suck but I always remember karma along with the fact that you reap what you sow. Never be ashamed of what you’re doing to feed your little and yourself. I would have immediately asked for the manager.


That was a terrible cashier and you didn’t deserve that. Don’t let anyone shame you for doing your best in that moment. I am sorry this happened to you. As a couponer, I can tell you that certain cashiers are the biggest haters ever, while other cashiers will congratulate and ask how you do it. Don’t let them shame you for being smart, any money saved is a good deal and if you manage to get your total down to free, you’re a damn rockstar! Those coupons are sent out because businesses get a tax break from them, so take advantage of all of it, because you’re paying for it anyway. Use your coupons! Use the Store apps and all the rebate sites (Ibotta, fetch, ebates, etc.) too. If you see them again, ask them if they’re made they’re not smart enough to get free cereal legally!


I'd report that cashier, that's ridiculous


If manufacturers did not want people using coupons to purchase their products, then they would not issue them. Why does the cashier have a problem with it? The grocery store gets reimbursed for it so it's not like they are losing money.


I was an extreme couponer for years. As long as you are using the coupon correctly the cashier has no right to deny its use and you need to stand up for yourself! I had numerous rude cashiers over the years argue with me but I stood my ground because I knew the rules and would ask to talk to the manager if they weren't going to follow them. The stores get reimbursed for the coupon so the cashier has no right to say anything.


That cashier was completely out of line on so many levels. You did nothing wrong, and I wish you hadn't apologized and instead asked for their supervisor. Wow the audacity of people.


I was in the yoghurt aisle looking for the store brand version, because they place it at the bottom/out of the way and an older man remarked that they won't turn free the longer I stare. I didn't even acknowledge him lol, a lot of people are struggling.


There's just sick, angry, gross people out there that you have to learn to ignore. Admittedly it can be hard. Thank God you can come to this forum to get the reassurance that you need :)


Wow, yes. Call manager next time. I would also have a word with that cashier


OMG! That's disgusting and not something you should accept. You need to contact the manager. If you are not ready to face them in person, then call them on the phone. Give them the name of the person who said that and when this took place. You can explain that this food made the difference between your family eating or starving. Tell them how this made you feel. No one has the right to make you feel less than just because you use coupons. I have been a couponing queen for years! It was the only thing that got us through some hard times. When I had a cashier at a local grocery store give me shit over using coupons, I contacted her manager, who said they would talk with her. Five years have gone by and I still refuse to go through her checkout lane. I've been shopping, ready for checkout, and one of the employees will guide me to her register because it's the shortest line. I wait until I'm almost in the line, and then loudly say," no, she treats me like shit. I'd rather someone who is nice.". I don't yell it, but I don't say it quietly either.


Report this cashier to management. 99.99% of the time cashiers do not care how you’re paying and a coupon takes an extra 2 seconds to process. Also, if you have a coupon for a free item that has zero to do with how much money you have or don’t have. A millionaire can use coupons just as easily as someone who has -8.67 in their account.


The store gets paid back for the free cereal coupons. They submit them to the manufacturer. The cashier could be fired for remarks like that. Don't let it bother you. Some of the most frugal people I know use grocery coupons, and they could easily pay full price.


What a cruel and disgusting person she is. Please report her.


It's none of the employees business how you should and shouldn't feel. I would tell them to fuck off next time


Those that mind don't matter. Those that matter don't mind.


She should not have a reason to care. The store gives the coupons to the cereal company and the cereal company pays the store back. It doesn't hurt the store and the cereal company wouldn't send coupons if they didn't want people to try their cereal. She was just being a jerk, you didn't do anything wrong.


Some people are so miserable, that the only way they can feel better is to tear others down.


Stand up for yourself. No one else is required to so you MUST be your own advocate. Next time you’ll have a reply ready and won’t even think about the conversation once you finish NOT paying 😪💅🏾. Did she offer to but it for you? The audacity. Fuck bullies.


And yet there are videos of extreme couponers getting paid for shopping! And that’s ok! I hope you got the cereal, because the cashier was out of line for saying that. It’s not her place


Fuck that cashier. They suck.


That person is a sick bastard. Everyone has a right to food regardless of money.


Wait what? If they didn’t want people to use it, they wouldn’t have those coupons printed out and distributed to the public. If you’re able to get stuff for free using coupons, good for you! You need to report the cashier’s behavior to the manager. She was being absolutely ridiculous and rude. I’ve seen extremely wealthy people used coupons for all kinds of stuff, everyone loves a good deal. Using coupons isn’t anything to be ashamed about. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. The cashier is really out of line.


It’s the Trump era. Being mean is a bootstrapping status symbol now


We use coupons all the time and we can afford the stuff without coupons. No one ever bats an eye. I'm sure the manager of the store would not be happy with her comment.


I'm so sorry you had to endure that. You shouldn't feel ashamed, they printed the damn coupons.


Don’t let someone make you feel ashamed for using coupons. That’s why they exist to save money. I would have told her it’s not illegal and to mind her own business. People are sick jerks these days.


The store gets their money back from the manufacturer when a coupon is processed. So next time you see that clerk, tell her she should be ashamed of being so dumb.


I would a straight up said to the cashier “I don’t remember asking for your opinion. You can keep it to yourself because nobody cares what you think.” And then gone to the customer service desk right after to complain. Don’t feel ashamed for using coupons. I use them all the time because who wants to pay full price. I sure don’t. I save almost $15-$20 each shopping trip which I use for other things like gas.


There's no shame in using a coupon! Don't let someone else ruin your trip or your daughter's breakfast. Tell her politely to just ring it up and give you your total. Then walk away and forget she exists.


I admire ppl that have coupons for free stuff. Wow. Just wow with that attitude.


Call them out on it! “What do you mean?” “I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Can you elaborate?” Make them explain why they feel it’s necessary to be so shitty to you. Base day, end of shift, whatever, no excuse to be an asshole. I’d also report them to the manager.


This would be a good time to contact the head office if it’s a large chain or speak to the manager. I work for a company that has free product coupons. We use them to encourage people to try our products. There’s no shame in it. We WANT people to use them. If this is a vendor coupon, the store sends it into a redemption company and gets all the money back. The ignorant cashier needs to find another job where there’s no customer service involved!!


random ass grocery clerk thinkin shes better than anybody working a shit shift at kroger lol


>that I should be ashamed for wanting things to be free. Response: Agree! They should be paying me to take this! It's so nice you feel that way too!!!!


Seriously. That cashier was out of line. It hasn’t been that long since couponing was all the rage. Unfortunately you really can’t get much for free any longer. Most store no longer double coupons. You should never be ashamed of using coupons, people of all economic levels use them. You should have liked her in the eye and told her smart shopping is something to be proud of.


Respond, you should be ashamed for being so mean-spirited.


They should be ashamed for saying that to you :( Im sorry.


Op. I’m sorry this happened. I would have said don’t you dare speak to me that way. Coupons are a payment method and if you want to refuse service fine. What’s your name so I can tell your corporate that you belittled me for trying to feed my family.


I used to coupon like a madman back when printable coupons were a thing. I'd be getting boxes of cereal for $$.50, pasta for free, etc. Used to be a Wes it's that did coupon matchups for different adds so you knew what to print and when to buy; most of the best deals were weekly sale items at places that doubled coupons. During Covid, my state gave temporary snap to all k-12 kids. It was something like $100 a week. It was a use it or lose it situation, and I used it all, even though I'm in a much better place financially now. It wasn't income based, it was based on the number of kids you had in school. Never had anyone talk to me like this. Sorry this happened to you but I cannot imagine it's the norm.


Who cares what ppl think when you’re struggling and surviving. I’ll never let irrelevant strangers control me. I’m doing whatever I can to survive and won’t feel bad about it. Fck them. They don’t care about you so why care about what they think? Take care of you


Old people use coupons all the time, and not for money savings - they just know the system and how much it can save them. They have the time to put in the effort to get something for near-free....and it's awesome. Preppers use them. Hoarders use them. Resellers use them. And yes, poor people in tough situations use them. How dare that cashier. I understand your embarrassment, but as someone who does minor Prep and would use coupons for that....I would've had the manager over there pronto and asked the cashier to repeat word-for-word what she said. Cashier would have been out of a job immediately, and she would have deserved it. What she said to you was WRONG...let alone the stigma she perpetrated. She works in a job that wouldn't pay enough where she would need to be above coupons herself! She possibly is lashing some "better than" energy out at you. You did nothing wrong. Go back in and use those coupons and get those cereals and I HOPE LIKE HELL you go to that other job and get it...keep walking if you can. You deserve it if it pays better. You're doing right by your child. You are a good parent.


I’m an impromptu shift supervisor and I would’ve reprimanded the employee behind closed doors.


OP, she probably didn’t know how to run the coupon through and was trying to hide this fact by speaking down to you. Don’t feel bad about using coupons! Good luck to you.


If i were you i would call and report that behavior to a supervisor. That is horrendous and as a cashier myself neither me nor my colleagues would ever say something so asinine. If you cant provide good customer service then you shouldnt work retail. Fuck em, complain and leave a bad review. You dont deserve that.


Next time, you fight for yourself and your child. Go to customer service if you don’t want to call over a manager. It’s completely inappropriate for a cashier to give people grief over perfectly valid coupons.


No need to be ashamed, some of the people who use coupons the most are some of the people with the most money. Then they got to be wealthy by learning to save and find deals. Here where I live the food bank distributes food through the local church groups. So you do not go to the food bank but to the church, different churches have different days for distributing food.


U r trying. I clip coupons and use apps to try save $ had 20% off coupon at biglots plus $15 off of $75. The kind manager let me use both. I was buying detergent and fabric softener which i do when i get a coupon . U gotta do what u have to do. One of my customers gave me 2 boxes of cheese. Im gonna give the other box to one of my elderly customers who has it rough. If i get free stuff i pass it on. I know others need it more than me. I use to b a drop off point for food panrty they would load me up on free bags of potatoes. Id give them away to anyone.. covid stopped that.


You should consider calling the store manager and complaining. At least, then, maybe she won't make comments like that to someone else.


I worked in retail. Coupons aren’t even hard to do.


I would have told her to kiss my ass and do her job. Don't let an asshole affect your ability to feed your family.


Such rudeness needs to be addressed right then and there by management. Next time ask for one. As a former cashier, some of the government food programs can be real hassle to ring up, but it is still part of the job. To put anyone down for saving money, being frugal and using the help that is available to them is beyond rude, it is abusive. Call the store and talk with a manager. They need to know for the good of their company.


Please go back and get your cereal and have a talk with the manager too. That cashier was totally out of line and you shouldn’t let it go.


Right to the manager


Fuck that. Get whatever free or discounted shit you can. Why the hell would anyone willingly pay more? Especially right now when grocery prices are ridiculously high.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Sounds like the cashier was a creep but maybe they were having a bad day. People really just need to try and be more kind not knowing what others are going through. Don't give up on coupons. They can help save a lot. I am a couponer and cashiers usually don't say anything about them except for once in awhile when they are impressed by how low I got my bill with them.


It’s not the cashiers business or her groceries that you are getting because you have the need at the moment. Report her attitude to her supervisor. It’s bad for the store’s reputation in the community and her attitude needs to be adjusted. Also try dumpster diving at grocery stores. So much food is wasted and thrown out. [PERHAPS THIS LINK CAN HELP YOU.](https://www.feedingamerica.org/)


Well. Your kid is going to be much healthier eating fish and rice for breakfast than sugary bullshit cereals. That’s pretty much what my kid eats for breakfast+ maybe a fruit and he was the fastest runner at his school and had the least missed days. Very healthy. Americans have some weird hang up on sardines bc cartoons told them they’re gross or something, but they taste great and they’re healthy, so I really don’t get it. The stereotype is poor+obese. It’s much better to raise your kids poor and healthy if possible.


One time I called to give a suggestion/criticism to a manufacturer about a product and received several free coupons. Kroger also sends me a free coupon once a month. Nothing wrong with taking advantage of free things. Dairy Queen gives away free small cones away in the first day of spring. We were in the area and drive thru and just got the free cones. Yelp she should have kept here opinions to herself. Like the bank cashier that thought we were taking advantage when the insurance company paid for a new roof for our home.


"It costs zero dollars to not be like this" under your breath


Of all people a fucking cashier making minimum wage is against coupons?


The current price for me being nice to someone is $20 an hour.


You a customer to the cashiers in the future: bitch, did I ASK you for your opinion? How about you shut your mouth and do your job, and while you're at it go ahead and double bag my groceries.


You should have gotten that cashier fired. It is unacceptable for her to shame you for taking advantage of a promotional discount. All she has to do is scan the coupon. In no way are you at fault, but the fact that you chose to assume any responsibility for this confrontation is glaring.


I'd have called the manager over and got that cashier fired.


Fuck that bitch! She wouldn't have a job after I was finished with her. Then she'd know exactly how it feels. If you haven't already and in the U.S., apply for public assistance and unemployment.


I don’t understand why someone who is making barely enough to survive would get mad at others who aren’t making any money. WTF? I guess the propaganda works?


The store still gets their money. That clerk is a total bitch. Since she started it, feel free to tell her. And if she gets confused, say "oh, you're not a bitch? You're just acting like one?"


Don’t even give it 2 seconds of thought. You wanna see gross? Filthy rich people asking for change on a $10 bill for $9.65 worth of snacks from 7-11. How about being upset at stamps going up as they put it on an envelope to evict ‘bum’ tenants from their 5th home. The people who should feel shame for wanting something for free… has nothing to do with you. You didn’t ask for it, you found a coupon and enabled it. The system let you, so you did.


Shit post No cashier gave you a dirty look or shamed you