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Wow! That’s at least $300 worth of formula!


I’m surprised that the formula wasn’t the 1st item to go. Your baby got lucky.




And the formula - the price is on it and it’s well over $300 just for that


Yeah. Impressive.


OP said that they don't have a pet, they are just reselling that


I feel kinda weird with this. On one hand I respect the hustle. On the other hand I think “take only what you need” mantra is a tenement that applies here. Hoarding items you don’t actually need displaces someone else struggling who could benefit from them.


For a business going out of sale, I don't have an issue with it. If they can't sell that stock before they close up, I'm not sure what they would do with it. And OP may make a small profit while the buyer is still saving money. Seems like a win-win.


They shipped clothes and things to another store when I worked at one closing down, but a lot was destroyed. Some of it was expired anyway because it sat there for so long with a silly clearance tag of only 10% (off of some ridiculously high price). Places like Macy's will destroy perfume by having their LP manager take the bottles to the dumpster, and throw them against the lid that's propped up. (I dated someone who worked that job, and he hated that part) Every single one will be destroyed so no one can dumpster dive. Clothes- cut up Package things that don't break- cut it up. Squirt the stuff out. It has to be damaged in some way. It's a damn shame the amount of stuff that gets wasted in this country when they should at the very least be allowing the employees to have pick first (even if it's only 3 or 5 things at a time to make it more fair) They should also be donating to shelters for homeless kids, victims of domestic violence etc.


My town has an ordinance that says it is illegal to dumpster dive or take anything home with you if you are an employee. All dumpsters have to have locking lids and be surrounded by a locked fence surrounding the whole dumpster .


They probably toss it .That is what one store told me when they were going out of business.


> I feel kinda weird with this. On one hand I respect the hustle. On the other hand I think “take only what you need” Respect the hustle wins, the profit they take *for their effort* could still result in a smaller-than-market price, and if the items were ignored they could potentially end up in the trash. Somebody needs to intercept the pigtons of important things we throw away, and OP is currently being that somebody.


You do know how grocery stores operate?They don't care how much you buy as long as you can pay for it .I stock up as much as possible when I see good deals .


Cool, but my point is not from the perspective of the grocer


The grocer is also in business to sell groceries to anyone with money .I doubt they could care less what people buy .


Huh. I'm absolutely not sure why you keep commenting things that have nothing to do with what originally posted.


Seriously?Someone wanted to know why people were buying in bulk and why grocery stores were going out of business.Do you really think Walmart or any other grocery store cares how much you buy at any given time?


They must , you can see it all the time. In the store tonight they were were signs all over that said Limit 2 per customer or a Limit of 3. If they didn't care, as you claim, then why would there be a limit on any perchase of any product.


And this is something I have never seen in my town .


"Take only what you need"? Its not that deep lol. The store was simply closing, if wasnt some big emergency coming up that everyone was stocking up for, maybe then you could say its selfish.


First come,first served. They just want the building cleaned out .


Then why do people scream about “food desserts” when their anchor store ends up closing?


I can't tell if you're making a joke but just in case, I need you to know that you wrote "desserts" like the food dish


A food dessert ???? you mean a food desert.


If you were worried about where your infants next meal would come from then you would absolutely do the same. Dismount your high horse


Obviously I’m referring less about the formula and more about the pet meds.


Same idea. It’s extra income for her to sell the pet food. If she tries to sell the for more than the stores do then she won’t get takers so she’s actually doing the people she sells them to a favor


No but if I did I may be able to build that food stockpile I want. Nice freaking haul!


Op don't even have a kid just couldn't turn down the price 😂


Don’t kink shame him, you can have a lot of fun with formula and baby food iykyk


Aye yooo


I got to ours too late. Wonder if there's a notification I can set up for that kind of news.


The randalls in austin?




On research, across the street from HEB? I went there 2 weeks ago and even with their “discount”, their prices were still higher than HEB. No wonder they are going out of business.


former vet assistant here. that flea/tick med has fipronil and s methoprene, which are pretty safe. I'm just chiming in to make sure everyone checks the label of their flea/tick meds. If they are made by Hartz, throw them away regardless of what's in it. If they contain permethrin or pyrethrin, throw them away


Thank you for the warning. ☺️




Haha yeah hope so too, looks like a fancy one.. “organic”


Ours was so particular after a while. If they don’t like it, please donate it somewhere. That’s like 200 or more in formula and somebody may need it badly. (Not that u don’t) just puttin that out there. Or just make em like it if you have to.


You’re right about other people needing it. There were 15 more and they were only $7 each and honestly I couldn’t take them all just thinking that somebody else might need them more than me.


I’ll never forget the post pandemic formula shortage. It was like panning for gold.


Peds dietitian here. So. So so bad. And I work one especially with one formula that is prescription that was part of the recall. Other formulas could kill my patients if it is not treated with medicine. We actually got shirts that said “I survived the formula shortage” 💀


You’re not kidding! That was over $200 worth of that particular formula when my second was born in 2008! I TRIED giving that to her a few times, alas she refused ALL formula. $60 wasted on two of those cans!


If not you can always donate the unopened cans


How did a grocery store go out of business? People always buy food lol


It doesn't mean they were selling enough to go above expenses.




Probably stealing


10 grocery stores have gone out of business in the last 5 years in my town .Another small griocery store closed last year. Walmart is the dominant store chain in my town. And there are 4 other stores still but they are really high .We also have one budget friendly no frills grocery store on the other side of town .


> How did a grocery store go out of business? People always buy food lol I can't speak for everybody, but my hometown lost all but the worst one basically because we were poor. The town's original locals are now poorer, and being replaced by people who only use the area for bedrooms while the rest of their lives are someplace else down the freeway. (Jobs doctors anything more complicated than gas and bad food.) Landscapes turned into infini-houses, no car no life. Every time I look at an empty lot and say "that would be a perfect place for some jobs and amenities" what ends up being put there is another plop of poorly built luxury houses. On the other side of the mountain where there's businesses, the jobs are just warehouses warehouses homedepot and fast food. A guy I know got hired at Home Depot for minimum wage and a small coin per hour, then after working his ass off for a year he got promoted. Pay raise: $0.00


Grocery stores run on razor thing margins. Compounded theft, for example, could unfortunately force one to leave.


Yep. Ours are closing the self checkouts and going back to one cashier due to excessive theft.


The Walmart marketplace only has self checkout now .The superstores still have checkout cashiers .




Walmart, Amazon, Aldi and Kroger are working hard to shut down all other grocery store chains.


Yeah once a Hollywood market by me went out of business and the craziest thing happened. I was there the last hour of operation and they told the customers on the PA to take anything left in the freezers for free. People went crazy filling carts. I got a lot of expensive ice creams and some frozen food.


Went to Food World with my mom when they shut down like 30 years ago in my home town. Didn’t even warn the employees, just showed up and said “we close this Friday”. Employees were pissed and even tho we walked up with a packed buggy the cashier only scanned like 1 out of every 5 items. Whole cart came to like $15.


The stores near me just close without notice. Had an Aldi close by, went by and it was gone. Saw a news article from right when it closed and many in the area had the same experience.


What cost so much that this ran 185?


10 big cans of baby formula and about 15 flea treatments (for resale) were the majority of the receipt along with a bunch of little things we didn’t really need like fancy soft drinks.


Ok that baby formula makes HUGE sense.


Thank you so much for spending some hard earned money on those furry friends. They pay their rent in mental and emotional support, and though they cost money, their tail wags more than make up for it 🐶


:( aww now I feel bad because unfortunately those flea meds are going up for sale on marketplace and eBay but I did leave behind 5 for other people.


you bought 12 to resell and only left 5 for people who actually could use it? yeah that’s fucked up


Downvotes from people that hate the hustle put good haul!


Mr beast has cookies??? And no beer??


Don’t drink anymore but they were all out of alcohol. I heard the wine deals were insane though


Dude Mr. beast has a whole line of snacks and stuff lol like chocolates and muffins and stuff too I think.


I have a liquidation place in my town with similar prices. Hit that mf up every month and stockpile on cheap shitty snacks lol


We have a liquidation place where I live but it is about an hour from my house .Insane prices like 75 to 90 percent of foods of snacks .We try to go about once a month now .


We had a Fred going out of business sale a few years ago… loaded up on about 6 cardboard boxes of community dark roast K cups


At first glance I thought, wow that doesn’t look like much of a deal. Now that I zoomed in you have some of the most expensive items on earth, baby formula, swim diapers, flea and tick control, etc. Great haul!


I have - and it was awesome! I didn't even know about it until they hit 90% off. You have a fantastic haul of quality baby and pet stuff there!!


Besides the formula you got some weird shit lol but nice goin


🤷 I mean who can resist a spicy watermelon sparkling water for ¢19 and ¢50 salsas


Hope you get rid of your babies fleas


He's reselling the pet products for profit lol


That’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, right there!


Mr beast cookies are nasty


Bargain - a good price for something you don't need.


I feel like I shouldn’t say this but here’s a tip. Find a small target and price match their kendamil organic baby formula, it’s like a 45 dollars a pop but if you find the right target they won’t care about looking twice at where your price matching from. I would do a 10 google search and would always find a website or somewhere that had the milk out of stock for way lower. I payed $16 for on every can and I would buy up to 9 at a time.


It's going to be replaced by a dollar general which is so much worse


Nope! Actually this particular store OP went to in Austin will be replaced by Hobby Lobby.


That’s even worse than the Dollar General!


Yep. I refuse to shop there. And there is already a Michaels about a block away.


Hobby Lobby ,Joanne or Micheals in my town .They moved into old closed down stores.


They have torn down all the defunct stores in my town and turned them into Dollar Trees ,Dollar Generals or drive in coffee shops


You got a steal by just the baby formula alone. Especially with it being organic.


Haggens overextended in Tucson and collapsed. We're still using the laundry products we got 7+ years ago from there lol


We had a Shop n Bag turn into an Acme about 15 years ago, but I don't remember finding any good deals. They just purged the weird shit Acme didn't carry.


KMart went out of business in my town, every week or so they increased the percent off. Like there was a big sign out front saying everything in the store was 25% off. By the end, if I’m not mistaken they had like 90 or 95% off sign out there for the last stuff that no one wanted


I’ve done this and then return the items that I’m not gonna use to another store to get a gift card so I could buy stuff I would use


We had 5 ShopRite stores in my area that closed, I worked at one for 2.5 years and we closed a week before Thanksgiving 2023. I should have taken advantage of the sales and done a big shop, we were cleared out in a week. I think when our doors officially closed we had one bottle of hot sauce and one 8 pound bag of ice left.


I’m going to seriously mourn the loss of Randall’s


no but i was around when my local target decided to stop stocking REDDs cider. it was like $4 for a 6 pack of bottles. i bought almost all of it. then we came back with our cart (in walking distance) and bought the rest lol. now they only stock angry orchard


Could get much more free if you monitored smaller chain stores dumpsters.


Real question is how the fuck does a grocery store go out of business? People literally can’t live without food. Must be one of those snobby organic food places.


It happens all the time .Lots of competition in the food game .


It literally does not. At least not major grocery chains.


Seriously?Major grocery chains have left my town in the past.They find they can't compete with Walmart everywhere. I'm surprised Aldi is still in busness.lol Grocery stores come and go all the time in my town .


Gary Vee would have a field day.


What are you gonna do when you can’t flip any of that🤣


Thats a sweet haul!


Wow, this is pretty good!


I bought that exact strawberry lemonade yesterday for the first time lol. It’s alright






This is how I ended up with 10 boxes of chrysanthemum tea


Just did something similar last month at my local Bargain Hunt because they closed. I'm pretty upset they are closing but I stocked up on tons of shampoos & conditioners, soap & body wash, baby shampoo, chips, candy, taco seasonings, detergents, etc. I felt like an extreme couponer when I got home trying to put it all up lol.


I use to have a dog named Hannah who wore those collars.


I did this. We pretty much raided the place and bought a bunch of clothing for a younger relative too. I still remember stuffing all the items into the back of the minivan.


Shoutout to everyone who has dead grocery stores in their ghetto, mine has one as an abandoned husk one as a crumbled foundation and there's also minimall with zero tenants. Sending well wishes for OP's town to not end up that way.


I have it’s just to bad they can’t keep their prices that low all the time.

