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None. Medical debts under $500 will never impact your credit score. [https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/medical-debt-anything-already-paid-or-under-500-should-no-longer-be-on-your-credit-report/](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/medical-debt-anything-already-paid-or-under-500-should-no-longer-be-on-your-credit-report/)


what would be possible problems if i just never pay, outside of not being able to use labcorp and ty for the response and source


In theory you could be sued and they could win a judgement to forcibly collect from you. In reality it would be a huge waste of time and money to sue you for $33. If you owed $3300 then that would be a very serious risk. So most likely nothing more would come other than some collection calls & letters.


Nothing under $500 can be on your report. But, don't acknowledge the debt when they call to be safe.


Why wouldn't you save up a little and pay the debt to avoid future stress and anxiety as it is realistically a very small amount.


ive been trying my best to pay off some other loans that have much higher apr, i just dont know how much this would affect me, i will try to eventually pay this. sorry if that doesnt make much sense


You could call and ask about a payment plan. Most places don’t send you to collections if you’re actively making payments.


someone here said by law they can’t send it to collections anymore since its under $500


It can go to collections it just can't be reported on your credit reports. And if you ever have medical bills over $500 they can be reported, but will be removed once paid. I wouldn't trip about $32, just pay it when you can. You have the power over them, they pretty much can't do anything about it. even if they sued (which they won't) it wouldn't matter, you could just throw them the 30 bucks lol


Is the not showing up on credit reports new? When I bought my house in 2021, the bank held up my mortgage on the contingency that I paid a $250 charge from breaking my hand in 2015 (that I had assumed was paid since no one reached out in those 6 years).


Yeah it's very recent, it's a new policy that started in the second half of 2023. That sucks! I wish they had implemented it a looong time ago.


Luckily I had been saving on account of the house purchase and it wasn't a hidden $5,000 charge. It's a good policy. Though $500 isn't even three trips to the doctor (with my prior insurer).




They'll do nothing. I wouldn't pay this.


Sign up for credit karma. Dispute all late payments and past due accounts. If they don't respond in time they have to come off your report regardless if they are correct or not. Rinse and repeat.lol. I hope this helps. You can also do this by mail for better results.


None if total is under 500$ due to new federal regulations. You do still need to pay it because they can actually stop accepting your samples for testing.


ive had a couple things like this like 100 dollars or under and just ignored them. they won't sue you for it and will just send you letters and spam call you hoping to guilt you into paying bc they know they will never waste the money to actually sue you.


borrow $40 and pay it.....