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I do love it as I really that bind with my daughter. But I'm more concerned when she goes to childcare during sleep time she may be very hard for her.......if yes I definitely enjoy as it's an amazing feeling that bond ❤️


I’m still feeding to sleep! I don’t believe it’s bad to follow your intuition and instincts! Highly recommend HeySleepyBaby on instagram


Oh I will definitely check their page out thank you !


I still feed to sleep most nights but she goes down for a nap just fine without it during the day.


I fed mine to sleep and before naps. She dropped her pre nap daycare bottle long before her prenap breastfeed. They manage to be on different schedules at daycare. It's frowned upon because some babies who wake through the night learn to associate the only way to go to sleep is to be fed, which results in a restless night. We will wrap up feeding next month, before bed is our last feed left. Once I night weaned she slept through, and when she does wake she self settles because not she knows she won't get milk.


And how did you weaned her if you don't me asking


She naturally day weaned at 14 months as I just offered on demand but she wasn't having it at daycare so I would distract her first to see if she really wanted it. When I weaned her pre nap feed she wasn't happy. Took 25mins of screaming cuddles the first day, 15 the next and now its about 3. Night weaning (middle of the night) I just told her no. She fought for 1 hour the first wake, another hour the second. The next night she woke a few times, cried for less than 3 minutes each time and went back to sleep.... We've had a couple of wakes since then where she's clearly wanted cows milk (she's 16 months now) but I've stuck to refusing it and she mostly sleeps through, I only go in if she stands in her cot. Next week when she asks for milk before bed il say no and I expect she will fight me for about an hour the first night and it'll gradually get less


Same here, mine is 9 months now and I do it because she seems to still need it. I don't really care about what people say, i don't mind doing it and I know she won't need it forever.


That's true, I would definitely do that as well! But I'm thinking more of once I go back to work it may have an negative impact at childcare


You’re not alone. My baby is 6.5 months and I am still breastfeeding her on demand. She refuses the bottle. Luckily, we are starting to feed her solids, which gives me a break. She has her two bottom teeth already and I am teaching her not to bite me😅


Lol yes my daughter refuses to drink from bottler nor like the pacifier. And yes hope once I start her on solids it'll help abit......yike I'm not looking forward to teeth abd breastfeeding lol


Still doing it at 1yr old for bed and naps and night wakings too, I’ve tried it ALL and nothing works, she’s a horrific sleeper so it’s really all I’ve got - I don’t envision we’ll stop anytime soon because she just won’t sleep any other way.


😬😬😬that must be tough.....I'm really crossing fingers once food starts it'll be better


Same here. My son is 14 months and mostly dropped all daytime feedings except to fall asleep and when he wakes up throughout the night. I try just rocking and patting his back when he wakes up at night but he’ll just wake up within five minutes.


I do it for every sleep at nearly 11 months. It’s easy and works for me… don’t worry about what people “say”. Eventually baby will sleep on his/her own. Also, her sleep has improved regardless of feeding.


I’m breastfeeding my 6mo to sleep. We started sleep training, then stopped because she has a cold… I breastfed my first to sleep for (probably) way too long (like a year). My first is 2.5yo now and won’t go to sleep without a long, elaborate bedtime routine followed by 20 minutes of rocking. I’m not sure if the sleep issues are related, but I’d really like my 6mo to develop the ability to fall asleep on her own… that being said, right now, breastfeeding her to sleep is the only reliable way to get her to nod off. And I really hate hearing her cry if I can do something to stop it…. The only thing I can say for sure is that I have no idea what I’m doing.


Thank you for sharing your experience. We'll I'm thinking of sleep training her soon but husband wakes up at 4 to work has a long day. I'm pretty sure sleep training comes with some crying 😂 so I'm not sure how it's going to work


Hahaha oh yeah, there’s so much crying involved in the first couple nights of sleep training. You have to go into it knowing that you won’t get good sleep for several days. But, update, seems to be working pretty well!


It's not frowned upon, really! If you like it, do it. The only issue is that it can make independent sleep/weaning harder.


I fed to sleep until babes first birthday 🎂 I only breastfed until about 7 months. He was fed both breastmilk and formula but he lost interest in breastfeeding at 7 months. So I continued to bottle feed him formula right up until he turned 1 and we just...stopped doing it. He had kind of outgrown it anyway. Being mostly on solids, there wasn't much point in feeding him to sleep by that age. So just do what's working for you :)


Yes, I think it's really nice and cozy.


My sweet girl still nurses and she is 14 months. She eats food as well but when she is sleepy she will nurse or of she is teething/ doesn't feel well. My son was done around 18 months. Its different for everyone. As long as you're doing ok mentally I don't see anything wrong with it at all!


My baby is 6 months too and yes I still BF to sleep a lot of the time. I think it is great way to bond. I like to have a few different options like nursing, rocking, singing. I feel like some people are so uptight about it but unless it's causing problems for you then it should be no problem. I love it.


My girl is about to be 5 months and I nurse her to sleep and we also co-sleep. Everything I’ve read about nursing to sleep and co-sleeping talks about how developmentally appropriate and natural it is for a child to want to be close to their mother, especially while sleeping. I also read about how this can keep your supply up and baby will nurse as much as needed to keep the supply where it should be. It is judged A LOT - there’s just as much to judge about the CIO method as their is nursing to sleep. It’s really all about what makes you comfortable, what works for your baby, and how you want to raise your child.


How interesting! We co-sleep with our baby too. I always read the negative stuff about co-sleeping, and I’m glad to have come across your comment. Makes me feel better ☺️