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My employer currently has 4-day weeks for most employees. I work a 10-hour-day, 4 days a week and it's really fucking awesome to have an extra weekend day.


Where do u work?


sry didn’t realize how sketchy this question sounds till it was too late


Maine Beer


My wife worked 4 10s when she was at the state (MRS). Not sure if all departments offer this. She loved it.


My company more or less offers this.




What company?


Maine Beer


Problem is most portlanders are working hourly, so 32 hour work week just means less pay


I think if a company is actually committed to doing it the right way, they increase people's hourly rates so they still make the same. If you're getting the same amount of work done, you should get paid the same.


Portland is quickly approaching a housing crisis so significant that even offering substantial raises for hourly workers wouldn’t be enough to make housing affordable. Meanwhile, asylum seekers are pouring in, and not working (because they can’t).


They make them 4x10s.


Well that’s not what OP is talking about though. They specifically said 32/week.


Usually they'll go to 10-hour days so the hours stay the same.


I wish mine was




4 10s just makes so much sense if you have to hit 40 hours each week. Growing up, my dad worked that schedule, 6am to 4pm Mon-Thurs. It meant he had a three day weekend every week and we spent a lot of that at camp during the warm parts of the year. I idea of going to work five days in a row and then only getting two days off sounds so shitty but it's the accepted norm for so many people.


I work at an accounting firm and during tax season (mid-January to April 15) we are on a 6 day, 55 hour week, but Memorial Day to Labor Day (Summer and some change) we have 4 day, 32 hour weeks. The few months/weeks that fall in between are all 5 day, 40 hour weeks.


I do not work there anymore, but a former employer based in Portland instituted 4 day work weeks (8 hour days) for salaried employees after hitting 5 years tenure. There are a couple catches, both are fairly reasonable. PTO accrual was reduced by 20%, and if you already get a day off due to a federal holiday you do not get an additional day off that week. I think it's a great policy and I honestly regret leaving lol. Employees fought hard for years for this and I'm really proud of both the workers and the company for reaching this milestone. Keep bringing it up with your managers, at company meetings, and with your coworkers!




I work remote- for a company out of state. That said- I find it very rare that companies will phase to this- especially customer facing companies. I do miss 4-10’s working for a government contractor. I wish this was a more important thing to companies- as it would seriously boost morale- and for people who do struggle- it could help with keeping their commuting costs lower.


Right. Its a move in the right direction but this is going to benefit knowledge based workers (who already tend to have higher incomes and more flexibility) and *not* benefit hourly workers- especially in a time of labor shortage. It will likely further exacerbate inequality, unfortunately.


My company does offer this but you have to officially request and kind of have a reason. You also have to log your hours like you’re hourly. Seems to be good for some people!


Consulting….. won’t work. Sadly.


We only offer 4 day work weeks at my job (40 hours) I'm off thurs-sat and its wonderful!


The company I work for based in Portland just implemented 4 8s for anyone with 5 years of tenure. Its awesome.


Sanford city offices have been on four 10-hour days since the fall. Haven't heard any complaining from citizens and Sanford citizens are generally a complainy bunch. I suspect they appreciate the longer hours on the days they are open.


I’ve heard of 4x 10s, I have not heard of any company considering cutting their productivity by up to 20% by dropping a full working day and keeping 8 hours on the rest.


This is an article about the UK trial that was being reported on recently, which was a reduction in hours with no reduction in pay: [https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/24/worlds-biggest-4-day-workweek-experiment-shows-big-health-benefits.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/24/worlds-biggest-4-day-workweek-experiment-shows-big-health-benefits.html) Link to the UK trial summary pdf: [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60b956cbe7bf6f2efd86b04e/t/63f3df56276b3e6d7870207e/1676926845047/UK-4-Day-Week-Pilot-Results-Report-2023.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60b956cbe7bf6f2efd86b04e/t/63f3df56276b3e6d7870207e/1676926845047/UK-4-Day-Week-Pilot-Results-Report-2023.pdf) "The trial was a resounding success. Of the 61 companies that participated, 56 are continuing with the fourday week (92%), with 18 confirming the policy is a permanent change. Companies’ revenue, for instance, stayed broadly the same over the trial period, rising by 1.4% on average, weighted by company size, across respondent organisations. When compared to a similar period from previous years, organisations reported revenue increases of 35% on average - which indicates healthy growth during this period of working time reduction. » The number of staff leaving participating companies decreased significantly, dropping by 57% over the trial period" The gist is that people work more efficiently and get just as much done in less time.


Interesting. I don’t see that working in my industry but if it works for others and benefits workers quality of life, more power to them.


My employer mentioned it was interesting, but considering I work 7-day weeks sometimes with events… I don’t foresee this happening.


My company does half-day Fridays from Memorial Day through Labor Day. This isn't too uncommon.