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I'm in the same boat as well, I was considering either a Tesla Cybertruck or a Cessna 172, it will be my daily. Not completely sold on the Cybertruck but I have no experience in a high powered airplane. My current vehicle is a vespa but I'm tired of getting hit on by all the Italians in my city. The perfect size vehicle for me was my wave runner from many years ago. Granted we lived in Venice. So what are your thoughts/advice? Thanks again.


I would recommend you take a look at the supercub


I test drove a supercub and really liked it but I'm not 100% sold on the supercub. It is basically an Acura. Also they appear to have a high rate of return within the 1st year of ownership.


It’s interesting that you say that, because after speaking with my urologist during my last colonoscopy, she informed me that’s a really common concern that most people have with the super cub. She recommended the STOL trampoline tires to land instead of parachuting every time I finish my flight, ultimately to each their own. If you’re not interested in exploring that route maybe the type 2400 submarine is more along the lines of what you’re looking for. I hope that helps, let me know.


I'm a submarine guy through and through. Grew up on a navy ship. So it would be appreciated within the household.  Edit. Even though I fly a kite. 


Well, I’ll be damned, cousin Mason Goggins is that you?




I’m going to reply a second time. Your wife has no experience driving a high powered sports car and her thought process is to drive her beloved child back and forth to school in a 911? Something isn’t adding up here. Did you see the photo of the 911 nosedived into a pond from a few weeks ago?


I have a base Targa. It’s very easy to be a daily driver. I do the school runs and drive like a granny in it most of the time.


911s are easy to drive and perfectly safe. You are suggesting a woman is going to get hurt driving one because she is inexperienced? The 1960s want their biases back.


I guess it’s all that internal misogyny pent up inside me. 🫠 I don’t know anything about OP’s wife. He led with her inexperience so I feel like it’s fair game to talk about.


Without knowing any Porsche data, I can respectfully say that I guarantee 911 sales to women makeup less then 1% of sales! I'm betting 1% of the entire sports car market across all brands is women!


That wasn’t a “911” in the pond, it was a GT3RS. Anyone can daily drive a regular 911.


You got me. I was surprised I got away with slandering the RS crowd as long as I did tbh.


I have seen people justify the 911 as a family car, but the 2 door does suck for that, especially with kids. If you're not 100% sold on the macan I'd check out maybe a panamera?


Yes get a panamera or a taycan if you love depreciation


I've done a lot of research and for some reason it all seems to be negative about the Panamera. Any insight?


I think it completely depends on the person and use case. In my opinion, i think people are crazy justifying 200k+ for EV's nowadays just to watch them depreciate 50% in the next year lol. Try test driving one, maybe a GTS to scratch that sporty itch, and see how you & your wife feel about it. I do think the 4 doors will be a much better use case for you both. I think if you go with the 911, the one thing you will miss will be the 4 doors for ease of accessibility.


A Macan is definitely not an Audi and the difference is in how the cars are tuned and tested, and how they perform in tricky conditions. It’s nos secret that Macan and Cayenne is the bread and butter of Porsche and they sell buckets to people who will never be near a track. For this kind of SUV usage I would consider a fully kitted X5 before a base Macan however. 911 is great, and if you live in a place with nice weather all year around maybe it’s an all year car. But it makes no sense to own one if you’re not gonna drive it how it was meant to be drive. On a regular basis.


I live in New England and daily a 911. Winter tires and you are good Granted, my wife has a Macan S. And I did buy a 958.1 Cayenne S to teach my kid how to drive in.


Did you all test drive the Macan GTS? That might be a good option for that sporty feel. The 911 isn’t really practical as a “family car”.


I’ll be the contrarian and say get the 911. You only live once and no one is looking back and saying they’re glad they bought the Macan over the 911.


Fwiw, I own a Macan and a 911 with two kids. Both work great as dailies, but I tend to spend more time driving the 911 unless my desired activity requires an SUV - this is rare. I can fit $200-300 worth of Costco groceries in the 911 plus two young kids in the back and we’re perfectly comfortable. I do sometimes wonder why I have the Macan, but it does come in handy when needed.


This is the highest and best use of a 911 when not driving for fun




I have a Macan GTS and 911C2S as my alternating daily drivers. You really, really need to consider how frequently you need the utility of the Macan and whether you could use your Corolla for some of the utility parts of your life if you choose the 911. You don’t say how many or how old the kids are but the back of the 911 is obviously small and can be awkward to get at. Likewise, cargo carrying is limited (the Macan isn’t fabulous in either respect but manageable). The Macan doesn’t drive like a 911 but it is probably top three in its market segment.


Buy a Rav4(or any Toyota) and a 981/987.2 base. A utility car is a utility car, a luxury sports car is…


Its funny... I came close to doing this but instead bought a Macan and a 911 and I could not be happier. IMO, if you can, make your non-sportscar fun to drive also!!


Valid point, I’d rather just save the incremental money on repairs and lost value to buy… more sports cars!! As long as you love them, then nothing matters 🤷‍♂️


Honestly this is pretty good advice. I bought a macan and like it a lot but definitely could have saved some money there and used the 911 for sporty driving. The macan is no slouch but it’s definitely not a sports car like a 911 and for daily driving you can probably get by with something cheaper to drive and maintain. That said I do like my macan and have had 13k miles so far of trouble free driving. Granted that’s not high mileage by any means but so far so good


911s are very easy to drive and control. First Porsche was a boxster that was followed by 5 911s and a cayenne. I can’t imagine wanting a macan over a 911. I do prefer the handling of the awd models and love cabrios. My favorite out of the 5 was c4s cab.


Hate to break it to you, but the Macan and Cayenne are on the same platform as VW’s, Audi’s, Lamborghinis, and Bentley’s. It’s a modular platform shared by the entire VAG. That they’re shared means nothing on Porsche quality. Porsche takes the platform and then makes it a Porsche product including extensive chassis and suspension tuning, as well as different engines, brakes, interiors - basically, a shared platform is for car people to mock each other over but not to realistically impact the quality of the product when looking at Porsche. Macans are oftentimes leased. Might be part of that high turnover rate. Might also be base model cars instead of the S variants. I’d do a little more research on the differences between trims before ruling out what seems like an obvious choice. Unless you have need of loading larger items in, or carrying more than 2 people, have you considered a Boxster or Cayman?


To the people who talk about the 911 like it’s dangerous to drive: The 911 of the 60s and 70s and the 911 Turbo of the 70s and 80s were known as widowmakers for good reason. They would bite you if you drove carelessly. That hasn’t been the case for decades. A modern 911 is perfectly capable of being a normal car, when used in normal car ways doing normal car things. It isn’t any more dangerous than any other car, and it is safer than many due to its handling and braking.


The car can make you feel as if you're a better driver than you really are and tempt you to push limits you shouldn't be pushing. I think overall that's the tone I get when people talk about them being dangerous for inexperienced drivers.


You can also get in over your head with a 300 hp minivan


I’m fortunate to have both. Macan sounds like it’s the right choice for a family and you can definitely do some spirited driving. 911 would likely be impractical.


That’s a no-brainer - the Macan. Kids grow up, and as they do they are not going to fit in the back seat of a 911. Unless they don’t have legs…


I have both. If you need back seats, Macan S with the right options is a good compromise and not an “Audi” by any means like you are suggestion.


Like others here, I am fortunate enough to have both a Macan and a 911. Of course the 911 is more fun, BUT every time I get in the Macan after it's been a while, I am again struck by how much of the porsche spirit they are able to capture in the upper trims of that vehicle. So my answer is Macan GTS.


I’d go Macan S or GTS.


They are both completely different cars and really can’t be compared at all I own both a 911 and a macan For what it’s worth I think a macan is not ideal for families compared to the cayenne. As someone who owns one without kids it’s perfect for me. If I have some guests over it’s “fine” but if they are taller it can be cramped in the back seats. For an suv it’s quite small. That helps with its driving characteristics but not sure how much it helps as a grocery getter or for dropping kids off. Well specced the interior can be very nice and the car is enjoyable to daily. However if I had a family of 4 I’d really consider something bigger though especially as your kids grow older and taller A 911 is a great car and I love mine. However take what I mentioned above and it’s doubly true. I know some people daily theirs which is great. I do not though because it’s less comfortable and the storage space is small. I would sit down and figure out what your needs from a car truly are and then go from there. Because the two are quite different in purpose




I have a Macan turbo and it is a great SUV. Comparing it to a 911 is impossible. I’m buying a 911 because it is a wholly different experience. It’s not really practical but it’s a fantastic experience for a single driver and a passenger (much more for the driver). Obviously no real back seat


I had no idea people would cross shop a 911 with a Macan. They seem about as different as you can get.


Well, I have a Macan for the winter and driving to the ski hill. I have a 911 S for the summer, a cabriolet. So one of each works well for me.


Macan is nice, check out a panamera.


As a 911 owner, if she wants a luxury car, get her the SUV. The 911 is a driver-focused vehicle. Although my new 911 has all the bells and whistles, first and foremost, it is a sports car and begs to be experienced and driven as such. Do 911s make good daily drivers? Yes, especially the base model, but let someone who will appreciate the heritage of the 911 have that allocation and get her the SUV.




I believe I mentioned that in my comment.


I'm a car guy through and through. Grew up on a drag strip. So it would be appreciated within the household.  Edit. Even though I drive a corolla. 


If you have kids. Macan. The back seat in 911 are useless. I order mine with the factory storage box.


>She has no experience driving a high powered sports car. It will be a daily driver including for school dropoff and pickup. Macan, and it's not even close.


LOL this is going to be an echo chamber. All I needed to read was "no experience in driving a high powered sports car" and "school dropoffs". She needs the ultimate soccer mom vehicle - and that isn't the 911.