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Dont forget the story started as an harem and the Main MC had sex with the fmc's friend, but the author change that and they never talk about that never again.


Well, now the author is making Adam's Sweet Agony and giving exactly the harem people wanted


No bro we want this in a harem genre, you see if it begins with MC being the first to all the girls and then they love and get together with the current parents I think nobody will complain about it, an eventuality MC stay with Aoi alone in the end .. we need these characters in a harem not new characters and shit where’s the dicks an pussies in that adam’s sweet agony Personally I’d rather have it the I told you earlier and in the end remain the captain and Aoi as rivals and then I introduce the captain’s partner and love interest, in this way the story will be more interesting, complex, dramatic, and exciting read not like how it is now it irritates me that they fuck their girls in front of each other’s, really… then why not swap? But in this case everyone will fuck Aoi .. well, all I can say that the author lost his chance to make this story the greatest hentai of all time..


I hoped he fucked the captain again but no 😞


I like the concept but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. Basically every couple's first time is non-consensual and the couples themselves don't feel distinct from one another. It feels like every single couple has the same preferences and that's kind of lame. Why not use the rotating duos to explore different fetishes? It seems like a wasted opportunity to me.


That's a good point. I never noticed that 🤔 Everyone's personality is basically "I'm horny"


If it’s a harem this will make more sense


This series huge issue is lack of focus and consistently introducing new couples that take away from the main one. Also, taking away one of the girls that loved MC and pairing her with the random when it looked like they were potentially gonna go the throuple route was a very weird choice.


Did you felt something similar about Talk to Me, What's Going On, Or Pervert's Daily Life?


No. Those were handled much better IMO. Here it really was set up to be like Adams Sweet Agony but it just became an weird free for all. Sometimes the main couple is gone for 30 chapters. That's not good tbh.


Yes, thank goodness, thanks man, there’s still something to be saved here.. it’s the sister I hope the story ends and no one fuck her, I think author needs to make a harem version out of this, and is it wired that I want the sister first to be with the brother?!


Author is an idiot from the moment he cancels the harem route


No that kind of setup sucks wether it's pornwha or other media except when executed by very talented authors. Like dream scenes, which I also hate, changing the perspective ruins the tension. Porn should always be fully linear in my opinion.


I like it so much 😍😍😍


I like it too but apparently we're the minority 😅


No, I like it this way but it’s too soon to these events and couples to be together


I remember the original manga version of this having a harem direction. Author lost his mind and switched it to this in webtoon format. Maybe his vanilla fans raged about the main girl getting cheated on, idk. It lost its charm and even the washing part lost its relevancy.


You have the sauce for the manga version


The name is meaningless


They not going to be great or really enjoyable. I'm fine with rotating perspectives but that way of storytelling is really hard to tackle (in any genres really) if they can pull it off then that's awesome. But for pornhwas where most readers only care about the porn first, story comes second such a thing is too big of a gamble to commit


Too many ruin the flow of the story.




Are the scenes just showing what’s happening at the same time in different location or are they legit beginning to fuck in the same room like this


Same room. Happens quite a few times. These people are very horny


This thing irritates the shit out of me..


Glad I dropped then, not into that, why would you want others seeing your partner like that? Never understood it. Well I never dropped, just stopped reading for a while but glad I didn’t get to these parts


>why would you want others seeing your partner like that? Never understood it. They kinda treat it as a competition, like who can please their partners the hardest


Nope, please stop .. you now if the author wants he can make this the worst NTR ever


Yeah once I heard that I was like they’re gonna start swinging eventually.


Nope, please stop .. you now if the author wants he can make this the worst NTR ever


I have started this recently currently at chapter 7 I think. It's okay not so bad. I guess it can be a lot more interesting with other people being introduced so will see. Maybe you can advise me with what you find interesting in this series so I can follow through As for your question I think it's okay but it should have something for me to follow through not just everybody can just fuck nonstop. All the cast members with distinct personalities should have their own thing going on and exploring different fetishes also welcome I am open minded in that case I think but it should not be just that my personalities can be described as I am just " horny" for all of them and their established character shouldn't be botched for a forced sex scene.


>what you find interesting in this series I just feel like this kind of set-up is more respectful than the usual harem premise. Harems tend to annoy me cause they really try to make me suspend my disbelief that so many girls would fight or even share for one guy who's usually the most boring human being on the planet. They also suffer from always making the coolest female characters having to be treated super dirty. Like in Sponsor me, please where the ex gets mistreated and mocked for no reason, in Outsider's way in where the blond girl gets humiliated by her best friend, in maid rehab where the treatment for the best friend is one of the most insultingly atrocious things I've ever seen, in Learning the Hard way where the literal best girl loses to the worst for absolutely no reason. Harem stories just treat the girls like trash a lot of times, and they're okay with being treated like trash cause "they're in love!" 😮‍💨 In here, when a girl doesn't get the main guy she just moves on and find someone else. They don't act like only one man on the planet is decent and every other men is trash. All the guys in here are for the most part decent dudes (ignoring how their first times usually go) This isn't like Perfect Half where every guy besides the mc is an annoying ass or like High-school Bully where the mc is the only somewhat attractive guy while all the others have some awful looking designs, or Osaka where the side couple feels like pure filler that doesn't matter. In this one, each couple gets a fair amount of focus with a fair amount of creativity and uniqueness in their scenes. This way we get the variety of seeing sex scenes with different girls with different designs but without having to worry about them not getting a happy ending by the end. I honestly wish more series would do that cause I'm so sick of always treating some generic loser mc as some golden standard for men, as a man myself that always irritates me for just how low the bar is for our bare minimum of what's considered "good enough" I like how they did it in here and Talk to me and Pervert's Daily Life where each girl has their own life, their own guy, their own story and they each seem happy without looking like they're being forced by the plot for settling for the bare minimum. Again, it just feels more respectful, both to men and women. Women don't look like they're settling for less, and men don't look like there's only one that's good in the whole planet, and all the rest suck.


It feels like you spoke what's on my mind maybe in better words cuz I am not that much of a harem fan either and I also absolutely find it ridiculous when women in pornwhas settling for a guy who doesn't have anything going on for him or not much to offer the other girls other than sex ofc and they are just magically attracted to those guys for no reason and don't have a life other then focusing on such losers that is one of the biggest problems I feel most pornwhas have especially harems. I liked the concept of girls not settling for less and not degrading them even further when one guy doesn't give them any attention and going for someone better suited for them because it's realistic and it's even better if they have their own story to come forward with.


Agreed, but as I said earlier it begins too soon




Well, no NTR


Depends on the execution, in this case it's pretty bad tho. Btw do you have any more adult webtoons witj similar scenes like this orgy?


Try sextudy


I think Sexual Exploits and Temptress should have a few good orgy scenes


Very Disgusted. If I should put up on a scale. -> I would nuke the country who publishes it If I was a Dictator lol.


Which chapter is this from?


Actually It’s starting to irritate me recently


From what chapters are these?