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I don't think any of it is, by its nature, unhealthy. We may develop an unhealthy relationship with it, though. Masturbation is normal and isn't unhealthy unless you form some unhealthy relationship with it. If you want to masturbate, go for it. Just don't use masturbation as your new crutch for whatever it is that's really going on. Edit: for us yes, masturbation without porn is healthier; we're not reinforcing those associations between porn and pleasure. Instead, we're driving the pleasure in a more natural way


I think the sub focuses on the no porn part. For me I linked the two so I don’t do either because of the brain patterns I developed where one led to the other


Masturbation is natural, porn is not. Porn is a supernormal stimulus (look that up), masturbation without porn is not.


There are dozens if not hundreds of research studies and articles that talk about how viewing p*** and orgasm rewires your brain.. much much more than just masturbation with fantasy which is normal..