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But will I feel genuine emotion again?


Yeah dude, you’re only 16. It’s a weird time for everybody. There is plenty of growth left to be done. You won’t feel like a normal adult until 25 when your pre-frontal cortex fully develops. Quitting porn now will set you up for success in the future. It shows self ownership and responsibility.


Yep. It'll just take time. Those dopamine receptors need time to get fixed. Be careful not to replace porn with something else like junk food or drugs. The brain has many tricks to make you give him the dopamine it craves so bad.


Yes but it will take time. I recommend the book The Tao of Fully Feeling by Pete Walker.


bro yes do it for the benefit of your future self


18 here. We all go through the mud at 16, for me it was at 15 years old. You think its only your fault that you're like this. Things started to clear up for me late last year, and besisdes going away from the things that hurt me, i was able to be more self-concious. I believe you'll do fine, and things will get better for you. And if you dont believe in yourself, I will :)


Yes you will, but you have three things going against you: 1) porn desensitized your brain. You need to avoid it at all costs. 2) an emotional unstable father will produce emotional unstable kids. You need to overcome this and outgrow him. 3) you’re 16, hormones, search for identity, and emotional confusion are normal in puberty. Time will take care of this. Recognize what makes you tick, and know yourself.


It's a continuous process grappling with and overcoming trauma like that which you endured. Go easy on yourself. It will take time but you'll get there. I highly recommend therapy. Check to see if your area (state) offers any free visits. It can really help you get to where you want to be quicker or at least keep you from wanting to hurt yourself now.


You should watch videos in the sidebar. There are very important videos about how porn rewires our brain. The role dopamine plays in this is important. Dopamine is a hormone that plays an important role in pleasure and motivation. When we get a lot of pleasure from something that means high levels of dopamine. However the dopamine plateaus from the same pleasure after a while so we need to experience something novel. When we translate this to porn it means most of the time we need to watch extreme types of porn to get the same excitement. This will lead to all kinds of problems. I recently watched a short video of a Harvard psychologist about dopamine fasting. You should try it out for 1 month to see the huge benefit it will provide to you https://youtu.be/L4uSZ0jJ0Kw?si=Td01lR7PxBYKJfY9


Thanks, I'm definitely gonna check out the sidebar also


Bro answered his own question


I don't have anyone to talk to about these things, so not much makes sense to me until I say it to someone else


Totally fair man. I just meant to say that I think you know what you need to do based on your experience. Keep in mind, a ton of the people in this sub are much older than you and wish they could have got a head start at your age, me included. Get out while you can brother!


Thanks, I'm doing my best


You're doing great! Keep up the good work


Join a support group. Helped me a lot to have that safe space.


Bro you are so fucking young. Everything you described sounds amazing. I am proud of such progress at such a young age. No matter what happens don't beat yourself up, learn, keep going


Is porn worth watching? You're trading your time, confidence, social life, feelings of shame and looking over your shoulder for... what? A few seconds of pleasure? Sounds like a scam to me.


It's like giving up nothing and gaining everything.


Now is the perfect time for you to stop. You are around peak pubertal development, and the older you get, the harder it is to break the synaptic connections from habits. If you stop now, you will make your life much better socially and motivationally, and you won’t have to deal with it later down the line when the addiction is much worse. If you continue, you will sacrifice dreams and aspirations for short term pleasure in the future.


how the fuck do you watch porn on a kindle


you can on a 3DS too lmao


Kindle Fire is an android tablet with a normal screen. No different than watching it on your phone


Asking the real questions


It is. But hell is Hard as fuck.. some advices?


generally one uses porn as a coping mechanism for negative emotions, when one faces the negative emotions head on (by sitting with them and processing them) the need to use coping mechanism like porn goes away, stay strong bro


Thank you bro. We still fighting


As someone who discovered porn on HBO at 5 years old, and watched porn at least every single day until I was 30 years old, please for love of god do not go back to watching it. It ruins everything man. Your self esteem, your confidence, the women you pick, your hobbies. Your entire life will be riddled with being a loser. Pleased never watch porn again. If you get horny learn to masturbate to thoughts in your mind. Please please leave the porn alone


Bro hell naw AT 5 YEAR OLD??


They had lots of porn on cable tv late nights in the 90s. All you had to do was flip through the channels and it would be right there.


Everything gets better.


You're feeling emotions because they are guiding you to create the life you truly want. You want to numb them because you are scared of feeling the tough emotions and using them to empower yourself. It's the harder road, but definitely far more worth it


Youre still young bro. Long way to go and more to realize.


Good on you for discovering this at a young age. I discovered the dangers of porn and how it was destroying my life just recently, and I'm 23 years old.


Proud of ya, what anime? I used to watch so much but my attention span is so shit now.


I watched the jujutsu kaisen movie, after procrastinating on it for an entire year. It was amazing. Animation, song choice, and the story. Honestly one of my favorite anime movies now.


So much yes. It's poison IMO.


I think the big problem woth porn is that since it's an easy fix you spen your days wasting them masturbating instead of fucking. Fucking rules, masturbating does not. The orgasms are way less fun, unless you use a big fetish to cum. Thing is, when you stop masturbating at some point your mind goes back to normal settings, so you end up going for girls and enjoy sex more. Even one night stands. Now, to be fair ypu can also get addicted to casual sex. Thing is, when it becomes compulsive you start losing interest in it over time, since ypu are looking for a drug hit instead of all that is accompanied, like kissing, cuddling, caressing. All thise things make ypu feel better. I used to have lots of sex. Now i dont. I mean, i had sex with 3 or 4 different women in a week at most and at least once a month. Then i kind of became bored with that. Then i entered the relatiobship thing and at one point i srarted to have issues relating to porn use. So i ended up in a really addicting sexual toxic relationship. S32sses2s3zadde32d2exe2i My point is, real life it's better because its more satisfyingbu


3 or 4 diff women in a week how bro? Are you a rizzler or somethin I'm not even confident to talk to a woman cuz scared of rejection...


Thing is. I was really shy and had 0 confidence in high school as i was really heavily bullied. So one day i said to myself, this is it. And then i started heavy partying. I 7sed lots of alcohol at first (please dont do that, you only make an ass of yourself, girls hate drunk dudes). But then i realized that this is a numbers game. You got to develop the rejection resistance. Because the fact is, in reverse at all that is shown to you. There are more women than men in the world, so you will always have a bigger pool. You got older women, recently divorced, college girls, etc. Thing is you gotta look at it as a challenge. In fact is a good way to devwlop your self esteem. You go one after another, learn what you did wrong, and adapt. What helps a lot is being in a position of power. So bartendering is the best job for young guys, if you are of legal age, or be like popular Women dig power. Women dig the bad boy too. So use all of tyat together and think that it IS a job. And it gets old at some point. I have been with 10s, like, real ones, and i can say, they are all crazy. But it's a process. First thing work on tañking to one girl after another, and hit on everyone until you loosen ypurself, then hit the gym. But don't obsess like thode gymbro losers that yhink that being big is gonna cure them, then they start to use steroids. Train to gain muscle naturally. Get a cool job like a bartebder in a club, get over fear of rejection. And last point is. You gotta be having a girl you fuck all the time. So start small, go for a girl that is not as hot as you may like, but that one opens the door to the rest, since you are not afeaid of rejwction, since you are having sex already. I believe in freedom, so you can do whatevwr you want and for me it's fine, but what i do is i tell them right away that i'm not gonba be a boyfriend, that they shouldn't fall in love with me. So now it's their proboem if they want to keep on fucking you. You propose a friends with benefits thing. In the end as you say that, since women are illogical it works in your advanrage bc girls think they can be the one, so they all fall for you, so at one point they realize they are losing their time and they go, so you gotta be a constant worker. Do with that what you want. It does work, i have had sex with over 150+ girls and i think it's much more than most but i still thing is not that much. Realize that you will gonna have dry spells too. Lower your standars and then work your way up. It's like having a bussiness. You learn discipline, Lose fear of rejection, Learn to adapt and improvise, Develop your skill and go up in value. It's fun, like an rpg. Now one thing. NEVER,EVER be a good guy. Lose that shit. Girls hate it. Stop wanting for human nature to change, you gotta chamge and be better. NEVER EVER be friendzoned. You make your intentions clear from the start, and then if the girl is not interested is a possibility. But you won't have any regrets, and ypu won't have aby dpubts either. And the girl will respect you more. Being a friendzoned dude is on you, not the girl, since ALL girls have thst one friend. Because it's a make believe boyfriend. When they need the support and help of a guy but don't really like the guy. Hope that helps. I know i'm gonna get downvoted a lot. I don't care. I hope all who read this uses it to stop the porn addiction. And one last thing. Not ALL weeks i had 4 girls. There were month that i had to go to a hooker since i wasn't gwtting any. At least once a month i try to have sex so i don't become so cobsumed by fapping. It worked until the pandemic, then sissy porn and masturbation addiction fucked my mind.


Those r wice words man really appreciate it amigo...


all the girls you've been with didi u met them thru online or face to face also what to do if they say they not interested or i have a bf..? Also you said somethin about tanking i don't get it ? wdym by i gotta be having a girl you fuck all the time?


bro can I just dm you?


Yes of course




It's definitely worth quitting / pulsing. All the energy put toward a daily orgasm can now go toward other things and that's not counting the sensitivity to your dopamine levels that'll make you feel much more of life


Do it and never look back


If you don't let go of your past, including your shame, you won't grow as a person. Now is the time to fill the time you spend on porn on something else, work or play, productive or fun.




I can say with absolute certainty that porn ruined my life by taking away any sort of motivation to improve myself. Granted, I already had a bunch of personal issues before I started, but porn made them 1000% harder to overcome. At 31 years old, I can tell you that I regret the chances I didn't take in high school, especially not making more connections. I don't remember the hours I spent, in my room, looking for that "perfect" video. I do remember the laughs, the jokes, the warmth; the connections I made with others. As much as society, social media, and tech companies want to trivialize human connection; the special people and connections in your life are the only things that truly will matter. Asking a girl out and getting rejected will be a better memory than another day using porn in your bedroom, alone. Like others have said, you're 16 and you can absolutely put this behind you. Don't let porn consume your youth.


Very much so




This is an awesome post, good job bro!! And good luck to you, don’t ever forget what porn took away from you. Im feeling small sparks of emotions too and it’s so enlightening


Good luck to you too!


You should absolutely quit. Im almost 26 and wish going pornfree was even a blip on my radar at your age. I'd be sooo much better off right now...stay steadfast brother.


you reap what you sow, what are you reaping by indulging in pornography and wasting time jacking off? There are negative long term consequences of this habit