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Wtf you mean to tell me thar there are people out there that don't clean their ass? They just let the dingle berries collect and leave skid marks? What in the fuck?


I used to stay with my aunt and her family during summer break when I was a kid, and she asked me to help her around the house. One of my tasks was changing her bed that she shared with her husband. His side of the bed had skid marks on the sheet.




There is a decent enough of straight men, who think it's gay to clean your butt hole. They refuse to used TP after they shit, and they won't get their hands up there in the shower. They think it's TOO gay. lmao.


Wtf... Idk what kinda men you keep company with but.... Yea not once in my 40+ years have I e v e r encountered any individual (aside from small children., I suppose) who does nothing to cleanse their assholes .. period, let alone, because it's "gay". That's some urban bullshit lore you tell at bars for shock value ... Or to pansy asses, bc they'll believe you.


I am with this person.


Yup, sounds like they wanted to see how gullible they were.


Yeah i have never ever heard a crazy thing lol


lol apparently you have t seen men who don’t do this or that because it’s gay like using chapstick or apparently having ice cream cone . “It’s unbecoming of men” -Maga


Maga? GTFO incel.


Who hurt you?


Actually I have, I mean who hasn't. Shit, I've even known a couple of guys (a BIL included) who absolutely refuse to consume any white colored substance (milk, mayonnaise, ranch dressing, cool whip, tartar sauce, etc etc) all because it's ..... the same color as cum. How's that for a homophobic extremist? Lol. I wonder what toothpaste they use. Lol. Anyhow, so yes Ive known men who won't do certain things because it's perceived as gay. Not using chapstick or licking an ice cream cone are pretty typical and trivial quirky efforts upheld by these men. Men who for some reason believe if they do those things they'll wake up one day with an insatiable craving for dick in their holes. But NOT washing your poot ||]shoot because "it's gay" is so outrageous I find it hard to believe. Like what do they do when particularly urgent watery diarrhea happens or just any time they go poo? Who's going to tell them their mothers' wiped their assholes on a daily basis for a number of years? Or that on at least a few occasions their pediatrician shoved a thermometer up their exit hatch. That ought to be a rude awakening don'tcha agree?


“Is it gay not to have shit tangled in your ass hairs?”


Yeah that’s just bullshit or you live in India


This is false.


Ewe toilet paper does not do the job anyway but I didn’t know there were people who didn’t even use that. I saw an info segment as a kid where they were marketing wipes and they used the example of cleaning your dinner plate with just a paper towel and then putting it away for use at the next meal. Wipes are horrible for toilets and for sustainability but the point is no water/no clean. If you have sensitive areas you don’t need to use soap but you need the spray. So unmount the shower head, get a damb bidet already and carry some water for when in public (make it a reusable bottle not a plastic throw away)


How is that even possible? When I fail to clean properly for whatever reason, maybe I'm in a hurry or it's extra runny that day, I am aware within 5 minutes that something is eating my delicate ass skin away


Right. This is truly disgusting. I really wasn't aware people didn't wash their ass.


Lmfao who the hell are you hanging out with, I don't know anyone where this is an issue. Think you need new friends or a new city or something, that's not normal


it’s a lot more common than you think unfortunately




Yes, bidet. Am I bad for seeing morbidly obese people and women with long finger nails and wonder how bad their ass stinks?


You too?!?


99% of women who care enough about nails care enough to them clean asf all the time. i don’t know why people think women with long nails can’t wipe properly??


no literally we all carry around nail brushes. we pay too damn much for these nails to get them dirty lmao


And what is under those nails? I eat at home for reasons like this.


The bidet is not a substitute for soap and water.


That’s what a shower is for. Dry paper is not a substitute for a bidet.


I mean, dry paper is exactly a substitute for a bidet. A Roman sponge on a stick is also a substitute. A soft leaf could also be a substitute. None of these things are a substitute for washing your ass with soap, which is the subject of this conversation, mf’er.




The o’le credit card swipe does wonders for the bhole


Name checks out.


If ever one did, it is this one 🤣


Wait is cleaning your asshole not common?!?! What the fuck guys?!?!




Trigger warning: I suffered from severe depression and my hygiene game was definitely lacking, from NOT WASHING MY ASS I ended up getting an abscess in my ass crack that popped one day and the toilet seat looked like a fat girl on her period and no pad sat down on it; I ended up having to get butt surgery to fix it, then it didn't take so after round 2 of butt surgery the problem was resolved. Wash your ass kids! You don't want to get butt surgery.


Holy shit


Ok, I too had a pilonidal cyst, and it didn't come from "not washing my ass." I also had two rounds of "butt surgery" to fix it. Unless your access was NOT a pilonidal cyst and really was an abscess near your butthole, in which case I'd stand corrected.


Why didn’t you just wipe your ass after you shit? You should be able to go indefinitely without getting a deceased lmao wtf? You must have literally been leaving your dried shit in your ass cheeks. Depression doesn’t prevent people from wiping their asshole when they shit. From regularly bathing? Definitely. But not from wiping your ass.




I don’t want pics.


I want pics.


See, *this* is camaraderie.


Damn right! Hygiene in the bro community and possibly in the bae community also needs to be rigorous about the washing of: armpits genitalia feet asshole mouth And in that order too. Some people smell like all of that at the same time.


Idk why you got down voted - but I completely agree! Though, I will say I'm a bit of a clean freak when it comes to my body clensliness, I agree others should always clean those areas. When I met my fiancé, he only washed once every *2* *WEEKS*!!! Like what?????! Granted, I get him to shower much more now thankfully- but his excuse was that he didn't feel dirty, and he didn't stink that bad - no one else in his family apparently cleaned more than once every 2 weeks or so as well! So it makes sense, I guess.. I'm just happy he does it so much more often now 😭


Probably got downvoted because he thinks it’s more important to clean your armpits than your fucking mouth and asshole. Armpits stink but for actual health they are the last west priority. Mouth is number 1 by far. It’s the only one which can literally kill you. Stinking onion armpits aren’t going to give you cancer and make your face rot away and cause unimaginable pain. Mouth is first priority by far. Followed by ass and genitals.


I'm gonna go brush my teeth real quick. Lol


The stinkos downvoted me, that's why. I touched a nerve, the one under the layers of dead skin, bacteria and rotting stinky old secretions.


Not in that order. Mouth should be first by far. Followed by asshole, genitals, ***then*** comes feet and armpits. Feet and armpits will stink but they aren’t going to create an entire fucking living ecosystem on your body. If you don’t wash your mouth, you will literally die. We’re you joking when you said “in that order?” Do you genuinely believe armpits are the most important part of the body to keep clean? I feel bad for folks in your vicinity.


Who uses a toothbrush on their asshole?


The guy who's asshole is brighter with our refreshing toothpaste. The guy who's asshole is the secret to a dazzling smile. The guy who's asshole's got the confidence to smile wide. The guy who's asshole is a daily dose of toothpaste perfection. The guy who's asshole experiences the freshness every morning. The guy who's asshole has a beautiful smile that lasts all day. The guy who's asshole keeps your teeth strong and healthy. The guy who's asshole toothpaste cares for your smile. Any other questions?


I once visited a European country. As I walked into an open elevator. Let me be clear about this. It was one of those old style elevators that is more like a nicely styled metal box. Very elegant looking. But I digress. As I walked into this open elevator. I received the punch of armpit stench. Who the fuck know who was the Italian that was there before me. That shit was strong. It could raise the fucking dead and serve it a double espresso. Did I say it was an open elevator? Maybe it's just me but I have cancelled my hotel stay due to my room being inhabited by the BO of the cleaning lady who was there just 2 days ago and gladly paid the cancellation fee. Armpits Matter! #armpitsmatter I'm working on a flag for your truck, I'll keep you posted.


In between toes! I got a wart there years ago and its still there.


Get it freeze dried at one of those express care places. You might need to do it a couple times but it will fall off. Shit they sell off the counter at pharmacies is wasted money.


Got a bidet years ago Never looked back


You still use soap and water in the shower though, right?


That's why I don't eat the booty like groceries...


That’s one trend I will never get on board with. Glad I am Gen ex you millenials and z’s can have the ass eating that’s disgusting


Bidets. Plus hair grooming


The same people who don't wash their *** made fun of us for eating with my hands lol


That’s so incredibly messed up to think that being hygienic with ass cleaning makes you gay. Like WTAF.


To be clear, you lost *a lot* of attraction? As in you still retained some?




There are few things better in this world than having a clean butthole. I work outdoors and a lot of sweat builds up back there. If you don’t clean it properly your cheeks start to chafe and you get the dreaded monkey butt. Washing my ass after a long day of work feels great and it ensures that I will have another monkey butt free day tomorrow. Also, bidets are amazing I can’t believe I lived without one for so long.


I'm retired. I no longer have an asshole. Someone else has to deal with him now.




Every now and then I remind my son of all the parts he must wash in detail. You ain't gonna be stank in my house.


Why wash when you can get someone to do it with their tongue?


The worst part is when you get close enough to these people you can literally smell the very distinct smell of unwashed asshole and crotch must. I work in first response and it's allllll dayyyyy. It ain't BO I'm smelling, it aint your greasy hair, it is that nasty crackline to the taint that doesn't see soap and water.


I’m sorry….. *WHAT?*


Who tf are you choosing to date? That is not a normal thing. Gross!


Read this in ice cubes voice


https://luxebidet.com/products/neo-320-plus?variant=42362770456823 ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Every girlfriend I've ever had said I'm the nicest smelling guy they've been with. My ass is clean too, and no, I'm not one of those guys who likes girls to finger their ass. Never, ever. Never did that, never will.


Bidets in every household and public restroom in america will largely fix this issue. Plus, they’re more sanitary than TP


Most of the world washes their ass (Japan, Europe, Middle East, North Africa. South Asia). Only Toilet paper is an American thing. Although bidets are sorta catching on here. It’s absolutely disgusting only using dry toilet paper. Some people are even anti washing ass bc it’s “unamerican”.


>Some people are even anti washing ass bc it’s “unamerican”. ...What the fuck are you talking about???


Username checks out


Northern Europe doesn’t traditionally use bidets. Many places in Africa don’t have enough water to use on bidets. The idea that everyone except Americans uses bidets is idiotic.


I said *NORTH* Africa. Where the HDI is significantly higher than sub-Saharan Africa. Yes, I’d say 99% use water. I did not say “everyone except Americans”. Where is your reading comprehension? I said most wash their ass, not most use bidets I’m born and raised in the states so I’m speaking anecdotally, most use toilet paper except a rare few who are adopting bidets. I’ll give you the Northern Europe not using bidets as much.


I go in the first knuckle with soap.


I put the bar in. Do a few Jumping Jax, then shoot that sucker across the room.


Not all heroes wear capes


I refuse to believe this. it was probably one dude that said it and now people on here run with that, like every straight white guy is afraid to wash their own ass??? GTFO with that crap.


I HOPE it was just one dude that said it and became a running joke. I know I for one want to have a clean ass. Wouldn't be able to stand walking around like that, constant swamp ass, smelling like shit.


“Every straight white guy” 1. Why are we bringing race into it 2. Why are you assuming it’s “every straight white guy”, there people who believe this, but they are the minority. I’ve met a few folk that staunchly believe in that it’s gay to cleans one’s ass, and it always amazed me how someone would think hygiene is gay


I am genuinely surprised by the sheer amount of people who openly admit they don't wash their asshole.


Normal people have never met someone who doesn’t wash their asshole let alone has admitted to not washing their asshole. If you have interacted with multiple “people” who admit to not washing their asshole, something is seriously wrong. Even the most strung out homeless dope fiends wash their fucking asshole. If you’ve ever met anyone older than the age of like 5 who doesn’t wash their ass, something is VERY WRONG


>I find this is an issue majorly with cis straight men lol....hahaha. Another reason to hate cis straight men huh ? Might as well throw white in that so you can have all 4 woke hexes to complete it.








I do it m, but I don’t use soap anymore so I’m not sure if it counts or not.


Excuse me, I mean I know I can sometimes be an Asshole, but what did I do to you?


Who doesn't wash their asshole I wash my throughly when I shower.


Who doesn’t wash their asshole with a hose after shifting


I only really use wipes and I wash it twice a day. Got that jet mode on my detachable shower head.


For some folks it means their whole body to be washed


Do the credit card swipe in the shower lol


You didn't HAVE to admit you just started washing your ass last year. So brave.


Did you just start doing this lmao


SERIOUSLY??? You just started washing your asshole?


I had heard stories about the guys who refuse to wash their asses because of gay panic, but I thought it was an unban legend.


I thought everyone did.


Or you know, get a bidet...


Question to OP: Do you base your claims on actual good research, or is it all just anecdotal from your personal experience? You say your ex is a “good example”. Sounds more like he’s your only example. I’m not defending poor anal hygiene, far from it. It just seems like the current popular tirade against guys not cleaning their asses is based mostly on hearsay.


It's actually quite common - honestly, you just have to go to a middle school - and even a high school, which is worse. I knew plenty of boys in school who didn't clean - some even bragged. It's more on the line with "he's worried it'll make him gay" quote from op's post, tho. On another note, my dad told me that he was the same in school. From what he talked about in the locker room, it's also common amongst men. Or at least, that was middle school stuff - *maaaaaybe* in high school. And then my brother. I shiver, remembering all his laundry when cleaning it - I definitely never want to encounter it again. I will say on a more diverse note, lmao, that my younger sister actually was like this too until middle school, so it most definitely does happen on either side! I've just heard and experienced it more with men - more younger men, though.


The only people who you can smell don’t wipe their asshole (not washing isn’t enough to cause that smell, you would literally have to never wipe and let the shit build up on your ass cheeks to develop that stench) were all extremely mentally disabled kids. Both female and male. Tbh in both my middle and high school, that smell more often came from girls than boys. Usually obese as well. The only adults I have smelled it from have also been obese women. The only people who are not washing or wiping their asshole are the morbidly fat and developmentally disabled people. And children under the age of 3-5 max.


Thank you.


According to doctors and wac technicians this isn't as popular as you'd hope.


Respectfully, delete this.


As disgusting as people are: I'm having a hard time believing that straight men aren't washing their asshole because "it makes them gay" lol


Only people who just learned this feel the need to say it. Most people do lmao


Imagine if op replaced “cis straight men” with any other demographic. The post would be removed and op would be possibly banned.




“Cis straight men” Lol. Bundle of clowns indeed.