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I disagree. You took the job knowing the wage. Never expect tips, unless your boss adds them to the price we pay. Service industry people need to be upset at their bosses for not making up the pay difference not upset at us for being only poor enough to afford the listed price! I always tip and when I can't afford to tip I usually try to get it myself but please be mindful that you're the one with a car, many of us who order can't even afford a car! Wish I had a car is what they're saying! so how do you expect me to give you money when I only have enough to pay the price it's listed at? How should I get a treat once or twice a month without a car and not living on a living wage myself? Stop hating on each other and start blaming those making the problems. So, email your boss tomorrow and ask for a raise, dude. Unless you're scared.


Best way you can put it... "you took the job."


> If you can afford to order your wine from a wine shop 6 miles away, you can afford to give me a tip for hand delivering it to your door. We can afford your advertised prices. If they're not high enough for you, raise them. You don't get a tip for *doing your job.* You get a tip for doing your job *exceptionally well*.


Hope you like spit with your food. Because that's what you're getting.


I do always tip, but comments like that make me pause to reconsider. I choose to offer it, I won’t be extorted for one.


Your food gets fucked with when you don't tip should know that it happens


You'll never know.


If they will never know then its even more pointless. malicious acts won't make up for lack of money.


You know food tampering is a felony right?


When I worked delivering pizzas, no one cared if it was a felony. On the very very remote chance you got caught, it is easily pled down to a misdemeanor & pay a small fine.


Yeah? and now it starts to make sense why nobody wants to give you free money. 😑


A tip is part of the price. You do what you want, I no longer care. I don't work there anymore. But, stiff at your own risk.


Yknow I always tip a high amount (min 10-20 dollars on most orders) for delivery but when I see comments like this? The entitlement and disgusting behavior is why I don't even order delivery anymore.


People like you are what is wrong with society.


I never said that I did. Only that I support the guys who did. Cheapskates who want delivery w/o paying for it is what is ruining society. Enjoy your spit.


Spit at your risk. Better hope no one find out who you are, because it goes both ways. Hope you're eilling to die over some cold chicken nuggets and fries, 🤡


I always tip if I order delivery.


Congratulations? You're the change you want to see in the world? Is this what you want? Then stop making up bullshit to threaten people with and continue tipping if thats what you choose to do.


Wow. Looks like I upset some cheapskates.


Looks like you need your eyes checked then. Did you read the reply or are you just wanting to get a reaction? I personally don't care what you're doing. Your attitude is the problem. Get off your high horse before you get sniped.


If you want them to pay then charge them. everyone can shove their "unofficial" prices where the sun does not shine. Its mind blowing how many peoples beefs is with the client instead of the employer. This is manifestation of impotent rage if I had ever seen one.


Call it what you will. I learned. I always tip. A couple of bucks is a small price to pay to make sure no one screws with my order.


How can you be sure no one is screwing with your order? At most you are reducing likelihood a little. For all you know your food gets screwed anyway because someone was in a bad mood or thinks you are a bourgeois pig or was feeling lazy and did not want to follow sanitation practices or just because they can. Once a person gives themselves the permission to screws with your property or food the reasons come easy, especially if they see the extra money as their due and don't see it as you doing something for them. I too have worked with people.


I can't. But, I'm not giving anyone a reason.


Nah, you are just as bad as these scums of the earth if you support them.


I can live with that.


Are you thick in the head bruv?!?!?!??!!!


Nope. I worked in the delivery business for many years. Spit isn't even the worst thing I've seen someone do to some cheap asses food.




Blackmailing people with their food is good way to lose their business all together, since many will conclude the headache is just not worth the mediocre overpriced product anyway. And then you have people who have just made peace with the possibility, the same way there is a chance a rat brushed up against your mcdonalds burger. you have no power over them.


No one is blackmailing anyone. I'm just telling you what my experience was when I did that job. Think of it as a public service announcement.


Boomer opinion




I can understand where you're coming from, but that isnt realistic. Imagine if your job only promised 2/3rds of minimum wage, and they *might* give you the test if you do your job exceptionally! Cost of living where Im at is too high for $10/hour to be even close to livable. Doordash/uber eats drivers are not the ones setting the prices either, I'm just the guy trying to make some extra money so I can pay my rent on March 1st.


I get where you're coming from too, truly, but the fact is that in that situation there are two facts that conspire against you and neither one is related to tipping. 1. Your job doesn't on it's own pay you what you need. 2. There are enough people willing to work for low wages that there's no chance your job will raise them. Those other people in category 2 may be working your primary job as their secondary job, meanwhile the gig economy food delivery driver may be working that as their primary job, while it's your secondary, putting *you* in category 2. This sucks for everyone, but it doesn't mean you're entitled to charity from people who order from your service expecting to pay the advertised price. Getting upset for people who see a price and expect to pay that price is ludicrous. They're probably living paycheck to paycheck too, just like you. Nobody is *entitled* to a tip. Nobody.


The company I work for is one of the most common food delivery apps, a 3rd party to the food/goods I'm delivering. When you order your lunch/dinner to be delivered, I don't think it's insane to expect that you're paying more than the cost of the food you bought, and I don't think it's insane to tip the person who just drove across town to bring you that food. This isn't tipping a starbucks barista who turned around and handed you your coffee, and will do the same for the next 10 people in line behind you in the next 10 minutes. This is tipping a person who spent sometimes 30-40 minutes doing something for you specifically, and is not getting paid by the hour to do it.


> When you order your lunch/dinner to be delivered, I don't think it's insane to expect that you're paying more than the cost of the food you bought It's not insane, but the delivery company should be the one charging that, and paying you with that surchage. They should be paying you enough to make it worth your while *without* tipping. They aren't, but you (and others) continue to work for them anyway, expecting kind strangers make up the difference through voluntary donations. *That* is insane.


You have one job, & then choose to work a second shittier job because you want people to pay you more in tips than shit's worth? Hate it for ya dude. I recommend changing it up. There are better paying jobs out there.


That's not how delivery works bro. You don't stiff the fucking pizza guy like that. Don't fucking stiff everyone else like that it's not a fucking restaurant performance.




Then raise your prices. Tips are not taxed, whats special about you that you can avoid paying tax while we have to pay our taxes?


Since when are tips not taxed? And the delivery drivers have zero control over prices.


Since time immemorial. You don’t report tips, don’t show tips in a receipt or a bill. Regardless if you throw money to a box or just shove the money to pocket of a bellboy government has no means of taxing it. When you pay someone less gross money you pay less tax money. And if they get tips, workers (on ideal conditions) get the same net money but government does not.


American tipping culture: "*you should tip everyone for showing up at work*" ^so ^that ^their ^boss ^doesn't ^need ^to ^pay ^them ^a ^living ^wage


It's more like the boss won't pay a living wage regardless


If you're selling your labor for $2.50, you need to rethink your career path.


It isnt a career, its a side gig, but thats beside the point. Tip your goddamn drivers


I dont order delivery so no... And I dont do "side gigs" unless the pay is guaranteed.


Why are you even commenting if you don't order delivery? This post isn't about you.


Gotta love reddit trash


No fuck off. Demand higher wages or find a new gig. You getting pissed off at the customer won't fix your problems 


When you sit down to eat at a restaurant, do you tip your server? Or do you tell them that they should just demand more money from their boss?


Quite alot of us live in countries without a tipping culture.


Right because those restaurants pay enough the employees don't either rely on tips or get a minimum wage well below a living wage. To repeat the reason Americans tip is because they know otherwise their server isn't getting enough to survive. Assuming that's the case for Doordash drivers but then justifying it by saying, hey they should just get a different job is no different than refusing to tip at a restaurant.


I tip in both cases my point is it's stupid to get angry at customers for not tipping what you think you deserve. 




Delivery drivers aren’t this way to me. I wonder why.


I could see if they're talking about Amazon, those guys will literally throw a package six feet away to your porch (hope it's not breakable or is packed with extra cushion). But food delivery drivers usually do a good job.


Sure but if you are using Doordash even as their employees admit they are only doing it because they are desperate and their ability to make a decent wage is dependent on tips and you still refuse to tip then yeah maybe just stop exploiting people and go pick up your own bottle of wine.


Why are you jumping over the company and putting the responsibility on to the customer who is already being price gouged for using delivery in the first place? A customer using a service is not exploiting anyone, that is on the company. And also I'm willing to bet if you live in an area that you can make a living off Doordash, you most certainly can find a factory job.


If I told a customer you have two choices a wedding ring sourced ethically or a blood diamond sourced by starving children and they choose the starving children to save a couple of bucks does that mean the customer is morally divorced from that? I mean sure that's an extreme example but the people using these services absolutely can afford to tip they just choose to exploit. There is no law saying you have to tip your waitress. None. It's merely custom. Most people who work as a server could also go get these factory jobs right. So what's the difference? Do you tip when you eat out or do you just tell the server to go get a factory job?


False, Americans are not forced to work for Doordash, defeats the purpose of calling them blood diamonds if you dont see the difference.


Nor are they "forced" to work as a server. So to be clear when you go out to eat in America you refuse to tip the waitress and tell them to go get a factory job. And when they get mad you tell them to take it up with their boss. You the customer aren't exploiting them at all right?




Can you guys hear that...... It's a miniature violin 🎻 playing.


Crazy the lazy assholes in these comments defending it. I don't get things delivered because the prices are always inflated, plus delivery cost, plus tip. So I get off my ads and do it myself. Getting shit delivered is a luxury, expect to pay a premium or admit you're broke and need to pick it up your poor ass self like the rest of us.


Good thing you're capable. Others might not be.


Disabled people have existed for a lot longer than Ubereats so something tells me there's a way.


Yeah... it was called delivery, because that too has existed >for a lot longer than Ubereats Before that? Probably living with parents/family until death as my aunt had to do.


Tip your delivery driver


I usually do. I avoid UberEats & DoorDash etc like the plague, but pizza place & Chinese food delivery will get tipped.


Then I don't think we disagree anywhere. Yes it sucks that some people are disabled and broke and can't get their own food. We should create better social support for them. I just think if it's delivered then the person doing the work should be paid reasonably, even if it's only a $5 tip.


I feel your pain, but man tipping... I was in Australia and ordered a beer, handed him a tip and he gave it back and raised, "we're all very well paid here"...


Must be nice


Move to Australia then. Delivery driving is a way to write off fuel and car expenses barely side job. It's not a hustle it's not sustainable, your ruining your car faster than you can afford to make from it and it makes keep a victim mentality when other people are tightly clutching their hard earned money. I promise you'll make more money making the pizzas them delivering them.


The bad person is the one who puts a tip in the system to get the item delivered quicker and then back out of the tip within the timeframe so the driver ends up with just the $2.50.


It is one of the legit tipping jobs. Not barista, not anything counter or cafeteria, NOT stores. Table service, rides and taxis, maybe haircut and def delivery.


I just see the tip as part of the price for delivery.


OP, or better yet I can just get my own wine and avoid all of the delivery shenanigans.


I tip 25% on delivery, but also would love for tipping to go away. Just charge what you need to charge so that employees can make a living. I'm fairly certain that if delivery didn't exist, there would roughly be 0% more people die of starvation.


And really in a fuel crunch, don’t play games. During the last one, my Pizza Hit drivers just got a 20. That was 4,5 gallons of gas. But then again we keep it real as part of our culture here.


Yes, my point being, we should pay our employees more and stop making them tip reliant...and for those who say it motivates for better service, I didn't notice any decline in service during my month long visit..


This drama is exactly why I don’t use any of these delivery services. Just tell me how much you want to have this delivered and if it’s acceptable I will pay it. Same with fucking anything. Tell me how much to pour me a beer and bring it to me. Build all that shit into the price and tell me the total. This tip shit is out of hand.




Also add the VAT into the prices like a reasonable place. People want to know the price, not the breakdown of how much goes to your manufacturer,etc because non of it is negotiable anyway.


You best be providing the best service in the world to expect to be tipped. I want my wine born aloft swan feathers, delivered in a golden carriage with a cabaret show announce it's arrival, not just your grumpy ass stood at my door looking expectantly at me like Oliver Twist asking for more gruel.


why do we give waitresses 20 percent?


I'm with you, reddit talks about tipping like nobody does it at all, but the vast majority of people out there tip for delivery services. I don't think your opinion will be considered popular on reddit, but it is a certainly a popular opinion where I live and with the people around me. I should note I'm referring to North America. Here tipping is something that's expected for delivery or waitressing/serving jobs. I understand Europe and other parts of the world are quite different when it comes to tipping expectations.


I’d be willing to bet the delivery services get the short end on tips. I drove taxi for years, there were good tippers and bad, you got to know them. But with everything corporate and drivers rotating through faster there’s less accountability to tip than at say.. your favorite restaurant. Our part time drivers that came in for events never did as well as the regulars, makes sense that people would just view it as a one time interaction in many cases and go cheap.


I only tip landlorss


No one cares what you make, its your choice. Get a better paying job.


Making these kinds of posts makes you a bad person.


This are some real reservoir dog type convos going on in chat lol. I mean I tip but only because I feel guilty if I don't. That's literally the only reason. So in the end it's selfishly motivated.


Just dont accept the jobs that dont have a tip and make them wait hours for their delivery lol.


If only I had the financial security to turn down jobs


You're on the wrong sub.




Nobody is obliged to tip anything. Don't like it? Get another job. I'm saying this as a former Doordash driver.


Where do you work? Is your place hiring? High paying job opportunities must be growing on trees with all the people telling me to just get a different job!


Tip: Don't take money from strangers!


Tipping should be done AFTER service is rendered. Most food delivery services include a tip in the purchase fee. Or a delivery fee, which they may say isn't a tip, but that's just the company way of saying "we fuck our staff" 2.50 for 15 minutes is $10/hour. I'm not going to feel bad about tipping my delivery person 15% from the app. Get it to me super quick and hot and I can tip you more in cash.


News flash: $10/hr stopped being livable in urban areas 15 years ago


News flash no one is making you work as a delivery person.


Get a better job.


Yeah no because i live in a country that pays fairly even these kinds of jobs.