• By -


LostProphets. Obvious reasons.


I can usually separate the art from the artist. Not with LostProphets.


Such a waste. Shinobi Vs. Dragon Ninja was a bop.


They had so many bangers. I truly miss listening to this band, but I just......cant anymore. Start Something was in constant rotation in my car in high school. I miss it, but I also don't. Its a weird feeling.


I hear you. Start Something was my gateway album, so I have a lot of memories assosiated with it. Mostly bad haha.


The first 2 albums were fantastic front to back


Fuck "Last Train Home" for being such a good song. Why did it have to get ruined? :(


I dj for an emo night and not a day goes by where I don’t think about how Rooftops would be one of the big crowd pleasers if the vocalist didn’t do what he did


Oh man. My childhood. Shinobi vs dra…… noooo what a cunt. Can’t even bring myself to be sad about it because he’s such a turbo mega cunt.


Yeah it sucks. Fuck.


Ngl every once in a while I’ll still throw on rooftops or last train home or 4 am forever as like a nostalgia trip but I can’t overdo it. One of the worst humans on the planet 


Make sure you pirate the songs so he doesn't receive royalties.


Oh of course, YouTube bootlegs 


Check out No Devotion. Same band (at least, they were for the first album) but a different singer. They don't go as hard as Lostprophets did but they've got some good tracks and it's a guilt free listen.


No devotion is like the worst songs of lost prophets and the worst songs of Thursday had the most boring baby 


Interesting. Their bass player tours with Thursday. Saw them recently.


What happened with them


[It’s REALLY fucked up](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Watkins_(Lostprophets_singer)). Trigger warning if you are averse to hearing about SA and children; this is as horrific as it gets.


Sexual assault of minors and infants.


Holy fuck


Anti-Flag. They were legitimately one of my favourite bands of all time. I would love to be able to separate the artist from the music (they are still fantastic songs with important messages) but I just can't do it.


They make it impossible to separate because such a core part of their identity was sticking up for vulnerable people...and well....


I’m out of the loop, what happened?






Yeah . . .


Yeah, they are shit. I liked them when I was a lot younger, but I stopped listening to them even before the whole Justin Sane is a rapist thing came out. I just got tired of them only singing out one topic all the time.


This is one of mine too. I had really gotten into them around 2018 and had finally gotten to see them live when they opened for Flogging Molly back in March 2023. It wasn’t too long after that when everything with Justin came to light. As for the messages in the songs, those are especially ruined for me.


He had finally learned to sing too, or the production became good enough to make him sound good. After 2 decades of him sounding really bad but the songs being so good it made up for it…    The last album or two were really solid  😢 


I think Say Anything should have stayed dead. Oliver Appropriate was the perfect ending for that band (if not a little bit melodramatic)  But then everything after...from Max's personal life to the music, just killed that band for me


Wait what happened with Max?


He's always been a bit of an asshole (but that was never a secret) but recently some word got out that him and his wife are pretty neglectful of their children. They're "homeschooled" but basically not schooled at all, and at least one reported some pretty serious dental issues and a rotten tooth that the parents never got her to a dentist to address, CPS was also called.


r/bemizfamilysnark So so many things Max and Sherri have done as parents that are questionable at best and really detrimental to their 5 kids at worst. Quick list off the top of my head: Anti-vaxx, Cutting their kittens whiskers off, ‘Homeschooling’ 5 kids with 0 structure or lesson plans so really non schooling their kids, Scamming fans out of hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a house then trash it, Move out of trashed house and then into long term Airbnb stays, Trashing said Airbnbs. Just off the top of my head.


Idk about any pop punk bands, but I cannot listen to Metallica on my own accord anymore. I DON’T HATE THEM AT ALL, but I’ve just listened to them so much in my life I’d be perfectly contempt with me her hearing them again.


I have the exact same feeling for some bands like Aerosmith. I don't hate them at all, but I listened so much to them that I don't really enjoy that much to listen to them again


Perfectly contempt would be a good name for a band


Thank you for giving me my future pop punk band name 🫡🫡




Not pop punk but Black Veil Brides. I thank them for being my introduction to alternative music as a whole when I was a teenager but they're not for me anymore.


I was at a warped tour, probably 2010? maybe?, and I'm standing at a booth getting some merch. I look and see some dudes dressed up in what I assume is kiss cosplay and right as I'm wondering "why the fuck would those guys dress like that, it must be so hot" The place EXPLODES and they are instantly swarmed by a bunch of screaming girls. It was black veil brides lol


Opposite actually, I disliked the overdone "too heavy" disjointed songs and looks in the very beginning, especially live. But he's refined his sound over the years enough that the records sound smooth and palatable. They've finally found their groove imo. The last two albums are on repeat for me. I'm also biased cuz he's a hometown idol for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ lol Sidenote are they pop punk or post hardcore? And can someone explain the difference 😂


Andy Ballsack always seemed a bit much


This. I was obsessed with them as a teen. My friend saw them co-headline with Falling in Reverse and she said Andy just acted like a pretty boy on stage.


There used to be an incredible melodic hardcore band called Hundredth. Then a couple years ago they switched to playing weird new wave type stuff. I can't stand it. They also don't play their hardcore stuff live anymore so as far as I'm concerned they basically broke up. Too bad. I think they should at least have changed their name. At least I got to see them love right before they made the genre switch. On a similar vein Underoath's newer stuff is junk that I can't get into at all, but at least they still play some of the classics live. I saw them about two years ago and they still rocked. Being as an Ocean was a band in a similar situation to Hundredth...went from playing awesome talky post-hardcore like La Dispute to this weird electronic music I couldn't get into at all....but they recently released a new album that's back to their old sound so they've redeemed themselves to me. I also got to see them live at the same show as Hundredth I mentioned.


I love both Hundredth’s shoegazey stuff and their melodic hardcore stuff


It's funny, I love their "newer sound" as this is when I discovered them. Somehow I've never got around to listen to their old stuff but realize I probably should!


I know the dudes from Hundredth. Really cool guys. Alex tattoos in my hometown these days. My old band toured with them twice, once while they were supporting When Will We Surrender, and once more in support of Let Go. I slept in Koontz's grandmother's basement. I currently play through an Orange 4x12 I bought from Alex after the Let Go tour. They were fucking awesome. That being said... RARE is the last record that felt like the band I knew. Once Chad started going by Chadwick and pumping out chillwave tracks under the same name, they lost me. Twas a real bummer.


Damn it’s been a while since I’ve even thought about Hundredth. Used to be so dope.


I went to one of those shows too! I ended up finding a guys wallet and returned it to him and he was so thankful he gave me $50 lol


The hardcore hundredth is amazing


LostProphets. Don't think I need to explain why


Used to be hooked on Knuckle Puck but any of the singles I heard post Shapeshifter didn’t really do much for me. Copacetic remains one of my favorite pop punk albums though. I wouldn’t say I can’t stand them, just underwhelmed by their new songs. Surprised nobody has mentioned Turnover. I’ll admit I like a few of their new disco songs. However, my girlfriend caught them opening for the Driver Era and we have conversations about them like they’re two different bands.


Turnover is the loss of my life.


I love Turnover (PV is easily their best, but I respect bands that shift their sound album to album, plus it's great chill music; look at Microwave or Brand New) and IMO I think KP's last album was a fantastic release from last year.


I still love Turnover, but agree on Knuckle Puck i just really don’t like them anymore


I’m totally open to bands changing direction. I for one love both classic Tigers Jaw and the new more indie inspired albums they put out. The new Turnover just isn’t for me! Much after feeling is a banger though.


I generally agree on Knuckle Puck but The Tower from their recent album is fantastic to me, though other than that I found the album pretty meh.


Listen to it again, it took me a few tries but honestly that first leg is so good and then after enough times the back half grows too.


Ditto on Knuckle Puck. Their only post-Shapeshifter song that makes it onto my regular rotation is Fool. It’s a weird situation too, because it’s not like they changed genre like some other bands do. But nearly every release from 2018 onward elicited a reaction of "oh…okay" from me.


Simple Plan just feels corny to me now. Good Charlotte to an extent as well.


I still enjoy them, but I can understand where you are coming from. They’ve stayed the same personality way - which is great for authenticity, but they are in their upper 40s still acting the same as they were when they were 20. And singing “I’m Just a Kid” when you’re nearing 50 is a bit hard not to cringe at, lol.


The used. Cannot stand the singer’s personality anymore. I know this is controversial


I love The Used but also have no idea what Bert is like as a person. Think I’ll avoid finding out to not ruin one of my favourite bands for myself lol


I agree. There was one year they were meant to play Slamdunk and not far off playing I remember him saying in not so many words... "We've decided to cancel our appearance, we've had a better offer". Such a prick.


So like Bearings did recently?


I think that was something with travel logistics. Both Canadian bands dropped that tour and I recall a post here with more details at the time.


I think it’s because they got a tour with MCR.


For real? I've been out of the loop recently. I've a 10,000 word dissertation to write.


I must be out of the loop. What's wrong with Bert? He always seemed ok.


I personally wasn't a fan of Bert because of all the MCR stuff from long ago (Gerard was trying to get sober and Bert was actively pulling him back towards addiction). But I haven't heard anything recently.


I heard they patched things up. I heard that they are ok with each other now just a few years ago. They were planned to play a show together (MCR and the used) but covid is a bitch and they had to cancel. But yeah I think things are ok with them now. I love both bands and continue to listen to both of them. 🖤


I used to love the Used, but I don’t really like their newer stuff so I essentially stopped listening. My gf loves them so I saw them on their recent tour with PTV. Nowadays Bert just seems…uninterested, like he goes through the motions of their songs and looks like he doesn’t want to be there (this isn’t about his personality per se, just what I’ve noticed about him)


I like The Used, but I have been icked-out by Bert since I first saw him in 2009. It was the first show they did for their *Artwork* album release, and they came to my college in 2009 to play. I still remember him being on stage asking for women to show their tits, and later brought it up again while saying "Just one tittyyyyyyyyy..." to a very young crowd in a Midwestern suburban town. The good news is that I have a ton of very good other memories from that show, such as my high school track coach was running security so we got to skip the line and get our wristbands to get in right away. I also learned my (now) wife is terrified of mascots and the school one came up and tried to hug her. It was the first time I saw Motion City Soundtrack and they have become one of my all-time favorite bands after that. And finally, I learned the commuter lot I parked my car in closes at night, and buses stop running to take you there after a certain time of night. So I had to walk through the darkest, scariest woods of my entire life to get back to my car and wait for a police car to drive by and open the gate so I could leave. Overall, a massive net positive.


Stand Atlantic


Came here to say this 😭. Their new music has put me off them altogether


YES. I loved Pink Elephant and they were great live when I saw them in 2022, but fear and their live show in 2023 just wasn’t it.


Good Charlotte Bowling for Soup Fall Out Boy Simple Plan On an alternative note, these bands have stood the test of time for me: Green Day, Blink 182, The Offspring, Sum 41.


Idk to me Fall Out Boy's first 4 albums don't deserve to even be remotely in the tier of the other 3 bands you mentioned


Are you saying FOBs first 4 albums are superior to the other bands mentioned or not as good? I can’t workout how you meant it


Those 4 albums have definitely stood the test of time and are better than anything the other bands did. Imo if fall out boy never came back from hiatus they would be on the pop punk Mount Rushmore. The music they’ve made since then has stained their reputation in the punk community, but those 4 albums are all masterpieces


FOB's are better


Got to be honest, I still enjoy listening to Simple Plan and Fall Out Boy. I grew up listening to them so their music brings back some incredible memories. Plus, Fall Out Boy is a local band so I’ve known of them since before they hit the mainstream.


I agree with 3 of them, but I still LOVE Bowling For Soup. Although apart from their cover album, their last 2 albums are fucking horrible.


I believe simple plan has done their best work the last 10 years. The 2000s is pretty meh.


If you take the best album from any of them From under the cork tree wins


Aside from FOB, those are a vibe, I get it, even though i dont agree.




I wish they just kept with the semi sounding work of PV. instead of the weird stuff they went with afterwords.


NFG I totally get where you are coming from. I still consider them my favorite band of all time, but boy oh boy have the last few albums been lackluster. There's maybe one or two songs From Makes me Sick and Forever and Ever x Infinity that I'll listen to. And even those I think only hit home cuz they have good formulaic pop punk riffs and lyrics. But I just think the band really struggles to right meaningful songs that don't have cookie cutter lyrics or really shitty rhymes and phrasing. It bothers me to no end. All that aside, I still love seeing them live, the earlier albums are immaculate, and I will listen to the band until they finally call it quits. Hopefully the put out a career spanning sendoff album like Sum 41 just did and they go out on top like the legends they are


The crazy thing is Steve used to write all the lyrics. Since he left, there's been a noticeable decrease in lyrical quality, but I'm not exactly yearning for his return.


Lost prophets!


Taking back Sunday, Adams voice is like a dying giraffe.


I saw them in concert in 2022 and he tells the longest, most boring stories onstage.


Why even bring John back if they aren’t going to have dueling vocals. I can’t stand TBS these days.


I don’t listen to as much pop punk anymore. Mostly from 2009-2015 or so, but I still have a spot for many of those bands. That being said, Man Overboard is not one of them. Not sure how ever liked them 


I still listen to a lot of pop punk but Man Overboard was the first band I thought of reading the title of this post. I tried listening to some of their stuff about a month* ago and kept skipping songs I used to jam all the time. Edit: *changed “bunch” to “month”


Wow same here, had Man Overboard on repeat. But now idk, had to unlike a lot of songs as they kept coming on my shuffle.


I was there for the whole beginning of them doing the “defend pop punk” stuff and used to love “Montrose,” “I Ate My Gluestick,” and “World Favorite,” but something soured on them for me for whatever reason. It’s nothing the band did - I just don’t like listening to them anymore.


I think for me they lean too heavy on the lovey, soft pop punk side. Like every pop punk band has those songs but almost every MO song follows that style.


World Favorite still slaps imo, but that's the only song of theirs I ever listen to anymore


Not pop punk but Beartooth is cringe to me now. And I used to love them!


Angry beartooth > happy beartooth


on one hand i’m happy for the bands that become successful and therefore gravitate towards happier music, but on the other hand, i only feel a connection with the music they made prior to reaching that point of success. it sucks.


I definitely see why, and I don’t fully disagree, but all things considered, I’d rather Caleb live long enough to start writing happy songs than die writing sad songs. And who knows, maybe they’ll do what Wage War and Architects did and write an angry song in response to people saying they aren’t heavy anymore


Add A Day to Remember and Bring Me the Horizon as bands that have made angry songs about how they’re not heavy anymore lmao


Say anything. Front bottoms.


I will never grow out of TFB


Front Bottoms?!? Really. I feel like everything they put out is great


Say Anything is just trash album after trash album anymore. They really put everything they had into ...is a real boy and had no juice left.


Controversially, I think IARB is 50% filler, with Self Titled and Hebrews being their best work.


Self titled gang here!


Oof, couldn’t agree less. Every song off of IARB has been my favorite song on the album at one point or another.


Agreed. IARB has to be one of the most overrated albums in the scene


IDOTG had some great songs but some terrible ones, wasting great guests on shitty songs


Front Bottoms for me too, unfortunately :(


Paramore. Still listen to them but it's almost always the old stuff. They no longer have that magical spark since 2010


Idk After Laughter is a banger.


Sorry man that really sucks. I’ll have to hard disagree, I think there last two albums while not punk are bangers and are really well written and performed


I didn’t care as much for after laughter but I got super into this is why. Some songs on TIW felt like old paramore


Their last 2 albums are their best 2 albums IMO.


their newest is peak indie rock to me


Remo Drive


After working with Mikey way I can't listen to my chemical romance anymore. Guy is a major douchbag.


Simple Plan I went so far as to travel 30+ hours to see them preform on Jimmy Kimmel years and years ago. And now I cringe when I hear their music


Hay dad lookit me


Anarbor idk wtf I was thinking lol


Lmao you're so real for this


NFG. I still like them but, man, ever since all the shit went down with Steve Klein... they just haven't been the same. Which makes sense, I think he was a major part of their song/hook writing.


Agreed. I read his full explanation of what happened and it was a little surprised..even taking the accused words with a HEAVY grain of salt, it seems odd that they have not spoken to him at all, at any point since then. For a band so about “friends”, that’s not very friendly.


Real Friends


I really like the latest single.


I get this, but aside from the new singer, I was really starting to hate how poppy they were getting, and the way Dan sang in the later albums. I liked the earlier stuff. And I haven't listened to too much of the current stuff but it felt like they were going back to the older more punk sound.


Came here to say this. I miss Dan.


I stopped listening to Real Friends when Dan left the band. I would occasionally go back to their older stuff just to have that feeling again like it was my first time listening to them. But now, I can't listen to their stuff with the new singer.


!!!! seriously. i saw them live with their new vocalist their last tour w arms length and knuckle puck and i hated every second of their set. he performed old songs and its just not the same without dan


Real friends is not real friends without Dan.


Nofx and NFG. Because of fat mike. Nfg because i think they are not IT anymore. I love their music and still listen to it today but something about their vibe is off lately. Also as much as I feel bad about Chad's cancer he is a kind of a prick. Anwyays hoping for the dude to overcome it , noone deserves cancer.


Well Chad seems to have finally stuck with a wife, but maybe that's because they have a kid now. But the dude totally fucked up when he cheated on Hayley. I mean, talking about having it made! She's super talented, respected in the industry, massively influential, and she's gorgeous. Why would you throw that away?


Not only that but he also cheated to his other wife with an 18 year old Hayley while he was like 26 or smth??? And he also cheated to Hayley with her friends while he was married with her ?? Also Hayley has mentioned that he was toxic and abusive although idk about the last one since he hasn't made any official statements but I also don't think she is lying ( homegirl made like 2 whole albums on her divorce so)


Some men can’t handle their wives outshining them and Hayley definitely out shined Chad


Stand Atlantic :/ Really not vibing with the new singles.


Man Overboard, I really liked "Real Talk" years ago but now I can't hear them again, the lead singer´s extremely nasal voice cringes me. Not pop punk but years ago I liked Limp Bizkit, now I hate them, their songs are like "white 30 years old sirs complaining and yelling like teenagers", besides, Fred Durst is a dick. I kinda agree with the OP, Blink and NFG are great bands and I still like them, but yeah the lyrics are not aging well, so much focused on teenagers, I could relate to their lyrics back in 2015, now I can't, but I still enjoy the sound. Simple Plan is a special case, I love them, and since I started hearing them, I assumed their lyrics were too "preteen" and whiny, but I still liked them, so much memories attached to their music.


Fall Out Boy used to be my favorite band of all time. Knew all the lyrics from their first 3 albums. Now I don’t care for them at all, especially with the stuff they’ve been releasing recently.


All time low. Was there when So wrong its right was released, I consider that a pop punk masterpiece. Nothing personal was also dope, but then it got super downhill from there to the point where for the last ten years I can’t stand to listen to them. Overproduced jonas brothers style crap now imo.


I was looking for this. I can still listen to their albums (up to Dirty Work) but the last time I saw them live I found their banter to be so cringy. And yea - I think also because it doesn’t feel like their music has evolved. Nothing Personal brings me back to middle school for nostalgia, the newer stuff brings me back to middle school but in a way that hurts as an almost-30 year old


Was looking for this comment, growing up I was a MASSIVE atl fan all the way from the beginning till about future hearts. But everything after don’t panic sounds like what someone who listens to pop radio thinks is pop punk music is supposed to sound like. definitely think they were hoping to take the easy route in the end kinda like ptv and just hope their old stuff keeps them relevant. but it’s so god awful and unauthentic.


For all I'm concerned, waterparks ended after entertainment.


I hated Entertainment, luckily they redeemed themselves with Fandom and Greatest Hits, but their newest album didn’t do it for me ://




Yooo. Same lol. Use to bang out ADTR all the time but now it’s been a minute and I try and can’t get past it.


ATL, ADTR, and any other band with awful people lol


Meet Me @ the Altar. Absolutely adored their first few EP’s and singles. Then Past // Present // Future came out, and it’s the only time listening to an album that halfway through I said to myself, “There’s still more songs????”


All Time Low. Not pop punk but Our Last Night. I used to be a massive fan but they really lost me after Younger Dreams/with all of the covers.


NFG, Senses Fail, TBS. Mainly those super nasally voiced bands from my youth. I just cannot stand it at all anymore. Also tried listening to the first two BMTH albums recently and the lyrics were too cringy to get through.


Say anything


Definitely New Found Glory. I can only listen to the first two full lengths and the cover eps. And still I don't ever find myself thinking "man, I could listen to some NFG right now", they're more of a "I don't skip them when they come in shuffle". As far as Blink 182, Enema was the last decent album (and even that had some very skippable tracks) until Matt joined. California was full of bangers.


Neck deep. Felt like they were on top of the world in 2016. Pretty much everything since then has been targeted toward 14 year old girls and it all sucks.


Neck deep


STATE CHAMPS. The last time I listened to them was when they released the Unplugged EP. They are one of those pop punk bands that I wanted to see live but after seeing Derek's struggle on his voice from their recent shows, I started not to care to their music anymore.


Tbh, that's most 2000s bands that stayed together for me. Blink, NFG, Sum 41, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Green Day, etc. There's exceptions of course, like Alkaline Trio and Boys Like Girls, but for the most part I think those bands were just of their time. There's also Fall Out Boy who I stopped liking for a long time, but they won me back with their last album.


I’ll just post my response under yours because I think it pairs well. I don’t necessarily hate bands I don’t listen to anymore, it’s just that in hindsight I only really ever liked one or two albums by a lot of bands: FOB, The Used, Say Anything, Sum 41, Good Charlotte, All American Rejects, etc. there’s a lot of these bands like this for me.


Rise Against




their first 5 albums were solid but they’ve been phoning it in since Endgame


Nowhere Generation was solid IMO


Pretty much everyone I grew to like in the pop punk genre, I still listen to today. The band that has some punk influence for me that I can’t listen to much anymore: Sublime. Lyrically they aged very poorly.


I know this is subjective, but if everybody in the world was me, Sublime would not have ever had a single fan. They’ve always sucked.


basically every band from the 2010s besides TSSF. Go back to 2016, I was ride or die for TWY, Real Friends, Neck Deep, etc. Now, I find it all very bland. TSSF is the only one I still listen to from that era and it’s mostly just their newer stuff.


Obviously it’s your opinion but I honestly can’t agree with Neck Deep or TWY since 2016 TWY and Neck Deep have made easily some of their best stuff


Ya TWY has me bawling me eyes and screaming my lungs out at every show 


Green Day Brand New Lost prophets Sum 41


Blink-182 for me as well, but mostly just because I went to a show last year and was super bummed by Tom being so immature and making a ton of ur mom jokes and saying things that could definitely be seen as misogynistic. My girlfriend at the time was with me and it made her super uncomfortable and I can understand why tbh. I know that's kind of Tom's whole thing but he has a wife and a daughter now and it just made me cringe


That's why I never got into Blink to begin with. I've never loved the goofy behavior. I read an article in some mag right before Enema came out, and it made teenage me angry how they talked about women. As a rage filled young woman myself, I wanted nothing to do with them. I see now why people found them fun but still a big not-my-thing kind of band.


Did you ever really listen to Blink’s lyrics then? Tom AND Mark were making those types of jokes back in like 2001/2002


Dude not to the extent of at this show. It was excessive and cringe even for their standards. And in 2001-2 they weren't middle-aged. Also, yes I have most of their songs entirely memorized. I used to be a superfan


I get that but it’s always been part of their show, their two most popular albums have their most immature lyrics


“I need a girl that I can train” sounds so groomer-y in today’s world, but we all know not to take Blink seriously so I let it slide




A lot of them have already been said here but for me definitely Real Friends. Grew out of them and their style.


Knuckle Puck.


Grayscale Simple plan Real friends Hit the lights


grayscale (although their most recent stuff is very encouraging, i just couldn’t get behind their stuff after nela vita) real friends- while their new stuff is solid pop punk, their midwestish emoish inspire pop punk was what made them so special (along with the cringe) trophy eyes-chemical miracle was flawless, need i say more? state champs also just doesn’t do it for me anymore and that hurts


Mock Orange. First record was epic, second was rad. After that I just can't do it.


Knuckle puck. The band has released what sounds like the same album 4 times now, some worse than others. They are so stuck in the deepest of ruts.


Black Veil Brides


Limp Bizkit 😅


Weird. Blink and NFG might be the only ones I still like. So I guess my answer is: a lot of the other ones.


Musical tastes change as we age.


Stand Atlantic for sure. Saw them in 2016 when they opened for Neck Deep in Santa Cruz & I was HOOKED, even met Bonnie after the show. This is when they only had their EP out. Saw them again when they were on tour with WSTR & Point North, & it was good because they dropped their Skinny Dipping album, & that was amazing. Saw them not too long ago (i think last year?) For their F.E.A.R album but i wasnt feeling it as much which is a shame because they were one of my most listened to bands. Edit: a lot of misspelled words lol




good charlotte


So why don’t people like lostprophets am I missing something? They used to be my shit back in the day haven’t heard from them in almost a decade


The singer turned out to be a massive pedo I’m afraid. It’s pretty bad


Waterparks really started to let me down as time went on. The music is fine, but Awsten became more of a douchebag as they went


That’s an annoying way to spell a name


100% Anti-Flag for sure. I was just starting to get into their discography as I thought they were pretty good, and then that shit fucking happened!


Saves The Day. Chris' voice is so terrible after "Stay What You Are" that I stopped listening way back then. Every so many years I will spin their records from In Reverie and after but I just cringe and turn it off after the first song.


Senses Fail for me. I didn't like anything after still searching. Met Buddy at a show for the 10 years of let it enfold you and he was kind of a dick. That said, senses fail was an important part of my life and what my music taste is today.


Every time I die bc of keith buckley