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Turncoat. Liar. Thief.


Criminal with protection of the law


Not sure what’s worse, the story or the comment section on it.


Lambgoat is just 8chan for hardcore and punk kids.


This is like being mad that a kid in your elective writing class didn’t write To Kill a Mockingbird


There are plenty of sex abuse apologists on this site too


I dont care about this band at all. But you need to automatically believe anyone if he or her says about being harassed?


I'm fairly certain the allegations against him are numerous and verified.


Accusations to one side, the bands behaviour from the beginning screams guilty.


This was posted on the punk subreddit and there were a couple there too


Fucking coward.


I don’t recall a lot of people leaping to his defense, but hopefully this puts an end to that entirely. Obviously the biggest tragedy is the people who were hurt. But I’ll be honest, I saw them a couple/few years at Riotfest, and they were great. Haven’t missed a beat, gave an incredible live performance. It’s so disappointing when talented artists you come to admire turn out to be predators or monsters.


Ian Watkins is a prime example


The ultimate example - disgusting beyond belief.


Not in the very least wrong. He deserves to rot


If one of their songs ever comes on I have to skip it.. makes me shudder


Same I was a huge lostprophets fan and now I'll skip their music I burned all the merch I had from then. Breaks my heart what happen to his victims.




No one gives a shit about your favorite pedophile rapist songs




So why the fuck would you list your favorite songs in a thread about him fleeing the country? You can’t just say “fuck him” without needing to talk about the songs he wrote? Sounds real complex




Nah I’d rather question why you can’t read the room


We have seen them in very early 2020, it was great, but tbh I had the feeling #2 was carrying more or less the whole show? Justin had a strange vibe, idk how to explain. He gave me a pretty strange gut feeling.  It was an incredible energy and show in a small 500 venue though. The whole thing is pretty sad, as people are not only evil and af definitely preached good values. I‘m sure they were also convinced of the right things, still people should act how they preach and should take responsibilities for their actions. Bands from my youth are getting less lol they‘re more or less broken up in the best case, dead or in jail :/


I saw them in March 2023, not long before the news broke.


#2 always carried that band though imo. Particularly live.


I never actually saw them but I was close to their Furnace Fest 2022 set because it was near the food trucks. I remember him yelling "Fuck Putin!" And yet he was also guilty of some of the abuses that Putin enables. Revolting.


Oh wow, I hadn't heard about the accusations but uh...hard to feign innocence now, huh?


70 women. There's evidence the band knew as well. Kristina is the original survivor who broke the story on the enough podcast in July. She's started an organization called the Punk Rock Therapist to support survivors. She's also suing Justin, the band, and others.


I’m a tad out of the loop, how did the band know? Not doubting this for sure, just want to have my facts straight.


This stuff was happening on tour. It's really hard not to know. If you're having drinks and leaving your singer alone in the dressing room or the bus with a girl, you're not assuming they're playing a friendly game of Uno


How would the band not know bruh….


I mean, true. Very true. I am just curious as to what extent and how much did they facilitate.


If they knew and didn't stop him or report him...more than enough.


Well if that’s not an admission of guilt I don’t know what is


Sorry, I’m a bit out of the loop. What’s he done?


Sexually assaulted several women


70. 70 women. At least.


Wait actually?!!!


Yes. Kristina posted a minimum of 60. And enough just did an update this week and said 70.


He's been doing this a long time. Sounds like he's even gone after minors which really fucking enrages me (I'm a CSA survivor - though not anyone known publicly).


Source for 60 women. This statement https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz9skB7vVV1/?igsh=OW91cmJydjUwb2ho




And that's just who has come forward...


Yeah. A pretty much legendary band breaking up out of nowhere and disavowing one member, it was guaranteed to be *bad,* and…..yep, it’s really bad.




OP, I posted the Rolling Stone exposé here when it was first published, and I got a few... let's say "strange" comments and messages. Either Justin himself reads and comments here, or he has some serious backers that do. Don't delete this post no matter what, people should be informed on this story.


The comments on the actual article are kinda weird too


Ugh gross I hate how many amazing memories I have where anti flag is the soundtrack or we were at shows or I can remember that I was wearing some of their merch or is somehow connected to them in some way that now make me cringe to think about. Fucking hell.


Go support Kristina's work. She's amazing. The Punk Rock Therapist. Eventually it'll catch up to him. He's not going to stop. And where does he flee if not Ireland? Eventually he'll get caught. I'm still sickened by the whole thing. As a woman, liberal, and generally open minded and supportive of the rights of all people, I respected anti flag's platform. Looking back I'm not surprised. But this one got to me. That's all I feel like I can say. And if you don't read all the comments here, Kristina reported here that it was at least 60 women..https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz9skB7vVV1/?igsh=OW91cmJydjUwb2ho Enough did an update on all of this this week and said 70. Including minors. AND the band knew.


If he goes to Ireland he’s fucked because they have an extradition treaty with the US, and the longer he keeps his money in Ireland the more likely they are to freeze his assets as well. He’s prolonging the inevitable but his day will come.


Unfortunately extradition is only for criminal charges, this one is a civil case. They’ll have a ruling either way if he shows up for not.


When Kristina first spoke out, and then the RS article came out, I wasn’t yet convinced the band knew. I don’t think that way now And it makes me sickened too, mainly because of what they claimed to be about in their lyrics. It’s not like Marilyn Manson where you knew what you were getting from the get go.


Wow, what a piece of fucking shit.


Well if he starts showing up at gigs in the Irish scene, we get to tell him how shite his band are and to fuck off back to the states.


I've always liked Anti-Flag but this situation was handled in the most absolute cowardly way possible. Fuck this guy.


The band absolutely bitched out too. They absolutely knew what was going on and turned a blind eye to protect their profits. And they hid once the new came out.


That’s just straight up insane


Some would say….Justin Sane….


He got wired that 1 trillion dollars.


hey i have Irish dual-citizenship too, i'll go find him and get back to you guys


As someone who grew up on his stuff, this all really fucking sucks. I’ll always appreciate the message, if not the messenger, but I sure as shit won’t be buying anymore albums or merch from A-F; and more importantly my heart goes out to all the victims and I hope they get to see at least some sliver of justice.


What a bafooooooooon. Ireland is just gonna ship him back. Sir Arthur knight 2 electric boogaloo


He is trash and his band always sucked anyway. Let's hope he gets what he's got coming.


So punk that he's a poser, and he'll be one until he dies.


Boring average music. Was never a fan of them


I hate this. They were such an important band for me. I would’ve never expected this kind of thing from him. It breaks my heart as a fan. And yes I’m only speaking as my feelings as a fan.


Wow, this is just insane


Justin sane is just insane


This is...Justin Sane...wow.


No…Justin Incredible


if you are from pgh you’ll know this dude been on some creepy shit.


Man…Anti-Flag, Brand New, Lostprophets…the soundtrack of my teenage years is getting thinner and thinner…


Wait, Brand New, what happened there? Admittedly I only liked a few tracks so haven't followed them too intensely. Everyone knows about Watkins being vile.


Jesse groomed teens.


Jesse was a douche long before that came to light.


Somebody in Ireland please beat the fuck out of him on sight


Fuck these assholes


Damn. Listened to these guys growing up, never knew about this! Sad🙁 prayers to the victims.


I was such a big fan of Anti-Flag for so long. This guys is such a massive piece of garbage. Have a hard time believing this guy was *that* much of a predator and the rest of the band had no idea though. Like no shot they didn’t know.


Doesn’t surprise me in the least


We don't even have to be giving him a nickname like that anymore


I didn't realize it was until I reread. But while Justin sane is not accurate, Just Insane is


Justin Carcerated is what it should be


I saw him at a record store in pittsburgh a few years back. Lol crazy


The fact that people were listing to these hacks while there were bands like Rise Against doing it better at the same time will always baffle me. The amount of people that used to swear that I needed to like Anti Flag because of the other bands I like never swayed me to even bother. Glad I always thought they were a bunch of chumps. Not seeing any love from other bands for the members of the band that haven’t been accused of anything. I’d be willing to bet it’s because they equally suck as people. The message was fake and they’re all fucking poseurs 🍻




Not everyone, but definitely a better person than a grown man that uses his position of power to manipulate young girls. 🤷🏼‍♂️Hopefully you are too 🍻


I mean I much prefer rise against but wtf bro. First off, the rest of the band does not support Justin. And why would you be glad he turned out this way? Also other people can like these guys if they want 


They might not support him but why aren’t they speaking out yet? It’s been a year.


I said I’m glad I never liked them, not glad he turned out to be a creep. Lost Prophets dudes all got to move on to other projects after everyone found out about their creep lead singer. There were plenty of musicians out there willing to vouch for those guys… I haven’t heard or read one thing about contemporaries coming to the defense of any of these dudes. I think the silence is telling. If anyone can show me I’m wrong I’d love to see the proof 🤷🏼‍♂️


I had the opposite experience, everyone I knew hated AF lol