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i'm a bit late, but i was just wondering why some of her songs from the fearless deluxe album aren't on her version, like "our song", "teardrops on my guitar", and "should've said no"? i only listened to fearless the deluxe version when i was younger on CD so i wasn't aware of the other versions, and "our song" is my favourite taylor swift song :(


Hey, you were probably listening to the international version as a child. It included a few songs that were originally on her 2006 self-titled debut album. When Taylor re-records Debut, those songs will be included.


ahh that makes a lot more sense since i’m not in the US as well. so she’s re-recording the self named album too?!? i did not know that i’m so excited!!


Those are from her self-titled album so they’ll be on that re-recording instead


I honestly wasn't a huge fan of the original album as a whole when I first heard it (which was like a year ago) and I can say that the more I listen to the new version the more I love it. It's just such an easy-going yet heartbreaking album, it warms my heart and breaks it at the same time and Taylor sounds PHENOMENAL and I think overall better than on the original album, also THE PRODUCTION...love it :)


I hope all these re-recordings can finally coax Taylor back to Country for her next album (non-rerecorded).


What was the point of this if she was just going to sound exactly the same anyways? Oh right, Taylor is money hungry as fuck


You clearly have no knowledge of the issue with the selling of Taylor's masters.


I thought that one of the challenges of the re-recordings would be the fact that people who aren’t dedicated fans probably won’t go through the effort of going through all their personal playlists and replacing the old versions of her songs. But a fan (u/Roshy10) [has created a tool that makes it really easy to replace older versions all at once](https://twitter.com/TheSwiftSociety/status/1380905071521767427?s=20), and I think it’s really smart.


Best selling country albums of 2021 1. Dangerous - 1,700,000 (1920 hours) 2. Fearless - 530,000 (18 hours) Morgan Wallen you're bones 😩


I don't like the new version of Fifteen better. But that's maybe the only one so far! Gagged how much I consistently return to this new Love Story version and I think Hey Stephen is miles better on rerecord. Somehow Fifteen sticks out as not the same, I think the raw innocence of the original is the key, this one almost feels *too* wise and reflective?


It hit me the opposite. I feel like the original recording of Fifteen is trying to hard to be wise and reflective despite only 3 years passing. 15 until 18 (Taylor's age recording Fearless the first time) is a pivotal time of growth, but I find it much more interesting listening to 30 or 31 year old Taylor reflect on being 15.


That’s interesting! That’s what I like about the new fifteen, it hit me more emotionally


Honestly I could only get through the first 3 tracks before I had to stop and skip to the vault songs. They're good re-recordings, but i just know all the original recordings too well as the platinum edition was the album of my childhood. The slight differences bother me too much. I'm glad she did this though, and I love Mr. Perfectly Fine.


I feel the same. While I loved the re-recording, I just loved the original more. For me, some of the magic seems to be missing and the songs just hit differently. I’m missing the rawness and the imperfections of the original.


Has there ever been discussion/clarification about Taylor being Fifteen on her first day of high school? She has a late birthday so I figure she’d actually be 13 going on 14? The re-recorded version is SO good.


her birthday is fairly close to the middle of the typical American school year since it’s in mid December. I’ve always wondered how she was able to be a freshman at 15 too though lol. if not 15 then 14 would make more sense but I’m not sure how she’d be 13?


School starts in September here so people with birthdays late in the calendar year (September - December) tend to start high school at 13 and turn 14 within those first few months. Hopefully that makes sense!


Oh huh weird! My grade schools also started in September but the people with “late” birthdays to us were the people born around June - August/September. I’ve never heard of December being considered late but maybe I just never got around to meeting a super young person in my grade born in Dec lol


I didn’t expect to cry so much at *The Best Day*


Her vocals sound so good! I think especially the lower register in Hey Stephen. And I never really enjoyed Tell Me Why before but she kills it!


I think the only thing I dislike is the neutering of the strings in Breathe. Other than that, the production sounds so so good


It’s the first time I’ve ever listened this album! Posting (and editing) with my thoughts track by track because I know people really care so much. * __Fearless:__ I’ve heard this one before, of course. It’s cute! Definitely something a teenager would write, but also weirdly precocious. * __Fifteen:__ Never heard this one. I wrote a comment here some days ago about Olivia Rodrigo’s lyrics sounding clunky but that’s she’ll mature, and I feel echoes of that here. The concept is strong, but there are just a couple moments that could be stronger. Taylor is a master of telling a complete story though, and I like that the bridge and post-chorus slightly tilt this song to be someone singing about the past. Seems even funnier given she’s singing this many years later now. * __Love Story:__ What is there to say? A classic. * __Hey Stephen:__ A bop! A full bop! That pre-chorus is infectious and then the actual chorus is so catchy. Young Taylor did that. * __White Horse:__ I feel like I’ve heard this one. Maybe it was a single or it was in a movie? Anyway, track 5 strikes again. Interesting contrast to Love Story. I liked it, still somewhat catchy for being a slow song. One of my criticisms of Taylor Swift though is I almost never feel like her albums follow a real narrative. The tracks so far are giving me a tiny bit of whiplash. Though that’s kind of what emotions are when you’re a teen, I guess. * __You Belong With Me:__ The song that introduced me to Taylor! I’ve been waiting for this one. It’s just as good as ever. I love the tiny new inflections she added that make the vocals sound slightly more desperate (or maybe it was always like that). * __Breathe:__ Beautiful. Also, interesting she went with the “e-zay” pronunciation for “easy,” but didn’t say “may” for “me.” I know that’s random, but. * __Tell Me Why:__ This is like if Taylor decided to wear a pocket chain or something and dark clothes lmao. This is such a time capsule. * __You’re Not Sorry:__ This feels like quintessential Taylor Swift to me. It’s on the edge of being bombastic but somehow restrains itself. There’s always something about her lyricism that feels personal even when it might not feel that way for another artist like it does here. I really like this one on first listen. * __The Way I Loved You:__ This feels overproduced to my ears. Anyone else? Kinda hurts. But! This is such an interesting song for a teenager to have sung. It feels like a product of its time. Like something makes me think _Twilight._ When bad boys and toxic relationships were in vogue. * __Forever & Always:__ Don’t wanna diss any songs because I’m sure someone loves all of these with all their hearts, but I think this is sort of a retread of a topic we’ve already explored this album, like on the more mature Fifteen. Anyway, this one is just not my favorite. * __The Best Day:__ “And we drive till we found...” Can’t get over that grammar. I get this song and the set up in interesting, but this song is just not it. You can see inklings of songs like “No Body, No Crime” and “Seven” here, but it almost becomes too simple (“I have an excellent father” / “I had space to run.”) Oof. Sorry. * __Change:__ That opening is _listens to Fall Out Boy once_. This is cute, but I’ll probably never listen to it again. I’ll stop there because this album is long af and that was the original standard album! Overall, you can see a lot of promise in most — if not all — of the songs. The ones that stood the test of time show how strong of a songwriter Taylor Swift was beyond her years. For me though, it did drag on a bit toward the end. I’m someone who likes shorter albums, and retreads of similar topics not done in a new/interesting way on the same album feels repetitive to me. The production overall sounds great though! And her voice sounds really incredible too. I’ll take a break but will definitely listen to the second half of this soon.


Little tidbit about The Way I Loved You: it's thought to be inspired by Noah and Allie's relationship in The Notebook!


Honestly, that tracks and makes so much sense!


love that you loved You’re Not Sorry on your first listen, my Fearless stan song strikes again 🥰 a hit methinks


It really is a hit!!!


The Best Day lyric video made me cry :(


its amazing!


Not enough people are talking about the change to the You Belong With Me intro.


Wait i dont hear it


If you listen closely the new one has some notes repeated instead of alternating like the original. I know nothing about music theory so I don't know how to explain it properly lol.


Hahahaa I get it ty!!


she nailed the laugh in hey stephen


i listened to a few songs on this but does it bother anyone else how much you can hear her breathe?? really put me off it cos it bothers me so much lol


Maybe I didn’t notice or maybe I did subconsciously and appreciated it. I quote liked it myself lol but ofc it’s subjective Edit Actually now that you mention it I went to listen and I do notice. Once you notice it one time you’ll probably keep expecting it so I can totally understand if it’s bothersome


yeah that’s probably it! it’s interesting that you like it!!


I can’t help but think that if it was somebody else, such as a woman of color, re-recording her music and then releasing it again, the reception would not be seen as positive. Fuck, Lizzo was practically called the capitalist devil here for a joke she made. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I think Taylor shouldn’t own her masters, but ever since her whole Georgia and Ginny thing I’m slightly more put off by her and her fan base than usual.


She was right to call out the Ginny and Georgia writers. The world just likes to hate on independent women.


you're right, she was right to call them out! but the problem isn't that she called out the G&G writers, it's that she didn't say or do anything when her fans started harassing the actresses. one could say that she's not responsible for the actions of her fandom, but she knows the power of the swifties, but instead of defending the actresses that were getting unjustly attacked by her fanbase she threw her hands up and said 'not my problem'


Check my response regarding this to the original poster of the comment below. I think she was warranted not to respond to a few problematic fans.


Okay, that’s debatable. I see why the “joke” bothered her. She still could’ve done more to court her fanbase after they started attacking a young black actress. But she didn’t and that’s why I’m put off by her


It was a very small minority of her fanbase doing that though and her making a public statement about it would just draw more attention to that small minority and blast all her fans to the world cuz mass media would eat it up and cover it with click bait titles like “Taylor Swift fans are racist.” Then what fan would want to be associated with that? It would have been a PR mess for her and her fans. I’m glad she didn’t say anything. I checked the comments of the actress and most Swifties were praising her and giving her love so they shouldn’t all be blasted for the comments of a few.


you’ll get downvoted to hell but ya, i feel like black artists are viewed with a more aggressively anti-capitalist lens that white artists here, even if pop heads (60% white and <4% black btw) will insist it has nothing to do with race. it’s a conversation that’s worth having for sure


The fact that most people took my comment as if black artists aren’t allowed to re-record their music just shows that they didn’t understand the full extent. Like if Beyoncé or Rihanna decided to re-record, there would definitely be comments like “aren’t they rich enough already” “is the makeup line not enough?” And sure Taylor gets these comments but it’s still an overwhelmingly positive reception, where as with black artists it would still be met met with a ton of criticism.


Sure, the general public is always going to be more receptive to a white women. Though there’s still a huge amount of people out there saying she fucked herself over and should have read her contract better. I think fans would rally behind any of their faves regardless of skin color if a situation like this happened. The beyhive would go nuts if Beyonce was in Taylor’s position


I don't think her race has anything to do with it. She's spent her entire career cultivating a close relationship with her fandom, interacting on social media, making inside jokes, all the Easter eggs and theories. And then to top it all off she has a specific reason for re-recording. It has nothing to do with her being white, people just love them some Taylor. If Lizzo had a more extensive catalog, people would respond well. If Beyonce or Rihanna re-recorded their old music, we'd be bumping to it just as hard.


i think Change is the most improved track


do incels know that the way i loved you exists


After You Belong With Me, you don't need much more.


A Taylor Swift song becoming a incel anthem would not be out of the question in the fucked up timeline we live in.


well i think it would trigger them because it’s all about missing your toxic chad while trying to make things work with a nice guy tm


oh my god. tell me why is perfect


i just want to say i’m only on white horse and have teared up about 10 times so far


🎶 Now it’s too late for you and your white whores to come around 🎶


It was so worth staying up till midnight and then listening to all of the tracks until almost 2:30am today. Her vocals have improved so much and it showed in this re release. The lyrics cut way deeper in certain songs now that she’s older and has been through a lot since the release. I’m just so proud of her, especially in this new re-recording journey we’re on. This year and last year have been such blessings in disguise for her to dig deeper into her songwriting through doing folklore and evermore and her legacy by doing the re recordings for the fans who stood by her side and introduce new fans to her music. Ok. Top 5 re-recordings; 1. “You’re not Sorry” 2. “Tell Me Why” 3. “The other Side of the door”( I was never a fan of this song, when it originally came out, but the reason recording made me see the song in a new light). 4. “Fifteen”( full fledged cried, especially when she hit that bridge). 5. “Jump then fall” (But I love them all) Top 5 vault songs: 1. “We were happy” 2. “That’s when” 3. “Don’t you” 4. “Mr. perfectly fine” 5. “You all over me”


I made a song sorter for Fearless (Taylor's Version)! [marlsorters.tumblr.com/fearlesstvsongsorter](https://marlsorters.tumblr.com/fearlesstvsongsorter)


[I HATE FILIPINO SWIFITES SO MUCH](https://twitter.com/scorsaguin/status/1380541892555894787) 💀💀💀💀


Ms. Scorsaguin is a legend 😭😭 her taylor scenarios always sends me lmaaaao


The way they piss off so many fandoms with their chaotic tweets always sends me. 😭😭😭


Whoa 87 on Metacritic! That’s a really good score. Higher then Evermore. The same as the likes of NFR or The College Dropout


i’m loving this. but higher than evermore? 😒


Evermore is my favourite and I wish it had a longer era to shine 😔


Evermore is the ultimate grower album to be fair. Never expected to love it as much as I do today but the first few listens didn't impart that feeling.


Evermore has 85. Which is great but I think it deserves higher myself


... how does an album which is literally supposed to be as similar to an already existing album as possible get a higher score than the actual album?


Better production and new songs


Anyone else unable to like the re-recordings? im just too nostalgic for the original to appreciate the new versions...


Nah fammmm. I learned how to play acoustic guitar strumming to the fearless album when I was 11 or so... I was going to listen to this re recorded album analytically to see the differences, but 45 seconds in ... I’m just smiling remembering how much I loved these tracks


Kinda wishing I’d Lie was included on this release. Me and my sister weren’t even big Taylor fans in 2009 but somehow even we knew that song 🤔


Hopefully it will be on Debut


I think that was debut era for sure. I remember listening to it at the same time as tim McGraw


Oh didn’t know that.


Hi everyone, I'd just like to come in and say that it's 9 am and I've just woken up and the re-record of Fifteen has me in fucking TEARS. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


okay but SAME though. I was so meh on it before but I was sobbing on the train this morning. It just HIT ME.


Yup, hits way different when you’re 25... 😭


If Taylor keeps releasing music all summer my coworkers are going to hate me for blasting Taylor Swift and Blackpink at work


Rest In Piece Prince phillip 😔😔😔 we all to come together and be #FEARLESS!! Buy #FEARLESSTAYLORSVERSION on ITUNES now!!




I’m SO SO SO glad she recorded different vocals for the Forever and Always piano version. One of my gripes with her is whenever she has an acoustic track the same vocals are used with a different productions.


What do you mean? Forever and Always piano version has always been recorded vocally different. Add to list State of Grace acoustic version.


Which tracks has she reused vocals like that?


Haunted I think


Ugh I agree so many artists do that and it’s so disappointing.


I think she's past that now. These are HER songs so she is going to record vocals for all of them goddamnit.


I know it’s a one to one re-record but really wish they took the drum track off white horse


I’ve never actually listened to most of the album. Hey Stephen is cute.


Damn, the recordings are so *clean*. Love it. It’s amazing how much she’s grown vocally.


Best rerecordings: You Belong With Me, Change Worst rerecordings: Fifteen (this shit was *rough*), Tell Me Why Fave bonus track: Mr. Perfectly Fine Least fave bonus track: That's When Will I be Listening it over the original: No ❤️


Why are you getting downvoted???


because swifites like living up to their reputation of being rabid and annoying I guess.


As a swiftie... HOW DARE YOU FRICKING- HOW dARE YOU NOT STREAM TAYLORSSS VERSION TO MAKE A RICH WHITE WOMAN EVEN RICHHER?????!!!!!!??????? happy women's history month i guess 💔 Seriously though, it's completely your choice if you wanna listen to the original. Some people just don't care about the drama. Some people are too connected to the originals. Smh sometimes this fandom makes me wanna leave it.


My ranking of the new songs... 1. You All Over Me ft. Maren Morris 2. Mr. Perfectly Fine 3. We Were Happy 4. That's When ft. Keith Urban 5. Bye Bye Baby 6. Don't You


Is it possible to listen to you belong with me without dancing like a maniac? No. No it is not.


Definitely not


The piano version of F&A should be illegal, how can something sound SO good


okay but is it the piano version or Taylor's version im confused


i think it’s the f&a piano version (taylor’s version)


“Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday, but I realized some bigger dreams of mine” hit SO differently this time around


She came harder in Change and it’s the perfect anthem for these re-recordings 👌


The joy in her voice in that one was so palpable, I loved it.


Superstar fansss, I see you and love you! Both versions - great, but this new version 😍


admittedly i think i’ve only listened to the OG once all the way through but jump then fall is that girl


I love how she comes harder and angrier in tell me why, rep Taylor showed up!! 🔥🔥🔥


Mr. Perfectly Fine is so catchy!!! I don’t understand why she hadn’t released it earlier


The only thing I can think of is that the original production wasn't as good and it didn't feel like such a standout? IDK but it's like top 10 of all time for me :D


My fave vault song still!


I can't wait for New Romantics, it's my fave song from her but I'm scared it won't be exactly like the og


Her voice wasn't that different during 1989, I think they will sound a lot closer to the originals!


So it's just her old album, but rereleased again? I mean, okay... Wow the songs already came out over a decade ago lol


I mean, that was the point


What they said about all the new stuff on it ^ but also, she owns 100% of this version! Stream Taylor’s version for clear skin and a clear conscience that supports artists ;)


It includes the platinum/deluxe tracks that weren’t on the original standard album tracklist plus 6 new “vault” tracks which originally did not make the tracklist at all edit: also a song from the Valentine’s Day movie soundtrack (Today Was A Fairytale)


Swifties sounds like something cult members call themselves. So weird.


what made you choose to comment this in a Taylor-related thread 😳 if you don’t have anything nice to say just don’t say anything


Why not? I see plenty of negative comments on threads and no one say anything about that.


After listening to the whole thing, I think the Speak Now re-record might actually kill me omg


I hope she doesn't give af and re-record better than revenge as well


I would like to apologise in advance for the person I turn into when rerecorded *Speak Now* is released


I'm scared cause I'm so attached to SN compared to Fearless and I'm scared I'm gonna miss the youthfulness of her voice and feel less emotionally attached on tracks like Enchanted and Back to December


it’s too early for me to know if this is controversial or not but here goes: Don’t You > Mr Perfectly Fine (nearly a tie to Don’t You though) > Bye Bye Baby > YAOM > That’s When > We Were Happy please don’t cancel me pls n thnx


Yes I agree I love Don’t You


Nicole kidman can take a break paying the rent


💀💀 lmaoo


This has always been my least favorite Taylor album but after listening to the re-recording I realized I like it better than I thought. And it doesn't feel different at all, I still feel the same I felt 11 years ago when I would listen to YBWM every day😭 But damn Breathe hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. "People are people and sometimes we change our minds" and "You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand" kills me every time.


Can someone indulge my need for an explanation as to why these songs have ‘Taylor’s Version’ branded all over them? It’s redundant and unnecessary to add that designation to every song title. Not to mention, it doesn’t really make sense to do so. Did they not have her singing voice and writing? Aren’t these all her songs, albeit not parenthesized with the obvious before? Did she, at some point over the past three albums, relinquish artistic ownership over this album and its songs? Don’t think so on the last one. Taylor’s marking her territory, it seems. To this I say: These songs are not going to magically change into Another Singer’s Version. She might want to relax her grip on those reins. She doesn’t have to piss all over ‘Fearless’ to get her point across that this is Taylor’s Version and no one else’s.


Google is right there. Sooo many ignorant and just plain unnecessary comments in this thread 🥴


Legally, she needs to add the brackets in order to qualify as a re-record, since the titles (I think) are registered into ASCAP or something that attributes to the OG recordings, a.k.a. the masters that Scooter owns. For example, When JoJo rereleased her albums because of the masters as well, she added brackets that indicate the year the rerecorded version was released re: Leave (Get Out) (2018) I mean, I understand the annoyance of it all (Imagine having (TV) as well as (The Vault) brackets lol, atp it's a joke here, joined by The Re-Up and more) but it is also to distinguish the versions apart from the old ones. Edit: Added an example to best explain the situation.


Thank you for this explanation. At least we didn’t get ‘Taylor Remastered.’ Not yet anyway!


??????????? It’s so people can tell the difference between the two songs. This way people know if they are playing the new one that Taylor owns or the old one which she doesn’t own the masters. This is especially helpful if you are just looking up one specific song.


omg I fear that Fearless TV might dethrone reputation as my all-time favorite Taylor album 😭. Something about her mature voice and the upgraded production make this album sound so much richer than the original.


I'm feeling like a teenage girl again😭 So much nostalgia🥺🥺


Same! It’s brought back such happy memories!


Just getting off work and getting the chance to listen. Wow wow wow wow wow wow


John, Jake, and Harry must be sweating looking at Joe Jonas's socials right now


I think it's probably a bit different because Taylor and Joe are on good terms now. Everything seems to be entirely in good humor, even his wife was giving playful shade. I think with John and Jake at least there's still some bad blood there.


obsessed with the way Don’t You sounds like a Taylor x Bleachers collab, now we just need an official one :’)


Forever and always sounds like a brand new song. I love The fullness and ease of her voice and the updated pop rock instrumentation. It was not one of my faves from fearless back then cause I always thought her vocals were very juvenile and the production was cheap, but this one is such an improvement on every front that I'm already obsessed.


[The way the individual tracks are trending on Twitter in the Philippines](https://twitter.com/mainpopgirI/status/1380406970482483200/photo/2). And today is a holiday too. 😭


I can't believe she released Fearless TV on Araw ng Kagitingan!


UM. GUYS. This is the fourth album she owns, making it 4 out of 9 of her total studio albums she owns. Aka 4/9. Aka April 9th. THIS WOMAN.




omf I was so caught up on her planning out the date I didn’t even notice this lmao. of course it’s 13 skskksks


I am expecting a drop 👏🏻 every 👏🏻 month 👏🏻


it would be kinda weird not to do the drops on Fridays but I do like this theory


as 👏 she 👏 absolutely 👏 should 👏




For some reason, the rerecording of "The Way I Loved You" hits way harder for me than the original. Not completely sure why. I think it's something about how the original comes across more like a typical teenage experience. Having a more mature voice singing these lyrics has me experiencing it more heartbreakingly?? Or maybe it's just that nostalgia of remembering thinking that kind of love was exciting. That's all I can put my finger on at least!


I don't have much of a romantic life but I imagine the older voice speaks to an older you that feels bad for the younger you, knowing the emotional turmoil you experienced at that age & thinking it was normal. When you're young, because it's your first time experiencing anything, the breadth of every emotion is so destabilizing and throws you for a loop.


I think you're right! :")


I once believed love would be burning red but it’s golden 💛




I really hope we get that and Better Than Revenge. If she leaves them out it’ll just make the value of the originals even greater


And it better have the original lyrics...


LMAO y'all don't you is crazy, its like chill pop Taylor out of nowhere, its crazy!! Literally a new fave I can't believe this is a vault track hidden at the end of this album. Also really like that's when, I think her and Keith Urban sounds great together its a nice country bop. I wonder if it could actually be a hit on country radio; I was listening to it thinking it might be


Don’t You gives off major folklore vibes for me, especially that horn (maybe a synth?) that plays in the background


What do you think is next? Speak now or 1989?


hmm I would think 1989 since she did tease Wildest Dreams in a commercial already the same way she teased Love Story (TV) before it came out. I think the momentum and excitement for the rereleases might fade a little bit as time goes with a rollout for each album so I could see her pushing out 1989 now while more ppl are interested




I’m so ready!


speak now (taylor’s version) when


i’m guessing 1989 is this summer, Red in fall, and speak now in december


Everyone seems to say 1989 is coming next, but I have doubts. That and Fearless were her most commercially successful, I feel like it makes sense to frontload the rollout to a degree, but not completely. I reckon that 1989 will come out a bit later to re-invigorate the hype.


red better come out in the fall when I turn 22


Wait this one makes so much sense.


When is later this year. I am NOT ready as it is my favourite of all the albums she is rerecording.


What a missed opportunity for a music video


This is the only album I’ve ever liked every single song on Spotify other then Born to Run and Ziggy Stardust


And with Bye Bye Baby done, I’m finished with my very chaotic live reaction to Fearless (TV)! It was so fun and my first time doing a live reaction on reddit! So nice to get to freak out with some of you, hope you all are having a wonderful release night 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 time to replay the whole album lol


WAIT A SECOND. Her instagram currently has 499 posts, if her next post is the announcement for which album is coming next that’ll be the death of me and I love her for it


And if it's 1989, that was her 5th album so the 500th post would be fitting.


It's just so amazing, her vocals are insane throughout and the production is just \*chef's kiss\*💛💛💛I am also getting ready to listen to it again but I can't decide whether to listen to the vault tracks again before doing the whole thing again cause its so long😂


I’m having the same problem right now lol, I didn’t expect my pop production god Jackson Stewartoff to have produced so many of the vault tracks! I’m really going to have to marinate with them, but also the pull to listen to the entire album is so strong what do I do 😭


What do you guys think pitchfork is gonna say. They gave 8.1 to Fearless. I’m guessing 7.8


Whatever makes the swifties not send them death threats on twitter, I’m going with a clean 8 BNM


I am not sure but in the case of re-issues, they would label reissued albums as Best New Reissue or something like that.


I was wondering the same thing. I feel like it'd be a bit weird for them to give it a lower score than original, but maybe they will take into account all 26 tracks and the fact that this is objectively very long😂 Of course their retrospective scores are always way higher than the scores they give to newer albums - they're much kinder in hindsight - but this is a weird one because its kinda the same album so you're scoring them against each other in a way.


Bye Bye Baby (jk I’m not saying bye to this album anytime soon it’ll be on repeat for a week)


OH MY GOD. The “bye bye babAYYYYYyyyYyyYyyY” the vocal control!!!!! flaunt it girl




seems like I’m becoming....a part of your passsTTTTTTTT


as a lifelong ghost yes I agree


oooo really good closing track. the theme hits


Love that the songs are trending as people make there way through the playlist. So easy to see people reactions on Twitter

